17 research outputs found

    Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae application and watering intervals on Dendrobium violaceoflavens seedling: a study of its effect on drought stress

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    Dendrobium violaceoflavens merupakan spesies asli Papua, habitat alaminya adalah daerah dengan curah hujan tinggi sehingga akan menjadi masalah bila dibudidayakan dan terlambat dalam penyiraman. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan interval penyiraman pada pertumbuhan vegetatif bibit D. violaceoflavens terhadap cekaman kekeringan (faktor abiotik). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor dan 5 ulangan. Faktor pertama: dengan dan tanpa aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza, faktor kedua adalah interval penyiraman 2 hari, 4 hari dan 6 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan [1] aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dengan nilai tertinggi 2,43 cm, jumlah daun 3,17 helai, dan jumlah akar 4,6 helai; [2] Interval penyiraman berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dengan nilai tertinggi 2, 85 cm, jumlah daun 3,35 helai, jumlah akar 5,27 helai, dan bobot segar 1,23 g; [3] Interaksi pemberian Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan interval penyiraman 4 hari berpengaruh nyata pada panjang daun 1,90 cm dan jumlah daun 3,70 helai, dan pada akar terbentuk struktur peloton. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan interval penyiraman 4 hari dalam penanggulangan cekaman kekeringan.ABSTRACTDendrobium violaceoflavens is a native species of Papua, its natural habitat is an area with high rainfall that will be a problem if it is cultivated and watering is delayed. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae application and watering interval on vegetative growth of D. violaceoflavensseedlings on drought stress (abiotic factors).Research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors and 5 replications. First factor was with and without application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae, second factor was watering interval of 2 days, 4 days and 6 days. The result showed that [1] the application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae had a significant effect on plant height with the highest value of 2.43 cm, number of leaves 3.17 leaves, number of roots 4.6 leaves; [2] watering interval significantly affected on plant height with the highest value of 2.85 cm, number of leaves 3.35 sheets , number of roots 5.27, fresh weight of 1.23 g; [3] Interaction between Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae and watering interval of 4 days significantly affected on leaf length 1.90 cm, leaf number 3.70 sheets and a peloton structure was formed on the root. Best results were obtained on the application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhizae and watering interval of 4 days in overcoming the drought stress

    Application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza and without Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza in improving vegetative growth of Dendrobium nindii seedlings

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    Dendrobium is a genus of orchid that has the most attraction among the public rather than other types, especially for orchid species such as Dendrobium nindii type. The obstacle in cultivating orchids species is the slow vegetative growth when compared to orchids resulting from crosses (hybrid orchids). This research aimed to determine the vegetative growth of D. nindii seedlings using Rhizoctonia sp. The research was conducted at the Greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Tunas Pembangunan University from January to July 2023. The research used quantitative descriptive method consisting of one treatment with six replications and each replications contained ten plants. The factor was application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza and without application of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza. The results showed that (1) the morphological characteristics of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza were white colonies, with right-angled branches and two nuclei, (2) the application of mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia had a very significant effect on the vegetative growth of D. nindii as shown in the parameters of plant height, leaf length, number of leaves, root length, number of roots and fresh weight of seedlings, and (3) there was an association of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza with the formation of the peloton structure.ABSTRAKDendrobium merupakan salah satu genus anggrek yang memiliki daya tarik paling banyak di masyarakat diantara jenis anggrek lainnya terutama untuk anggrek spesies seperti Dendrobium nindii. Kendala dalam budidaya anggrek spesies adalah pertumbuhan vegetatif yang lambat bila dibandingkan dengan anggrek hasil persilangan (anggrek hibrida). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan vegetatif bibit D. nindii dengan menggunakan Rhizoctonia sp. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumahkasa Fakultas Pertanian Unversitas Tunas Pembangunan dari Januari sampai Juli 2023. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan enam ulangan dan setiap ulangan terdiri enam tanaman. Faktor perlakuan adalah aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan tanpa aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) ciri morfologi Rhizoctonia mikoriza berupa koloni berwarna putih, dengan percabangan siku-siku dan berinti dua, (2) pemberian Rhizoctonia mikoriza berpengaruh sangat nyata pada pertumbuhan vegetatif D. nindii  yang ditunjukan pada parameter tinggi tanaman, panjang daun, jumlah daun, panjang akar, jumlah akar dan berat segar bibit, dan (3) terjadi asosiasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dengan terbentuknya struktur peloton


