146 research outputs found

    Le mythe d`Ophélie dans la littérature belge d`expression française à l`époque du symbolisme

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    Wydział Neofilologia: Instytut Filologii RomańskiejRozprawa podejmuje temat obecności mitu Ofelii w literaturze belgijskiej pisanej w języku francuskim w drugiej połowie dziewiętnastego wieku. We wprowadzeniu do pracy przedstawiona została geneza i obecność obrazu Ofelii w literaturze i sztuce XIX wieku. Tak zarysowany kontekst narodzin mitu pozwala na przedstawienie specyfiki wielkiej fascynacji postacią szekspirowskiej bohaterki w literaturze Belgii frankofońskiej w okresie symbolizmu. Korpus rozprawy obejmuje dzieła Georgesa Rodenbacha, Maurice’a Materlincka, Charlesa van Leberghe’a, Theodora Hannona i Iwana Gilkina, powstałe w latach 1886-1904. W analizach brane są pod uwagę postaci kobiece i dziewczęce nie mające bezpośredniego związku z szekspirowską bohaterką, ale które wyraźnie wpisują się w to, co Gaston Bachelard nazwał kompleksem Ofelii. Praca ma dwojaki charakter: z jednej strony chodzi w niej o pokazanie historii mitu Ofelii, ustalenie ram czasowych jego aktualizacji, określenie kontekstu, zaś z drugiej strony jej celem jest wyjaśnienie specyfiki belgijskiej recepcji mitu, opisanie znaczenia i formy obrazu Ofelii, jakie można odnaleźć w literackich utworach tego obszaru kulturowego. Po omówieniu genezy mitu i jego manifestacji w sztuce i literaturze francuskiej pojawia się jego opis i interpretacja w tekstach autorów belgijskich. W trzech obszernych rozdziałach zostają przedstawione trzy wizerunki Ofelii: Ofelia narcystyczna, Ofelia anielska oraz Ofelia demoniczna. Te nakładające się wzajemnie obrazy pojawiają się u wszystkich wymienionych autorów i ujawniają złożoną i niejednoznaczną recepcję szekspirowskiego motywu.The hearing is about the presence of Ophelia’s myth in Belgian literature written in French language in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the introduction to the work there is presented genesis and the presence of the image of Ophelia in the literature and art of the nineteenth century. Depicted in that way the context of the birth of the myth allows to show the specificity of great fascination with Shakespeare’s figure in the Belgian francophone literature during the symbolism. The main part of the thesis includes works of Georges Rodenbach, Maurice Materlinck, Charles van Leberghe, Theodore Hannon and Ivan Gilkin written between 1886-1904. The analyzes take into consideration women's and girls’ characters which although do not have direct connection with the Shakespearean heroine, but clearly fit in Ophelia complex named so by Gaston Bachelard. The work has twofold nature: on the one hand it shows the history of the myth of Ophelia, determines the time frame of its reincarnation and the context, on the other hand its purpose is to explain the specificity of the Belgian interpretation of myth, to describe the meaning and form of the image of Ophelia, which can be found in the literature of mentioned Belgian culture area. After describing the origins of the myth and its manifestations in French art and literature there is its depiction and interpretation in the writings of the Belgian authors. In three large chapters there are presented three images of Ophelia: narcissistic Ophelia, angelic Ophelia and demonic Ophelia. These mutually overlapping images appear in all of mentioned authors and reveal a complex and mixed reception of Shakespeare’s theme.Le sujet de la thèse de doctorat est la présence du mythe d'Ophélie dans la littérature belge écrite en français dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Dans l'introduction au travail, on présente la genèse et la présence de l'image d'Ophélie dans la littérature et l'art du XIXe siècle. Le contexte de la naissance du mythe suit la présentation des spécificités de la fascination de grande héroïne de Shakespeare dans la littérature belge francophone pendant le symbolisme. Le corpus du travail comprend des œuvres de Georges Rodenbach, Maurice Materlincka, Charles van Leberghe'a, Théodore Hannon et Ivan Gilkina, créés entre 1886 à 1904. Dans les analyses on prend en considération aussi bien les femmes que les filles qui n'ont pas de lien direct avec l'héroïne de Shakespeare, mais qui s'inscrivent clairement dans ce que Gaston Bachelard appelle complexe d'Ophélie. Le travail possède le caractère double: d'une part, c'est en lui de montrer l'histoire du mythe d'Ophélie, afin de déterminer le délai de sa rénovation et son contexte, d'autre part, son but est d'expliquer les détails de la réception belge du mythe, pour décrire le sens et la forme de l'image d'Ophélie, qui se trouve dans les œuvres littéraires de cette aire culturelle. Après avoir discuté des origines du mythe et ses manifestations dans l'art et la littérature française, on donne sa description et l'interprétation dans les textes des auteurs belges. Dans trois grands chapitres on présente trois images d'Ophélie: Ophélie narcissique, Ophélie angéliques et Ophélie démoniaques. Ces images qui se chevauchent apparaissent chez tous les auteurs et révèlent une réception complexe et ambigu du mythe d`Ophélie de Shakespeare

