624 research outputs found

    Engendering the Classroom: A Look at Constructions of ‘Gender’ and Empowerment within Teachers’ Trainings in Northern India

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    Education for girls in India has been a crucial area of study for the past 20 years; however, the main focus of attention has been on issues of girls’ access to school only. This study moves beyond this, seeking to gain critical insight into how ‘gender’ is being understood within the classroom via teachers. Teachers’ trainings conducted by the government and by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were examined through interviews with teachers and coordinators of teachers’ trainings, along with experts on gender and feminism in Delhi and Jaipur, Rajasthan. These interviews focused on the content and quality of teachers’ trainings, and their effects on teachers’ attitudes towards teaching, perception of ‘gender,’ and understanding of self-identity. Study results show that government-run teachers’ trainings are ineffective in creating a full understanding of ‘gender,’ and that much can be learned from trainings like those conducted by NGOs in expanding the discourse on gender to include feminist insights, and in creating teachers that are empowered, informed, self-aware citizens

    Surveillance of Arthropod Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases Using Remote Sensing Techniques: A Review

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    Epidemiologists are adopting new remote sensing techniques to study a variety of vector-borne diseases. Associations between satellite-derived environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, and land cover type and vector density are used to identify and characterize vector habitats. The convergence of factors such as the availability of multi-temporal satellite data and georeferenced epidemiological data, collaboration between remote sensing scientists and biologists, and the availability of sophisticated, statistical geographic information system and image processing algorithms in a desktop environment creates a fertile research environment. The use of remote sensing techniques to map vector-borne diseases has evolved significantly over the past 25 years. In this paper, we review the status of remote sensing studies of arthropod vector-borne diseases due to mosquitoes, ticks, blackflies, tsetse flies, and sandflies, which are responsible for the majority of vector-borne diseases in the world. Examples of simple image classification techniques that associate land use and land cover types with vector habitats, as well as complex statistical models that link satellite-derived multi-temporal meteorological observations with vector biology and abundance, are discussed here. Future improvements in remote sensing applications in epidemiology are also discussed

    Epidemiology of Malaria in an Area Prepared for Clinical Trials in Korogwe, North-eastern Tanzania.

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    Site preparation is a pre-requesite in conducting malaria vaccines trials. This study was conducted in 12 villages to determine malariometric indices and associated risk factors, during long and short rainy seasons, in an area with varying malaria transmission intensities in Korogwe district, Tanzania. Four villages had passive case detection (PCD) of fever system using village health workers. Four malariometric cross-sectional surveys were conducted between November 2005 and May 2007 among individuals aged 0-19 years, living in lowland urban, lowland rural and highland strata. A total of 10,766 blood samples were collected for malaria parasite diagnosis and anaemia estimation. Blood smears were stained with Giemsa while haemoglobin level was measured by HaemoCue. Socio-economic data were collected between Jan-Apr 2006. Adjusting for the effect of age, the risk of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia was significantly lower in both lowland urban, (OR = 0.26; 95%CI: 0.23-0.29, p < 0.001) and highlands, (OR = 0.21; 95%CI: 0.17-0.25, p < 0.001) compared to lowland rural. Individuals aged 6-9 years in the lowland rural and 4-19 years in both lowland urban and highlands had the highest parasite prevalence, whilst children below five years in all strata had the highest parasite density. Prevalence of splenomegaly and gametocyte were also lower in both lowland urban and highlands than in lowland rural. Anaemia (Hb <11 g/dl) prevalence was lowest in the lowland urban. Availability of PCD and higher socio-economic status (SES) were associated with reduced malaria and anaemia prevalence. Higher SES and use of bed nets in the lowland urban could be the important factors for low malaria infections in this stratum. Results obtained here were used together with those from PCD and DSS in selecting a village for Phase 1b MSP3 vaccine trial, which was conducted in the study area in year 2008

