24 research outputs found
The article is devoted to actuality of the decoratively-applied art in mueum-excursim work with the future teachers of fine art
The aim – to study the connection of hepatotoxicity syndrome, found in patients with measles in the epidemic season 2017–2018, with the viral etiology of the underlying disease.
Materials and methods. We retrospectively collected 100 clinical cases with approved measles diagnosis. Patients were hospitalized in Zaporizhzhia Regional Infectious Disease Hospital during September 2017 – March 2018. Data were distinguished in two study groups based on activity of alanineaminotransferase (ALT). Group 1(G1) with laboratory approved reactive hepatitis were privilege 54 % and 46 % control group 2(G2).
Results and discussion. General amount of complications was higher in study G1 (88.8 %) as well as level revealed hepatomegaly (59.3 %). According to general blood count results were observed undirected signs of inadequate immune response associated with measles virus lesion. In contradistinction based on level lympocytopenia/lymphocytosis ratio was revealed retarded immune reaction in G1 compered to G2. Cytolisis syndrome was assessed between first blood testing (ALT-1 was taken on 1–2 day) and repeat one (ALT-2 which was taken on 5–7 day). We established that mild ALT increase (ALT>in 1–2 times) was easily reversible in dynamic: ALT-1 72.2 % compared to ALT-2 46.9 %. On the other hand, middle (ALT>in 2.5–5 times) and sever (ALT>in 5–10 times) lesions persisted without significant changes for more than 7 days.
Conclusions. Modern measles singularity – liver lesion which is registered in 54 % cases. Reactive hepatitis development associated with direct cytopathic activity of the virus. Mild ALT increase and its following normalization point at favorable outcome and fast recovery of liver function. In addition, in patients with reactive hepatitis was detected rerated immune response rate. These processes could be connected with greater amount of bacterial complications in study G1. According to aforementioned statements patients with measles virus lesion and reactive hepatitis development have to be consider as risk group in bacterial complications development.Мета – вивчення зв’язку гепатоцитолітичного синдрому, виявленого у хворих на кір в епідемічному сезоні 2017-2018 рр., з вірусною етіологією основного захворювання.
Матеріали і методи. Ретроспективно були вивчені історії хвороби 100 пацієнтів із встановленим діагнозом кору, які перебували на лікуванні у ЗОІКЛ в період з вересня 2017 по березень 2018 рр. Всі пацієнти, за результатами підвищення активності ферменту аланінамінотрансферази (АЛТ), були розділені на дві групи: з підтвердженим цитолізом (Г1, n=54) та з нормальними показниками АЛТ (Г2, n=46).
Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Загальна кількість ускладнень кору була вища у пацієнтів Г1 (88,8 %). Для цієї групи також була більш характерна гепатомегалія (59,3 %). За результатами загального аналізу крові пацієнтів були визначені непрямі ознаки, що свідчать про спрямованість імунної відповіді на вірус кору. За порівнянням відношення показників лімфоцитопенія/лімфоцитоз у Г1 була виявлена сповільнена противірусна імунна реакція, на відміну від Г2. Оцінка синдрому цитолізу проводилась у порівнянні АЛТ першого біохімічного аналізу на 1-2-у добу (АЛТ-1) та повторного тесту на 5-7-у добу госпіталізації (АЛТ-2) у пацієнтів Г1. Було встановлено, що цитоліз легкого ступеня важкості (АЛТ>в 1-2 рази) швидко знижувався у динаміці: АЛТ-1 72,2 % проти АЛТ-2 46,9 %, на відміну від ураження середнього (АЛТ>2,5-5 разів) та важкого (АЛТ>5-10 раз) ступеня, що зберігався без значних змін і на 7-й день госпіталізації.
Висновки. Сучасна особливість кору – ураження печінки, що реєструється у 54 % випадків. Розвиток реактивного гепатиту пов’язаний з прямою цитопатичною дією вірусу кору. Легкий ступінь підвищення АЛТ та його подальша нормалізація на 5-7-у добу вказують на сприятливий перебіг процесу та швидке відновлення функції органа. При розвитку реактивного гепатиту у хворих на кір сповільнюється швидкість імунної відповіді. Можливо, з цим пов’язана і більша кількість пацієнтів з бактерійними ускладненнями у Г1. Згідно з цими висновками, пацієнтів з кором та реактивним гепатитом слід відносити до групи ризику за розвитком бактерійних ускладнень
Differentiated approach to treatment of arterial hypertension in patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke
Objective. To raise the efficacy of treatment of arterial hypertension in patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke of the middle grade of severity on background of determination of hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension.
