16 research outputs found

    Upalni i hematotoksični potencijal metabolita plijesni Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes u zatvorenim prostorijama

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    Mould Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes is known to pose a health risk in indoor environments. Most of its strains can produce several intra- and extracellular trichothecene mycotoxins. Complex secondary metabolites of stachybotrys isolates from mouldy dwellings/public buildings in Slovakia were intratracheally instilled in Wistar male rats (4 μg in 0.2 mL of 0.2 % dimethylsulphoxide; diacetoxyscirpenol as the positive control). After three days, haematological parameters were measured in peripheral blood and infl ammatory response biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fl uid (BALF), and the results were statistically analysed. Exometabolites proved to suppress red blood cell (RBC), decreasing the total RBC count, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. The exposed rats showed signifi cantly higher total BALF cell count, indicating infl ammation, lower alveolar macrophage counts, and increased granulocyte count related to the BALF cells. Due to haematotoxic and infl ammation-inducing properties, metabolites of S. chartarum can cause damage to the airways and haematological disorders in occupants of mouldy buildings.Plijesan Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes poznata je kao rizični mikroorganizam u zatvorenim prostorijama. Većina njezinih sojeva može proizvesti nekoliko unutarstaničnih i izvanstaničnih trikotecenskih mikotoksina. Muškim Wistar štakorima instilirani su intratrahealno kompleksni sekundarni metaboliti stahibotrisa izolirani iz stambenih i javnih zgrada u Slovačkoj zahvaćenima plijesni (4 μg na 0,2 mL 0,2 %-tnog dimetilsulfoksida; dok se diacetoksiscirpenol rabio kao pozitivna kontrola). Tri dana kasnije izmjereni su hematološki parametri u perifernoj krvi te biopokazatelji upalnoga odgovora u bronhoalveolarnome ispirku te su rezultati obrađeni statistički. Pokazalo se da egzometaboliti suprimiraju eritrocite, smanjujući njihov ukupni broj, hemoglobin i hematokrit. Izloženi štakori imali su značajno veći broj stanica u bronhoalveolarnome ispirku, što upućuje na upalu, dok im je broj alveolarnih makrofaga bio manji, a broj granulocita povezanih sa stanicama u ispirku veći. Zbog svojih hematotoksičnih i upalnih svojstava S. chartarum može dovesti do oštećenja dišnih putova i poremećaja u krvotvornome sustavu osoba koje žive i/ili rade u zgradama zahvaćenima tom plijesni

    Duration of breastfeeding and serum PCB 153 concentrations in children

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative chemicals which, because of their lipophilic properties, are abundant in human breast milk. Breastfed infants are therefore at risk of being exposed to considerable amounts of PCBs. The commonly used exposure estimations, based solely on breast milk PCB levels and duration of breastfeeding, may lead to exposure misclassification. To improve assessments of exposure to PCBs, we determined PCB 153 serum concentration, as a model substance for PCBs, at the critical time of weaning for each child in 305 breastfed infants from 5 single time point concentration measurements spread over 7 years and data on duration of breastfeeding, using an earlier developed model of the system type. We approximated the dependence of PCB 153 serum concentration, Ctbf, adjusted to cord serum concentration, C0, on nursing period, by a polynomial function Ctbf/C0=0.596+0.278t-0.0047t(2) which reliably predicts exposure to PCB 153 of breastfed infants, important for assessment of dose-outcome relationships. Adjustment of current serum concentrations to cord serum concentration improved validity of exposure assessment

    Ratio of cord to maternal serum PCB concentrations in relation to their congener-specific physicochemical properties

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    The aim was to characterize placental transfer of some congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and to relate human in utero exposure to these pollutants to their physicochemical properties. We included into the study 1134 births during the period 2002-2003 from two highly PCB contaminated districts in eastern Slovakia. Concentrations of 15 PCB congeners (IUPAC No. 28, 52, 101, 123(+149), 118, 114, 153, 105, 138(+163), 167, 156(+171), 157, 180, 170, and 189) in umbilical cord (C) and maternal serum (M) were determined. The C/M ratios were significantly related, either positively or inversely depending on parameter, to the logarithm of partition coefficient octanol-water (KOW), to fusion enthalpy at the melting point, molecular weight, water solubility, total surface area of the molecule, solvent accessible surface area, melting point, molar volume, and molecular electronegativity distance vector. We found an inverse association between logKOW and lipid adjusted logC/M (const=1.078, b1=-0.179, p<0.001, R(2)=0.039). Parameters evaluated were interrelated except fusion enthalpy at the melting point and electron affinity vs. solubility. We discuss the possible role of cholesterol as a transplacental transporter of PCBs

    Relative effect potency estimates of dioxin-like activity for dioxins, furans, and dioxin-like PCBs in adults based on cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1B1 gene expression in blood

