54 research outputs found

    Skuteczne wspieranie Innego – rozważania nad uwarunkowaniami rozwoju zespołów terapeutycznych

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    This paper will try to present the developmental determinants of multi-specialist therapeutic teams which support people with disability (from multi- to transdisciplinary model of therapeutic teams).The developmental analysis of therapeutic teams will include formal, legal, organizational and theoretical aspects (basing on the professional competencies development theory by Stefan Kwiatkowski).This paper will try to present developmental determinants multi specialist therapeutic teams which support people with disability (multi and trans disciplinary models of therapeutic teams).Developmental analysis of therapeutic teams will include formal, legal, organizational and theoretical aspects (basing on Kwiatkowski professional competences development theory)

    Respondenci wobec inwestycji w energię jądrową w Polsce. Wyniki i omówienie badań

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    The social protest against energy investments often postpones or completely blocks developments of many power stations in Poland. The problem concerns wind, water and coal power stations, but the most controversial is a setup of nuclear plant. Based on research carried out by the authors and CBOS, we try to answer the question, whether it is possible to get social agreement for establishing nuclear plant in Poland. Also, we try to show the potential behavior and social syndromes, in particular the NIMBY one

    Advantages of lignite addition in purification process of soil polluted by heavy metals

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    Environmental contamination by heavy metals represents a potential threat for plants, animal and humans. The metals do not undergo biodegradation. Many of them are soluble in water, therefore become more available for living systems and accumulate in the environment, especially in soil. This paper presents properties of brown coal (lignite) which show that this substance can be use as cheap and efficient sorbent in soil contaminated by heavy metals

    Verification of the modernized technological process through TPM indicators

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    Abstract Storage of zinc wastes is associated with a high risk of environmental pollution. The way to manage the problem is using  the waste materials in the transition process, the final product of which is the zinc oxide concentrate. Transition process is technologically complex and every failure to the discipline results in a large number of unscheduled stops. Such an issue was encountered by B. Recycling. An update of environmental regulations has forced a comprehensive modernization of the technology lines used. Implementation of new solutions brought the necessity of examination and evaluation of the effectiveness of the process. In the paper the analysis conducted for this purpose are described. The elements of TPM method were selected as the test method. The OEE, MTBF and MTTR values for the individual process lines and additionally for the most problematic subassemblies were determined basing on the research and collected data


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    The customer market is becoming more and more demanding. Customers want to have influence on the final shape, form, functionality and characteristics of the product. As a result, entrepreneurs are forced to abandon the Make-to-Stock system in favour of the MTO (Make-to-Order) concept, with the purpose of not only meeting the customer’s needs but also, for example, reducing the costs by manufacturing exactly the number of products which is currently demanded on the market. The article describes an example of a production task performed in the cellular structure. The customer required a substantial and abrupt increase (by 65%) of the production task. In order to tackle the problem, logistics engineering and lean manufacturing methods were applied. Having regard to the Industry 4.0 perspective, a concept of automated work cells was presented in order to minimise the role of the operator

    Logistics Engineering to Improve the Productivity Indicators

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    In the systemic approach, a production company is a complex system of objects and relations between the objects, as well as between the system and its surroundings. The large number of variables and company performance assessment indicators result in the constant search for the methods of formalising the mutual dependencies. The discipline which, through the integration of multiple processes, enables the discovery of practical solutions is logistics engineering. In Poland, the term is not very common, while in the USA (for example), logistics engineering – taking advantage of mathematical methods and cutting edge science, is a widely used tool supporting the everyday business activities of companies. The article describes primary tasks of logistics engineering in relation to production companies. Furthermore, original algorithms for the improvements of company productivity are presented

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    The ankle joint injuries in individuals practicing volleyball

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    Tytuł: Urazy stawu skokowego u osób trenujących siatkówkę.Wstęp: Najczęstszymi urazami występującymi w piłce siatkowej są urazy stawu skokowego. Kontuzje tego stawu pojawiają się zazwyczaj przy siatce w wyniku lądowania, podczas atakowania bądź blokowania piłki.Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest określenie najczęstszego rodzaju urazu stawu skokowego, porównanie częstości występowania urazów w zależności od poziomu wytrenowania zawodników, zastosowanej rehabilitacji, BMI i płci. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 103 sportowców w wieku od 14 do 44 lat, grających w amatorskich i zawodowych klubach siatkarskich. Wśród badanych było 49 kobiet i 54 mężczyzn. Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o ankietę własnego autorstwa.Wyniki: Wykazano, że najczęstszym urazem stawu skokowego jest jego skręcenie oraz stwierdzono brak zależności pomiędzy częstością występowania urazów, a płcią i poziomem wytrenowania zawodników. Istotna zależność występuje między zastosowaną rehabilitacją i BMI, a liczbą kontuzji stawu skokowego.Wnioski: Poziom wytrenowania zawodników i płeć nie wpływają na częstość pojawiania się urazów stawu skokowego. Zwiększona ilość kontuzji występuje u zawodników cięższych. Rehabilitacja zmniejsza liczbę ponownych urazów w stawie skokowym.Title: The ankle joint injuries in individuals practicing volleyball.Introduction: The most common injuries occurring in volleyball are ankle joint injuries. Usually damage of this joint in volleyball play is result of landing, attacking or blocking techniques.The aim: The aim of the study is to identify the most common types of ankle injury and to compare the frequency of injury depending on the players training level, rehabilitation process, BMI and gender. Material and methods: The study involved 103 athletes aged 14 to 44 years, playing in amateur and professional volleyball clubs. Among examined persons 49 were female and 54 were male. The study was performed using own questionnaire. Results: It has been shown that the most common of ankle injuries is its sprain and there is no correlation between the frequency of injuries, and gender or training level of the players. There was found significant correlation between rehabilitation process, BMI and frequency of ankle joint injuries. Conclusions: The training level of the players and gender don’t affect the frequency of ankle injuries. Higher occurrence of ankle injuries was found in heavier players. Rehabilitation lowers the number of recurrences of ankle injuries