252 research outputs found

    Understanding Regulation of the Cytoskeleton during Cell Cycle Transitions through Examination of Crosstalk between Homologous Fission Yeast Pathways, Septation Initiation Network and Morphogenesis ORB6 Network: A Dissertation

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    The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has become a powerful model system for studying cytokinesis, a process of cytoplasmic division by which one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Like mammalian cells, S. pombe divides through the use of an actomyosin contractile ring, which is composed of a set of highly conserved cytoskeletal proteins. Cytokinesis in S. pombe is primarily regulated by the SIN pathway, which is activated in late mitosis and is required for actomyosin contractile ring and septum assembly, and also plays a role in spindle checkpoint inactivation, and telophase nuclear positioning. The various functions of the SIN are carried out by the terminal kinase in the pathway called Sid2. The lack of information in the downstream targets of Sid2 has limited our understanding of the different functions of the SIN. We recently showed that, in addition to its other functions, the SIN promotes cytokinesis through inhibition the MOR signaling pathway, which normally drives cell separation and initiation of polarized growth following completion of cytokinesis (Ray et al, 2010). The molecular details of this inhibition and the physiological significance of inhibiting MOR during cytokinesis was unclear. The results presented in Chapter II describe our approach to identify Sid2 substrates, particularly focusing on Nak1 and Sog2 that function in the MOR signaling cascade. We identified and characterized Sid2 phosphorylation sites on the Nak1 and Sog2 proteins. Chapter III explores how post translational modification of MOR proteins by Sid2 regulates polarized growth during cytokinesis. This includes delineating the effect of Sid2 mediated phosphorylation of Nak1 and Sog2 on protein-protein interactions in the MOR pathway as well as on the regulation of their localization during late mitosis. Finally, results in Chapter IV demonstrate that failure to inhibit MOR signaling is lethal because cells initiate septum degradation/cell separation before completing cytokinesis thereby emphasizing the importance of cross-regulation between the two pathways to prevent initiation of the interphase polarity program during cytokinesis

    The Tipping Point in Psychopathy: Role of Psychopathic Traits in Trauma Exposure

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    Though psychopathy has been associated with a socially deviant lifestyle, the idea of “successful” psychopathy has gained increased attention. Previous research has explored whether psychopathic traits play a role in trauma exposure/ PTSD, using clinical and forensic populations. Results from these studies suggest that Factor 1 traits may protect from trauma exposure (Factor 1 Theory) while Factor 2 traits may worsen the impact of trauma through exacerbated exposure to traumatic events. The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between each of Factor 1 traits and Factor 2 traits with trauma exposure and PTSD. In a sample of 86 emergency responders and 104 community members, Factor 1 did not show a significant association with trauma exposure (community or emergency responder samples) but showed a negative and significant association with PTSD (community and emergency responders samples); Factor 2 showed a significant positive association with trauma exposure (community sample) and PTSD (community and emergency responders samples). Factor 1 had a significant moderation effect on the relationship between trauma exposure and PTSD (community sample) suggesting a protective effect. Factor 2 did not have a significant moderating effect in any of the samples. This study used a population that has not been studied before (emergency responders) in the context of psychopathy and trauma. By furthering research on this topic, appropriate intervention methods can be developed to assist such sub-groups that are faced with high trauma exposure on a daily basis. (238 words) Keywords: psychopathy; trauma; PTSD; TriPM; emergency responders; life events checklist, PTSD checklis

    Crosstalk between NDR kinase pathways coordinates cell cycle dependent actin rearrangements

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    Regulation of cytoskeletal remodeling is essential for cell cycle transitions. In fission yeast two NDR kinase signaling cascades, MOR and SIN, regulate the actin cytoskeleton to promote polarized growth during interphase and cytokinesis respectively. Our understanding of how these signaling pathways are coordinated to assist transition between the two cell-cycle stages is limited. Here, we review work from our laboratory, which reveals that cross talk between the SIN and MOR pathways is required for inhibition of interphase polarity programs during cytokinesis. Given the conservation of NDR kinase signaling pathways, our results may define general mechanisms by which these pathways are coordinated in higher organisms

    Pregnancy outcomes in the in vitro fertilization conceived polycystic ovary syndrome patients: a prospective study

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    Background: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the need of modern era which was first developed to overcome the infertility resulting from irreparable tubal disease but now is applied more broadly for treatment of all causes of infertility including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and is associated with obstetric complications as well. This study aimed to whether pregnancy-related outcomes and complications are differed between patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and those with other causes of infertility who had undergone IVF. Objective were to compare maternal and fetal outcome in IVF conceived women with PCOS v/s without PCOS. Prospective comparative study at a tertiary care hospital.Methods: After getting approval from institutional ethical and scientific research committee, 108 IVF conceived women are studied, where IVF is done using controlled ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonist protocol followed by freeze all strategy and preparation of endometrial lining. Frozen embryo transfer done in subsequent cycle over a period of one year. Study group includes women with PCOS and control group includes women without PCOS. The entire data is statistically analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS ver 22.0, IBM Corporation, USA) for MS Windows.Results: Out of 108 IVF conceived pregnant women studied, 50% were PCOS (study group) and 50% non PCOS (control group). We have compared maternal and neonatal outcome in both the groups which shows patient in PCOS group has higher incidence of GDM, severe pre-eclampsia, preterm labour, LBW babies, SGA babies and babies admitted to NICU.Conclusions: Women with PCOS should be given notice of additional adverse pregnancy outcomes as well receiving early diagnosis and treatment for these complications during pregnancy and postpartum period