    Distance between south-European and south-west Asiatic refugial areas involved morphological differentiation: Pinus sylvestris case study

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    16 p., mapas, tablas, gráf.The phenotypic differentiation of relic P. sylvestris in southern Europe and southwestern Asia was verified using thirty-two populations sampled from the Iberian Peninsula, Massif Central, Balkan Peninsula, Crimea and Anatolia. Twenty-one morphological and anatomical needle traits and 18 cone morphological characteristics were examined to describe the population diversity and differentiation. The needle characters were not correlated to those of cone. The differences between regions were significant based on 12 needle and 9 cone characteristics, suggesting spatial isolation. The differentiation between the Iberian and Anatolian populations was the highest, which indicates the isolation by distance. The high level of morphological differentiation was also found among Iberian populations, supporting the already known complex history of the species in that region. Populations within other regions were differentiated at lower levels; however, the West Anatolian populations differed morphologically from the eastern ones. The described pattern of morphological differentiation supports the idea of the long-lasting existence of P. sylvestris in the south-European and Anatolian mountain regions. To conserve this variation, seed transfer between regions in the forest economy should be restricted.The research was financially supported by The Polish Ministry of Science (Contr. No. NN303 360535) and partly by Institute of Dendrology.Peer reviewe

    Biometric tools in conservation: the caseof Juniperus phoenicea L. (Cupressaceae) from Andorra

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    Resumen del contenido del póster presentado en el 10e Colloque de botanique Pyrénéo-Cantabrique celebrado del 8 al 10 de julio de 2013 en el Casino de Bagnères-de-Luchon[EN]The isolated populations of Juniperus phoenicea found in mountain areas of the Pyrenees have traditionally been assigned to subsp. phoenicea. In order to verify the taxonomic status of the Andorran populations, and to better understand the distribution of subsp. turbinata, a biometric study basedon morphological characteristics has been carried out. The resulting conclusions indicate that the Andorran populations should be included within subsp. phoenicea along with the other inland Iberian populations. The high degree of morphological variation of the Andorran populations suggest the relict character of those isolated Pyrenean valley stands. The biogeographical interest of those fragmentary populations is commented on. They are plants that grow in the Iimits of the taxon's area, and should be included in the priority strategies for conservation of mountain biodiversity.[ES]Las poblaciones aisladas de Juniperus phoenicea que se encuentran en las zonas de montaña de los Pirineos han sido tradicionalmente asignadas a la subsp. phoenicea. Con el fin de verificar el estatus taxonómico de las poblaciones andorranas, y para comprender mejor la distribución de la subsp. turbinata, se ha realizado un estudio biométrico basado en las características morfológicas de diferentes poblaciones del Mediterráneo Occidental. Los resultados y conclusiones indican que las poblaciones andorranas deben incluirse dentro de la subsp. phoenicea junto con las otras poblaciones del interior ibérico. El alto grado de variación morfológica de las poblaciones andorranas sugiere el carácter relicto de las mismas en los valles del Pirenaicos, donde se encuentran aisladas. Se comenta el interés biogeográfico de estas poblaciones fragmentadas. Son plantas que crecen en los límites de área del taxon, y deberían ser incluidos en las estrategias prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad de las montañas.[FR]Les populations isolées de Juniperus phoenicea des zones de montagne des Pyrénées ont traditionnellement été attribuées ala subsp. phoenicea. Afin de vérifier le statut taxonomique des populations andorranes, et de mieux comprendre la distribution de subsp. turbinata, on a effectué une biométrie basée sur les caractéristiques morphologiques des différentes populations de la Méditerranée occidentale. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les populations andorrannes devraient étre inclues dans la subsp. phoenicea avec les autres populations continentales ibériques. Le haut degré de variation morphologique des populations de l'Andorre suggere leur caractere relictique. Elles se trouvent isolées dans differentes vallées pyrénéennes. Ces populations fragmentées ont un grand lntérét biogéographique. Les plantes, qui poussent dans les limites de distribution, devraient etre incluses dans les stratégies prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité des montagnes.Peer reviewe

