604 research outputs found

    Removal of metallic elements from real wastewater using zebra mussel bio-filtration process

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    The metallic element pollution is a serious environmental problem but still unsolved since these contaminants are released mainly by human activity, reaching all the environmental compartments. Traditional wastewater treatment plants are very efficient in removing metallic elements only when their concentration is in the order of mg/L, but are not able to remove them until \u3bcg/L, as it would be needed to cope with the water quality standards in low flow receptors. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the potential removal of some recalcitrant metallic elements to the classical treatments, by the natural process of bio-filtration performed by the invasive zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). For this purpose we built a pilot-plant at the Milano-Nosedo wastewater treatment plant, where we placed about 40,000 D. polymorpha specimens appointed to the wastewater bio-filtration. The metallic element removal due to zebra mussel activity was evaluated in the treated wastewater with a plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Data obtained in these experiments showed an encouraging metallic element removal due to D. polymorpha activity; in particular, the total abatement (100%) of Cr after one day of bio-filtration exposure is remarkable. Therefore, this study encourages further research related with the use of bivalves as a new tool for the wastewater depuration process; in this regard, the contaminated mollusks used in the bio-filtration could be incinerated or stored in special landfills, as is also the case of traditional sewage sludge

    SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the Vatican city state

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    The results of this seroprevalence analysis showed a positivity rate among individuals assisted by the internal healthcare system of the Vatican City State lower than that found in other studies on similar samples. This may be due to the small sample size and to the low number of COVID-19 cases tracked in the Vatican City State thanks to the control and prevention measures taken by the Directorate of Health and Hygiene. These measures were applied uninterruptedly through the first and second waves and included preventive measures such as hand disinfection, social distancing, use of face masks, body temperature measurement and symptom screening, as well as clinical surveillance, isolation protocols for symptomatic individuals and careful evaluation of all potential contacts

    How to better exploit the use of LCA analysis for Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) through a constitutive law which integrates chloride and sulfate attack

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    Structural applications of advanced cementitious materials such as Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) have been already assessed in harsh exposure conditions with presence of chlorides or sulfates. Nevertheless, the limited availability of design standards has not favoured so far a widespread use of these materials. Moreover, previous studies employed a constitutive model only partially representative of the real behavior of such materials when exposed to aggressive conditions. Therefore, this work, employing a “scenario dependent” constitutive law, estimates the serviceability limit state in correspondence of which it is needed to carry out the maintenance activities and investigates, through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, the ecological and economic profile of a UHPC water basin structure subjected to chloride and sulfate attack. The CML impact assessment method has been employed for the specific purpose to compare such structure to one made with ordinary reinforced concrete (ORC) using as system boundary the A1-B7 stages indicated in EN 15804

    Two QTLs govern the resistance to Sclerotinia minor in an interspecific peanut RIL population

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    Sclerotinia blight is a soilborne disease caused by Sclerotinia minor Jagger and can produce severe decrease in yield. Cultural management strategies and chemical treatment are not completely effective; therefore, growing peanut-resistant varieties is likely to be the most effective control method for this disease. Sclerotinia blight resistance has been identified in wild Arachis species and further transferred to peanut elite cultivars. To identify the genome regions conferring Sclerotinia blight resistance within a tetraploid genetic background, this study evaluated a population of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) with introgressed genes from three wild diploid species: A. cardenasii, A. correntina, and A. batizocoi. Two consistent quantitative trait loci (QTLs), qSbIA04 and qSbIB04 located on chromosomes A04 and B04, respectively, were identified. The QTL qSbIA04 was mapped at 56.39 cM explaining 29% of the phenotypic variance and qSbIB04 was mapped at 13.38 cM explaining 22% of the overall phenotypic variance

    Tetrahydro-4H-(pyrrolo[3,4-d]isoxazol-3-yl)methanamine : a bicyclic diamino scaffold stabilizing parallel turn conformations

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    Tetrahydro-4H-(pyrrolo[3,4-d]isoxazol-3-yl)methanamine scaffold was designed as diamino derivative to stabilize parallel turn conformations. Its synthesis took advantage of a [1,3]-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between the nitrile oxide derived from the inexpensive enantiopure L-phenylalanine, and N-benzyl-3-pyrroline. Two diastereoisomers were formed whose distribution depends on the selected base. 3aR,6aS-Isomer is favoured in organic bases which formation is driven by pi-interactions. On the other hand, the above interactions were significantly prevented using an inorganic base due to the chaotropic effect of the cation, decreasing the amount of the above isomer. Finally, we demonstrated that this isomer is able of stabilizing parallel turn conformations when inserted in short peptide sequences

    Sistema de fertirrigação na cultura da bananeira no sudeste paraense.