Materials and methods. Prospective nonrandomized investigation concerning 42 patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke of middle severity in accordance to the insult severity scale of National Institute of Health (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale - NIHSS), was conducted. The patients’ middle age have constituted (69.4 ± 1.4) yrs. There were the central hemodynamic indices measured, the arterial hypertension hemodynamic variant determined, the oxygen and hemodynamic status estimated, and in accordance to the results obtained - the differentiated antihypertensive therapy was administered. All the patients were divided into three groups, depending on hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension: the first group – patients with eukinetic variant, the second group – patients with hypokinetic variant, the third group – patients with hyperkinetic variant. Hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension was determined in accordance to the referent level of cardiac index. The groups were representative in accordance to age, height, the body mass, the main and concurrent pathology and the cerebral affection degree.
Results. In the patients, suffering initial eukinetic hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension, the cardiac index have fluctuated from 2.88 to 4.67 l × min-1 × m-2, general peripheral vascular resistance have rested in the norm borders, the oxygen saturation level of arterial blood did not demand the oxygen therapy, index of the oxygen delivery have exceeded the appropriate values and fluctuated in borders from 541 to 903 l × min-1 × m-2. In complex of differentiated antihypertensive therapy there was applied a constant intravenous injection of magnesium sulfate in a daily dose 2500 - 5000 mg. For patients with initial hypokinetic hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension following signs are characteristic: low cardiac index - from 1.65 to 2.08 l × min-1 × m-2, the enhanced general peripheral vascular resistance - 2813 (from 2393 to 3403) dyne × s-1 × cm-5 and the lowered index of the oxygen delivery - from 306 to 412 l × min-1 × m-2. Differentiated antihypertensive therapy was conducted, using urapidyl: intravenous boluses 1.25 – 2.5 mg with further infusion 5 - 40 mg × h-1. For hyperkinetic hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension the raised cardiac index is characteristic – 3.75 l × min-1 × m-2 (fluctuated in borders from 3.62 to 4.10 l × min-1 × m-2), as well as normal general peripheral vascular resistance - 1189 (from 1055 to 1449) dyne × s-1 × cm-5 and raised index of the oxygen delivery - 762 (from 725 to 828) l × min-1 × m-2. Differentiated antihypertensive therapy was conducted, using labetalol: intravenous infusion with velocity 2 - 8 mg × min-1.
Conclusion. In the patients with ischemic cerebral stroke of the middle grade of severity the conduction of differentiated antihypertensive therapy, taking into account hemodynamic type of arterial hypertension and the oxygen-hemodynamic stabilization of the blood circulation system, improved the results of treatment and accelerated the rehabilitation duration
MXenes—A New Class of Two-Dimensional Materials: Structure, Properties and Potential Applications
A new class of two-dimensional nanomaterials, MXenes, which are carbides/nitrides/carbonitrides of transition and refractory metals, has been critically analyzed. Since the synthesis of the first family member in 2011 by Yury Gogotsi and colleagues, MXenes have quickly become attractive for a variety of research fields due to their exceptional properties. Despite the fact that this new family of 2D materials was discovered only about ten years ago, the number of scientific publications related to MXene almost doubles every year. Thus, in 2021 alone, more than 2000 papers are expected to be published, which indicates the relevance and prospects of MXenes. The current paper critically analyzes the structural features, properties, and methods of synthesis of MXenes based on recent available research data. We demonstrate the recent trends of MXene applications in various fields, such as environmental pollution removal and water desalination, energy storage and harvesting, quantum dots, sensors, electrodes, and optical devices. We focus on the most important medical applications: photo-thermal cancer therapy, diagnostics, and antibacterial treatment. The first results on obtaining and studying the structure of high-entropy MXenes are also presented
The article discusses approaches to the development of civic competencies of pupils using ICT. There is described the positive experience of school of ICT use in educational work for the implementation of civic education in secondary schools. Indicated the prospects of educational projects with the use of ICT for the formation and development of civic competence of pupils. The examples of educational projects that are carried out in a specialized school № 181 named after Ivan Kudrya which are effective in the development of civic competence of students are presented
The present review of the literature reflects issues of the colchicine’s pharmacological properties and mechanism of action. The authors provided the results of a number of scientific studies dedicated to the effects of colchicine on the cardiovascular pathology
