6,765 research outputs found

    Real-time antenna fault diagnosis experiments at DSS 13

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    Experimental results obtained when a previously described fault diagnosis system was run online in real time at the 34-m beam waveguide antenna at Deep Space Station (DSS) 13 are described. Experimental conditions and the quality of results are described. A neural network model and a maximum-likelihood Gaussian classifier are compared with and without a Markov component to model temporal context. At the rate of a state update every 6.4 seconds, over a period of roughly 1 hour, the neural-Markov system had zero errors (incorrect state estimates) while monitoring both faulty and normal operations. The overall results indicate that the neural-Markov combination is the most accurate model and has significant practical potential

    Automating the Hunt for Volcanoes on Venus

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    Our long-term goal is to develop a trainable tool for locating patterns of interest in large image databases. Toward this goal we have developed a prototype system, based on classical filtering and statistical pattern recognition techniques, for automatically locating volcanoes in the Magellan SAR database of Venus. Training for the specific volcano-detection task is obtained by synthesizing feature templates (via normalization and principal components analysis) from a small number of examples provided by experts. Candidate regions identified by a focus of attention (FOA) algorithm are classified based on correlations with the feature templates. Preliminary tests show performance comparable to trained human observers

    Applied constant gain amplification in circulating loop experiments

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    The reconfiguration of channel or wavelength routes in optically transparent mesh networks can lead to deviations in channel power that may impact transmission performance. A new experimental approach, applied constant gain, is used to maintain constant gain in a circulating loop enabling the study of gain error effects on long-haul transmission under reconfigured channel loading. Using this technique we examine a number of channel configurations and system tuning operations for both full-span dispersion-compensated and optimized dispersion-managed systems. For each system design, large power divergence was observed with a maximum of 15 dB at 2240 km, when switching was implemented without additional system tuning. For a bit error rate of 10-3, the maximum number of loop circulations was reduced by up to 33%

    Dynamic circulating-loop methods for transmission experiments in optically transparent networks

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    Recent experiments incorporating multiple fast switching elements and automated system configuration in a circulating loop apparatus have enabled the study of aspects of long-haul WDM transmission unique to optically transparent networks. Techniques include per-span switching to measure the performance limits due to dispersion compensation granularity and mesh network walk-off, and applied constant-gain amplification to evaluate wavelength reconfiguration penalties

    Multiresolution pattern recognition of small volcanos in Magellan data

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    The Magellan data is a treasure-trove for scientific analysis of venusian geology, providing far more detail than was previously available from Pioneer Venus, Venera 15/16, or ground-based radar observations. However, at this point, planetary scientists are being overwhelmed by the sheer quantities of data collected--data analysis technology has not kept pace with our ability to collect and store it. In particular, 'small-shield' volcanos (less than 20 km in diameter) are the most abundant visible geologic feature on the planet. It is estimated, based on extrapolating from previous studies and knowledge of the underlying geologic processes, that there should be on the order of 10(exp 5) to 10(exp 6) of these volcanos visible in the Magellan data. Identifying and studying these volcanos is fundamental to a proper understanding of the geologic evolution of Venus. However, locating and parameterizing them in a manual manner is very time-consuming. Hence, we have undertaken the development of techniques to partially automate this task. The goal is not the unrealistic one of total automation, but rather the development of a useful tool to aid the project scientists. The primary constraints for this particular problem are as follows: (1) the method must be reasonably robust; and (2) the method must be reasonably fast. Unlike most geological features, the small volcanos of Venus can be ascribed to a basic process that produces features with a short list of readily defined characteristics differing significantly from other surface features on Venus. For pattern recognition purposes the relevant criteria include the following: (1) a circular planimetric outline; (2) known diameter frequency distribution from preliminary studies; (3) a limited number of basic morphological shapes; and (4) the common occurrence of a single, circular summit pit at the center of the edifice