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    Publicado também: FRAZÃO, D. A. C.; HOMMA, A. K. O; VIÉGAS, I. de J. M. (Ed.). Contribuição ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na Amazônia. Belém, PA: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 2006. p. 183-189

    Relative abundance of the Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus) in Buenos Aires Province and nearby areas of La Pampa and Río Negro, Argentina

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    El Loro Barranquero (Cyanoliseus patagonus) tiene una amplia distribución en el sur de América del Sur, aunque su abundancia es variable. La especie fue considerada plaga para la agricultura (pese a no existir estudios que lo avalen) y ha soportado presión de caza plaguicida y de captura de individuos para el comercio de mascotas. Actualmente, solo la provincia de Buenos Aires sigue considerándola como plaga. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con estudios sobre la abundancia relativa de la especie en esta región. Entre 2003 y 2006 se estimó su abundancia en la provincia de Buenos Aires y las zonas limítrofes de Río Negro y La Pampa. Se recorrieron 3156 km, subdivididos en seis tramos, en los cuales se registró estacionalmente la presencia del Loro Barranquero en 168 transectas de 5 km de longitud. Además, se contaron individuos en dos dormideros. Se detectaron 765 individuos en total, con una abundancia promedio de 0.24 individuos/ km. Sin embargo, todas las detecciones se efectuaron en solo 312 km de recorrido, concentrándose la mayoría en tres áreas del sudoeste bonaerense: cerca de Pedro Luro, en la cuenca del río Quequén Salado y en la Comarca Serrana de Sierra de la Ventana. Los valores de abundancia relativa y la distribución observada indican que la especie no se comporta como plaga.The Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus) is a widely distributed species in southern South America, with a variable abundance along its range. Due to its official designation as crop pest (without any objective studies that corroborated the truth of this legal status), this species has been heavily persecuted and captured for the pet trade. Currently, only Buenos Aires Province considers this species a crop pest. Nevertheless, there are no data on its relative abundance for this region. Between 2003 and 2006, we carried out a study on the abundance of the Burrowing Parrot in Buenos Aires Province and adjacent areas in the provinces of Río Negro and La Pampa. We surveyed 3156 km, divided in six sectors, where the presence of the species was seasonally recorded along 168 transects (5 km long each). Additionally, we gathered abundance data from two large roosting places. We observed a total of 765 individuals, with a mean abundance of 0.24 individuals/km. However, all individuals were observed in only 312 km, most of them restricted to three areas in southwestern Buenos Aires: near Pedro Luro city, Quequén Salado river basin, and the Comarca Serrana of Sierra de la Ventana. Observed relative abundance and distribution indicate that the Burrowing Parrot cannot be consider a crop pest

    Magnetic Moments and Electron Transport through Chromium-Based Antiferromagnetic Nanojunctions

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    We report the electronic, magnetic and transport properties of a prototypical antiferromagnetic (AFM) spintronic device. We chose Cr as the active layer because it is the only room-temperature AFM elemental metal. We sandwiched Cr between two non-magnetic metals (Pt or Au) with large spin-orbit coupling. We also inserted a buffer layer of insulating MgO to mimic the structure and finite resistivity of a real device. We found that, while spin-orbit has a negligible effect on the current flowing through the device, the MgO layer plays a crucial role. Its effect is to decouple the Cr magnetic moment from Pt (or Au) and to develop an overall spin magnetization. We have also calculated the spin-polarized ballistic conductance of the device within the Buttiker-Landauer framework, and we have found that for small applied bias our Pt/Cr/MgO/Pt device presents a spin polarization of the current amounting to similar or equal to 25%