    Toward Collaborative Print Retention

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    Background: :In order to serve the many member libraries who were faced with the loss of space and the subsequent need to downsize and discard print collections in a very short time, the NN/LM SE/A formed a task force on print retention in the spring of 2010. This group carried on online discussions and met twice between the Spring of 2010 and The Spring of 2011. The task force recommended, among other things, that a committee be formed to identify the potential for a collaborative print retention project in the region, develop educational resources on the topic of print retention, and recommend future directions. Methods: The ad-hoc committee met, brainstormed ideas, and developed a survey for resource and primary access libraries. The committee received responses from 128 libraries. Conclusions: An interesting and encouraging discovery was that almost one and a half times as many libraries expressed an interest in participating in a print retention project as were feeling pressure to give back space to their parent institution. This led the committee to conclude that space pressures and the resulting loss of print resources are a continuing concern for health sciences libraries. Even those who are not now facing pressures are interested in collaboration. Moreover, only a small number of the libraries were currently participating in print retention projects. The committee recommended that the NN/LM SE/A, in collaboration with the National Library of Medicine, continue work to develop a collaborative print retention project and to educate members on the resources available.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/hpd_lib_presentations/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Qualitative Examination of Voting Empowerment and Participation Among People Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Objective To examine political participation after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Design Qualitative, participatory research via interviews and observations. Each participant was interviewed to discuss their experience of voting in 2007 or 2008. Data were coded using Grounded Theory to develop themes, metacodes, and theories. Setting Community. Participants A total of 57 individuals with history of TBI and 28 family members (N=85). Main Outcome Measures Not applicable. Results Four themes emerged from the data: (1) people with TBI have barriers to voting; (2) the voting process can be improved for people with TBI; (3) voting is the responsibility of members of society; and (4) voting is one way we have a voice in society. Conclusions The data support the importance of voting as an American right regardless of the presence of disability. While persons with TBI report voting represents their freedom and voice, there may be barriers that can threaten or limit their voice

    Recent and Projected Increases in Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Can Enhance Gene Flow between Wild and Genetically Altered Rice (Oryza sativa)

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    Although recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide can alter plant phenological development, these changes have not been quantified in terms of floral outcrossing rates or gene transfer. Could differential phenological development in response to rising CO2 between genetically modified crops and wild, weedy relatives increase the spread of novel genes, potentially altering evolutionary fitness? Here we show that increasing CO2 from an early 20th century concentration (300 µmol mol−1) to current (400 µmol mol−1) and projected, mid-21st century (600 µmol mol−1) values, enhanced the flow of genes from wild, weedy rice to the genetically altered, herbicide resistant, cultivated population, with outcrossing increasing from 0.22% to 0.71% from 300 to 600 µmol mol−1. The increase in outcrossing and gene transfer was associated with differential increases in plant height, as well as greater tiller and panicle production in the wild, relative to the cultivated population. In addition, increasing CO2 also resulted in a greater synchronicity in flowering times between the two populations. The observed changes reported here resulted in a subsequent increase in rice dedomestication and a greater number of weedy, herbicide-resistant hybrid progeny. Overall, these data suggest that differential phenological responses to rising atmospheric CO2 could result in enhanced flow of novel genes and greater success of feral plant species in agroecosystems

    Storytelling in den Vereinten Nationen: Mahbub ul Haq und menschliche Entwicklung

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    Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass Mitarbeiter der Vereinten Nationen eine wichtige Rolle in Prozessen des ideellen Wandels auf internationaler Ebene spielen können, beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit einer bestimmten Form individuellem Einflusses – dem storytelling. Mein Verständnis von storytelling als Einflusstaktik kombiniert dabei kollektive Elemente der soziologischen Praxistheorie mit den reflexiven, akteursbezogenen Überlegungen von Michel de Certeau. Ich analysiere storytelling anhand von drei analytischen Elementen: einem (chronologischen) Plot, einer Reihe von Charakteren und einem interpretativen Thema – die jeweils ihre Wirkung im Zusammenspiel mit der Subjektivität ihres storytellers entfalten. Ich illustriere diese theoretischen Überlegungen mit dem Fall von Mahbub ul Haq, dem es als Sonderberater des United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-Administrators zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre gelungen ist, die Idee der menschlichen Entwicklung im System der Vereinten Nationen und der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik zu etablieren
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