1,636 research outputs found
Partial and Total Ideals of Von Neumann Algebras
A notion of partial ideal for an operator algebra is a weakening the notion
of ideal where the defining algebraic conditions are enforced only in the
commutative subalgebras. We show that, in a von Neumann algebra, the
ultraweakly closed two-sided ideals, which we call total ideals, correspond to
the unitarily invariant partial ideals. The result also admits an equivalent
formulation in terms of central projections. We place this result in the
context of an investigation into notions of spectrum of noncommutative
-algebras.Comment: 14 page
Displaybook - Bringing online identity to situated displays
This work is part of a study in which we aim to explore multiple bridges between on-line and off-line forms of socialisation by creating bi-directional connections between Facebook and situated social interactions. In this paper, we specifically describe a study on the use of public displays for the public presentation of data from the Facebook profiles of people near the display. The key challenge is how to map the concept of sharing information within a social network, to the concept of sharing information with the places you visit. For this to be viable, people must have full control over what they share and in what circumstances they will share it. This paper addresses this issue by studying the sharing alternatives, how this sharing of profile data in a public display is perceived by people and what are the main factors affecting that perception. The results suggest that, overall, people seem to be willing to expose parts of their Facebook profiles if given proper privacy controls. However, the study has also revealed a clear gap between privacy control in Facebook and the type of privacy controls that would be needed for this particular use of Facebook information
RFID reader immunity test against electrostatic discharge
This paper provides a description of an immunity test against the electrostatic discharge according to the standard EN 61000-4-2 that was applied to an RFID reader. The RFID reader was primarily developed for access systems, employing the on-board recognition of the RFID tags. The results obtained by the test are described hereby as well as the discussion on the security of this solution. The results of this experiment are beneficial for the developers of RFID devices, as these devices are endangered by the electrostatic discharge brought by their users. The hereby described results also shown a security hole in a simple access system based on the RFID technology. Details can be found in the paper.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within The National Sustainability Programme Project [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089
Estudo do desenvolvimento do projeto aberto (open design) na perspetiva da fabricação aditiva
A indústria passou por revoluções industriais até chegar aos dias de hoje, evidenciando sempre um constante crescimento e evolução colocando à prova de forma quase diária os I&D de cada empresa que muitas das vezes não tem o número de recursos necessários para enfrentar todas estas exigências. Numa altura em que a nível industrial se vive muito do paradigma de implementação da indústria 4.0, o fenómeno da globalização é agora mais que nunca essencial para esta permuta de conhecimentos que permite fazer uma quebra com o passado e promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico. A fabricação aditiva surge assim, com maior preponderância nestes últimos anos, passando a ser vista como uma solução para fazer face aos métodos de fabrico tradicionais, devido ao seu baixo custo para a produção de pequenos lotes de peças e a capacidade de ser utilizada e potencializada no combate a um dos maiores problemas das empresas que é a luta contra a redução de stocks. Ao longo deste projeto, procurou-se estudar a fabricação aditiva e a sua evolução e posteriormente o impacto que as comunidades de projeto aberto tem nesta tecnologia. Conseguiu-se apurar então que os projetos abertos, são já uma realidade muito mais estabelecida, do que possamos imaginar. É de realçar também que ao nível de hardware, atualmente já existe uma grande percentagem dos consumidores que recorre a projetos abertos para adquirir a sua impressora, tal como se verifica em menor escala ao nível dos softwares CAD. Assim, conseguiu-se ao longo deste projeto demonstrar a importância destes projetos, sendo errado perspetivar que surgiram para dominar os mercados onde se inserem, mas sim como uma alternativa que tem por objetivo, não ser referida como projeto de reposição, mas sim como de inovação, onde se é capaz de permitir a evolução de desenvolvedores, que adquirem assim mais competências, bem como dar voz aos utilizadores das mais diversas áreas para que de forma congregada e numa comunidade se consiga promover e produzir alternativas muito válidas a produtos já existentes na indústria, muitas das vezes inalcançáveis a uma parte da população.Industry has been through many revolutions till today, always evidencing a constant growth and evolution putting to the test almost daily the R&D of each company that most times don’t have the number of necessary resources to face all the requirements. At a time when, in an industry level, you live a lot from the paradigm of implementation of industry 4.0, the globalization phenomenon is now more than ever essential for this exchange of knowledge that allows to break from the past and promote the technology development. So, the additive manufacturing arises, with greater preponderance in the last couple of years, starting to be seen as a solution to face the methods of traditional manufacture, its low cost for the production of small batches of pieces and its ability to be used and potentiated in the fight against one of the worst problems in the companies that is the stock reduction. Throughout this project, it was sought to study the additive manufacture and its evolution and posteriorly, the impact that open source communities have in this technology. It was managed to find out that the projects with open source are already a reality much more stablished than it was imagined. It also must be highlighted that in a hardware level, it already exists a large percentage of consumers who resort to open source projects to acquire their printer. Therefore, throughout this project, it was managed to demonstrate the importance of this projects, being wrong envision that they emerged to take over the markets where they belong, but as an alternative that aims to not be referred as a replacement project but as for innovation, where is capable of allowing the evolution of developers that acquire more skills, as well as give voice to the users of the most varied areas so that in a congregated way and in community it is possible to promote and produce alternatives very valid for already existent products in industry, often unattainable to a certain part of the population
