89 research outputs found

    Análisis del artículo 19 de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales sobre la formación del trabajador

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    La realidad sociolaboral actual ha generado que la regulación por parte del derecho del trabajo de las relaciones entre empresarios y trabajadores sea cada vez más compleja y variada. De entre toda la normativa existente, se abordará en este TFG lo contenido en la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de 1995, y concretamente en el contenido del artículo 19 que hace referencia a la formación del trabajador en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales y cuyo contenido destaca por presentar una serie de notas configuradoras, que en su aplicación en la empresa han necesitado de la interpretación de los Tribunales y de diferente doctrina para aclarar su contenido y adaptarlo a la realidad social.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    The Variscan gabbros from the Spanish Central System: A case for crustal recycling in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle?

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    The gabbroic intrusions that crop out along the Spanish Central System (SCS) are geochemically heterogeneous, including primitive and evolved rocks. Differentiation is mainly related to fractionation of Cr-spinel and olivine, but mixing with coeval granitic magmas or crustal assimilation may have also played a role in the evolution of the most differentiated rocks. The most primitive uncontaminated gabbros show arclike trace element chondrite and primitive-mantle normalised patterns, characterised by large ion lithophile elements (LILE)-light rare earth elements (LREE) enrichment, Sr and Pb positive and Nb–Ta–Ti negative anomalies. However, paleogeographic constraints suggest that the SCS was located far from subduction zones, so these geochemical signatures could be better explained by a recycling of continental crustal components within the mantle. The most primitive SCS gabbros expand the Sr–Nd isotopic compositional range of the Variscan basic magmatism in the Central Iberian Zone to more depleted values. This reflects a heterogeneous sub-continental lithospheric mantle under central Spain ranging from a depleted mantle (εNd=+3.1, 87Sr/86Sr=0.704) towards an isotopically enriched component (εNd=−1.6, 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.706). Geochemical modelling suggests that mantle enrichment could be explained by minor lower crustal metapelitic granulite contamination (~2%). Additionally, the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic ratios of the most primitive gabbros match the composition of the European subcontinental lithospheric mantle recorded in ultramafic xenoliths from western and central Europe

    Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of granitic intrusions from the Montes de Toledo batholith (central Spain)

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    U–Th–Pb monazite dating by electron microprobe has been applied to three peraluminous granitic intrusions of the western Montes de Toledo batholith (MTB). Back scattered electron images of monazite crystals reveal a variety of internal textures: patchy zoning, overgrowths around older cores and unzoned crystals. On the basis of their zoning pattern and chemical composition, two monazite domains can be distinguished: (1) corroded cores and crystals with patchy zoning, exhibiting relatively constant Th/U ratios and broadly older ages, and (2) unzoned grains and monazite rims, with variable Th/U ratios and younger ages. The first monazite group represents inherited domains from metamorphic sources, which accounts for pre-magmatic monazite growth events. Two average ages from Torrico and Belvís de Monroy granites (33318 and 3335 Ma, respectively) relate these cores to a Viséan extensional deformation phase. The second group represents igneous monazites which have provided the following crystallization ages for the host granite: 29811 Ma (Villar del Pedroso), 3036Ma (Torrico) and 3143Ma (Belvís de Monroy). Two main magmatic pulses, the first about 314Ma and the second at the end of the Carboniferous (303–298Ma), might be envisaged in the western MTB. While Belvís de Monroy leucogranite is likely a syn- to late-tectonic intrusion, the Villar del Pedroso and Torrico plutons represent post-tectonic magmas with emplacement ages similar to those of equivalent intrusions from nearby Variscan magmatic sectors

    Geological, geophysical and geochemical structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks: Implications for fault zone modeling in 3-D