    Relationships among Cedrus libani, C. brevifolia and C. atlantica as revealed by the morphological and anatomical needle characters

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    The main aim of the present study was testing the value of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the needles in distinguishing Cedrus atlantica, C. libani and C. brevifolia. Nine populations were sampled in their natural habit and 25 characters were used to describe the variation of the brachyblast needles and to analyze the differences between species. The results indicated that morphological and anatomical needle characters provide valuable tools in discrimination of the taxa. The scored differences were statistically significant, as revealed in the Tukey's t test, discrimination analysis and hierarchical analysis of variation. The results support treating C. libani, C. atlantica and C. brevifolia as independent species. © 2012 The Author(s).The collection of the majority of the material used in the present study was made possible through bilateral cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain) and unofficial cooperation between the Institute of Dendrology and the Faculty of Forestry of Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University in Turkey. The study was partly sponsored by the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.Peer Reviewe

    Morphological differentiation supports the genetic pattern of the geographic structure of Juniperus thurifera (Cupressaceae)

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    12 p., mapas, tablas, gráf.Juniperus thurifera is an important component of woodland communities of dry sites within the West Mediterranean region and is characterised by a strongly disjunctive geographic range. Two subspecies were recognised, subsp. thurifera in Europe and subsp. africana in Africa. The aim of the study was the comparison of phenetic diversity to the pattern of AFLP geographic differentiation of the species described in the literature. The examination of phenetic diversity was based on the biometrical analysis of 17 populations using 12 morphological characters of cone and seed. The differences among populations were analysed using Student’s t test, analysis of discrimination, UPGMA agglomeration and hierarchical analysis of variance. The majority of morphological characters differentiated at a statistically significant level between populations and between J. thurifera subsp. thurifera and subsp. africana. Three groups of populations were detected using multivariate statistical analyses. The first, well separated, is subsp. africana, while the following two concern subsp. thurifera. The morphological differentiation of populations appeared similar to that described on the AFLP. The Gibraltar Straight appeared to be the most important barrier.Funding the work was partly sponsored by the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The collection of material was made possible due to the bilateral cooperation of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the Spanish National Research Council "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas".Peer reviewe

    Unusual Enhancement of Doxorubicin Activity on Co-Delivery with Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS)

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    Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS), bearing eight 3-chloroammoniumpropyl substituents, was studied as a potential nanocarrier in co-delivery systems with doxorubicin (DOX). The toxicity of doxorubicin and POSS:DOX complexes at four different molar ratios (1:1; 1:2, 1:4, 1:8) towards microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), breast cancer cells (MCF-7), and human cervical cancer endothelial cells (HeLa) was determined. The rate of penetration of the components into the cells, their cellular localization and the hydrodynamic diameter of the complexes was also determined. A cytotoxicity profile of POSS:DOX complexes indicated that the POSS:DOX system at the molar ratio of 1:8 was more effective than free DOX. Confocal images showed that DOX co-delivery with POSS allowed for more effective penetration of doxorubicin through the cell membrane. Taking all the results into account, it can be claimed that the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (T8-POSS) is a promising, complex nanocarrier for doxorubicin delivery

    Morphological versus molecular markers to describe variability in Juniperus excelsa subsp. excelsa (Cupressaceae)

