1,499 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism, female fertility, and diet of Physalaemus feioi (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from southeastern Brazil

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    Physalaemus feioi é uma rã da América do Sul, endêmica da Mata Atlântica, registrada nos estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo. Avaliamos o dimorfismo sexual, a fertilidade nas fêmeas e dieta dessa espécie em duas localidades do estado de Minas Gerais, incluindo a localidade-tipo da espécie. Coletamos 73 indivíduos (16 fêmeas adultas e 57 machos adultos) por meio de busca ativa. O número de oócitos encontrados para P. feioi (x̅ = 1385 ± 498,13) foi alto quando comparado com outras espécies do gênero como P. maculiventris, P. signifer, P. cuvieri e P. ephippifer mas este semelha o número de oócitos de P. centralis, P. kroyeri e P. marmoratus. As presas com maior índice de importância foram Coleoptera (IIR = 24,26) e Formicidae (IIR = 16,46). Não houve diferenças entre machos e fêmeas quanto ao número de presas ingeridas e nem o volume do conteúdo estomacal. Em resumo, Physalaemus feioi teve semelhanças com outras espécies do gênero em relação ao dimorfismo sexual, fecundidade e hábitos alimentares.Physalaemus feioi is a South American frog endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest that occurs in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. We evaluated sexual dimorphism, female fertility, and diet of P. feioi from two locations in the state of Minas Gerais, including the type locality of the species. We collected 73 individuals (16 adult females and 57 adult males). The number of oocytes of P. feioi (x̅ = 1385 ±498.13) was higher than in other species of the genus, such as P. maculiventris, P. signifer, P. cuvieri, and P. ephippifer, but it resembles that of P. centralis, P. kroyeri, and P. marmoratus. The prey items with the highest index of importance were Coleoptera (IIR = 24.26) and Formicidae (IIR = 16.46). We found no sex differences regarding the number of ingested prey and the volume of the stomach contents. In summary, Physalaemus feioi was similar to other species of the genus regarding sexual dimorphism, fecundity, and feeding habits


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    In Brazil different regions have inadequate water and sewage treatment facilities, which can be made worse by the installation of large enterprises. The perception of these populations about the scenario in which they live is of great relevance in this context, the present study has the objective of analyzing the socioenvironmental profile and the perception of the water quality and its relation to health damage by populations resident from the area of Belo Monte hydropower plant. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 268 residents of two cities in the interior of Pará-Brazil and the data were obtained from the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The results showed that the interviewees had minimal education and were low income. Most interviewees reported having running water in their home. However, 63.1% of the interviewees considered the water provided as organoleptically altered and of poor quality. Of the interviewees, 92.5% stated that their water is mainly from wells; 94.8% perceived a relationship between decreasing water quality and increasing health problems. Of these, 85.2% related to the decrease in water quality with renal problems, 75% with liver problems and 28% with hypertension. About 61.6% of respondents reported concerns about lack of basic sanitation. It is concluded that the populations studied understand the importance of quality water consumption and relate water quality to health problems. Therefore, these results serve as an alert to managers regarding the urgent need to improve the quality of life of this population. Keywords: Pará, sewage systems, drinking water, health, chronic disease.    RESUMO :No Brasil, diferentes regiões têm instalações inadequadas de tratamento de água e esgoto, o que pode ser agravado pela instalação de grandes empresas. A percepção dessas populações sobre o cenário em que vivem é de grande relevância neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o perfil socioambiental e a percepção da qualidade da água e sua relação com danos à saúde por populações residentes da área. da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. Um estudo transversal foi realizado com 268 moradores de duas cidades do interior do Pará-Brasil e os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Os resultados mostraram que os entrevistados tinham educação mínima e baixa renda. A maioria dos entrevistados relatou ter água encanada em casa. No entanto, 63,1% dos entrevistados consideraram a água fornecida como organoléptica- mente alterada e de má qualidade. Dos entrevistados, 92,5% afirmaram que a água é proveniente principalmente de poços; 94,8% perceberam uma relação entre diminuir a qualidade da água e aumentar os problemas de saúde. Destes, 85,2% relacionaram-se à diminuição da qualidade da água com problemas renais, 75% com problemas hepáticos e 28% com hipertensão. Cerca de 61,6% dos entrevistados relataram preocupações sobre a falta de saneamento básico. Conclui-se que as populações estudadas entendem a importância do consumo de água de qualidade e relacionam a qualidade da água a problemas de saúde. Portanto, esses resultados servem de alerta para os gestores quanto à necessidade urgente de melhorar a qualidade de vida dessa população. Palavras-chave: Pará, sistemas de esgoto, água potável, saúde, doença crônic

    Human Bocavirus Infection in Children with Gastroenteritis, Brazil

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    Human bocavirus (HBoV) was detected in 14 (2%) of 705 fecal specimens from Brazilian children with gastroenteritis. Coinfection with rotavirus, adenovirus, or norovirus was found in 3 (21.4%) HBoV-positive specimens. None of the HBoV-positive patients had respiratory symptoms

    incidence Rate of Psychiatric Disorders in 2020: the Pivotal Role Played By Sars-Cov-2 infection

