412 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTAgreement in general, the sale and purchase agreement is one source of the birth of an agreement between the parties that bind them as befits the binding capacity of the law (article 1338 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code). Therefore, all rights and obligations arising from the agreement must be fulfilled by both the seller and the buyer. It's just that sometimes in practice one of the parties in a sale and purchase agreement does not fulfill the achievement that has been promised so that according to the law he is deemed to have deviated from the agreement which will result in a risk that results in doubts from the other party. That is why the law stipulates various sanctions that can be imposed on parties who have defaulted. However, sometimes problems arise or difficulties in determining when actually one of the parties can be seen as the default. This difficulty will be felt if the agreement is not explicitly stipulated when the parties must fulfill the promised performance. Based on the aforementioned background, the writer is interested in expressing the cancellation of the sale agreement due to the negligence of one of the parties, then the writer formulates the problem as follows: 1). What are the conditions for the termination of the sale agreement due to the negligence of one of the parties? 2) What is the legal risk from the termination of the sale and purchase agreement due to negligence of one of the parties according to the Civil Code? It can be concluded as follows: 1). That the sale and purchase agreement has been deemed to have taken place and is binding on the parties from the moment the agreement was reached and hence the rights and obligations arising from them for agreements in this form constitute a consensual and obligatory agreement. That an agreement can be seen as binding, if it fulfills the legal requirements of an agreement, namely subjective and objective conditions, then the sale and purchase agreement is null and void, meaning that it is considered to never exist. 2). What if one of the parties does not fulfill or deviate from the agreement or the sale and purchase agreement that is entered into, then legally it is deemed to have been negligent or he is treason (default) then it will be subject to these sanctions. Whereas sometimes in practice a sale and purchase agreement cannot be fulfilled by the debtor due to an event of the wrongdoing of one party, this condition is known as risk, according to the provisions of article 1460 of the Civil Code. If a risk arises, the risk is borne by the buyer even though the seller has not yet surrendered the goods. Keywords: Agreement, Buy and Sell, Negligenc

    Conversational Implicature In Indonesian President Candidates Debate on Metro Tv

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    The purpose of this research is to identify kinds and meaning of conversational implicature, especially in President Candidates’ utterances based on context that used in the Indonesian President Candidates Debate on June 2014 in METROTV Television. The data is obtained by identifying the utterances that have implicature, in videos form that have been recorded via mobile phone and downloaded from social media site, it means to make easy in identifying. Then, the identified data are transcribed and analyzed by using Yule’s theory and some books that related and supported the theory. Next, the data analysis is presented by using informal method. The result of the analysis shows that President Candidates’ utterances in the debate contain two kinds on conversational implicature. They are, particularized conversational implicature, it is an implicature that can be assumed by knowing the specific context and also needs special knowledge of the listener. Then, generalized conversational implicature, it is an implicature that does not need context to assume the utterance

    Creating a Superior Portfolio Using Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory: Indexing LQ45 Components as Benchmark

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    Abstract. Investing, one among the sources of financial gain is currently becoming crucial publicly eyes. The right decision of investment could possibly lead to a significantly higher income than keeping money aside. However, this type of income is uncertain and requires more volatility to gain good returns. As there are many risk-averse investors who tend to be more cautious and most of the time does not satisfy with the results, a modern portfolio theory has emerged and become the bridge between safer investment and good returns. The theory is called Optimal Modern Portfolio found by Harry Markowitz, which combines the assets with possible low correlations to reduce the similarity across the components which then also decrease the amount of standard deviations. Constructing a portfolio sometimes can be done by indexing an existing market to be used as the benchmark, but somehow the cost of investing in market index is incredibly expensive. In this study, a portfolio will be constructed by indexing the LQ45 market with less number of stocks and possibly smaller amount of costs. The result is expected to become the alternative for investors to make an investment in a portfolio consisting part of components in LQ45 with a lower cost than the market.Keywords: Index, Portfolio, LQ45, Markowitz, Capital Market

