3,845 research outputs found

    Method of crystallization

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    A method is described for refining or growing bulk single crystals in an environment substantially free of gravity. The base material is suspended, positioned, and shaped as a containerless melt by wetting forces. Because no crucible is required, high temperature refractory materials can be processed

    A Beauty Walk A Systematic Compendof Navajo Theology

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    The doctrine of god will itself be the subject of five chapters. These five chapters will treat the subjects of: The First God; The Former Gods; The Latter Gods; The Present Gods; and, Demonology. There was a serious question whether the last two chapters should come under the doctrine of god or not. The first thought was that they should be under the separate categories of angelology and demonology since they both dealt with spirits. However, in both instances these are spirits that are worshipped. Therefore, the final decision was that they should properly go under the doctrine of god. This is one of the problems in fitting an animistic, pluralistic religion into a systematic theology

    Evaluating the effectiveness of packet filter firewall applications in a “dual stack” internet protocol environment

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    Technology providers have been implementing IPv6 capabilities including networking services and security tools for the past several years in anticipation for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. This thesis will describe the technical background and an experiment to test the capability of two different host based applications for effective packet filtering in a dual IPv4, IPv6 stack environment

    Early Permian Conodont Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Garden Valley Formation, Eureka County, Nevada

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    The lower part of the Garden Valley Formation yields two distinct conodont faunas. One of late Asselian age dominated by Mesogondolella and Streptognathodus and one of Artinskian age dominated by Sweetognathus with Mesogondolella. The Asselian fauna contains the same species as those found in the type area of the Asselian in the southern Urals including Mesogondolella dentiseparata, described for the first time outside of the Urals. Apparatuses for Sweetognathus whitei, Diplognathodus stevensi, and Idioprioniodus sp. are described. The Garden Valley Formation represents a marine pro-delta basin and platform, and marine and shore fan delta complex deposition. The fan-delta complex was most likely deposited from late Artinskian to late Wordian. The Garden Valley Formation records tremendous swings in depositional setting from shallow-water to basin to shore

    An Overview of Guatemala’s Medical Tourism Industry. version 2.0

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    In this report we offer some general information on Guatemala and its health system before going into detail about key developments in its medical tourism industry. Complementing the main text, four Appendices provide additional detailed insights. Appendix 1 offers a synthesis of media coverage of medical tourism in Guatemala\u27s main newspapers in recent years. In Appendix 2 we share a summary of policy documents central to medical tourism in Guatemala. In both of these Appendices we consider five health equity indicators most often discussed in the medical tourism literature: (1) impacts on health human resources; (2) government involvement in the industry; (3) foreign investment in the industry; (4) impacts on private health care; and (5) impacts on public health care. In Appendix 3 we provide maps of medical tourism facilities in the country. Finally, trade and investment treaties in Guatemala are provided in Appendix 4

    Recombinant human preproinsulin expression, purification and reaction with insulin autoantibodies in sera from patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

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    A novel prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-6T was designed for high-level expression of recombinant fusion protein with a histidine-hexapeptide and glutathione-S-transferase at its N-terminus and the recombinant human preproinsulin at its C-terminus. Efficiency of expression was investigated in the Escherichia coli strain CAG456. The synthesized protein was sequestered in an insoluble form in inclusion bodies and was purified to homogeneity by one-step affinity chromatography based on the specific complex formation of the histidine-hexapeptide and a chelating matrix which was charged with Ni2+ ions. The antigenic nature of the purified recombinant preproinsulin fusion protein was evaluated by ELISA screening for insulin autoantibodies in selected sera from patients with recent-onset type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus classified by the existence of additional autoantibodies reactive against glutamic acid decarboxylase. 14% of the tested sera (n=43) conttained insulin autoantibodies which strongly recognized the recombinant human preproinsulin. Comparable measurements with both recombinant human preproinsulin and mature insulin suggested that the observed autoantigenicity of preproinsulin was mediated by the C-peptide or/and signal peptide

    The Power-Sharing Event Dataset (PSED): a new dataset on the promises and practices of power-sharing in post-conflict countries

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    Past research on the relationship between power-sharing arrangements and the recurrence of civil conflict has primarily analyzed the promises of power-sharing stipulated in peace agreements. What happens afterwards, however, has not yet been sufficiently explored. This represents a major research gap, as the actual practices of power-sharing in post-conflict countries are likely to be influential in the possibility of civil conflict recurring. To address this shortcoming, we present a new global dataset on the promises and practices of power-sharing between the government of a state and former rebels in post-conflict countries. The collected data captures if, when and how power-sharing institutions have been promised and/or put into place, and whether they have subsequently been modified or abolished. The dataset encompasses every peace agreement signed after the cessation of a civil conflict in the years between 1989 and 2006, and covers a five-year period after the signature of each of these agreements (unless violence recurred earlier). The unit of analysis is the government–rebel dyad during the post-conflict period and data is recorded in an event data format. A first analysis of the Power-Sharing Event Dataset (PSED) reveals that the effects of the promises of power-sharing on civil conflict recurrence follow a different logic than the effects of their practices. This finding emphasizes the necessity for in-depth analyses of post-conflict situations for which the PSED provides the necessary data

    Undergraduate Medical Education Sex- and Gender-based Education: An Institutional Audit and Integration Project

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    Background: While evidence-based medicine (EBM) supports the incorporation of Sex- and Gender-based Medicine (SGBM) into patient care, a significant gap exists in its translation to current undergraduate medical education (UME). Several studies assessing medical student and resident physician knowledge regarding SGBM demonstrate suboptimal awareness, knowledge base, and clinical incorporation. There is urgent need to evaluate UME under a SGBM-focused lens, to emphasize the existing SGBM content, and to identify additional opportunities for inclusion. Method: Lectures from two pre-clinical UME modules, ‘Cardiovascular’ (CV) and ‘Musculoskeletal/ Dermatology’ (MSK/Derm), at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine were subjected to a SGBM taskforce audit. Taskforce auditors were tasked with 1) assessing for pre-existing inclusion of SGBM as well as 2) opportunities for SGBM incorporation. Opportunities for inclusion were identified by a taskforce SGBM expert. Evidence-based SGBM material (e.g. slides) to fill the opportune gaps were subsequently created for module director consideration and ready incorporation. Post-audit follow-up of SGBM incorporation and uptake was completed for both modules. Results: Sixty-four lectures in the MSK/Derm and 23 CV lectures were reviewed by the SGBM audit taskforce. Approximately a third (36%) of all sessions included an element of pre-existing SGBM material (35% of CV; 36% MSK/Derm). Fourteen CV-specific SGBM opportunities were identified, and correlative SGBM inclusive material, was given to the CV module directors; thirteen of these were incorporated (92.8%). Nine MSK/Derm-specific SGBM opportunities were identified with correlative SGBM-inclusive material provided; two (22%) of these were incorporated. Conclusion: Inclusion of SGBM into medical school curriculum is important for comprehensive medical education and ultimately, for patient care. Identifying and collaborating on SGBM educational opportunities will be crucial for its timely uptake into the UME world. The creation of a dedicated taskforce which searches for inclusion opportunities across the curriculum is one approach to increase SGBM within UME.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/sexandgenderhealth/1031/thumbnail.jp