137 research outputs found

    Morphometric characteristics of the external diameter of fallopian tube funnel at different periods of life in parous women

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    The lack of accurate information in the scientific literature highlighting the parameters of the fallopian tube funnel in the period from adolescence to old age was the reason for performing this work.The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the parameters of the external diameter of the fallopian tube funnel in women who gave birth in the period from adolescence to old age using autopsy specimens.Material and methods. The work was based on the results of a morphometric study of both fallopian tubes in 126 women aged 16 to 88 years who had given birth and were divided into five groups (Group I comprised 24 women in their early teens, Group II comprised 26 women in their first adulthood, Group III comprised 23 women in their second adulthood, Group IV comprised 28 elderly women, Group V comprised 25 senile women.Results. The parameters of the external diameter of the fallopian tubes of women in the period from adolescence to old age have no statistically reliable differences; there is a tendency for the values to increase with age. Comparative analysis of values of the external diameter of the right and left fallopian tubes funnels showed statistically reliable predominance of the right fallopian tube funnel parameters in adolescence and old age. In the first and second periods of adulthood and old age, no statistically significant difference in the parameters of the external diameter of the funnel of the right fallopian tube was found; the tendency to the predominance of the funnel diameter values of the right fallopian tube in comparison with the left one was noted.Conclusions. The parameters of the external diameter of the fallopian tubes funnel in the period from adolescence to old age serve as reference values of the age morphological norm in women who have given birth, supplementing the currently available scientific data on the peculiarities of fallopian tube structure. These results can be applied to prospective basic and clinical research


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    According to the authors of the article, works of fiction that introduce shocking ideas into aesthetic reality fit into the general contemporary discourse of the extreme. Literary texts marked by the extreme are based on the principles of taboos violation which are expressed in the space of creativity as an invasion of forbidden topics, a rethinking of the concept of good and evil, a deviation from the norm of any type (from moral and ethical to linguistic). The material for the analysis is the modern Ural writers’ works of various genre-generic forms: a book of poems “The Gospel of Lucifer” by A. Vavilov (2019), a novel “Department” by A. Salnikov (2018), a play “Claustrophobia” by K. Kostenko (2003). The paper shows how the category of the extreme manifests itself at all levels of the text: from problem-thematic (total alienation from traditional norms of life, identity crisis) to specific methods of world modeling associated with the image of the impaired consciousness of a modern person (zoomorphic code, dead-end space, obligatory motives of aggression) and linguistic extremism, based on prison and militaristic vocabulary, on taboo lexical units of the body bottom. Despite genre-generic difference of the works selected for the analysis, there is a similarity of the methods of depicting modern reality and the worldview of a person within the framework of everyday life combined not only by the extremely unusual (i. e., extreme) but also beyond the limits of the allowable and permissible. This poetics includes a lot of grotesque methods of amplification and redundancy with the help of which the recognizable features of modern reality are sharpened and depicted. © 2020 Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of RAS. All rights reserved

    Diffraction theory of imaging with X-ray compound refractive lens

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    Abstract Specific features of X-ray compound refractive lens (XCRL) with parabolic profile of concave surfaces for hard Xray focusing and micro-imaging are analyzed theoretically. Large longitudinal size L of the XCRL requires a verification of the thin lens approximation widely used in the literature. We show that the parabolic XCRL can be treated as a thin lens placed in the middle of the XCRL with the focal length F l ¼ F þ L=6, where F is the XCRL focal distance in the thin lens approximation. The relatively small aperture of XCRL due to the absorption of X-rays leads to finite resolution and phase effects (or artifacts) of the images. This feature reveals itself as a visibility of transparent objects. It is shown that XCRL allows one to visualize the local phase gradient of the radiation wave field produced by the object. This opens quite a new technique of micro-imaging for purely phase objects which is different from the traditional phase contrast micro-imaging techniques. Optical properties of XCRL as a Fourier transformer are considered as well

    High efficiency and low absorption Fresnel compound zone plates for hard X-ray focusing

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    Circular and linear zone plates have been fabricated on the surface of silicon crystals for the energy of 8 keV by electron beam lithography and deep ion plasma etching methods. Various variants of compound zone plates with first, second, third diffraction orders have been made. The zone relief height is about 10 mkm, the outermost zone width of the zone plate is 0.4 mkm. The experimental testing of the zone plates has been conducted on SPring-8 and ESRF synchrotron radiation sources. A focused spot size and diffraction efficiency measured by knife-edge scanning are accordingly 0.5 mkm and 39% for the first order circular zone plate.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Етнополітична партія як специфічний суб’єкт міжетнічних взаємин

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    Характер міжетнічних відносин зумовлений нерівністю прав і можливостей людей, які належать до різних етнічних спільнот, унаслідок чого між ними виникають конфлікти. У процесі їх врегулювання важлива роль покладається на політичні інститути (державу, партії, міжнародні організації), що мають гарантувати рівну участь етнічних суб’єктів у всіх сферах життєдіяльності соціуму. У статті зосереджено увагу на феномені етнополітичної партії, яка покликана забезпечувати політичне представництво конкретного народу-етносу в органах влади.The character of interethnic relationships is stipulated by inequality of rights and abilities of people that belong to different ethnic communities, which results in conflicts. Political institutions (the state, political parties, international organizations) are to play significant role in their settlement. They have to assure equal participation of ethnical entities in all areas of social life. In the article we focus on such phenomena as ethnopolitical party, which goal is to provide political representation of a given nation-ethnos in power institutions