29 research outputs found

    Physical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificities

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    Prethodna istraživanja su dala podatke o odnosu fizičkog self-koncepta i telesne mase kod mladih, ali taj odnos nije bio jasno specifikovan u pogledu pola. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se utvrde karakteristike fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata normalne i prekomerne telesne težine, kao i polne razlike u pogledu odlika njihovog fizičkog self-koncetpa. Uzorak se sastojao od 417 učenika osnovne škole (229 dečaka i 188 devojčica) prosečnog uzrasta 13 godina i 6 meseci (SD=0.73). Na osnovu indeksa telesne mase (BMI) uzorak je podeljen na grupu adolescenata normalne i grupu adolescenata prekomerne telesne težine. Za procenu fizičkog self-koncepta primenjen je Upitnik fizičkog self-koncepta (PSDQ). Rezultati su pokazali da adolescenti prekomerne težine imaju značajno niže skorove na svim skalama upitnika PSDQ osim na skalama Zdravlje i Snaga, kao i da su razlike veće u subuzorku devojčica. Diskriminativnom analizom dobijeno je da se dečaci normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju, od ostalih ispitanika, na supskalama Telesna debljina, Izdržljivost i Sportska kompetentnost. Takođe, diksriminativnom analizom je dobijeno da se, pored skale Telesna debljina, devojčice normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju od ostalih ispitanika i na skalama Fleksibilnost, Samocenjenje i Koordinacija. Rezultati ukazuju da je za bolje razumevanje odnosa fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata i telesne mase važno uzeti u obzir i pol adolescenata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su potencijalno korisni za prevenciju problema prekomerne telesne težine učenika kroz nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja.Previous researchers have described the relation between physical self-concept and body mass in adolescents, but those relationships have not been clearly specified by gender. The purpose of this study is to explore physical self-concepts of normal-weight and over-weight Serbian adolescents with respect to gender. The sample consisted of 417 primary school students (229 boys and 188 girls) with the average age 13.6 (SD=0.73) years who were divided into normal-weight and overweight groups according to body mass index. To assess the multidimensional physical self-concept, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) was administered. Results showed that overweight adolescents had significantly lower scores than normal-weight on all PSDQ scales except Health and Strength. Differences were greater among girls than boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the scales Body Fat, Endurance and Sports Competence best differentiated normal-weight boys from other students. Also, discriminant analysis showed that, besides the scale Body Fat, scales Flexibility, Self-Esteem, and Coordination best differentiated normal-weight girls from other students. Results indicate that for better understanding of the relationship between adolescent's physical self-concept and body mass one must take gender into account. Results are potentially valuable for preventing overweight through physical education


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    Gold(III) complexes have found application in catalysis, materials science and medical inorganic chemistry. Considering that the right choice of inert ligands in the structure of Au(III) complexes is crucial for their properties and reactivity toward biomolecules, we have studied the substitution reactions between monofunctional Au(III) complex, [Au(Cl-Ph-tpy)Cl]Cl2 (Cl- Ph-tpy = 4′-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2′:6′, 2″-terpyridine) and sulfur-donor biomolecules, glutathione (GSH) and L-methionine (L-Met), in 25 mM Hepes buffer (pH = 7.2) and 40 mM NaCl. The reactions were followed under the pseudo-first-order conditions as a function of ligand concentration and temperature, using the stopped-flow technique. Calculations were made by Microsoft Excel 2019 and Origin2019b 64Bit. Observed kinetics traces follow a single exponential function, suggesting that the process of the substitution undergoes as one reversible step. Also, L-Met was more reactive than GSH. This order is related to the positive inductive effect of the methyl group, which increases the nucleophilicity of the thioether. According to the values of the activation parameters, the reactions follow an associative model. These results demonstrate the strong connection between the reactivity of Au(III) complexes and the structural and electronic characteristics of the biologically important ligands.The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Agreement No. 451-03-9/2021- 14/200378 and Agreement No. 451-03-68/2021-14/200122) for financial supportPublishe

    Ispitivanje supstitucionih reakcija kompleksa Pd(II) sa biološki značajnim ligandima

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    Considering that Pd(II) complexes in recent yeras have shown the significant antitumor activity against numerous cancer cells, study of the substitution reactions of Pd(II) complexes with nitrogen and sulfur containing biomolecules can help to develop new antitumor drugs with improved characteristics. Kinetics of the substitution reactions of Pd(II) complexes, 3-(1-(2-hydroxypropylamino)-ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione-palladium(II) (C1) and 3- (1-(2-mercaptoethylamino)ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione-palladium(II) (C2), with biologically relevant ligands, such as L-cysteine (L-cys), L-methionine (L-met) and guanosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-GMP) were studied under the pseudo-first order conditions, using stopped-flow method. All reactions were performed at pH = 7.2 (25 mM Hepes buffer in the presence of 50 mM NaCl) at 37 0C. The obtained kinetic data showed that C2 complex is more reactive than C1, confirming that structural and electronic characteristics of the investigated complexes stongly affect on their reactivity toward selected ligands. The reactivity of the studied nucleophiles decreases in order: L-cys > L-met > 5’-GMPPublishe