The Al2O3 – ZrO2 (Y2O3, CeO2) system is promising for creation the composites for various purposes: structural, functional and medical. ZTA – zirconia toughened alumina belongs to the transformation-reinforced composites. The complex doping of ZrO2 with Y2O3 and CeO2 does not only increase the strength characteristics, but also increases the ageing resistance of ZrO2- based composites. ZTA - nanopowders containing 20-30% (wt.) ZrO2 (Y2O3, CeO2), were obtained by a combined method: hydrothermal synthesis in alkaline medium with following mechanical mixing. The properties of ZTA - nanopowders are determined by synergetic effect of all components. Phase transformations of Al2O3 and ZrO2 - based solid solution (cubic F - ZrO2 → tetragonal Т - ZrO2 → monoclinic М - ZrO2) took place during thermal treatment. Nanocrystalline powder of ZrO2 (Y2O3, CeO2) solid solution was hydrothermally synthesized in an alkaline medium. A metastable low-temperature F - ZrO2 was formed. To prevent the influences of phase transformation of Al2O3 and ZrO2, it is advisable to use the α- Al2O3 as initial powder. Mixing of ZrO2 - based solid solution powder with α- Al2O3 was carried out in a ball mill. To study the regularities of change in physical and chemical properties, the powders were thermal treated in the temperature range 400-1450 °C with a 2-hour exposure at each temperature. Methods of investigation - X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential-thermal analysis (DTA), BET method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A series of endo-effects were noted on DTA curves in this temperature range, which correspond to the minimum on the DTG curves. Endothermic effects on the DTA curves are associated with the residual moisture. The following effects may correspond both to processes of ZrO2 - based solid solution transformations from an amorphous to crystalline state and to the aggregation of particles, and to the ZrO2 - based solid solution phase transformations. According to the XRD, the F - ZrO2→ Т - ZrO2 phase transformation was completed at 1000°C. During the thermal treatment up to 1000 °C, М- ZrO2 was not formed. The morphology of the powders changes topologically continuously
Strategies of students’ information behaviour in the context of lifelong learning
Research objective. The research objective was to identify and analyse the general trends, manifested in the information behaviour of students in terms of realising and taking advantage of lifelong learning in the digital society. The authors attempted to answer the question: What is the specificity of modern students’ information behaviour strategies? Materials and methods. The research was based on the concept of “information behaviour”, considered by the authors as a system of actions to implement the processes of interaction with the information environment. In the conditions of digital society development, the effectiveness of information strategies largely depends on the adoption of the values of lifelong learning. In the context of the activity approach, information behaviour includes the motivational aspect (acceptance of the lifelong learning paradigm, motives of educational activity, relations, interests and orientations within the current learning stage) and the activity aspect (general learning strategies, approaches to new information acquisition, self-management strategies in the learning process, as well as the possession of modern tools to implement these strategies – ICT tools). The research methods included a survey and statistical analysis. During the survey, Russian and Polish students were asked to relate the degree of information behaviour characteristics to a five-point scale. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive statistics, including the distribution of answers for all respondents, comparative statistics for Polish and Russian students, and correlation analysis.Results of the study. The research results have showed that students understand the importance of lifelong learning and accept it as a value and requirement of the 21st century. However, their information behaviour is not always based on effective strategies. Educational activity is insufficiently supported by the use of ICT tools for self-management, goal setting, and construction of an individual educational route. Direct correlations were revealed between the readiness for lifelong learning and the development of initiative, responsibility, self-management, including the active use of specialised electronic tools. Information behaviour is associated with future professional activities. For example, for socially oriented professions, information behaviour comprises such features as openness and empathy.Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, recommendations for lecturers can be formulated to support the process of mastering the advanced strategies of information behaviour by students. Firstly, it is necessary to encourage students to use open electronic resources, not only to access the newest information, but to join the processes of qualitatively new knowledge creation in collaborate work (self-directed learning, learning in partnership, collaborative learning). Secondly, it is important to create conditions for the expansion of professional experience through the strengthening of the practice-oriented assignments role, as well as the inclusion of students in project, competitive and grant activities
Risk Factors of Atrial Fibrillation and Their Modification: A New Look at A Long-term Problem
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias diagnosed in clinical practice. Today, AF is associated with an increased risk of mortality, acute brain disorders, and heart failure. The results of many studies suggest that the incidence of AF is directly related to such risk factors (RF) as age, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea, alcohol, tobacco smoking etc. Recently published studies have described the positive impact of lifestyle changes on the incidence of AF. Therefore, it is believed that early detection of RF could prevent or delay the onset of AF. New data suggest the need to review the management of patients with AF. In 2020, the American Heart Association has presented a scientific statement that highlighted the relationship between modified RF and AF, discussed the implementation of strategies for effective modification of RF, as well as identified areas for new research. The data allow us to conclude that the correction of RF helps to reduce the incidence of AF. Future research is needed to establish the effects and generalizability of systematic lifestyle and RF modification for AF: to study the role of pericardial/epicardial fat accumulation in risk and progression of AF; determination of the most effective weight loss techniques for long-term success in reducing AF; effects of high-intensity/short-duration interval training on left atrium structural and electric remodeling; the degree of glycemic control for AF