8 research outputs found

    Worldwide incidence of cervical lesions: a systematic review

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    We conducted a systematic review summarizing data on incidence of high- and low-grade lesions in women with normal baseline cervical cytology, stratified by age (<30 and ⩾30 years), and baseline human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Incidence of high- and low-grade lesions in women aged ⩾30 years with a baseline HPV infection increased over follow-up time (5-127 months), although incidence generally remained <10%. Without baseline HPV infection, incidence of high-grade lesions remained low over follow-up time (<5% over 5-122 months). Incidence of high-grade lesions in women aged ⩾30 years with baseline HPV infection appeared similar to that in women aged <30 years. In some women aged <30 years, high-grade lesions can develop relatively shortly after initial HPV infection. We observed an increase in low-grade lesions over time in women aged ⩾30 years with baseline HPV infection, potentially indicative of an HPV infection that is potentially progressing to higher grade lesions

    The Research on Sino-US Green Building Rating System

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    AbstractThis paper describes the more commonly used domestic and international green building rating systems and details of the evaluation of U.S. LEED, its old and new versions, the trend of improvement in LEED; Compared Chinese “Evaluation Standard for Green Building” (GB/T 50378-2006)with the LEED2009, the paper points out their shortcomings, and identify the existing differences between them. Then comes out the conclusion that LEED2009 is still target to the U.S. buildings, Chinese engineers should learn from its advantage, make use in our evaluation of green building, which is suitable for China's actual conditions. But we make full use of Chinese buildings of the LEED rating system is not appropriate. Finally, we make a suggestion for “Evaluation Standard for Green Building” that we should add incentives for new energy sources can effectively develop our new energy, give a positive role in environment protection

    Leerboek Voeding

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    Dit leerboek helpt kennis over voeding toe te passen in preventie en behandeling. Het richt zich vooral op praktiserende en aankomende artsen, diëtisten, verpleegkundigen en fysiotherapeuten. Voeding speelt op velerlei manieren een belangrijke rol tijdens ziekte. De epidemiologie van ziekten en de rol van voeding, zowel in preventie als behandeling, is verschoven en de daarbij behorende voedingsadviezen zijn meebewogen. Zo komen suikerziekte, hart- en vaatziekten en kanker meer voor in een zwaarder en ouder wordende populatie. Behandelingen zijn verbeterd, ziekenhuisopnames werden korter en de poliklinische zorg is veel belangrijker geworden. Ondanks het feit dat voeding steeds relevanter wordt in de moderne geneeskunde, zijn er lacunes in de voedingskennis van de dokters van vandaag én de dokters van morgen. Vooraanstaande artsen, wetenschappers, diëtisten, paramedici en andere experts werkten mee aan deze uitgave. Tevens is dit boek niet alleen geschreven voor, maar ook door studenten geneeskunde. Het is onze nadrukkelijke bedoeling om het boek in de toekomst actueel te houden en aantrekkelijk voor hen die hun kennis wat betreft voeding willen vergroten. Leerboek voeding is opgebouwd uit zes thema’s. Achtereenvolgens zijn dat de fysiologie van voeding, nutritional assessment, aan voeding gerelateerde aandoeningen, klinische voeding, voeding en preventie, voeding en ziekte, en voedingsonderzoek. In totaal telt het boek 52 hoofdstukken. Die zijn in het algemeen kort en vatten de kern van elk onderwerp samen. Bij verschillende onderwerpen krijgt de lezer verdieping in tekst, boxen en figuren. Ook is er een online omgeving met extra informatie. De redactie was in handen van internist-endocrinoloog Maarten Soeters, diëtist-onderzoekers Nicolette Wierdsma en Hinke Kruizenga, en maag-darm-leverarts Gerd Bouma

    Perinecrotic Hypoxia Contributes to Ischemia/Reperfusion-Accelerated Outgrowth of Colorectal Micrometastases

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    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is often inevitable during hepatic surgery and may stimulate the outgrowth of colorectal micrometastases. Postischemic microcirculatory disturbances contribute to I/R damage and may induce prolonged tissue hypoxia and consequent stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of postischemic microcirculatory disturbances, hypoxia, and HIF-1α to I/R-accelerated tumor growth. Partial hepatic I/R attributable to temporary clamping of the left liver lobe induced microcirculatory failure for up to 5 days. This was accompanied by profound and prolonged perinecrotic tissue hypoxia, stabilization of HIF-1α, and massive perinecrotic outgrowth of pre-established micrometastases. Restoration of the microcirculation by treatment with Atrasentan and l-arginine minimized hypoxia and HIF-1α stabilization and reduced the accelerated outgrowth of micrometastases by 50%. Destabilization of HIF-1α by the HSP90 inhibitor 17-DMAG caused an increase in tissue necrosis but reduced I/R-stimulated tumor growth by more than 70%. In conclusion, prevention of postischemic microcirculatory disturbances and perinecrotic hypoxia reduces the accelerated outgrowth of colorectal liver metastases after I/R. This may, at least in part, be attributed to the prevention of HIF-1α stabilization. Prevention of tissue hypoxia or inhibition of HIF-1α may represent attractive approaches to limiting recurrent tumor growth after hepatic surgery


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