24 research outputs found

    "Seyr al-'eb膩d elal-ma'膩d" of Sana'i from Ghazna as a poem of initiation

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    Perska literatura postmodernistyczna

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    Impedance cardiography in the diagnosis of capillary leak syndrome caused by doxorubicin therapy in a patient with myeloma multiplex

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    Cytotoxicity of drugs can be a cause of cardiorespiratory disorders connected with chemotherapy. Doxorubicin is an antibiotic from the group of anthracyclines effective in antineoplastic therapy of solid and hematopoetic tumors. The most common cause of therapy ceasing is its cardiotoxicity. However, a lung injury connected with its cytotoxic activity to pulmonary endothelium (capillary leak syndrome) can be an equally serious complication. In the case presented, rapid, multi-profile diagnostics with the use of impedance cardiography, a modern noninvasive tool of hemodynamic monitoring, led to the recognition and effective treatment of a rare clinical syndrome. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 1: 88-91

    Long-term reproducibility of microvolt T-wave alternans in patients after cardioverter-defibrillator implantation

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    Background: Microvolt T-wave alternans (MTWA) is a promising method for noninvasive assessment of arrhythmic risk. Recent studies have shown good immediate reproducibility of T-wave alternans. Little is known about it during the long term. The aim of the study was to prospectively evaluate the long-term reproducibility of MTWA in a group of patients after ICD implantation. Methods: The study group consisted of 22 patients: 21 male and 1 female, aged 63.0 ± 7.6 years. Nineteen of them had a history of myocardial infarction and 3 had non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Ejection fraction was 34.7 ± 10.0. T-wave alternans was measured during treadmill tests and additionally in 6 patients during implantation cardioverter-defibrillator device pacing. We received 30 reports of MTWA available for analysis. The second test was performed after 11.8 ± 3.3 months (range 7-16) using the same protocol. Results: Of the 30 tests, 12 were positive, 2 negative and 9 indeterminate in both tests. The results were concordant in 23 tests (76.66%) (Kappa 0.602). Of the initial positive tests, only one became negative in the second test and 4 became indeterminate. Of the initial negative tests, none became positive and none became indeterminate. Of the initial indeterminate tests, one became positive and one negative. At the same time, there were no significant differences between QRS, QTc and ejection fraction between the first and second tests. Only the heart rate in the second test was greater than in the first. Conclusions: The results suggest that microvolt T-wave alternans measurement is stable over a long period. It is probably not worth examining the status of MTWA after several months, at least if patients are in the chronic stage of their disease. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 561-567)

    Resolution of exercise oscillatory ventilation with adaptive servoventilation in patients with chronic heart failure and Cheyne−Stokes respiration: preliminary study

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    Background: Exercise oscillatory ventilation (EOV) is a common pattern of breathing in heart failure (HF) patients, and indicates a poor prognosis. Aim: To investigate the effects of adaptive servoventilation (ASV) on ventilatory response during exercise. Methods: We studied 39 HF patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) &#163; 45. Cardiorespiratory polygraphy, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), echocardiography, and measurement of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration were performed. Twenty patients with Cheyne-Stokes respiration and apnoea&#8211;hypopnoea index (AHI) &#8805; 15/h were identified. Of these, 11 patients were successfully titrated on ASV and continued therapy. In the third month of ASV treatment, polygraphy, CPET, echocardiography, and measurement of NT-proBNP concentration were performed again. Results: The EOV was detected at baseline in 12 (31%) HF patients, including eight (67%) who underwent ASV. The EOV was associated with significantly lower LVEF, peak oxygen uptake (VO2), and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT), and a significantly higher left ventricular diastolic diameter (LVDD), slope of ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2), AHI, central AHI and NT-proBNP concentration. In seven patients with EOV, reversal of EOV in the third month of ASV therapy was observed; only in one patient did EOV persist (p = 0.0156). Conclusions: The EOV can be reversed with ASV therapy. The EOV in association with central sleep apnoea and Cheyne- -Stokes respiration (CSA/CSR) is prevalent in HF patients and correlates with severity of the disease. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 12: 1266&#8211;1271Wst臋p: Periodyczne oddychanie jest cz臋stym zjawiskiem u pacjent贸w z przewlek艂膮 niewydolno艣ci膮 serca (HF). Wyst臋puje ono nie tylko w czasie snu, ale i podczas wysi艂ku. Periodyczne oddychanie w czasie wysi艂ku (EOV) jest silnym predykatorem 艣miertelno艣ci z przyczyn sercowych u pacjent贸w z HF. Adaptoserwowentylacja (ASV) jest now膮 metod膮 leczenia os贸b z oddychaniem typu Cheyne-Stokesa. Wykazano, 偶e znacznie redukuje ona centralne bezdechy senne i normalizuje patologiczny tor oddychania w czasie snu. Cel: Celem badania by艂a ocena wp艂ywu ASV na tor oddychania w czasie wysi艂ku. Metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 39 pacjent贸w z przewlek艂膮 HF, z frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮 lewej komory (LVEF) &#163; 45%. U wszystkich chorych wykonano badanie poligraficzne, ergospirometryczn膮 pr贸b臋 wysi艂kow膮, badanie echokardiograficzne i oznaczono st臋偶enie N-ko艅cowego propeptydu natriuretycznego typu B (NT-proBNP). Oddychanie typu Cheyne-Stokesa i wska藕nik AHI (apnea&#8211;hypopnea) > 15/h stwierdzono u 20 (51%) pacjent贸w. U 11 spo艣r贸d nich skutecznie wdro偶ono leczenie ASV. W 3. miesi膮cu terapii ponownie wykonano badanie poligraficzne, ergospirometryczn膮 pr贸b臋 wysi艂kow膮, badanie echokardiograficzne i oznaczono st臋偶enie NT-proBNP. Wyniki: U 12 (31%) pacjent贸w z HF stwierdzono EOV, w tym u 8 (67%) leczonych ASV. Chorzy z EOV w por贸wnaniu z osobami z prawid艂owym torem oddychania w czasie wysi艂ku charakteryzowali si臋 istotnie ni偶sz膮 LVEF, szczytowym poch艂anianiem tlenu (VO2), progiem beztlenowym oraz istotnie wi臋kszym rozkurczowym wymiarem lewej komory, nachyleniem VE/VCO2, AHI, centralnym AHI i st臋偶eniem NT-proBNP. W 3. miesi膮cu terapii ASV stwierdzono ust膮pienie EOV u 7 pacjent贸w, tylko u 1 osoby nie zaobserwowano poprawy w zakresie toru oddychania (p = 0,0156). W艣r贸d pozosta艂ych parametr贸w ergospirometrycznych tylko puls tlenowy istotnie wzr贸s艂. Szczytowe poch艂anianie tlenu i pr贸g beztlenowy nieznacznie si臋 poprawi艂y, ale r贸偶nice te nie osi膮gn臋艂y istotno艣ci statystycznej. U wszystkich pacjent贸w leczonych ASV stwierdzono normalizacj臋 toru oddychania w czasie snu i zmniejszenie AHI do < 5/h. Ponadto w trakcie leczenia ASV zaobserwowano znamienne zwi臋kszenie LVEF i istotn膮 redukcj臋 st臋偶enia NT-proBNP. Wnioski: Badanie pokazuje oryginalne zjawisko normalizacji toru oddychania w czasie wysi艂ku u pacjent贸w z centralnym bezdechem sennym leczonych ASV. Na podstawie powy偶szych danych nie mo偶na jednak wnioskowa膰 bezpo艣rednio o znaczeniu klinicznym tej obserwacji. Wp艂yw ust膮pienia EOV w czasie leczenia ASV na rokowanie odleg艂e wymaga przeprowadzenia dalszych bada艅. R贸wnie偶 ze wzgl臋du na ograniczenia tego badania (kr贸tki okres obserwacji, ma艂a grupa badana) jego wyniki wymagaj膮 potwierdzenia w kolejnych pracach. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 12: 1266&#8211;127