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    The use of chemical fertilizers with high doses and continuously in soybean cultivation can have a negative impact. Efforts to increase soybean production in an environmentally friendly manner need to be done, including using organic fertilizers and biological fertilizers. This study aims to determine the effect of doses of cow manure and kinds of biological fertilizers on the growth of soybean varieties Devon I. The research was conducted in Teguhan Village, Karangmalang District, Sragen Regency, altitude 86 m asl, with soil type Grumosol (PPT Vertisol). This study used a completely randomized block design (RAKL) with two treatment factors, namely the first factor the dose of cow manure consisted of 3 levels, namely P0 = 0 tons/ha, P1 = 10 tons / ha, P2 = 20 tons / ha, and kinds of fertilizers. Biological consists of 4 levels, namely H0 = without biological fertilizers, H1 = Trichoderma, H2 = mycorrhizae, H3 = Trichoderma and mycorrhizae. This study did not use inorganic fertilizers. The results showed that the dose of cow manure had a significant effect on soybean growth, but the type of biological fertilizer and the interaction between the dose of cow manure and the type of biological fertilizer had no significant effect on soybean growth. From the growth achieved, the use of cow manure accompanied by biofertilizer Trichoderma and mycorrhizae has the potential to increase soybean yields


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    This study aims to identify mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia, morphology and anatomy, and determine the association of mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia among Vanda tricolor orchid from Kopeng Central Java with Vanda limbata from Malang, Jawa Timur. The research was held in June 2016 until December 2016 at Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta’s Laboratory. This research used direct observation by isolating the root of Vanda tricolor orchid and Vanda limbata orchid that has growth. The research stages are sampling, sterilization, isolation, purification, identification, data analysis. From the results of this study indicate: (1) there are no differences in mycorrhizal Rhizoctoniashape morphology and anatomy at the root of Vanda tricolor orchid and Vanda limbata orchid. (2) There is a peloton that is associated with the mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia on the roots of Vanda tricolor orchid and Vanda limbata orchid. (3) There are differences in the location of the peloton on the roots of Vanda tricolororchid and Vanda limbata orchid


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    Rhizoctonia mycorrhizal fungi is a group that has a very important role for the plant anggrekan. Endophyte orchid belonging to the genus Rhizoctonia that consists of three species, namely R. repens, mucoroides R., and R. lanuginose. Rhizoctonia fungus colony morphology sp. contained in preparations or isolates no difference because the preparations are equally white as found in isolates. Different characteristics of the mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia root Vanda limbata Flores seen by colony color hyphae, and the number of cell nuclei. Rhizoctonia mycorrhizal hyphae colonies on the roots of the orchid Vanda limbata has mycelium is brown, there are barriers hyphae (septa) therein, and some have 2 cell nucleus. Mycelium Rhizoctonia sp. in isolates Vanda limbata is large While colonies hyphae Rhizoctonia sp. in isolates Vanda limbata known paler brown, do not have septa, and has a core of more than 1. The mycelium Rhizoctonia sp. on the roots of Vanda limbata which tend to tan and smaller. It can be said mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia contained in Vanda limbata included in binukleat like R. repens group that includes orchid mycorrhizal fungi. While mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia contained in Vanda limbata including nature groups such multinucleate R. solani, T. cucumeris, T. pennatus contained orchids. Binukleat or multinucleate Rhizoctonia group as good because it is as mycorrhiza

    Impact of carbofurans on sweet corn pest predators: A study of good agroecosystem practices