    Structural and Functional Characteristics of Urinary Tract in Offspring of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy Patients

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    Introduction Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a familial chronic progressive tubulointerstitial disease of unknown aetiology that occurs with high prevalence in endemic rural environments of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania. It has been documented only in adults. Objective The aim of this study was to examine clinical markers of BEN in children and adolescent offspring of BEN patients. Methods Prospective clinical trial involved two groups of children and adolescents: I consisted of 30 offspring of BEN patients and II of 29 offspring of non-BEN dialysis patients, both of them living in the same South Morava region of Serbia. All of them were healthy at the time of the investigation, not receiving any drugs. The study included personal and family history, physical examination, comprehensive laboratory analyses and renal ultrasound. Blood pressure (BP) was determined by using casual BP and 24 h ABPM in subjects older than 5 years. Urinary proteins were investigated by analysing microalbumin, alfa 1 microglobulin, beta 2 rnicroglobulin and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. GFR was measured by estimated creatinine clearance and by serum Cystatin C concentrations. Results There were no statistically significant differences in age, gender, history of urinary tract infections or functional voiding disorders between these two groups. All of the studied subjects had normal BP and GFR. Renal ultrasound was abnormal only in BEN offspring (6.66%) as well as increased urine concentrations of microalbumin (3.3%), alpha 1 microglobulin (10%) and beta 2 microglobulin (13.3%) while low molecular protein ( lt 66,000 D) was prevalent in BEN compared with non-BEN offspring (21.43% vs. 3.7%). Conclusion Renal abnormalities in offspring of BEN patients may be an early marker of BEN. This has to be confirmed in long term follow-up of a greater number of BEN paediatric offspring

    Studies of the stability, nucleophilic substitution reactions, DNA/BSA interactions, cytotoxic activity, DFT and molecular docking of some tetra- and penta-coordinated gold(iii) complexes

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    Two gold(III) complexes, square-planar [Au(DPP)Cl2]+(1) and distorted square-pyramidal [Au(DMP)Cl3] (2) (where DMP = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline and DPP = 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline), were studied by different experimental methods. Their stability in water and in buffer solution (25 mM Hepes, 30 mM NaCl, pH = 7.2) was investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy while their redox stability is confirmed by CV. Substitution reactions between complexes 1 and 2, and biologically relevant ligands, such as thiourea (Tu), guanosine-5′-monophosphate (5′-GMP), glutathione (GSH) and L-methionine (L-Met), were studied by a stopped-flow technique, under the pseudo-first order conditions as a function of ligand concentration and temperature. According to the values of the activation parameters, all studied reactions followed an associative substitution mechanism. DNA binding studies of complexes 1 and 2 were performed by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy and viscosity measurements, as well as interactions with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Density functional theory (DFT) was implemented in order to analyse the wave function of the optimized structures to get better insight into the binding interactions between the inert ligands and gold(III) center. The experimental results of binding studies with DNA and BSA were simulated and compared by performing a molecular docking study. All results demonstrate the strong connection between the reactivity of the complexes toward biologically important targets and their structural and electronic characteristics. The cytotoxic activity of complexes 1 and 2 against different cell lines (MDA-MB-231, HCT-116, and HaCaT) was evaluated 24 and 72 h after treatments. The results indicate reduced viability of cell lines in a time- and dose-dependent manner.Accepted for publishin

    Synthesis, characterization, antitumor potential, and investigation of mechanism of action of copper(ii) complexes with acylpyruvates as ligands: interactions with biomolecules and kinetic study

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    Considering the urgency of finding a cure for vicious diseases such as tumors, we have synthesized and characterized a small series of new copper(ii) complexes with biologically important ligands such as acylpyruvate. In addition to this, we used another four copper(ii) complexes, with ligands of the same type to examine the antitumor potential. The antitumor potential of the copper(ii) complexes was examined on three tumor cell lines and one normal human cell line using the MTT assay. All seven tested complexes showed very good cytotoxic effects. Two copper complexes that showed the best antitumor potential were selected for further testing that showed the best potential for potential application in the future. The mechanism of activity of these complexes was examined in detail using tests such as cell cycle, ROS level, oxidative DNA damage, and proteins related to hypoxia analysis. In addition, we examined the binding abilities of these complexes with biomolecules (Guo, Ino, 5′-GMP, BSA, and DNA). The results showed that the tested compounds bind strongly to DNA molecules through intercalation. Also, it has been shown that the tested compounds adequately bind to the BSA molecule, which indicates an even greater potential for some future application of these compounds in clinical practice. © 2022 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Gold(III) Complexes: An Overview on Their Kinetics, Interactions With DNA/BSA, Cytotoxic Activity, and Computational Calculations