    Sistem kepemimpinan dalam masyarakat pedesaan daerah Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian mengenai Sistem Kepemimpinan di Dalam Masyarakat Pedesaan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dinamika Sistem Kepemimpinan di pedesaan di Indonesia sebagai salah satu perwujudan dari sistem Politik yang berlaku di masing-masing daerah pedesaan tersebut. Dalam hal ini sebagai sample dipilih dua desa satu kecamatan (desa kabupaten) yang dapat dianggap mewakili beberapa desa di daerah Jawa Tengah, yaitu : Satu desa (kelurahan Susukan) yang terletak di kota kecamatan dimana jaringan komunikasi sudah terbuka; Satu desa (Tusa Lerep) yang terletak jauh dari kota kecamatan, yang belum terjangkau oleh sarana komunikasi (tertutup)

    Perbandingan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas rsbi dan regular ditinjau dari motivasi belajar siswa kelas vii semester gasal di smp al islam 1 surakarta tahun 2011/2012

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    ABSTRAK PERBANDINGAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS RSBI DAN REGULAR DITINJAU DARI MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS VII SEMESTER GASAL DI SMP AL ISLAM 1 SURAKARTA TAHUN 2011/2012 Priyawan Lintang Soekarno, A410070084. Skripsi. Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2011, 65 halaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan hasil belajar siswa kelas RSBI dan Regular, (2) perbedaan hasil belajar ditinjau dari motivasi belajar siswa kelas RSBI dan Regular, (3) efek interaksi motivasi belajar siswa dan sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan tehadap hasil belajar siswa matematika kelas RSBI dan Regular. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Al Islam 1 Surakarta tahun 2011/2012 RSBI sebanyak 1 kelas dan kelas Reguler sebanyak 7 kelas. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian siswa kelas VII RSBI dan sebagian siswa kelas Reguler. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Sistematic random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi sebagai metode pokok dan angket sebagai metode bantu. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis variansi dua jalan dengan sel tak sama yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Dari hasil penelitian pada α = 5%, diperoleh: (1) ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa kelas RSBI dan Regular siswa kelas VII SMP Al- Islam 1 Surakarta, dengan Fa = 51.057, (2) ada perbedaan hasil belajar ditinjau dari motivasi belajar siswa kelas RSBI dan Regular, dengan Fb = 35.557, (3) tidak ada efek interaksi motivasi belajar siswa dan sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan tehadap hasil belajar siswa matematika kelas RSBI dan Regular SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta, dengan Fab = 2.846

    United States’ Unwavering Support to Israel: Biased Foreign Policy in Israel-Palestine Conflict under President Donald Trump’s Administration (2016-2019)

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    Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) menjadi salah satu isu yang dominan dalam hubungaan internasional kontemporer. Sebagai negara yang menjunjung tinggi HAM, Amerika Serikat menjadi pemimpin dalam perkembangan dan penerapan nilai-nilai HAM dalam kancah internasional. Tetapi ada kontroversi tentang bagaimana A.S. melaksanakan kebijakan terkait dengan HAM. A.S. bersedia untuk memberikan tekanan pada negara-negara tertentu karena melanggarHAM tetapi menolak untuk melakukan hal yang sama kepada sekutu-sekutunya ketika mereka melakukan pelanggaran. Sikap standar ganda seperti ini tertuang dalam kebijakan A.S. mengenai konflik Israel-Palestina. Selama bertahun-tahun, terlepas dari dukungannya terhadap HAM, A.S. bersikap tidak adil dengan berpihak kepada Israel yang tercermin dalam kebijakan luar negerinya terkait dengan masalah ini. A.S. telah mendukung Israel dalam berbagai aspek dan bahkan melindungi Israel dari tuduhan pelanggaran HAM di kancah internasional. Sikap bias ini jauh lebih parah di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Donald Trump. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengapa sikap ini terjadi dan mencoba menjelaskan faktor-faktor di balik kebijakan luar negeri A.S. yang bias terhadap konflik Israel-Palestina. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan perspektif Realisme Neoklasik dalam menganalisis faktor-faktor di balik dukungan A.S. yang tak tergoyahkan kepada Israel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan luar negeri A.S. dipengaruhi oleh faktor sistemik dan domestik, yang membantu menjelaskan mengapa sikap A.S.lebih berpihak kepada Israel dan cenderung menguntungkan Israel dalam konflik Israel-Palestina

    Financial Performance Assessment of PT Bumi Resources Tbk in Comparison with other Coal Mining Companies and Estimating the Company Value

