360 research outputs found

    Grody wieloczłonowe, zalążki miast, Seehandelsplätze, miejsca centralne u ujścia Odry w X–XII wieku? – synonimy czy problem definicyjny?

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    Dyskusja na temat definicji „miejskości” grodów w średniowieczu na ziemiach słowiańskich ma długą tradycję. Już we wczesnym średniowieczu mamy do czynienia z tzw. „zalążkami miast”, centrami wielofunkcyjnymi pełniącymi funkcję miast i grodami miejskimi, jak również z licznymi mniejszymi grodami, którym ciężko przypisywać rolę pierwszych miast. Modele zachodnioeuropejskich miast i ich procesów urbanizacyjnych są trudne do porównania ze wspomnianymi formami osadniczymi, jeśli w analizie staramy się podkreślać postrzymskie, zachodnioeuropejskie rozumienie miast, bez podejścia funkcjonalnego, skoncentrowanego na rzeczywistej roli danych ośrodków w swoim regionie, uzyskujemy obraz, gdzie nie ma żadnych miast, a z punktu widzenia archeologii. Pojawiły się liczne koncepcje na temat definiowania różnych stadiów rozwoju grodów, ale brakuje prób uporządkowania obecnie spotykanej terminologii, bo krótko mówiąc, „gród grodowi nierówny”. Bardzo dobrze to widać u ujścia Odry, gdzie mamy nie tylko terminologię wypracowaną przez polskich badaczy, ale również liczne terminy wykorzystywane w niemieckiej i skandynawskiej archeologii (tj. Burgstadt, Seehandelsplaz, emporium itd.). Celem tego artykułu jest podsumowanie i próba korelacji lub rozróżnienia w zależności od charakterystyki obecnie wykorzystywanych terminów dotyczących grodów z północno-zachodnich ziem polskich w okresie od X do XII w. (okresu przedlokacyjnego), celem uporządkowania postulowanych stadiów rozwoju i form grodów, z jakimi mają do czynienia archeolodzy, na przykładzie Pomorza Zachodniego

    The importance of postoperative control: adrenal insufficiency after unilateral adrenalectomy for Conn’s syndrome. A case study

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    According to the current guidelines of the Polish Society of Hypertension on the management of primary aldosteronism (PA) associated with aldosterone-producing adenoma, the treatment of choice is unilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Isolated deficiency of aldosterone after adrenalectomy for Conn’s syndrome is rare. The literature finds few reports on postoperative hypoaldosteronism requiring mineralocorticoid replacement. In this case study we present a patient who developed postoperative hypoaldosteronism

    A note on the almost left and almost right joint spectra of R. Harte

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    Associations of the –344T>C polymorphism of CYP11B2 gene with 24-hour blood pressure profiles in middle-aged women with essential hypertension

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    Background In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the impact of –344T>C polymorphism of the CYP11B2 gene which encodes aldosterone synthase on 24-hour blood pressure patterns.Material and methods The study was performed in 137 females with essential hypertension aged 42−60 years. We measured plasma aldosterone level and renin activity (PRA), fasting glucose, lipid profiles and 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion. Based on 24-hour blood pressure monitoring we identified cases with dipping and non-dipping patterns of blood pressure.Results Mean PRA and aldosterone levels and aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) were within normal range. Non-dipping hypertension was found in 54.3% of patients. Genotype frequencies of TT, CC and CT were 27%, 27% and 46%, respectively. Carriers of the C allele had significantly lower nocturnal blood pressure reduction (P = 0.004) and higher nocturnal systolic (P = 0.02) and diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.044), frequency of non-dipping profile (P = 0.001), and 24-hour urinary potassium excretion (P = 0.047). Urinary sodium excretion was positively correlated with a decrease in nocturnal blood pressure (R = 0.202; P = 0.037). In a multiple regression analysis, ARR and presence of the C allele adjusted for confounding variables were inversely associated with the nocturnal blood pressure decline (b = −0.348; P = 0.022 and b = −0.222; P = 0.018, respectively).Conclusions In conclusion, in middle-aged females with essential hypertension carrying the C allele we found higher nocturnal blood pressure, lower nocturnal blood pressure reduction, and higher prevalence of non-dipping hypertension than in TT carriers.Background In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the impact of –344T>C polymorphism of the CYP11B2 gene which encodes aldosterone synthase on 24-hour blood pressure patterns.Material and methods The study was performed in 137 females with essential hypertension aged 42−60 years. We measured plasma aldosterone level and renin activity (PRA), fasting glucose, lipid profiles and 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion. Based on 24-hour blood pressure monitoring we identified cases with dipping and non-dipping patterns of blood pressure.Results Mean PRA and aldosterone levels and aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) were within normal range. Non-dipping hypertension was found in 54.3% of patients. Genotype frequencies of TT, CC and CT were 27%, 27% and 46%, respectively. Carriers of the C allele had significantly lower nocturnal blood pressure reduction (P = 0.004) and higher nocturnal systolic (P = 0.02) and diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.044), frequency of non-dipping profile (P = 0.001), and 24-hour urinary potassium excretion (P = 0.047). Urinary sodium excretion was positively correlated with a decrease in nocturnal blood pressure (R = 0.202; P = 0.037). In a multiple regression analysis, ARR and presence of the C allele adjusted for confounding variables were inversely associated with the nocturnal blood pressure decline (b = −0.348; P = 0.022 and b = −0.222; P = 0.018, respectively).Conclusions In conclusion, in middle-aged females with essential hypertension carrying the C allele we found higher nocturnal blood pressure, lower nocturnal blood pressure reduction, and higher prevalence of non-dipping hypertension than in TT carriers

