332 research outputs found

    Her Past: forgetting and remembering in post-Franco Spain

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    The Spanish experience during the twentieth-century was decidedly unique due to Spain’s minimal involvement in the two World Wars and its own internal political struggles. Thus, the political consensus that formed in post-Franco Spain, to forget its traumatic past and focus on the future, was facilitated by very particular circumstances. The underlying decision to impose amnesty was arguably the only viable option during the transition, but naturally bore consequences. Commentators have questioned the quality of Spanish democracy and, for many, justice was never done and thus memories never given closure. This is evident in the public demand for the rediscovery of memory since the mid-nineties. The passing of time has rendered Spain increasingly amenable to embracing transitional justice measures. While post-Franco Spain’s initial approach to its traumatic past abetted a smooth and successful transition, it also served to undermine the ‘democratic’ institutions and political culture borne out of this period

    Autologous platelet scintigraphy and clinical outcome of splenectomy in immune thrombocytopenia:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Autologous platelet sequestration pattern is associated with post-splenectomy platelet response in patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). However, published results are contradictory, and have not been systematically reviewed. Our aim is to systematically review and meta-analyse the association between sequestration pattern and post-splenectomy platelet response. Articles were selected from MEDLINE when they a) included ITP patients, b) performed scintigraphy, and c) included post-splenectomy platelet response. The 23 included studies (published between 1969-2018) represented 2966 ITP-patients. Response to splenectomy occurred most frequently in patients with a splenic pattern (87.1 % in splenic versus 47.1 % in mixed and 25.5 % in hepatic patterns). A pooled analysis of 8 studies showed an odds ratio of 14.21 (95 % CI: 3.65-55.37) for platelet response in the splenic versus the hepatic group. Our findings indicate that a splenic sequestration pattern is associated with better response after splenectomy. Platelet sequestration patterns may be useful in the clinical decision-making regarding splenectomy.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease

    Anti-glycoprotein antibodies and sequestration pattern of indium-labeled platelets in immune thrombocytopenia

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    Antiglycoprotein (anti-GP) antibodies play an important role in the pathophysiology of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The sequestration pattern of platelets in the spleen and liver can be studied with (111)In-labeled autologous platelet scans. No studies have investigated the role of anti-GP antibodies in sequestration patterns in ITP patients. In this study, we examined the association between antibodies and (1) platelet sequestration site and (2) clearance rate of platelets. All ITP patients receiving an (111)In-labeled autologous platelet study between 2014 and 2018 were included. Antibodies were measured using the direct MAIPA method to determine the presence and titer of anti-GPIIb/IIIa, anti-GPIb/IX, and anti-GPV antibodies. Multivariate regression models were used to study the association between anti-GP antibodies, sequestration site, and clearance rate. Seventy-four patients were included, with a mean age of 36 years. Forty-seven percent of the patients showed a predominantly splenic sequestration pattern, 29% mixed, and 25% a hepatic pattern. In 53% of the patients, anti-GP antibodies were detected. Regression models showed a significant association between splenic sequestration and GPV autoantibodies. Furthermore, in patients where antibodies were present, the clearance rate was higher in patients with a splenic sequestration. Anti-GPV antibodies are associated with a splenic sequestration pattern in ITP patients. These associations provide insight into the possible pathophysiological mechanisms of ITP, which may lead to better detection and treatment of this partly idiopathic and prevalent disease

    Understanding the influence of farmer motivations on changes to soil erosion risk on sites of former serious erosion in the South Downs National Park, UK

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    Serious soil erosion occurred in the South Downs National Park, southern England in the years 1982–2006 and details of around 400 sites are contained in a database. In 2010 we revisited 85 of the most serious sites where erosion of >10 m3 ha−1 y−1 had been recorded in order to assess land use change and any conservation measures undertaken. At 79% of the sites land use change had resulted in a reduction in the risk of erosion, most notably at 28 sites with a shift to permanent grass from winter cereals. At only 21% of sites was the risk of erosion unchanged. Twenty two farmers responsible for 66 of the sites were interviewed. Land management practices had changed on all of the fields of interest to this study since the time of the serious erosion events, to those which have the potential to lower soil erosion risk. Sixteen interviewees claimed that erosion was a motivating reason for changing their practices, due to either experiencing on or on- and off-farm impacts firsthand (12), having knowledge or suspicion of serious erosion having occurred on their land prior to their management (three), or having no knowledge of any serious erosion on their land but just wanting to reduce overall erosion risk (one). Amongst the main changes reported are changes of land use from winter cereals to grass or to overwinter stubble which have undoubtedly reduced the risk of erosion. However, some changed practices claimed by farmers, such as along-the-contour-working, earlier sowing and the use of rollers may be of little value. Furthermore, deeper analysis of farmers’ motivations regarding changes in land management practices suggests a complex picture in which a range of socio-economic influences come into play over time including financial incentives offered by agri-environmental schemes which were found to be an important driver of change. Future changes in farming economics may therefore undermine the reduction in erosion risk in the longer term

    The Paradox of Engagement: Land Stewardship and Invasive Weeds in Amenity Landscapes

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    In New South Wales, Australia, rural landscapes are undergoing profound change as a result of exurbanization. Newcomers-amenity migrants-are drawn to the scenic beaches, forests, and open landscape character of this part of Australia near Sydney and they join existing communities of long-term residents, notably ranchers involved in dairy, beef, and other types of primary agricultural production. The rural to exurban transition is stimulating both intended and unintended socio-ecological changes, especially the proliferation of invasive weeds, which are considered to be a top national priority as they threaten Australia\u27s agricultural economy. Drawing on interview and survey research from three case studies in New South Wales, locations where an influx of exurbanites has led to mixed landscapes of production and consumption, we explore landowners\u27 diverse environmental ideologies, the degree to which they collaborate with one another, and their specific land-use practices. Results show that an overwhelming majority of both exurbanites and ranchers express concerns about weeds, but there is a marked lack of coordinated engagement on invasive species between the two types of groups. This chapter is an example of social disengagement over land-use and land-cover change, rather than competition or cooperation, and contributes to a political ecological understanding of the co-construction of social relations and land management regimes

    Chemical carcinogenesis

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