7 research outputs found

    Aquaporin expression in the human and canine intervertebral disc during maturation and degeneration

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    The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a highly hydrated tissue, the rich proteoglycan matrix imbibes water, enabling the disc to withstand compressive loads. During ageing and degeneration increased matrix degradation leads to dehydration and loss of function. Aquaporins (AQP) are a family of transmembrane channel proteins that selectively allow the passage of water in and out of cells and are responsible for maintaining water homeostasis in many tissues. Here, the expression of all 13 AQPs at gene and protein level was investigated in human and canine non‐degenerate and degenerate IVDs to develop an understanding of the role of AQPs during degeneration. Furthermore, in order to explore the transition of notochordal cells (NCs) towards nucleus pulposus (NP) cells, AQP expression was investigated in canine IVDs enriched in NCs to understand the role of AQPs in IVD maturation. AQP0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 were expressed at gene and protein level in both non‐degenerate and degenerate human NP tissue. AQP2 and 7 immunopositivity increased with degeneration in human NP tissue, whereas AQP4 expression decreased with degeneration in a similar way to AQP 1 and 5 shown previously. All AQP proteins that were identified in human NP tissue were also expressed in canine NP tissue. AQP2, 5, 6 and 9 were found to localise to vacuole‐like membranes and cell membranes in NC cells. In conclusion, AQPs were abundantly expressed in human and canine IVDs. The expression of many AQP isotypes potentially alludes to multi‐faceted functions related to adaption of NP cells to the conditions they encounter within their microenvironment in health and degeneration. The presence of AQPs within the IVD may suggest an adaptive role for these water channels during the development and maintenance of the healthy, mature IVD

    Injectable biomaterial induces regeneration of the intervertebral disc in a caprine loaded disc culture model †

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    Back pain is the leading cause of disability with half of cases attributed to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration, yet currently no therapies target this cause. We previously reported an ex vivo caprine loaded disc culture system (LDCS) that accurately represents the cellular phenotype and biomechanical environment of human IVD degeneration. Here, the efficacy of an injectable hydrogel system (LAPONITEÂź crosslinked pNIPAM-co-DMAc, (NPgel)) to halt or reverse the catabolic processes of IVD degeneration was investigated within the LDCS. Following enzymatic induction of degeneration using 1 mg mL−1 collagenase and 2 U mL−1 chondroitinase ABC within the LDCS for 7 days, IVDs were injected with NPgel alone or with encapsulated human bone marrow progenitor cells (BMPCs). Un-injected caprine discs served as degenerate controls. IVDs were cultured for a further 21 days within the LDCS. Tissues were then processed for histology and immunohistochemistry. No extrusion of NPgel was observed during culture. A significant decrease in histological grade of degeneration was seen in both IVDs injected with NPgel alone and NPgel seeded with BMPCs, compared to un-injected controls. Fissures within degenerate tissue were filled by NPgel and there was evidence of native cell migration into injected NPgel. The expression of healthy NP matrix markers (collagen type II and aggrecan) was increased, whereas the expression of catabolic proteins (MMP3, ADAMTS4, IL-1ÎČ and IL-8) was decreased in NPgel (±BMPCs) injected discs, compared to degenerate controls. This demonstrates that NPgel promotes new matrix production at the same time as halting the degenerative cascade within a physiologically relevant testing platform. This highlights the potential of NPgel as a future therapy for IVD degeneration

    Hedgehog proteins and parathyroid hormone‐related protein are involved in intervertebral disc maturation, degeneration, and calcification

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    Parathyroid hormone‐related protein (PTHrP) and hedgehog signaling play an important role in chondrocyte development, (hypertrophic) differentiation, and/or calcification, but their role in intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is unknown. Better understanding their involvement may provide therapeutic clues for low back pain due to IVD degeneration. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the role of PTHrP and hedgehog proteins in postnatal canine and human IVDs during the aging/degenerative process. The expression of PTHrP, hedgehog proteins and related receptors was studied during the natural loss of the notochordal cell (NC) phenotype during IVD maturation using tissue samples and de‐differentiation in vitro and degeneration by real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT‐qPCR) and immunohistochemistry. Correlations between their expression and calcification levels (Alizarin Red S staining) were determined. In addition, the effect of PTHrP and hedgehog proteins on canine and human chondrocyte‐like cells (CLCs) was determined in vitro focusing on the propensity to induce calcification. The expression of PTHrP, its receptor (PTHR1) and hedgehog receptors decreased during loss of the NC phenotype. N‐terminal (active) hedgehog (Indian hedgehog/Sonic hedgehog) protein expression did not change during maturation or degeneration, whereas expression of PTHrP, PTHR1 and hedgehog receptors increased during IVD degeneration. Hedgehog and PTHR1 immunopositivity were increased in nucleus pulposus tissue with abundant vs no/low calcification. In vitro, hedgehog proteins facilitated calcification in CLCs, whereas PTHrP did not affect calcification levels. In conclusion, hedgehog and PTHrP expression is present in healthy and degenerated IVDs. Hedgehog proteins had the propensity to induce calcification in CLCs from degenerated IVDs, indicating that in the future, inhibiting hedgehog signaling could be an approach to inhibit calcification during IVD degeneration

    Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods

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    Background: In vitro studies using nucleus pulposus (NP) cells are commonly used to investigate disc cell biology and pathogenesis, or to aid in the development of new therapies. However, lab‐to‐lab variability jeopardizes the much‐needed progress in the field. Here, an international group of spine scientists collaborated to standardize extraction and expansion techniques for NP cells to reduce variability, improve comparability between labs and improve utilization of funding and resources. Methods: The most commonly applied methods for NP cell extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation were identified using a questionnaire to research groups worldwide. NP cell extraction methods from rat, rabbit, pig, dog, cow, and human NP tissue were experimentally assessed. Expansion and re‐differentiation media and techniques were also investigated. Results: Recommended protocols are provided for extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation of NP cells from common species utilized for NP cell culture. Conclusions: This international, multilab and multispecies study identified cell extraction methods for greater cell yield and fewer gene expression changes by applying species‐specific pronase usage, 60–100 U/ml collagenase for shorter durations. Recommendations for NP cell expansion, passage number, and many factors driving successful cell culture in different species are also addressed to support harmonization, rigor, and cross‐lab comparisons on NP cells worldwide

    L-type voltage-gated calcium channels partly mediate mechanotransduction in the intervertebral disc

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    Background: Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration continues to be a major global health challenge, with strong links to lower back pain, while the pathogenesis of this disease is poorly understood. In cartilage, much more is known about mechanotransduction pathways involving the strain-generated potential (SGP) and function of voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) in health and disease. This evidence implicates a similar important role for VGICs in IVD matrix turnover. However, the field of VGICs, and to a lesser extent the SGP, remains unexplored in the IVD. Methods: A two-step process was utilized to investigate the role of VGICs in the IVD. First, immunohistochemical staining was used to identify and localize several different VGICs in bovine and human IVDs. Second, a pilot study was conducted on the function of L-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) by inhibiting these channels with nifedipine (Nf) and measuring calcium influx in monolayer or gene expression from 3D cell-embedded alginate constructs subject to dynamic compression. Results: Several VGICs were identified at the protein level, one of which, Cav2.2, appears to be upregulated with the onset of human IVD degeneration. Inhibiting L-type VGCCs with Nf supplementation led to an altered cell calcium influx in response to osmotic loading as well as downregulation of col 1a, aggrecan and ADAMTS-4 during dynamic compression. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the presence of several VGICs in the IVD, with evidence supporting a role for L-type VGCCs in mechanotransduction. These findings highlight the importance of future detailed studies in this area to fully elucidate IVD mechanotransduction pathways and better inform treatment strategies for IVD degeneration.</p

    Recommendations for intervertebral disc notochordal cell investigation: From isolation to characterization

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    International audienceBackground: Lineage-tracing experiments have established that the central region of the mature intervertebral disc, the nucleus pulposus (NP), develops from the embryonic structure called "the notochord". However, changes in the cells derived from the notochord which form the NP (i.e., notochordal cells [NCs]), in terms of their phenotype and functional identity from early developmental stages to skeletal maturation are less understood. These key issues require further investigation to better comprehend the role of NCs in homeostasis and degeneration as well as their potential for regeneration. Progress in utilizing NCs is currently hampered due to poor consistency and lack of consensus methodology for in vitro NC extraction, manipulation, and characterization.Methods: Here, an international group has come together to provide key recommendations and methodologies for NC isolation within key species, numeration, in vitro manipulation and culture, and characterization.Results: Recommeded protocols are provided for isolation and culture of NCs. Experimental testing provided recommended methodology for numeration of NCs. The issues of cryopreservation are demonstrated, and a pannel of immunohistochemical markers are provided to inform NC characterization.Conclusions: Together we hope this article provides a road map for in vitro studies of NCs to support advances in research into NC physiology and their potential in regenerative therapies

    Harmonization and standardization of nucleus pulposus cell extraction and culture methods

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    Abstract Background In vitro studies using nucleus pulposus (NP) cells are commonly used to investigate disc cell biology and pathogenesis, or to aid in the development of new therapies. However, lab‐to‐lab variability jeopardizes the much‐needed progress in the field. Here, an international group of spine scientists collaborated to standardize extraction and expansion techniques for NP cells to reduce variability, improve comparability between labs and improve utilization of funding and resources. Methods The most commonly applied methods for NP cell extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation were identified using a questionnaire to research groups worldwide. NP cell extraction methods from rat, rabbit, pig, dog, cow, and human NP tissue were experimentally assessed. Expansion and re‐differentiation media and techniques were also investigated. Results Recommended protocols are provided for extraction, expansion, and re‐differentiation of NP cells from common species utilized for NP cell culture. Conclusions This international, multilab and multispecies study identified cell extraction methods for greater cell yield and fewer gene expression changes by applying species‐specific pronase usage, 60–100 U/ml collagenase for shorter durations. Recommendations for NP cell expansion, passage number, and many factors driving successful cell culture in different species are also addressed to support harmonization, rigor, and cross‐lab comparisons on NP cells worldwide