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    In the latter half of 2009 until the beginning of 2011, Indonesian coal mining industry experiences an escalation as the increase of global coal mining prices. However from the year 2011 to 2013, coal price is declining. This condition caused by the oversupply of global coal productions. PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), one of the local mining companies has experienced a downward in the stock price and uncertainties regarding its feature prospect in the long run. This caused by the coal price that significantly decline. From the explanation above, author would like to analyze the company performance and make a comparison with the other local coal mining companies using several methods which are trend analysis, cross-section analysis, common-size financial statement analysis, and DuPont system of analysis. The benchmarking companies are the listed coal mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. From the analysis that has been conducted, the financial performance of PT Bumi Resources Tbk is below the other benchmarking companies caused by several financial issues. Therefore, PT Bumi Resources require improvements to its financial performance to compete with the other coal mining companies. Based on income approach valuation, it indicates that PT Bumi Resources has experienced undervalue. It indicates that PT Bumi Resources Tbk has an opportunity to increase its value. Suggestions that can be given to PT Bumi Resources Tbk are effectively manage the level of debt, to be more effective in using its capital, and consider the cost and operating efficiency in order to improve the financial performance and compete better with the other coal mining companies.Key words: BUMI, financial performance, ratio, valuatio


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    Gunung Talang geothermal field is a part of Gunung Talang – Bukit Kili geothermal working area, which is located in Solok Regency, West Sumatera, Indonesia, about 54 km to the northeast of Padang city. A numerical model consisting of 1,680 grid blocks, covering an area of 17 km2 was developed for reservoir simulation. Two development strategies scenarios were constructed by considering various aspects such as reservoir behaviour, power plant’s lifetime, environmental effects, resources, and prospect area. The power plant’s power generation capacity and production lifetime of the scenarios are respectively 41,83 MW with 106 years production lifetime from the first scenario and 79,53 MW with 54 years production lifetime from the second scenario. Nowadays, the Gunung Talang – Bukit Kili geothermal working area is being auctioned with a potential power generation of 65 MW.ABSTRAK – Pemodelan numerik reservoir panasbumi di Gunung Talang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Lapangan panas bumi Gunung Talang merupakan bagian dari Wilayah Kerja Panasbumi Gunung Talang – Bukit Kili yang terletak di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, sekitar 54 km arah timurlaut Kota Padang. Model numerik yang terdiri dari 1.680 blok grid untuk area seluas 17 km2 dibuat untuk mensimulasikan reservoir. Dua skenario strategi pengembangan dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek seperti perilaku reservoir, umur pembangkit, pengaruh terhadap lingkungan, sumber daya, dan area prospek. Kapasitas pembangkitan daya pembangkit listrik hasil skenario pertama adalah 41,83 MW dengan umur produksi 106 tahun, sedangkan skenario kedua menunjukkan kapasitas 79,53 MW dengan umur produksi 54 tahun. Saat ini, WKP Gunung Talang – Bukit Kili sedang dalam proses lelang dengan potensi pembangkitan listrik sebesar 65 MW. 

    Financial Performance Assessment of PT. Angkasa Pura II in Comparison with other Airport Companies Locally and Globally

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    In relation to the magnitude of migration on population growth is causing many residents Indonesia, especially Jakarta, who was traveling out of town after another. It cause the number of users of transportation between the city / country is becoming increasingly high, especially aircraft.PT Angkasa Pura II is a monopolistic market, where they have no competitor in its country. Growth in passenger numbers continued to move up to 18.5% since 2010. Development of airport development depends on economic growth in the country. In accordance with the type of market is monopolistic market segments, the airport is quite focused on the stability of their internal performance.This final project presents the reader about how important analyzing the performance assessment in order to reach the best performance. The final project will talk about the performance assessment of PT Angkasa Pura II, through several frameworks, compared to other companies in same industry locally and globally. Then ended by conclusions and recommendation for PT Angkasa Pura II in order to reach a better performance.As a conclusion, PT Angkasa Pura II almost compete the global competition even been a leader in several assessments, with maximum firm value of IDR 11,304,648,783,186.Keywords: airport area economic development, financial statements analysis, airport industry, passenger movement
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