    Ayurvedic management of Vicharchika (Eczema) - A Case Study

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    In Ayurveda, all skin diseases are included in Kustharoga. According to Ayurveda, there are two types of Kushtaroga, which is Mahakushta and Kshudrakustha which are again classified into seven types and eleven types respectively. It is classified as one of the “Astha Mahagada”.[1] According to modern science, Vicharchika has similar clinical presentation as Eczema. Eczema is a form of dermatitis where inflammation of dermis occurs. It is also known as atopic dermatitis which is characterized by dry itchy skin with areas of poorly demarcated erythema and scale. Modern science has no specific medication or treatment for sure of eczema but symptomatic treatments like steroids are used as it has serious side effect. That leads to reoccurrences is common. Ayurveda treats from the root of eczema by cleansing Doshas and balancing Doshas and Dhatus

    The Role of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in the Growth of Cereals under Abiotic Stresses

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    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are known to improve plant performance by multiple mechanisms, such as the production of beneficial hormones, the enhancement of plant nutritional status, and the reduction of the stress-related damage. The interaction between plants and PGPR becomes of particular interest in environments that are characterized by suboptimal growing conditions, e.g., high or low temperatures, drought, soil salinity, and nutrient scarcity. The positive role of PGPR will become even more appealing in the future, as world agriculture is facing issues as climate change and soil degradation. This chapter aims to discuss the main mechanisms of the interaction between PGPR and plants and will focus of how PGPR can decrease abiotic stress damage in cereals, which are critical crops for human diet

    Age-Related Histological Changes in Vena Caval System of Human Foetus and Adult: A Comparative Study

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    BACKGROUND: It has been documented that cardiac musculature is present in both venae cavae, and they contract together with the atrium, contributing to the pumping mechanism of the heart. So, in the present study, we measured the relative thicknesses of the three histological layers at formation, termination and intermediate levels of the venae cavae along with their histological characteristics.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten foetal and 10 adult cadavers were used. The Superior and Inferior Venae Cavae from all three regions were excised and processed for histology. The qualitative and quantitative features of the vessels were observed and recorded. The data thus obtained was then assessed statistically.RESULTS: In superior vena cava, the tunica intima grows actively especially during late gestation. The tunica media shows active growth. The tunica adventitia growth is significant at the middle and termination levels. In inferior vena cava, the tunica intima grows actively at the level of formation. The tunica media shows the active overall growth during early gestation. The tunica adventitia shows active growth during late gestation. In qualitative analysis the plump, spindle-shaped primitive mesenchymal cells were observed. Muscle and collagen fibers show reciprocal abundance with increasing age, with the former being lesser in amount than the latter in earlier stages. Appearance of vasa vasorum was notable from 2nd trimester. The cardiac myocytes were located in the middle and outer tunics of the superior vena cava.CONCLUSION: Cardiac musculature was absent in the inferior vena; however, the vessel shows advanced rate of overall development

    Changing trends in intrauterine contraceptive device: from interval intrauterine contraceptive device to postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device: a prospective observational study in a tertiary care hospital in eastern Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: The current outburst of Indian population (1.21 billion as per census 2011) is because of the lack of awareness and acceptance of contraception in the immediate postpartum period. Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device (PPIUCD) insertion can do wonders and curb this unmet need of family planning if good counselling and proper insertion techniques are followed.Methods: The present study was carried among 526 women in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Nehru Hospital in BRD medical college Gorakhpur, India. Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) was inserted in 424 women in PPIUCD group and in 102 women in interval IUCD group after taking proper consent and following the WHO medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (MEC). Follow-up was done at 6 weeks and 6 months.Results: The acceptance rate of PPIUCD was 30.34% as compared to 18% in interval IUCD group (p-value <0.05). The chief reason for declining the use of IUCD was fear of excessive pain and bleeding (26.3%). Long term reversible method (32%) was the main reason given for accepting IUCD. There was no perforation or any other major complication at the time of insertion in both the groups. Rate of expulsion was 5.7% in PPIUCD and 2.22% in interval IUCD group p-value (>0.05).Conclusions: PPIUCD is a safe, effective, feasible and reversible method of contraception. It should be made a part of family health care programmes in India

    Prevalence and clinical utility of sperm DNA fragmentation index in couples with unexplained infertility

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    Background: Worldwide increased burden of infertility has built up stress in reproductive age group couples. Female factor evaluation and semen analysis are carried out routinely in infertility work up. As per the recent observations, males with normal semen analysis may have abnormal sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI). Thus, rendering semen analysis with poor diagnostic value in unexplained infertility cases. There is lack of adequate literature on prevalence of abnormal DFI in unexplained infertility. This study is directed to contribute to the literature by assessing prevalence of couples with ‘unexplained infertility’ having DFI>15% in male partners. Methods: After getting approval from institutional ethical and scientific research committee, 200 couples with unexplained infertility were recruited for the study and sperm DFI using sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test (Halo test) was done. Results: Out of 200 subjects, 54% were having low DFI, 32% were having moderate DFI and 14% were having high DFI.Conclusions: Many couples diagnosed as unexplained infertility according to traditional diagnostic methods has remarkably high degrees of fragmented sperm DNA. Identification of such couples provide vital information and better therapeutic options can be offered to them to achieve best reproductive outcomes