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    41 p.Background and aims: Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb. is a major forest element in the mountains of the eastern part of Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions. This study comprises the first morphological investigation covering a large part of the geographical range of J. excelsa and aims to verify the congruency between the morphological results and molecular results of a previous study. Methodology: We studied 14 populations sampled from Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Turkey and Lebanon, from which 11 have previously been investigated using molecular markers. Three hundred and ninety four individuals of J. excelsa were examined using nine biometric features characterising cones, seeds and shoots; and eight derived ratios. Statistical analyses were conducted in order to evaluate the intra and interpopulation morphological variability. Principal results: The level of intra-population variability observed did not show any geographic trends. The total variation mostly depended on the ratios of cone diameter/seed width and seed width/seed length. The discrimination analysis, the Ward agglomeration method and barrier analysis results showed a separation into three main clusters of the sampled populations. These results confirmed, in part, the geographic differentiation revealed by molecular markers with a lower level of differentiation and a less clear geographic pattern. The most differentiated populations using both markers corresponded to old, isolated populations in the high altitudes of Lebanon (>2000 m). Moreover a separation of the northern Turkish population from the southern Turkish populations was observed using both markers. Conclusions: Morphological variation together with genetic and biogeographic studies together make an effective good tool for detecting relict plant populations and also populations subjected to more intensive selection.The research was conducted within the statutory research programme of the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kórnik, Poland and supported by the Research Council of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.Peer reviewe

    Molecular analysis of strains from tuberculosis patients in Polish prisons in 2004–2008. Initial analysis of the project

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    Introduction: Correctional facilities are recognised breeding ground for infectious diseases. As The World Health Organization reported, the incidence of infectious diseases in prisons population is 10100 times higher than in general population. The incidence of tuberculosis among correctional inmates in Poland in 2008 was 270/100000, that is around 10 times higher than among non-prisoners. Materials and methods: The study included 57 M. tuberculosis isolates from patients in Polish prisons in 20042008 (5% of all diagnosed TB patient in Polish prisons 20042008). Primary isolation was performed with Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) medium, species identification was done with the niacin test and gene probes test. Bacterial DNA was extracted from the L-J medium slants with the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains were analyzed with two methods: screening for epidemiological discrimination of M. tuberculosis spoligotyping and highthroughput MIRU/VNTR. Results: Isolates that are grouped in clusters (33 isolates) were analyzed by means of MIRU/VNTRs. In MIRU/VNTRs all strains showed different genetic patterns. Most isolates of the prisoners were grouped into two clusters: T1 53 and H3 50. Conclusions: 1. MIRU/VNTR is a high-throughput method. 2. MIRU/VNTR is a promising method to diagnose TB transmission in Polish jails. 3. To identify the probable source of transmission, molecular analysis of strains from patients of the general population is needed.Wstęp: Więzienia są uznawane za środowisko, w którym szczególnie łatwo dochodzi do transmisji chorób zakaźnych, w tym również gruźlicy. Według danych Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia częstość ich występowania w środowisku więziennym jest 10–100 razy większa niż w populacji ogólnej. W Polsce w 2008 roku zapadalność na gruźlicę wśród więźniów wynosiła 270 na 100 tys. i była około 10 razy wyższa niż w populacji ogólnej. Materiał i metody: Badaniu poddano 57 (5%) szczepów gruźlicy wyizolowanych od polskich więźniów w latach 2004–2008. Szczepy Mycobacterium tuberculosis identyfikowano za pomocą sondy genetycznej i testu niacynowego. Bakteryjne DNA izolowano za pomocą bromku cetylotrimetyloamoniowego. Szczepy M. tuberculosis analizowano dwiema metodami genetycznymi: przesiewową spoligotyping i wysoce różnicującą metodą MIRU/VNTR. Wyniki: Szczepy od więźniów, klastrujące się w metodzie spoligotyping (33 szczepy), analizowano metodą MIRU/VNTR. Dwie najliczniejsze grupy szczepów reprezentowały spoligotypy T1 53 i H3 50. Analiza ta pokazała, że wszystkie szczepy prątków gruźlicy od osadzonych posiadały różne wzory molekularne w metodzie MIRU/VNTR. Wnioski: 1. Metoda MIRU/VNTR jest metodą wysoce różnicującą. 2. MIRU/VNTR jest dobrą metodą do poszukiwania źródeł transmisji gruźlicy. 3. Zaplanowano dalszą analizę molekularną w populacji ogólnej, zgodnej z miejscem pochodzenia poszczególnych więźniów. Wyniki tych badań mają na celu ustalenie prawdopodobnego źródła zakażenia, poprzez analizę porównawczą szczepów więziennych i populacji ogólnej