13 research outputs found

    Analysis of organogenic competence of cotyledons of Jatropha curcas and their in vitro histological behavior

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    Using cut pieces cotyledons from germinating zygotic embryos of Jatropha curcas, we monitored the series of anatomical events leading to the generation of shoot through organogenesis by histological analysis. 14 days old cotyledons that were pre-cultured in a half strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 100 mg/L myoinositol and 10 mg/L thiamine HCl, were cultured in organogenic competence induction media (CIM) comprising of MS salts with 1.5 mg/L benzyl adenine (BA) and 0.05 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and incubated for the induction of organogenic competence. Following their sequential transfer to shoot induction media (containing MS + 1.5 mg/L BA, 0.05 mg/L IBA and 0.5 mg/L GA3); shoot elongation media (containing MS + 0.3 mg/L BA) and rooting media (containing half strength MS + IBA at different concentrations), we selected individual explants and subjected them to histological analysis in order to study the morphological changes occurring during organogenesis. Our findings show that to induce organogenesis using cut pieces of cotyledons, these tissues must be harvested at least by the 14th day following germination. Optimal organogenic competence was attained after 21 days incubation period in the dark where most of the explants showed evidence of protruding shoots surrounded by calli with various morphological features. Up to 53.91% of the total explants cultured in this study produced well defined shoots with each explant producing an average number of 1.5 shoots bearing two to eight leaves. We recorded the highest percentage of root formation, which stood at 27.50% when the shoots were cultured in a rooting media containing 0.3 mg/L IBA. Histological analysis of the different events occurring during the process of organogenesis suggest that the protuberances arising from parenchymatous cells and perhaps bundle sheath forming meristematic centres acquiring organogenic competence have a multicellular origin, indicating that the regeneration process takes place through direct organogenesis.Key words: Jatropha curcas, organogenesis, auxins, histological analysis

    OPTIMAX 2017 : radiation dose, image quality optimisation,the use of new technology in medical imaging

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    This year OPTIMAX settled in Oslo. After the successof previous years, we are proud to present the fourthEbook. As in previous years, the group was madeup of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students as well astutors from the seven European partner universities.Professional mix was drawn from medical physics/physics and radiography. OPTIMAX 2017 was partlyfunded by the partner universities and partly by theparticipants. Two students from South Africa and twofrom Brazil were invited by Hanze UAS (Groningen)and ESTeSL (Lisbon) summer school includedlectures and group projects in which experimentalresearch was conducted in four teams. Four research projects were performed with a focuson radiation dose optimization and image quality,namely: Possible dose reduction for pediatric patientsfor conventional radiology; Can the tube voltage belowered with the use of direct-conversion flat paneldetector system?; Impact of body size and kV in chestradiography; Quantity assessment on Image quality ofCBCT images of head phantom with implants of metaland ceramic objects.The last day of OPTIMAX 2017there was a poster session and a conference, in whichthe research teams presented their posters and oralpresentations. This book comprises of two sections, the first twochapters concern generic background informationabout international teamwork during the OPTIMAXsummerschool. The next chapters with theory on which the researchprojects were built. The second section containsthe research papers of the four research projects.Two research papers, Can the tube voltage belowered with the use of direct-conversion flat-paneldetector system? And Impact of body size and kV inchest radiography: Experimental receiver operatingcharacteristic analysis using a Multipurpose ChestPhantom “Lungman” have been accepted for the ECRconference, Vienna, 2018 as oral presentations

    Proteome analysis of castor bean seeds

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    Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seeds serve as raw material for the production of nonedible oil used in medicine and industry, whereas the presence of allergenic and toxic proteins in the residue left after oil extraction precludes the use of this protein-rich by-product in animal feeding. To better understand the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and deuradation of fatty acids and to identify proteins with toxic/anti-nutritional properties, exZ, extracts of developing and germinating seeds were prepared and prefractionated according to solubility properties of the proteins. An enriched plastid organelle fraction embracing mostly plastids and rnitochondria was also prepared. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) reference map,, of these fractions were obtained from which nearly 400 proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-time of flight (MALDI-TOF-TOF) mass spectrometry after a search in a National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database and in an expressed sequence tag (EST) primary bank prepared from a cDNA library of developing seeds. These proteomics techniques resulted in the identification Of several classes of seed reserve proteins such as 2S albumins, legumin-like and seed storage proteins, as well as other proteins of' plastidial or mitochondrial functions and proteins involved in plant defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. It is expected that the collected data will facilitate the application of genetic techniques to improve the quality/profile of castor seed fatty acids, and pave the way for a rational approach to inactivate allergenic and toxic proteins, allowing the use of castor bean meal in animal feeding 1182125926

    Melhoria da proteção radiológica mediante um ciclo de avaliação interna da qualidade

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar o nível de qualidade da proteção radiológica para os pacientes durante a realização de exames radiológicos e avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção dirigida a melhorar a qualidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um ciclo de melhoria em um serviço de radiologia da Administração Geral de Saúde do Algarve, Portugal. Utilizando seis critérios de qualidade, foram efetivadas uma avaliação, uma intervenção focada nos critérios mais problemáticos (durante oito meses) e uma reavaliação. As amostras foram aleatórias (n = 60), possibilitando a inferência sobre as estimativas pontuais e intervalos de confiança do cumprimento de cada critério, assim como o cálculo da significância estatística da melhoria identificada, através do teste Z. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação inicial, todos os critérios de qualidade apresentaram falhas. Após a intervenção, a melhoria relativa mínima foi de 33% em cinco dos seis critérios, sendo significativa (p < 0,05) em dois deles. A frequência absoluta de não conformidades diminuiu de 38 (primeira avaliação) para 21 (segunda avaliação), que corresponde a uma melhoria de 44,7%. CONCLUSÃO: O início do ciclo de avaliação institucional revelou uma margem de melhoria que antes parecia incipiente, porém, a intervenção implementada foi efetiva para estimular boas práticas e aumentar o nível de proteção radiológica para os pacientes

    Avaliação de exposições médicas em procedimentos pediátricos de radiologia intervencionista

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as exposições pediátricas de radiologia intervencionista em dois hospitais do Estado da Bahia, visando contribuir para a construção de um cenário estadual e nacional, possibilitando o conhecimento das exposições e da necessidade de sua otimização, visto que as peculiaridades que envolvem a radiologia e a pediatria se potencializam quando se trata de procedimentos de radiologia intervencionista, em razão das doses elevadas de radiação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 32 procedimentos em quatro salas nos dois principais hospitais que realizam procedimentos de radiologia intervencionista pediátrica na Bahia. Foram avaliados os valores de kerma no ar incidente e o produto kerma-área no ar de 27 procedimentos cardiológicos e 5 procedimentos cerebrais. RESULTADOS: Os valores máximos de produto kerma-área e kerma obtidos para procedimentos cardiológicos foram, respectivamente, 129,9 Gy.cm² e 947,0 mGy, e para procedimentos cerebrais, 83,3 Gy.cm² e 961,0 mGy. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo mostraram valores de exposições superiores em até 14 vezes os obtidos em estudos realizados em outros países, chegando próximos de resultados obtidos para procedimentos em adultos. Isto revela quão elevadas podem ser as exposições pediátricas, indicando a necessidade de constante otimização dos procedimentos e avaliação das exposições