    An overview of the experimental research use of lysimeters

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    The lysimeter is most often defined as a box filled with soil with an intact structure for measuring the amount of infiltration and evapotranspiration in natural conditions. At the bottom of the device there is an outflow for atmospheric precipitation water infiltrating to a measuring container. Lysimeter studies are included in the group of dynamic leaching tests in which the leaching solution is added in a specified volume over a specific period of time. Lysimeter studies find applications in, amongst others, agrotechnics, hydrogeology and geochemistry. Lysimeter tests may vary in terms of the type of soil used (anthropogenic soil, natural soil), sample size, leaching solution, duration of the research and the purpose for conducting it. Lysimeter experiments provide more accurate results for leaching tests compared with static leaching tests. Unlike several-day tests, they should last for at least a year. There are about 2,500 lysimeters installed in nearly 200 stations around Europe. The vast majority of these (84%) are non-weighing lysimeters. There are a few challenges for lysimeter research mostly connected with the construction of the lysimeter, estimating leaching results and calibrating numerical transport models with data obtained from lysimeters. This review is devoted to the analysis of the principal types of lysimeters described in the literature within the context of their application. The aim of this study is to highlight the role of lysimeters in leaching studies

    Characteristics that make the Fallopia genus (Polygonaceae) highly invasive

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    Representatives of the Fallopia genus: Fallopia japonica, Fallopia sachalinensis and Fallopia × bohemica are known as successful invaders, wide spread throughout Europe and North America. This paper focuses on the invasive Fallopia complex and presents some features (a wide ecological amplitude, high competition abilities, sexual reproduction by hybridization) responsible for the fact that all species of the Fallopia genus are aggressive and noxious invaders

    Effect of different classes of antihypertensive drugs on central and peripheral pressure in a young patient with hypertension — clinical case

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    In recent years, it has been shown that the central pressure correlated with cardiovascular risk and, better than peripheral pressure, provides the risk of serious cardiovascular events. It is known that blood pressure and pulse wave shape are different in different sections of the arterial tree. This difference is related to the age sex, incidence of heart disease, concomitant cardiovascular disease, diabetes, renal failure, used drugs. In young people, with flexible walls of the vessels, the difference between the circumferential pressure, measured at the upper limb and the central pressure can range from a few to over twenty mmHg. In this context, we present a case of a young patient with hypertension treated with antihypertensive fixed dose combination drug.In recent years, it has been shown that the central pressure correlated with cardiovascular risk and, better than peripheral pressure, provides the risk of serious cardiovascular events. It is known that blood pressure and pulse wave shape are different in different sections of the arterial tree. This difference is related to the age sex, incidence of heart disease, concomitant cardiovascular disease, diabetes, renal failure, used drugs. In young people, with flexible walls of the vessels, the difference between the circumferential pressure, measured at the upper limb and the central pressure can range from a few to over twenty mmHg. In this context, we present a case of a young patient with hypertension treated with antihypertensive fixed dose combination drug

    Mathematical assessing of the groundwater quality, a case study from Lipówka landfill

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    Dokonano oceny jakości wód podziemnych w rejonie zespołu składowisk w Strzemieszycach. Pod uwagę wzięto zawar-tość chlorków. Celem pracy było wyznaczenie zmian jakości wód podziemnych przy użyciu statystycznej metody śred-nich ruchomych. W obliczeniach wzięto pod uwagę wyniki analiz chemicznych zawartości chlorków dla okresu 21 lat w dwóch pie-zometrach składowiska dawnej Huty Katowice. Dane te pozwoliły wyznaczyć trendy zmian jakości wód podziemnych w czwartorzędowym i triasowym piętrze wodonośnym na badanym obszarze. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują na negatywny wpływ składowiska na jakość wód podziemnych

