24 research outputs found

    Time-resolved transillumination of turbid media

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    The suitability and limits of time-resolved transillumination to determine inner details of biological tissues are investigated by phantom experiments. The achievable improvement is demonstrated by using different phantoms (absorbing objects embedded in a turbid medium). By means of line-scans across a sharp edge the spatial resolution and its dependence on temporal resolution can be determined. To demonstrate the physical resolution according to the Rayleigh-criterion, measurements were performed on blackened bead pairs. Investigations with partially transparent beads demonstrate the high sensitivity of time-resolving techniques with respect to variations in scattering or absorption coefficients

    Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network—Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes

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    Introduction: The African Goat Improvement Network Image Collection Protocol (AGIN-ICP) is an accessible, easy to use, low-cost procedure to collect phenotypic data via digital images. The AGIN-ICP collects images to extract several phenotype measures including health status indicators (anemia status, age, and weight), body measurements, shapes, and coat color and pattern, from digital images taken with standard digital cameras or mobile devices. This strategy is to quickly survey, record, assess, analyze, and store these data for use in a wide variety of production and sampling conditions.Methods: The work was accomplished as part of the multinational African Goat Improvement Network (AGIN) collaborative and is presented here as a case study in the AGIN collaboration model and working directly with community-based breeding programs (CBBP). It was iteratively developed and tested over 3 years, in 12 countries with over 12,000 images taken.Results and discussion: The AGIN-ICP development is described, and field implementation and the quality of the resulting images for use in image analysis and phenotypic data extraction are iteratively assessed. Digital body measures were validated using the PreciseEdge Image Segmentation Algorithm (PE-ISA) and software showing strong manual to digital body measure Pearson correlation coefficients of height, length, and girth measures (0.931, 0.943, 0.893) respectively. It is critical to note that while none of the very detailed tasks in the AGIN-ICP described here is difficult, every single one of them is even easier to accidentally omit, and the impact of such a mistake could render a sample image, a sampling day’s images, or even an entire sampling trip’s images difficult or unusable for extracting digital phenotypes. Coupled with tissue sampling and genomic testing, it may be useful in the effort to identify and conserve important animal genetic resources and in CBBP genetic improvement programs by providing reliably measured phenotypes with modest cost. Potential users include farmers, animal husbandry officials, veterinarians, regional government or other public health officials, researchers, and others. Based on these results, a final AGIN-ICP is presented, optimizing the costs, ease, and speed of field implementation of the collection method without compromising the quality of the image data collection

    La llama de Ayopaya: descripción de un recurso genético autóctono

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    El recurso genético de la llama de Ayopaya, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia, fue evaluado en 6 comunidades y entre 730 y 2821 llamas, según característica. Los parámetros genéticos fueron estimados mediante 860 pares madre - progenie. El sistema de producción es agro pastoril. Gran parte de los productos son utilizados en el consumo doméstico y solo un pequeño porcentaje es comercializado en mercados locales. Respecto a los aspectos reproductivos y productivos se reportó 55,3 p.100 de fertilidad, 35 p.100 de mortalidad en crías hasta el año de edad, 8 kg de peso al nacer con 64 cm de altura a la cruz, 73 kg en animales maduros de 5 años de edad con 101 cm de altura a la cruz. Predomina el tipo Th"ampulli con 89 p.100 y los colores enteros con 78 p.100. El diámetro total de fibras promedió 22,2 mm, la desviación estándar del diámetro total de fibras 7,46 mm, la proporción de fibras finas fue 91,3 p.100 con un diámetro de 20,47 mm. Las proporciones de fibras meduladas y de kemps fueron 21,92 y 0,44 p.100 respectivamente. El peso de vellón fue 1,77 kg y el largo de mecha 14,8 cm. Las heredabilidades estimadas de peso vivo, altura a la cruz, perímetro torácico, longitud de cuerpo y perímetro abdominal fueron 0,36, 0,27, 0,15, 0,09 y 0,11 respectivamente. Las heredabilidades del diámetro total de fibras, desviación estándar del diámetro total de fibras, diámetro de fibras finas, proporción de fibras finas y proporción de kemps fueron 0,33, 0,28, 0,36, 0,32 y 0,25 respectivamente. Las correlaciones genéticas oscilaran entre - 0,94 y 0,96. Se concluye que la excelente calidad de la fibra producida por las llamas de Ayopaya genera muchas expectativas. Para poder aprovechar mejor este recurso, se debe llevar adelante el programa de selección y estrategias para mejorar la comercialización

    Sustainable use and genetic improvement

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    Sustainable use of animal genetic resources for agriculture and food production is proposed as the best strategy for maintaining their diversity. Achievement of sustainable use would continue to support livelihoods and minimize the long-term risk for sustainable use has economic, environmental and socio-cultural dimensions. Sustainable use of animal genetic resources also contributes to food security, rural development, increasing employment opportunities and improving standards of living of keepers of breeds. Supporting the rearing of breeds through better infrastructure, services, animal health care, marketing opportunities and other interventions would make a significant contribution to the sustainable use of animal genetic resources. Sustainable use envisages the use and improvement of breeds that possess high levels of adaptive fitness to the prevailing environment. It also encompasses the deployment of sound genetic principles for sustainable development of the breeds and the sustainable intensification of the production systems themselves. Sustainable use and genetic improvement rely on access to a wide pool of genetic resources. Genetic improvement programmes need to be considered in terms of national agriculture and livestock development objectives, suitability to local conditions and livelihood security as well as environmental sustainability. Genetic improvement can involve choice of appropriate breeds, choice of a suitable pure breeding or crossbreeding system and application of within-breed genetic improvement. The choice of appropriate breeds and crossbreeding systems in developed countries has been a major contributor to the large increases in productivity, and has benefited greatly from the fact that developed country animal genetic resources are well characterized and relatively freely exchanged. Where proper steps have been followed by careful assessment of demand, execution, delivery, impact and cost-benefit analyses, successful within-breed improvement has been realized within indigenous populations in developing countries. Breeding objectives and programmes for subsistence oriented and pastoralist systems are likely to be entirely different from conventional programmes. Crossbreeding has been most successful where it is followed by a rigorous selection programme involving livestock owners' participation and substantial public sector investment in the form of technical support. In any genetic improvement programme, inbreeding needs to be monitored and controlled. Within-breed genetic improvement is normal practice in the developed world, and has become a highly technical enterprise, involving a range of reproduction, recording, computing and genomic technologies. Emerging genomic technologies promise the ability to identify better, use and improve developing world animal genetic resources in the foreseeable future. Useful systems can, however, be established without the need for application of advanced technology or processes