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    BACKGROUND: In the risk assessment of PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin-like (DL) PCBs, regulatory authorities support the use of the toxic equivalency factor (TEF)-scheme derived from a heterogeneous data set of the relative effect potency (REPs) estimates. OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine REPs for dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) using expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 and 1B1 mRNA in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells representing two different pathways. METHODS: We used a sex and age adjusted regression-based approach comparing the strength of association between each DLC and the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 and 1B1 mRNA expression in 320 adults residing in an organochlorine-polluted area of eastern Slovakia. RESULTS: We calculated REPs based on CYP1A1 expression for 4 PCDDs, 8 PCDFs, and 1 PCB congener, and based on CYP1B1 expression for 5 PCDFs and 11 PCB congeners. REPs from CYP1A1 correlated with REPs previously derived from thyroid volume (ρ=0.85; p<0.001) and serum FT4 (ρ=0.77; p=0.009). The 13 log REPs from CYP1A1 correlated with log WHO-TEFs (r=0.63; p=0.015) and 11 log PCB REPs with PCB consensus toxicity factors (CTFs) for compounds with WHO-TEFs (r=0.80; p=0.003). The complete set of derived 56 log REPs correlated with the log CTFs (r=0.77; p=0.001) and log WHO-TEFs (r=0.81; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: REPs calculated from thyroid and cytochrome P450 endpoints realistically reflect human exposure scenarios because they are based on human chronic and low-dose exposures. While the CYP 1A1 seems more suitable for toxicity evaluation of PCDD/Fs, the CYP 1B1 is more apt for PCDFs and PCBs and reflects different pathways

    Pre- and postnatal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure and cognitive and behavioral development at age 45&nbsp;Months in a cohort of Slovak children

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    Evidence of associations of pre- and postnatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with cognitive development beyond early childhood is inconsistent. A previous report from this cohort observed adverse associations between early life PCB exposures and infant Bayley scores at age 16 months. The present study examines pre- and postnatal PCB exposures in relation to both behavior and cognitive development at age 45 months. Participants were 472 mother-child pairs residing in an area of eastern Slovakia characterized by environmental contamination with PCBs, which resulted in elevated blood serum concentrations. PCB-153 and PCB-118 concentrations were measured in maternal and in infant 6-, 16-, and 45-month serum samples. At age 45 months, children were administered five subtests of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-III), and mothers completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Negative binomial and multiple linear regressions were used to estimate PCB-CBCL and PCB-WPPSI-III subtest score associations, respectively. Pre- and postnatal levels of PCB-153 and PCB-118 were not associated with cognitive performance on the WPPSI-III in this cohort. There was some suggestion that higher postnatal PCB concentrations were associated with more sleep problems and feelings of depression and anxiousness

    Duration of breastfeeding and serum PCB 153 concentrations in children

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative chemicals which, because of their lipophilic properties, are abundant in human breast milk. Breastfed infants are therefore at risk of being exposed to considerable amounts of PCBs. The commonly used exposure estimations, based solely on breast milk PCB levels and duration of breastfeeding, may lead to exposure misclassification. To improve assessments of exposure to PCBs, we determined PCB 153 serum concentration, as a model substance for PCBs, at the critical time of weaning for each child in 305 breastfed infants from 5 single time point concentration measurements spread over 7 years and data on duration of breastfeeding, using an earlier developed model of the system type. We approximated the dependence of PCB 153 serum concentration, C(tbf), adjusted to cord serum concentration, C(0), on nursing period, by a polynomial function C(tbf)/C(0)=0.596+0.278t−0.0047t(2) which reliably predicts exposure to PCB 153 of breastfed infants, important for assessment of dose-outcome relationships. Adjustment of current serum concentrations to cord serum concentration improved validity of exposure assessment

    One-year oral toxicity study on a genetically modified maize MON810 variety in Wistar Han RCC rats (EU 7th Framework Programme project GRACE)

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    International audienceThe GRACE (GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence; www.grace-fp7.eu ) project was funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. A key objective of GRACE was to conduct 90-day animal feeding trials, animal studies with an extended time frame as well as analytical, in vitro and in silico studies on genetically modified (GM) maize in order to comparatively evaluate their use in GM plant risk assessment. In the present study, the results of a 1-year feeding trial with a GM maize MON810 variety, its near-isogenic non-GM comparator and an additional conventional maize variety are presented. The feeding trials were performed by taking into account the guidance for such studies published by the EFSA Scientific Committee in 2011 and the OECD Test Guideline 452. The results obtained show that the MON810 maize at a level of up to 33 % in the diet did not induce adverse effects in male and female Wistar Han RCC rats after a chronic exposure