507 research outputs found

    Perdarahan Bilik Depan Bola Mata Akibat Rudapaksa (Traumatic Hyphaema)

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    Salah satu di antara sekian banyak penyebab kebutaan, yang sering dijumpai adalah persentuhan mata dengan benda tumpul, misalnya traumatic hyphaema. WaIaupun rudapaksa yang mengenai mata tidak selalu merupa- kan penyebab utama dari kebutaan, namun merupakan faktor yang cukup sering mengakibatkan hilangnya penglihatan unilateral. Maka dari itu, masalah rudapaksa pada mata masih menjadi satu - masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian dan Gombos menganggapnya sebagai salah satu ocular emergen- cies (1). HaI ini disebabkan karena masih seringnya timbul komplikasi-komplikasi yang tidak diinginkan di samping cara perawatan yang terbaik masih di perdebatkan oleh para sar- jana. Dalam tuIisan singkat ini penulis berusaha menyajikan cara perawatan penderita dengan perdarahan bilik depan bola mata karena rudapaksa, sehingga kasus-kasus tersebut sege- ra dapat ditangguIangi guna menghindari timbulnya kompli- kasi yang mungkin terjadi

    Berita penelitian arkeologi: laporan penelitian prasejarah di daerah Jampangkulon dan sekitarnya (Jawa Barat)

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    Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di daerah Jampangkulon ditunjang oleh biaya Proyek Pembangunan (Pelita) tahun anggaran 1976—1977. Rencana semula dari penelitian di daerah ini sebenarnya ditujukan kepada peninggalan-peninggalan dari masa berburu dan mengumpul makanan tingkat sederhana (Paleolitik). Tetapi adanya temuan-temuan baru yang berupa monumen-monumen dari masa berkembangnya tradisi megalitik dan mengingat sangat pentingnya peninggalan tersebut dalam melengkapi data-data baru untuk penelaahan masa tradisi megalitik khususnya dan prasejarah pada umumnya, maka penelitian di daerah Jampangkulon mempunyai 2 (dua) target, yaitu: penelitian pada situs megalitik di daerah kecamatan Cisolok serta penelitian alat-alat dari masa berburu dan mengumpul makanan tingkat sederhana yang terdapat di daerah Jampangkulon


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    Papilledema is one of the causes of reduction or loss of visual acuity. Fora better understanding of this abnormality,the nor- mal anatomy of the optic disk is briefly described followed by the possible causes of papilledema and the changes observed by ophthalmoscopic examination. Therapy should be directed against the underlying cause

    Polikotomi Pilihan Pengembangan Ekowisata Kawasan Borobudur

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    Aim of the study is assessing consumer behavior of tourist who visits to Borobudur if an ecotourism concept will be used in this area. Data were obtained from participation of tourists in Borobudur temple and surrounding area of Jogjakarta municipality. Then, it was used polychotomous choice framework for finishing it.The results indicate that ecotourism concept able to properly apply. Then, education and income are becoming vehicle decision public policy for managing Borobudur area. Consumer knowledge about living environment more and more higher so that their activity choice is in green tourism products.  Consequently,  the survival  of  Borobudur  world  heritage  site  in  the  future  will  fully depend on its sustainable development policy

    Memaknai Kecenderungan Penyelesaian Konflik Batas Wilayah Ke Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    The trend of border conflict resolution to the Constitutional Court is interesting to analyzed. This analysis founded three interesting things that the Supreme Court decision did not resolve the problem but it raises a new problem, the precedent decision of the Constitutional Court may cancelling the Supreme Court decision, and the trial process in Constitutional Court felt more fair and openess. From its trend emerging of new legal loophole, which the parties became adressat Supreme Court decision not run a Supreme Court decision. This legal loophole seemed to justify the unlawful acts because the Supreme Court decision has binding and should be implemented.This trend is not a question of rivalry between the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court, but rather about how the judiciary presents a reliable judicial process and is believed by the justice seekers so that decisions can resolve the problem and implemented

    Minireview: Prospect of Doxycycline in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Treatment

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    Doxycycline has non-antibiotic effects which are necessary for lupus treatment, such as immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressive effects. This widely used drug is a promising one to be developed as lupus drug since doxycycline has no data of its microbial resistance and it is safe for maternity. The other benefit is that doxycycline has lower side effects than the current drugs for lupus treatment. It gives excellent chances for women with lupus to be pregnant and have healthy babies. This article contains the compilation data of doxycycline target sites beyond its beneficial activities for lupus and also its limitations. Finally, this data will be a background for doxycycline in lupus drug development


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    ABSTRACT Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic debilitating autoimmune disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD

    THE STRATEGY OF RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT (An Eco-economy and Eco-cultural Approach)

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    The research is aimed to analyse the strategy of rural tourism development in Kepuharjo, a village in the foot plain of Merapi Volcano. The data were obtained from 140visitors doing activities surrounding Yogyakarta Special Province with structured questionnaire; the data was then analysed using conjoint analysis and analytic hierarchical process.The finding shows that the strategy of rural tourism development of Kepuharjo village is called “saga”. Within this strategy, its urgent aspect is keeping an evergreenenvironment, where the object has to be a conservatory value that almost disappears of environmental change. Besides, it must enrich the attractions, improve quality of amenities and get better of accessibilities. The implication of the finding, sustainable development of rural tourism of Kepuharjo Village, should use both an eco-economy way (designed to mesh with Earth's ecosystem instead of disrupting and destroying it) and an eco-culture work (to respects the traditional knowledge of existence and supports local materials and biodiversity) simultaneously.Keywords: strategy, rural tourism development, eco-economy, eco-culture
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