The Quantum Monad on Relational Structures
Homomorphisms between relational structures play a central role in finite model theory, constraint satisfaction, and database theory. A central theme in quantum computation is to show how quantum resources can be used to gain advantage in information processing tasks. In particular, non-local games have been used to exhibit quantum advantage in boolean constraint satisfaction, and to obtain quantum versions of graph invariants such as the chromatic number. We show how quantum strategies for homomorphism games between relational structures can be viewed as Kleisli morphisms for a quantum monad on the (classical) category of relational structures and homomorphisms. We use these results to exhibit a wide range of examples of contextuality-powered quantum advantage, and to unify several apparently diverse strands of previous work
Acessos rodoviários ao Grande Porto
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201
Projeto de intervenção comunicacional e ergonómica na Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar
Nas últimas décadas ocorreram na Administração Pública importantes alterações no modo como esta
se organiza, os princípios de gestão em que se baseia e, por consequente, a forma como se relaciona
com os cidadãos. Vigorando durante muitas décadas o modelo de Administração Pública
Tradicional/Organização Profissional Weberiana, assistiram-se, posteriormente, a implementações de
modelos gestionário proveniente do New Public Management e do New Public Service, surgindo
também, em particular no início do séc. XXI, sucessivos programas de modernização administrativa,
com vista a contribuir para melhoria do serviço prestado.
No âmbito da sua modernização administrativa, a Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar
(organismo alvo desta investigação), possui, atualmente, insuficiências relacionadas com:
1. Instrumentos e práticas de comunicação interna (que não estimulam a uma comunicação
integrada entre os seus trabalhadores);
2. Instrumentos e práticas de comunicação externa (que não potenciam a sua imagem
3. Aspetos ergonómicos (relacionado com as práticas e materiais de trabalho usados).
Sendo maioritariamente composto por docentes e técnicos superiores (recursos humanos
qualificados), as matérias relacionadas com a comunicação interna e externa encontram-se interligadas
e assumem um papel fundamental no desempenho desta organização.
Paralelamente, possuindo uma média de idade elevada (48,4 anos) entre os seus trabalhadores e
situando-se num edifício com mais de 40 anos de existência, impõem-se também, nesta Direção Geral,
cuidados acrescidos e preventivos nas áreas do conforto, segurança e saúde, em ambiente de escritório,
sendo a ergonomia a disciplina de eleição para o estudo desta problemática.In recent decades occurred, in public administration, major changes in the way it is organized, the
management principles that are based on, and consequently, the way it relates to citizens.
Used for many decades, the model of traditional public administration not only suffered changes
due to the implementation of managerial models from the New Public Management and New Public
Service, but also, particularly at the beginning of the 21st Century, to the successive administrative
modernization programs, in order to contribute to the improvement of service to the citizen.
As part of its administrative modernization, the Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar
(organization studied in this investigation), currently has shortcomings related to:
1. Instruments and internal communication practices (which does not enhance an integrated
communication between their employees);
2. Instruments and external communication practices (which does not add value to their
corporate image);
3. Ergonomic aspects (related to work practices and materials used).
Being mainly composed by teachers and senior technicians (qualified human resources), the
aspects related to internal and external communication are connected and play a key role in the
performance of this organization.
At the same time, having their staff a mean age of 48.4 years and standing in a building with more
than 40 years of existence, it’s also necessary an preventive care for comfort, safety and health issues
in office environment, being the ergonomics the chosen discipline for studying this issue
Relation of happiness, hope and affection with quality of life in patients with heart failure
Introduction: Meeting the actual role of positive psychology, begins to be recognized the relation of positive variables with health. Objective: To know the relation of happiness, hope and affection with quality of life in individuals with heart failure.
Population and Methodology: 128 individuals with heart failure, 98 men and 30 women, 61.9±12,1 years of age, 6,6±3,9 years in school and 74,2% retired because of this disease. 56,3% were in Class III of New York Heart Association, with poor left ventricular ejection fraction (25,3±6,2%).
The clinical history was of 9,4±8,5 years for this heart disease and had at least one hospitalization due to heart failure with 51,6% having ischemic heart disease
Happiness, hope and affection as predictors of quality of life and functionality of individuals with heart failure at 3 month follow up
Introduction: Meeting the actual role of positive psychology, begins to be recognized the contribution of positive variables in health outcomes. Objective:
To know the contribution of happiness, hope and affection individually and as a whole in the quality of life and functionality of
individuals with heart failure. Population and Methodology: 128 individuals with heart failure, 98 men and 30 women, 61.9±12,1 years of age, 6,6±3,9 years of school and 74,2% retired because of this disease. 56,3% were in Class III of New York Heart Association, with poor left ventricular ejection fraction (25,3±6,2%). The clinical history was of 9,4±8,5 years for this heart disease and had at least one hospitalization due to heart failure with 51,6% having ischemic heart disease
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