    Sentencjonalno艣膰 jako cecha strukturalna ghazalu perskiego

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    Autor stwierdza, 偶e wyznaczniki gatunku przekazane przez klasyczn膮 poetyk臋 literatury perskiej s膮 og贸lnikowe i nieprecyzyjne. Definiowanie gatunk贸w takich jak ghazal, fard i qit'a przez odnoszenie ich od qasidy, bior膮cej na siebie w tym uk艂adzie funkcj臋 definiuj膮cego gatunku-matki, nie okre艣la swoisto艣ci 偶adnego z wymienionych gatunk贸w i staje si臋 powodem definicyjnego b艂臋dnego ko艂a. Zwr贸ci艂 ju偶 na to uwag臋 angielski historyk literatury perskiej Edward G. Browne. Autor analizuje sekwencje wers贸w (bayt贸w) w wybranym ghazalu tak w aspekcie ich porz膮dku powierzchniowego jak i w aspekcie porz膮dku tre艣ci sugerowanej i dochodzi do precyzacji sentencjonalnego charakteru struktury ghazalu. Autor w sentencjonalnym charakterze struktury ghazalu poszukuje racji dla tradycyjnego wi膮zania z ghazalem funkcji epistemologicznej i twierdzi, 偶e taka struktura ghazalu jest no艣nikiem okre艣lonego przes艂ania poznawczego. W zako艅czeniu autor wskazuje na zbie偶no艣膰 sentencjonalno艣ci przejawiaj膮cej si臋 w perskim ghazalu z sentencj膮 obrazow膮 przytoczon膮 przez M. K. Skarbiewskiego w jego Wyk艂adach z poetyki i przypisan膮 tam pos艂owi scytyjskiemu, co stanowi艂oby dodatkow膮, inspiruj膮c膮 informacj臋 historyczn膮

    Auditory discrimination of tone-pulse onsets

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    \u3cp\u3eTwo experiments are reported in which difference limens (DLs) were measured for onset times of a 1000-Hz tone pulse. An adaptive two-alternative forced-choice procedure and (mostly) well-trained subjects were used. In the first experiment, DLs were measured for the rise time of linear onset ramps at rise-time values between 10 and 60 msec. The DLs follow Weber's law up to a rise time of about 50 msec, and do not support the notion that rise times are perceived in a categorical manner. In the second experiment, DLs were obtained for linear, exponential, and raised-cosine onset envelopes at rise-time values between 10 and 40 msec. When energy differences in the critical band around 1000 Hz are computed for just-discriminable onsets, values between 0.7 dB (10-msec rise time) and 0.3 dB (40-sec rise time) are found. These equivalent intensity DLs show the same near miss to Weber's law behavior as do intensity DLs for pure tones.\u3c/p\u3