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    Sweet corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata, Sturt) is a horticultural crop with high economic value. Sweet corn plants are susceptible to attack by plant pest organisms, reducing production yields. Using synthetic chemical pesticides of the carbamate group can reduce the diversity of predatory insects as biological controllers. Many farmers do not know about the role of predatory insects in agriculture, so there is often a mistarget in control. This study aimed to determine the diversity of predatory insects on sweet corn. The research was conducted in Cabeyan, Sukoharjo district, using the descriptive observation method. Data collection is done directly. In this study, several types of predatory insects were found, including three species from the Araneae order, two from the Odonata, one from the Hymenoptera, one from the Diptera, and one species from the Coleoptera.Sweet corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata, Sturt) is a horticultural crop with high economic value. Sweet corn plants are susceptible to attack by plant pest organisms, reducing production yields. Using synthetic chemical pesticides of the carbamate group can reduce the diversity of predatory insects as biological controllers. Many farmers do not know about the role of predatory insects in agriculture, so there is often a mistarget in control. This study aimed to determine the diversity of predatory insects on sweet corn. The research was conducted in Cabeyan, Sukoharjo district, using the descriptive observation method. Data collection is done directly. In this study, several types of predatory insects were found, including three species from the Araneae order, two from the Odonata, one from the Hymenoptera, one from the Diptera, and one species from the Coleoptera


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    Orchid was an ornamental plant cultivated by tissue culture (in vitro). This was because the seeds in orchid plants do not have food reserves (endosperm) to support their growth, so the plants only get nutrients and nutrients from the culture media. The propagation of orchid plants by tissue culture causes these plants do not naturally have Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza so that further plant growth in nature vegetatively and generatively will not be optimal. In this study, Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza was inoculated from species of orchids on seedling orchids of different species with longer watering intervals (2 days, 4 days, and 6 days). The method used was Randomized Block Design (RAK). The results obtained showed that Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza had 2 cell nuclei and had branches with right angles. The application treatment of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza (M) had a very significant effect on the parameters of plant height growth, the number of leaves, and fresh weight. The treatment of watering time interval (P) had a very significant effect on the parameters of plant height growth, the number of leaves, and plant fresh weight, and affected the number of roots. The combination of Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza application treatment and water application time interval (M x P) showed results that had a very significant effect on the number of leaves parameters and significantly affected plant height. Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza applied to D. stockelbuschii was able to form associations with plant roots by forming a platoon structure.Anggrek merupakan tanaman hias yang dibudidayakan dengan cara kultur jaringan (in vitro). Hal ini dikarenakan biji pada tanaman anggrek tidak memiliki cadangan makanan (endosperm) untuk menunjang pertumbuhannya, sehingga tanaman hanya mendapatkan nutrisi dan nutrisi dari media kultur. Perbanyakan tanaman anggrek dengan kultur jaringan menyebabkan tanaman tersebut tidak memiliki Rhizoctonia mikoriza secara alami, sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman selanjutnya di alam secara vegetatif dan generatif tidak akan optimal.       Pada penelitian ini, Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza diinokulasi dari spesies anggrek pada bibit anggrek spesies yang berbeda dengan interval penyiraman yang lebih lama (2 hari, 4 hari dan 6 hari). Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Rhizoctonia mycorrhiza memiliki 2 inti sel dan bercabang dengan sudut siku-siku. Perlakuan aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza (M) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan bobot segar. Perlakuan interval waktu penyiraman (P) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan bobot segar tanaman, serta berpengaruh terhadap jumlah akar. Kombinasi perlakuan aplikasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan interval waktu aplikasi air (M x P) menunjukkan hasil yang berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter jumlah daun dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman. Rhizoctonia mikoriza yang diaplikasikan pada D. stockelbuschii mampu membentuk asosiasi dengan akar tanaman dengan membentuk struktur peleton

    Kajian Efektifitas Rhizoctonia SP Mikoriza Dataran Rendah dan Sedang pada Tingkat Keparahan Penyakit (Dsi) Anggrek Phalaenopsis amabilis terhadap Fusarium sp.