    A Quantitative Comparison of Opacities Calculated Using the Distorted- Wave and R\boldsymbol{R}-Matrix Methods

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    The present debate on the reliability of astrophysical opacities has reached a new climax with the recent measurements of Fe opacities on the Z-machine at the Sandia National Laboratory \citep{Bailey2015}. To understand the differences between theoretical results, on the one hand, and experiments on the other, as well as the differences among the various theoretical results, detailed comparisons are needed. Many ingredients are involved in the calculation of opacities; deconstructing the whole process and comparing the differences at each step are necessary to quantify their importance and impact on the final results. We present here such a comparison using the two main approaches to calculate the required atomic data, the RR-Matrix and distorted-wave methods, as well as sets of configurations and coupling schemes to quantify the effects on the opacities for the Fe XVIIFe\ XVII and Ni XIVNi\ XIV ions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    A degree problem for two algebraic numbers and their sum

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    For all but one positive integer triplet (a; b; c) with a < b < c and b < 6, we decide whether there are algebraic numbers α,β and γ of degrees a, b and y, respectively, such that α+β+γ = 0. The undecided case (6; 6; 8) will be included in another paper. These results imply, for example, that the sum of two algebraic numbers of degree 6 can be of degree 15 but cannot be of degree 10. We also show that if a positive integer triplet (a; b; c) satisfies a certain triangle-like inequality with respect to every prime number then there exist algebraic numbers α,β γ of degrees a, b, c such that α+β+γ = 0. We also solve a similar problem for all (a; b; c) with a < b < c and b <6 by finding for which a, b, c there exist number fields of degrees a and b such that their compositum has degree c. Further, we have some results on the multiplicative version of the first problem, asking for which triplets (a; b; c) there are algebraic numbers and α, β and γ of degrees a, b and c, respectively, such that αβγ = 1

    10Gbit/s modulation of a fast switching slotted Fabry-Pérot tunable laser

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    The device used is a three-section, 3mum wide ridge waveguide laser based on commercially available material. During the fabrication a series of slots are introduced into the front and back sections, which act as sites of internal reflections. The slots are etched to a depth that just penetrates the top of the upper waveguide resulting in an internal reflectance of-1% at each slot. The front, middle, and back sections are 180, 690 and 170 microns long respectively. In this work the back and middle sections are tied together electrically allowing simpler control of the device. By varying the applied DC currents, eight discrete channels are observed over a range of approximately 19nm

    Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements reveal the origin of the Debye process in monohydroxy alcohols

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    Monohydroxy alcohols show a structural relaxation and at longer time scales a Debye-type dielectric peak. From spin-lattice relaxation experiments using different nuclear probes an intermediate, slower-than-structural dynamics is identified for n-butanol. Based on these findings and on diffusion measurements, a model of self-restructuring, transient chains is proposed. The model is demonstrated to explain consistently the so far puzzling observations made for this class of hydrogen-bonded glass forming liquids.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Two-Level Atom in an Optical Parametric Oscillator: Spectra of Transmitted and Fluorescent Fields in the Weak Driving Field Limit

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    We consider the interaction of a two-level atom inside an optical parametric oscillator. In the weak driving field limit, we essentially have an atom-cavity system driven by the occasional pair of correlated photons, or weakly squeezed light. We find that we may have holes, or dips, in the spectrum of the fluorescent and transmitted light. This occurs even in the strong-coupling limit when we find holes in the vacuum-Rabi doublet. Also, spectra with a sub-natural linewidth may occur. These effects disappear for larger driving fields, unlike the spectral narrowing obtained in resonance fluorescence in a squeezed vacuum; here it is important that the squeezing parameter NN tends to zero so that the system interacts with only one correlated pair of photons at a time. We show that a previous explanation for spectral narrowing and spectral holes for incoherent scattering is not applicable in the present case, and propose a new explanation. We attribute these anomalous effects to quantum interference in the two-photon scattering of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys Rev