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    IMPORTANCE: The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly impacted mental health outcomes. While the frequency of anxiety and depressive symptoms has increased in the whole population, the relationship between COVID-19 and new psychiatric diagnoses remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: to compare the population incidence rate of emergence of de novo psychiatric disorders in 2020 compared to the previous years, and to compare the incidence rate of new psychiatric disorder diagnoses between people with vs without COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This study utilized administrative claims data from the Clinformatics® Data Mart database, licensed from Optum®. The study is a cross-sectional analysis that compared the incidence rate of new psychiatric disorders in 2020 vs. 2018 and 2019 in the entire insured population database. Subsequently, the incidence of new psychiatric disorders in people with vs. without COVID-19 during 2020 was analyzed. EXPOSURE: The exposures included diagnosis and severity of COVID-19 infection. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The dependent variables of interest were the incidence rates of new psychiatric disorders, specifically schizophrenia spectrum disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. RESULTS: The population studied included 10,463,672 US adults (mean age 52.83, 52% female) who were unique people for the year of 2020. Incidence of newly diagnosed psychiatric disorders per 1,000 individuals in the 2020 whole population were 28.81 (CI: 28.71, 28.92) for anxiety disorders, 1.04 (CI: 1.02, 1.06) for schizophrenia disorders, 0.42 (CI: 0.41, 0.43) for OCD and 28.85 (CI: 28.75, 28.95) for mood disorders. These rates were not significantly higher than 2018 or 2019. When comparing incidence rates between COVID-19 vs. non-COVID-19 populations in 2020, the rates were significantly higher in the COVID-19 population: 46.89 (CI: 46.24, 47.53) for anxiety, 49.31 (CI: 48.66, 49.97) for mood disorders, 0.57 (CI: 0.50, 0.65) for OCD, and 3.52 (CI: 3.34, 3.70) for schizophrenia. COVID-19 severity was significantly associated with new diagnoses of schizophrenia, anxiety and mood disorders in multivariate analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to 2018 and 2019, in 2020 there was no increased incidence of new psychiatric disorders in the general population based on insurance claims data. Importantly, people with COVID-19 were more likely to be diagnosed with a new psychiatric disorder, most notably disorders with psychosis, indicating a potential association between COVID-19 and mental/brain health

    Rapid detection of snakes modulates spatial orienting in infancy

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    Recent evidence for an evolved fear module in the brain comes from studies showing that adults, children and infants detect evolutionarily threatening stimuli such as snakes faster than non-threatening ones. A decisive argument for a threat detection system efficient early in life would come from data showing, in young infants, a functional threat-detection mechanism in terms of “what” and “where” visual pathways. The present study used a variant of Posner’s cuing paradigm, adapted to 7–11-month-olds. On each trial, a threat-irrelevant or a threat-relevant cue was presented (a flower or a snake, i.e., “what”). We measured how fast infants detected these cues and the extent to which they further influenced the spatial allocation of attention (“where”). In line with previous findings, we observed that infants oriented faster towards snake than flower cues. Importantly, a facilitation effect was found at the cued location for flowers but not for snakes, suggesting that these latter cues elicit a broadening of attention and arguing in favour of sophisticated “what–where” connections. These results strongly support the claim that humans have an early propensity to detect evolutionarily threat-relevant stimuli

    A compositional link between rocky exoplanets and their host stars

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    Stars and planets both form by accreting material from a surrounding disk. Because they grow from the same material, theory predicts that there should be a relationship between their compositions. In this study, we search for a compositional link between rocky exoplanets and their host stars. We estimate the iron-mass fraction of rocky exoplanets from their masses and radii and compare it with the compositions of their host stars, which we assume reflect the compositions of the protoplanetary disks. We find a correlation (but not a 1:1 relationship) between these two quantities, with a slope of >4, which we interpret as being attributable to planet formation processes. Super-Earths and super-Mercuries appear to be distinct populations with differing compositions, implying differences in their formation processes.Comment: Authors' version of the manuscript. Published in Scienc

    Norovirus Detection and Genotyping for Children with Gastroenteritis, Brazil

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    During 1998–2005, we analyzed stool samples from 289 children in Rio de Janeiro to detect and genotype norovirus strains. Previous tests showed all samples to be negative for rotavirus and adenovirus. Of 42 (14.5%) norovirus-positive specimens, 20 (47.6%) were identified as genogroup GI and 22 (52.3%) as GII

    Isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis from Maranhão biomes with potential insecticidal action against Aedes aegypti larvae (Diptera, Culicidae)

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    Abstract Entomopathogenic agents are viable and effective options due to their selective action against insects but benign effects on humans and the environment. The most promising entomopathogens include subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which are widely used for the biological control of insects, including mosquito vectors of human pathogens. The efficacy of B. thuringiensis toxicity has led to the search for new potentially toxic isolates in different regions of the world. Therefore, soil samples from the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes of the state of Maranhão were evaluated for their potential larvicidal action against Aedes aegypti. The isolates with high toxicity to mosquito larvae, as detected by bioassays, were subjected to histological evaluation under a light microscope to identify the genes potentially responsible for the toxicity. Additionally, the toxic effects of these isolates on the intestinal epithelium were assessed. In the new B. thuringiensis isolates toxic to A. aegypti larvae, cry and cyt genes were amplified at different frequencies, with cry4, cyt1, cry32, cry10 and cry11 being the most frequent (33-55%) among those investigated. These genes encode specific proteins toxic to dipterans and may explain the severe morphological changes in the intestine of A. aegypti larvae caused by the toxins of the isolates