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    Anggrek Phalaenopsis amabilis atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai anggrek bulan merupakan plasma nutfah dan tersebar diberbagai tempat di Indonesia. Keberadaan anggrek ini semakin berkurang karena serangan jamur patogen. Fusarium sp.  merupakan patogen yang paling banyak menyerang anggrek P. amabilis (Chung et al., 2011) dibandingkan dengan jamur patogen lainnya. Serangan Fusarium sp. akan menyebabkan daun bewarna kuning dan membusuk. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penggunaan Rhizoctonia mikoriza yang diisolasi dari P. amabilisdi wilayah Sleman dan Surakarta menurut metode Bayman et al. (Otero, 2002), untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitasnya didalam menghambat pertumbuhan Fusarium sp. yang diisolasi menurut metode Barnet dan Hunter (1972). Penelitian menggunakan metoda RAL dengan 2 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan selama 8 bulan, masing-masing diberi dan tanpa Rhizoctonia mikoriza dan Fusarium sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pertumbuhan vegetatif pada anggrek P. amabilis yang diprainokulasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza yang diisolasi dari P. amabilis di Surakarta (M2) terhadap Fusarium sp. Tingkat keparahan penyakit (DSI) anggrek P. amabilis terhadap Fusarium sp. yang diprainokulasi Rhizoctonia mikoriza dari P. amabilis di Sleman lebih tinggi dibanding dari Surakarta Phalaenopsis amabilis or better known as orchids in the germplasm and scattered in various places in Indonesia. The existence of this orchid wane since the attacks of pathogenic fungi. Fusarium sp. is the most attacking pathogen P. amabilis orchid (Chung et al., 2011) compared to other pathogenic fungi. Fusarium sp. attack will cause the leaves to rot and yellow colored. In this study the use of mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia isolated P. amabilis from Sleman and Surakarta in the green house UTP to determine differences in effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of Fusarium sp. Research using the method of RAL with 6 replications for 8 months.The results showed an increase in the vegetative growth of P. amabilis orchid mycorrhiza which prainoculated with Rhizoctonia isolated from P. amabilis in Surakarta (M2) against Fusarium sp. The severity of disease (DSI) P. amabilis orchid against Fusarium sp. which prainoculated with mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia from P. amabilis in Sleman higher than from Surakarta</p

    EFEKTIFITAS DAUN MAHONI (Swietenia mahagoni L. Jacq.) SEBAGAI BIOPESTISIDA Spodoptera litura F. PADA TOMAT

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    Daun mahoni berpotensi sebagai biopestisida (pestisida nabati) karena mengandung senyawa aktif seperti saponin, alkaloid, tanin, dan flavonoid yang berpotensi sebagai pengendali organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT) salah satunya hama Spodoptera litura F.. Penelitian biopestida dari daun mahoni dengan proses ekstraksi sederhana perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui keefektifannya dalam mengendalikan hama ulat grayak dan pengaruhnya terhadap tanaman tomat. Penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan sejak bulan September sampai dengan Desember 2022. Penelitian dilaksanakan di dukuh Jloko Tengah, desa Plosorejo, Kecamatan Matesih, Kabupaten Karanganyar menggunakan metode rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL). Terdapat 4 perlakuan penyemprotan yaitu biopestisida daun mahoni dengan konsentrasi 0%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% setiap perlakuan diulang 6 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biopestisida ekstrak daun mahoni dengan konsentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20% dapat menekan serangan hama ulat grayak dan juga berpengaruh pada parameter hasil pada tanaman tomat. Persentase dan intesitas serangan tertinggi terjadi pada kontrol (P0)dengan persentase sebesar 27,53% dan intensitas sebesar 25,46% sedangkan persentase serangan terendah pada konsentrasi 20% (P3) dengan persentase sebesar 4,09% dan intensitas sebesar 2,05%. Hasil parameter hasil jumlah buah dan berat buah pada tanaman tomat tertinggi pada perlakuan konsentrasi 20% (P3) dengan jumlah buah sebesar 29,77 buah dan berat buah sebesar 1642,27 gram sedangkan yang terendah pada perlakuan kontrol (P0) dengan jumlah buah sebesar 21,20 buah dan berat buah sebesar 1209,10 gram pada tanaman tomat