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    The structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks can be established on the basis of the spatial variability of geological, geophysical and geochemical parameters. In the North Fault of the Mina Ratones area (SW Iberian Massif, Spain), fault rocks along two studied traverses (SR-2 and SR-3 boreholes) exhibit systematic changes in mineralogy, geochemistry, fabrics and microstructures that are related to brittle deformation and alteration of granite to form cataclasite and subsequent gouge. The spatial distribution and intensity of these changes suggest a North Fault morphology that is consistent with the fault-core/damage-zone model proposed by Chester et al. (1993) to describe a fault zone architecture. North Fault damage zone thickness can be defined by the development of mechanically related mesoscopic faults and joints, that produce a Fracture Index (FI)>10. High FI values are spatially correlated with relative low seismic velocity zones (VP<5 km/s and VS<2.5 km/s in the well-logs), more probably related to a high concentration of fractures and geochemical alteration produced by meteoric water-granite interaction along fault surfaces. This correlation is the base of a geostatistical model proposed in the final part of this study to image the fault zone architecture of a granitic massif

    Traffic restrictions during COVID-19 lockdown improve air quality and reduce metal biodeposition in tree leaves

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has had a great global impact on human health, the life of people, and economies all over the world. However, in general, COVID-19´s effect on air quality has been positive due to the restrictions on social and economic activity. This study aimed to assess the impact on air quality and metal deposition of actions taken to reduce mobility in 2020 in two different urban locations. For this purpose, we analysed air pollution (NO2, NO, NOx, SO2, CO, PM10, O3) and metal accumulation in leaves of Tilia cordata collected from April to September 2020 in two cities in northern Spain (Pamplona-PA and San Sebastián-SS). We compared their values with data from the previous year (2019) (in which there were no mobility restrictions) obtained under an identical experimental design. We found that metal accumulation was mostly lower during 2020 (compared with 2019), and lockdown caused significant reductions in urban air pollution. Nitrogen oxides decreased by 33%−44%, CO by 24%−38%, and PM10 by 16%−24%. The contents of traffic-related metals were significantly reduced in both studied cities. More specifically, significant decreases in metals related to tyre and brake wear (Zn, Fe, and Cu) and road dust resuspension (Al, Ti, Fe, Mn, and Ca) were observed. With these results, we conclude that the main reason for the improvement in urban air pollutants and metals was the reduction in the use of cars due to COVID-19 lockdown. In addition, we offer some evidence indicating the suitability of T. cordata leaves as a tool for biomonitoring metal accumulation. This information is relevant for future use by the scientific community and policy makers to implement measures to reduce traffic air pollution in urban areas and to improve environmental and human health.This research was funded by the UPV/EHU-GV IT-1018-16 program (Basque Government)

    "Geolodía 13 Madrid": excursión al plutón granítico de La Cabrera

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    El pasado 11 y 12 de mayo se celebró el Geolodía 2013 con diferentes actividades, normalmente excursiones abiertas a todo tipo de público, para impulsar la divulgación de la geología, dar a conocer el variado patrimonio geológico y concienciar a la población de la necesidad de protegerlo

    Carbohydrate and amino acid dynamics during grain growth in four temperate cereals under well-watered and water-limited regimes

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    Grain development in cereals depends on synthesis and remobilisation compounds such as water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCs), amino acids (AAs), minerals and environmental conditions during pre-and post-anthesis. This study analyses the impact of water stress on metabolite (WSCs, AAs and nitrogen) dynamics between the source (leaves and stems) and sink (grain) organs in triticale, bread wheat, durum wheat and barley. Plants were grown in glasshouse conditions under well-watered (WW) and water-limited (WL) regimes (from flag leaf fully expanded until maturity). The results showed that the stem WSC content and the apparent mobilisation of WSC to the grain were much higher in triticale and were associated with its larger grain size and grain number. In the four cereals, grain weight and the number of kernels per spike were positively associated with stem WSC mobilisation. After anthesis, the AA concentration in leaves was much lower than in the grain. In grain, the main AAs in terms of concentration were Asn, Pro and Gln in triticale, bread, and durum wheat, and Asn, Pro and Val in barley. The water-limited regime reduced grain weight per plant in the four cereal species, but it had no clear effects on WSC content and AAs in leaves and grain. In general, triticale was less affected by WL than the other cereals.The first author (A.M.M.-E.) was supported by FONDECYT Postdoc 3160687. The research was funded by the grants, FONDECYT N◦ 1150353 and 1180252