14 research outputs found

    Partnership through co-creation: lessons learnt at the University of Adelaide

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    This paper describes three exemplars of practice inspired by emerging evidence that student-staff partnerships have the potential to significantly enhance many areas of higher education. Students and academics at the University of Adelaide have successfully implemented this collaborative approach across a range of learning and teaching contexts. The Design Thinking Framework, developed by the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University, was utilised at a faculty, program, and course level to frame each of the exemplars, due to its implicit approach to creativity, collaborative development, and achievement of solutions. The iterative nature of the framework facilitated a review cycle for continuous improvement in each Students-as-Partners’ initiative. Analysing the outcomes of each exemplar has identified common hallmarks of successful partnership, and these indicators have the potential to contribute to the growing body of evidence that defines best practice in this pedagogy.Catherine Snelling, Beth R Loveys, Sophie Karanicolas, Nathan James Schofield, William Carlson-Jones, Joanne Weissgerber, Ruby Edmonds, and Jenny Ng

    Light microscopic observations of the ruminal papillae of cattle on diets with divergent forage to cereal ratios

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    High levels of supplementation with cereal increases production rates in cattle but can increase incidence of disease, ranging from mild indigestion to acute ruminal acidosis and death. Therefore, there is motivation to determine biological markers which can be used to identify whether animals have been, or are being fed, sufficient or excessive cereals. This study aimed to describe light microscopic findings from animals being fed diverse dietary cereal proportions and to test the performance of a novel rumen epithelial scoring system. Rumen wall tissue samples were obtained from the abattoir from 195 cattle from 11 Scottish farms and processed for histological examination. Light microscopic examination was used to characterise ruminal epithelial response to dietary challenge. Secondary objectives included describing the distribution of immune-related cells in bovine ruminal epithelium and assessing the use of a modified Elastin Martius Scarlet Blue stain (EMSB) for histological examination of the rumen epithelium. Cells staining positive for cluster of differentiation 3 were distributed mainly in the lower layers of the stratum basale and were found in higher densities in animals offered lower cereal proportion diets. Cells staining positive for major histocompatibility complex class 2 (MHCII) were most common in perivascular locations and in the junction between the lower stratum basale and the propria-submucosa. The density of MHCII positive staining cells was higher in animals on lower cereal diets. The level of supplementation with cereal was also associated with the thickness of the stratum corneum (SCT) and stratum granulosum (SGT), the integrity of the stratum corneum and sloughing of cornified cells. There were no advantages in using EMSB stain over haematoxylin and eosin (H and E) in this scoring system. We concluded that a scoring system that included only SCT, SGT and a measure of the loss of appearance of intercellular space allowed differentiation of groups of animals according to the level of cereal supplementation

    Effect of feeding Yucca schidigera extract and a live yeast on the rumen microbiome and performance of dairy cows fed a diet excess in rumen degradable nitrogen

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    Nitrogen (N) loss from livestock agriculture via ammonia and nitrous oxide can reduce feed efficiency, production and negatively affect the environment. One option to reduce N loss is to add dietary supplements such as Yucca schidigera extract which has ammonia-binding properties and contains antimicrobial steroidal saponins, or Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, which can stabilise rumen pH and promote fibre degradation, increasing microbial growth and demand for degradable N. To determine the effect of Yucca schidigera extract when fed alone or in combination with a live yeast on the performance, rumen metabolism, microbiome and N balance, six rumen cannulated dairy cows were fed a mixed ration (C), mixed ration with Y. schidigera extract (De-Odorase®, Alltech®; 5 g/cow/day; D), or mixed ration with Y. schidigera extract (5 g/day) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yea-Sacc®, Alltech®, 1 g/cow per day; DY), in a 3 × 3 Latin rectangle design study with three periods of 49-day duration. Digesta samples were collected via the ruminal cannula during the final week of each period and separated into liquid (LPD) and solid (SPD) phases for microbiome analysis using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. DM intake was 0.8 kg/d lower (P  2.0, P  0.05) but the concentration of propionate and iso-butyrate were lower at 1700 and 2000 h in cows fed DY compared to C (P < 0.05). Measurements of N balance were unaffected by supplementation with D or DY, and there was no effect of treatment on slurry pH. In conclusion, supplementing with an extract of Yucca schidigera either alone or in combination with a live yeast had only a small effect on performance, with Yucca schidigera altering species associated with carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and reduced Methanobrevibacter olleyae which is involved in methanogenesis

    Postmortem observations on rumen wall histology and gene expression and ruminal and caecal content of beef cattle fattened on barley-based rations:Postmortem ruminal findings in beef cattle

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    Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) can reduce the production efficiency and impair the welfare of cattle, potentially in all production systems. The aim of this study was to characterise measurable postmortem observations from divergently managed intensive beef finishing farms with high rates of concentrate feeding. At the time of slaughter, we obtained samples from 19 to 20 animals on each of 6 beef finishing units (119 animals in total) with diverse feeding practices, which had been subjectively classified as being high risk (three farms) or low risk (three farms) for SARA on the basis of the proportions of barley, silage and straw in the ration. We measured the concentrations of histamine, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lactate and other short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in ruminal fluid, LPS and SCFA in caecal fluid. We also took samples of the ventral blind sac of the rumen for histopathology, immunohistopathology and gene expression. Subjective assessments were made of the presence of lesions on the ruminal wall, the colour of the lining of the ruminal wall and the shape of the ruminal papillae. Almost all variables differed significantly and substantially among farms. Very few pathological changes were detected in any of the rumens examined. The animals on the high-risk diets had lower concentrations of SCFA and higher concentrations of lactate and LPS in the ruminal fluid. Higher LPS concentrations were found in the caecum than the rumen but were not related to the risk status of the farm. The diameters of the stratum granulosum, stratum corneum and of the vasculature of the papillae, and the expression of the gene TLR4 in the ruminal epithelium were all increased on the high-risk farms. The expression of IFN-γ and IL-1β and the counts of cluster of differentiation 3 positive and major histocompatibility complex class two positive cells were lower on the high-risk farms. High among-farm variation and the unbalanced design inherent in this type of study in the field prevented confident assignment of variation in the dependent variables to individual dietary components; however, the CP percentage of the total mixed ration DM was the factor that was most consistently associated with the variables of interest. Despite the strong effect of farm on the measured variables, there was wide inter-animal variation