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    © Copyright © 2020 Radisavljević and Petrović. In the last few years, metallodrugs play a key role in the development of medicinal chemistry. The choice of metal ion, its oxidation state and stability, and the choice of inert and labile ligands are just some of the very important facts which must be considered before starting the synthesis of complexes with utilization in medicinal purpose. As a result, a lot of compounds of different transition metal ions found application for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. Beside all, gold compounds have attracted particular attention. It is well-known that gold compounds could be used for the treatment of cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis (chrysotherapy), and other diseases. This metal ion has unoccupied d-sublevels and possibility to form compounds with different oxidation states, from −1 to +5. However, gold(I) and gold(III) complexes are dominant in chemistry and medicine. Especially, gold(III) complexes are of great interest due to their structural similarity with cisplatin. Accordingly, this review summarizes the chemistry of some mononuclear and polynuclear gold(III) complexes. Special attention is given to gold(III) complexes with nitrogen-donor inert ligands (aliphatic or aromatic that have a possibility to stabilize complex) and their kinetic behavior toward different biologically relevant nucleophiles, mechanism of interaction with DNA/bovine serum albumin (BSA), cytotoxic activity, as well as computational calculations

    Attitudes of early adolescent age students towards physical education

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    Studies have shown that a positive attitude towards physical education (PE) is in connection with students' engagement in PE classes and with the development of an active lifestyle. The objective of this study was to examine attitudes of early adolescent age students towards physical education, as well as to examine whether such attitudes vary with regard to gender, grade they attend and students' engagement in sport and physical exercises in extracurricular activities. The research was conducted on the sample of 531 students from 6th to 8th grade. The instrument Student's Attitudes toward Physical Education - SATPE was used to measure student's attitude towards PE. A special questionnaire was used to collect data on gender, grade and engagement in sport and physical exercising outside school. The results have shown that students have positive attitudes of moderate intensity towards physical education. MANOVA has shown that male students have more positive attitudes than female students, as well as that positivity of attitudes declines with age. Likewise, it was shown that students with more positive attitudes towards PE are more often engaged in physical exercises outside school. The connection between the attitude towards PE and involvement in organized sport was not confirmed. The paper presents suggestions for further research of students' attitude towards PE and its connection with physical activity of students

    Health related physical fitness of Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Serbian primary school students

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    Analysing existing models in the world and novelties in monitoring physical fitness in physical education classes, as well as similarities in economic and social parameters and conditions in which physical education classes in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) are conducted, it was assumed that the model and the battery of tests from the Republic of Serbia could be adequate for application in BIH as well. Therefore the aim of this paper was to apply the suggested model and the battery of tests from the Republic of Serbia on a sample of one part of BIH (Una - Sana canton), as well as to compare the obtained data of Bosnian students with the data of the representative sample of students from Serbia. Also, the aim of the paper was to determine a percentage of Bosnian and Herzegovinian students who failed to accomplish acceptable results above the minimum level of 'physical fitness' set on the basis of Serbian Criterion-Referenced Standards. The sample of respondents was comprised of 843 students of eight primary schools that are representative for Una - Sana canton area, aged 11 to 15. For comparison of the obtained results and determination of distribution of frequency of Bosnian and Herzegovinian students with acceptable 'physical fitness' results we used data obtained on the representative sample of students from the Republic of Serbia the basis of which Serbian Criterion-Referenced Standards of physical development and motor abilities of primary school students in Serbia were set. Results of the study show that Serbian Criterion-Referenced Standards are acceptable for Bosnian and Herzegovinian primary school population of boys and girls for assessment of lower limb strength, shoulder girdle and abdominal muscles strength endurance, as well as flexibility, while the achieved results in tests for assessment of agility and general endurance need additional check within a national research in BIH

    Attitudes of early adolescent age students towards physical education

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    Studies have shown that a positive attitude towards physical education (PE) is in connection with students' engagement in PE classes and with the development of an active lifestyle. The objective of this study was to examine attitudes of early adolescent age students towards physical education, as well as to examine whether such attitudes vary with regard to gender, grade they attend and students' engagement in sport and physical exercises in extracurricular activities. The research was conducted on the sample of 531 students from 6th to 8th grade. The instrument Student's Attitudes toward Physical Education - SATPE was used to measure student's attitude towards PE. A special questionnaire was used to collect data on gender, grade and engagement in sport and physical exercising outside school. The results have shown that students have positive attitudes of moderate intensity towards physical education. MANOVA has shown that male students have more positive attitudes than female students, as well as that positivity of attitudes declines with age. Likewise, it was shown that students with more positive attitudes towards PE are more often engaged in physical exercises outside school. The connection between the attitude towards PE and involvement in organized sport was not confirmed. The paper presents suggestions for further research of students' attitude towards PE and its connection with physical activity of students