    Predicting Presence of Amphibian Species Using Features Obtained from GIS and Satellite Images

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    The construction of transport infrastructure is often preceded by an environmental impact assessment procedure, which should identify amphibian breeding sites and migration routes. However, the assessment is very difficult to conduct because of the large number of habitats spread out over a vast expanse, and the limited amount of time available for fieldwork. We propose utilizing local environmental variables that can be gathered remotely using only GIS systems and satellite images together with machine learning methods. In this article, we introduce six new and easily extractable types of environmental features. Most of the features we propose can be easily obtained from satellite imagery and spatial development plans. The proposed feature space was evaluated using four machine learning algorithms, namely: a C4.5 decision tree, AdaBoost, random forest and gradient-boosted trees. The obtained results indicated that the proposed feature space facilitated prediction and was comparable to other solutions. Moreover, three of the new proposed features are ranked most important; these are the three dominant properties of the surroundings of water reservoirs. One of the new features is the percentage access from the edges of the reservoir to open areas, but it affects only a few species. Furthermore, our research confirmed that the gradient-boosted trees were the best method for the analyzed dataset

    Symbol hermeneutyczny a symboliczność dzieła sztuki według Hansa-Georga Gadamera

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    H.-G. Gadamer distinguishes a hermeneutic symbol from both religious (metaphysical) symbol and a purely conventional one. In the religious aspect a symbol represents what it itself is not. Its essence is to replace and make present what is symbolized. According to Gadamer, there are fundamental differences between a religious (metaphysical) symbol and a hermeneutic symbol (work of art). A work of art, as an example of a hermeneutic symbol, brings an increase of being to what it represents. It does not refer us to what is symbolised by it, but reveals its content (albo: what is enclosed in it). It is thus a specific transcendence in immanence. Due to its essence, which is auto-presentation, a hermeneutic symbol is an endless game of revealing and hiding. Auto-presentation establishes hermeneutic symbolization of every work of art, as well as of every being. What is manifested in the auto-presentation of a work of art (of a being) refers to what is hidden in it.A symbolization of a work of art (of a being) has also a syntactic dimension. In the process of cognition no being has just a single meaning, it is always connected with the meaning of other beings. There is a specific system of interconnections. It is particularly noticeable in the speech, where every word is understandable only in the context of other words. Also, an existential function can be distinguished within a hermeneutic symbol. A work of art calls to change the life of the one who met it – by revealing the truth about himself and the truth about the world he lives in.H.-G. Gadamer odróżnia symbol hermeneutyczny od symbolu religijnego (metafizycznego) i czysto konwencjonalnego. Symbol metafizyczny reprezentuje to, czym sam nie jest. Jego istotą jest zastępowanie i uobecnianie tego, co jest symbolizowane. Według Gadamera pomiędzy symbolem metafizycznym a symbolem w sensie hermeneutycznym (dziełem sztuki) występują zasadnicze różnice. Dzieło sztuki, jako przykład symbolu hermeneutycznego, przynosi przyrost bytu temu, co reprezentuje. Nie odsyła do czegoś symbolizowanego przez siebie, ale ujawnia to, co zawiera się w nim samym. Jest to zatem swoista transcendencja w immanencji. Ze względu na swoją istotę, którą jest autoprezentacja, charakteryzuje się niekończącą się grą odsłaniania i skrywania. Autoprezentacja stanowi o hermeneutycznej symboliczności każdego dzieła sztuki, jak również każdego bytu. To, co jest jawne w autoprezentacji dzieła sztuki (bytu), odsyła do tego, co jest w nim skryte.Symboliczność dzieła sztuki (bytu) ma także wymiar syntaktyczny. W poznaniu żaden byt nie ma znaczenia pojedynczego, zawsze jest powiązany ze znaczeniem innych bytów. Występuje określony system wzajemnych powiązań. Szczególnie widoczne jest to w mowie, w której każde słowo jest zrozumiałe tylko w kontekście innych słów. W symbolu hermeneutycznym można wyróżnić również jego egzystencjalną funkcję. Dzieło sztuki wzywa do przemiany życia tego, kto się z nim spotkał, przez ukazanie prawdy o nim samym i o świecie, w którym przyszło mu żyć