103 research outputs found

    Schreier split extensions of preordered monoids

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    Properties of preordered monoids are investigated and important subclasses of such structures are studied. The corresponding full subcategories of the category of preordered monoids are functorially related between them as well as with the categories of preordered sets and monoids. Schreier split extensions are described in the full subcategory of preordered monoids whose preorder is determined by the corresponding positive cone

    Another Approach to Topological Descent Theory

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    In the category Top of topological spaces and continuous functions, we prove that surjective maps which are descent morphisms with respect to the class E of continuous bijections are exactly the descent morphisms, providing a new characterization of the latter in terms of subfibrations E(X) of the basic fibration given by Top/X which are, essentially, complete lattices. Also effective descent morphisms are characterized in terms of effective morphisms with respect to continuous bijections. For classes E satisfying suitable conditions, we show that the class of effective descent morphisms coincides with the one of effective E-descent morphisms

    Another approach to topological descent theory

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    In the category Top of topological spaces and continuous functions, we prove that descent morphisms with respect to the class IE of continuous bijections are exactly the descent morphisms, providing a new characterization of the latter in terms of subfibrations IE(X) of the basic fibration given by Top/X which are, essentially, complete lattices. Also effective descent morphisms are characterized in terms of effective morphisms with respect to continuous bijections. For classes IE satisfying suitable conditions, we show that the class of effective descent morphisms coincides with the one of effective IE-descent morphisms.CMUC/FCT PRAXIS Projects 2/2.1/MAT/46/94, PCEX/P/MAT/46/9

    On some categorical-algebraic conditions in S-protomodular categories

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    In the context of protomodular categories, several additional conditions have been considered in order to obtain a closer group-like behavior. Among them are locally algebraic cartesian closedness and algebraic coherence. The recent notion of S-protomodular category, whose main examples are the category of monoids and, more generally, categories of monoids with operations and Jo\'{o}nsson-Tarski varieties, raises a similar question: how to get a description of S-protomodular categories with a strong monoid-like behavior. In this paper we consider relative versions of the conditions mentioned above, in order to exhibit the parallelism with the "absolute" protomodular context and to obtain a hierarchy among S-protomodular categories

    Some notes on Esakia spaces

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    Under Stone/Priestley duality for distributive lattices, Esakia spaces correspond to Heyting algebras which leads to the well-known dual equivalence between the category of Esakia spaces and morphisms on one side and the category of Heyting algebras and Heyting morphisms on the other. Based on the technique of idempotent split completion, we give a simple proof of a more general result involving certain relations rather then functions as morphisms. We also extend the notion of Esakia space to all stably locally compact spaces and show that these spaces define the idempotent split completion of compact Hausdorff spaces. Finally, we exhibit connections with split algebras for related monads

    Descent for compact 0-dimensional spaces

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    Using the reflection of the category C of compact 0-dimensional topological spaces into the category of Stone spaces we introduce a concept of a fibration in C. We show that: (i) effective descent morphisms in C are the same as the surjective fibrations; (ii) effective descent morphisms in C with respect to the fibrations are all surjections

    Descent for Priestley Spaces

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    A characterization of descent morphism in the category of Priestley spaces, as well as necessary and su cient conditions for such morphisms to be e ective are given. For that we embed this category in suitable categories of preordered topological spaces were descent and e ective morphisms are described using the monadic description of descent.FCT/Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbr

    A note on idempotent semirings

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    For a commutative semiring S, by an S-algebra we mean a commutative semiring A equipped with a homomorphism from S to A. We show that the subvariety of S-algebras determined by the identities 1+2x=1 and x^2=x is closed under non-empty colimits. The (known) closedness of the category of Boolean rings and of the category of distributive lattices under non-empty colimits in the category of commutative semirings both follow from this general statement.Comment: 4 page

    Strict monadic topology II: descent for closure spaces

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    By a closure space we will mean a pair (A,C)(A,\mathcal{C}), in which AA is a set and C\mathcal{C} a set of subsets of AA closed under arbitrary intersections. The purpose of this paper is to initiate a development of descent theory of closure spaces, with our main results being: (a) characterization of descent morphisms of closure spaces; (b) in the category of finite closure spaces every descent morphism is an effective descent morphism; (c) every surjective closed map and every surjective open map of closure spaces is an effective descent morphism.Comment: 13 page

    On the normality of monoid monomorphisms

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    In the category of monoids we characterize monomorphisms that are normal, in an appropriate sense, to internal reflexive relations, preorders or equivalence relations. The zero-classes of such internal relations are first described in terms of convenient syntactic relations associated to them and then through the adjunctions associated with the corresponding normalization functors. The largest categorical equivalences induced by these adjunctions provide an equivalence between the categories of relations generated by their zero-classes and the ones of monomorphisms that we suggest to call {normal with respect to} the internal relations considered. This idea, although being transverse to the literature in the field, has not in our opinion been presented and explored in full generality. The existence of adjoints to the normalization functors permits developing a theory of normal monomorphisms, thus extending many results from groups and protomodular categories to monoids and unital categories
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