709 research outputs found

    Kalkulator biogazowy jako użyteczne narzędzie do obliczeń wskaźników pracy biogazowni.

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    A comparison of present and future tasks performed by quality engineers of leading and nonleading American manufacturing firms

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    This study identified and compared the level of importance and frequency of performance of 34 selected quality engineering tasks in the present and five years hence and determined potential catalysts for any expected change between the present and the future. Two sample groups of practicing certified quality engineers working for manufacturing companies in the United States were surveyed in three rounds to obtain the data. Group I consisted of 86 engineers working for companies that had been identified as leaders in product quality in a 1985 Gallup study. Group II consisted of 96 engineers from other companies. The study attempted to answer the following research questions: 1. What are the tasks presently performed by quality engineers, how important are they, and how frequently are they performed? 2. Is there a statistically significant difference between tasks performed in leading companies and others at present? 3. Of the selected tasks, how important will they be and how frequently will they be performed, five years hence? 4. Is there a statistically significant difference between the perceptions of the tasks performed within each group between the present and the future? 5. Is there a statistically significant difference in the perception of the tasks performed between leading companies and others, five years hence? 6. Is there a statistically significant difference in the perceptions of the tasks performed by both groups combined between the present and the future? 7. What catalysts are anticipated to induce any future changes? The findings of the first round indicate that the 34 tasks identified in the literature review were inclusive of those performed by quality engineers. The most important and frequently performed task identified in the present was Speak/Discuss Clearly. Of the purely quality related tasks, Relate Specifications to Process was ranked first for importance and Analyze Statistical Data was ranked first for frequency of performance. A chi-square analysis comparison of the two groups showed very little difference between the two groups in the present. The findings of the second round were very similar to those of the first round relative to the ranking of the tasks. However, the ratings of individual tasks indicate that all tasks were expected to be more important and performed more frequently in the future. A chi-square comparison of the two groups indicated very little difference between the two groups in the future. A chi-square comparison of Group I present to Group I future found that 11 (32%) of the tasks would become more important in the future, while 23 (68%) would be performed more frequently. The same comparison for Group II found 17 tasks (50%) more important in the future while 20 (59%) would be performed more frequently. A comparison of both groups combined found 27 tasks (79%) more important and 27 tasks (79%) more frequently performed in the future. The third round identified ten potential catalysts that could induce change between the present and the future. Both groups agreed that the two catalysts An Increase in Consumer Quality Requirements and Increased Quality Offered by Competitors on the International Market were most likely to induce change. The data gathered in this study indicate that there are only minor differences in the perception of the importance of or the frequency of the performance of the selected tasks between leading and other companies. Those minor differences may be enough to cause a change in the quality of products produced and sold to the ultimate consumer

    Lower Wenlock black shales in the northern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland: Sedimentary and geochemical controls on the Ireviken Event in a deep marine setting

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    The stratigraphic variability and geochemistry of Llandovery/Wenlock (L/W) Series boundary sediments in Poland reveals that hemipelagic sedimentation under an anoxic/euxinic water column was interrupted by low density bottom currents or detached diluted turbid layers that resulted in intermittent seafloor oxygenation. TOC values and inorganic proxies throughout the Wilków 1 borehole section suggest variable redox conditions. U/Mo ratios >1 throughout much of the Aeronian and Telychian Stages, together with an absence of pyrite framboids, suggests oxygenated conditions prevailed. However, elevated TOC near the Aeronian/Telychian boundary, together with increased U/Th and V/(V+Ni) ratios and populations of small pyrite framboids are consistent with the development of dysoxic/anoxic conditions at that time. U/Th, V/Cr and V/(V+Ni) ratios, as well as Uauthig and Mo concentrations suggest that during the Ireviken black shale (IBS) deposition, bottom-water conditions deteriorated from oxic during the Telychian to mostly suboxic/anoxic immediately prior to the L/W boundary, before a brief reoxygenation at the end of the IBS sedimentation in the Sheinwoodian Stage. Rapid fluctuations in U/Mo during the Ireviken Event (IE) are characteristic of fluctuating redox conditions that culminated in an anoxic/euxinic seafloor in the Sheinwoodian. Following IBS deposition, conditions once again became oxygen deficient with the development of a euxinic zone in the water column. The Aeronian to Sheinwoodian deep-water redox history was unstable, and rapid fluctuations of the chemocline across the L/W Series boundary probably contributed to the IE extinctions, which affected mainly pelagic and hemipelagic fauna

    Synthetic versus biological mesh-related erosion after laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy. A systematic review

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    Purpose: This review reports the incidence of mesh-related erosion after ventral mesh rectopexy to determine whether any difference exists in the erosion rate between synthetic and biological mesh. Methods: A systematic search of the MEDLINE and the Ovid databases was conducted to identify suitable articles published between 2004 and 2015. The search strategy capture terms were laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy, laparoscopic anterior rectopexy, robotic ventral rectopexy, and robotic anterior rectopexy. Results: Eight studies (3,956 patients) were included in this review. Of those patients, 3,517 patients underwent laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (LVR) using synthetic mesh and 439 using biological mesh. Sixty-six erosions were observed with synthetic mesh (26 rectal, 32 vaginal, 8 recto-vaginal fistulae) and one (perineal erosion) with biological mesh. The synthetic and the biological mesh-related erosion rates were 1.87% and 0.22%, respectively. The time between rectopexy and diagnosis of mesh erosion ranged from 1.7 to 124 months. No mesh-related mortalities were reported. Conclusion: The incidence of mesh-related erosion after LVR is low and is more common after the placement of synthetic mesh. The use of biological mesh for LVR seems to be a safer option; however, large, multicenter, randomized, control trials with long follow-ups are required if a definitive answer is to be obtained

    Aromatic hydrocarbons from the Middle Jurassic fossil wood of the Polish Jura

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    Aromatic hydrocarbons are present in the fossil wood samples in relatively small amounts. In almost all of the tested samples the dominating aromatic hydrocarbon is perylene and its methyl and dimethyl derivatives. The most important biomarkers present in the aromatic fraction are dehydroabietane, siomonellite and retene, compounds characteristic for conifers. The distribution of discussed compounds is highly variable due to such early diagenetic processes affecting the wood as oxidation and the activity of microorganisms. MPI1 parameter values (methylphenanthrene index) for the majority of the samples are in the range of 0.1 to 0.5, which results in the highly variable values of Rc (converted value of vitrinite reflectance) ranging from 0.45 to 0.70%. Such values suggest that MPI1 parameter is not useful as maturity parameter in case of Middle Jurassic ore-bearing clays, even if measured strictly on terrestrial organic matter (OM). As a result of weathering processes (oxidation) the distribution of aromatic hydrocarbons changes. In the oxidized samples the amount of aromatic hydrocarbons, both polycyclic as well as aromatic biomarkers decreases

    Echocardiographic evaluation of right ventricular systolic function: The traditional and innovative approach

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    Estimation of right ventricular (RV) performance still remains technically challenging due to its anatomical and functional distinctiveness. The current guidelines for the echocardiographic quantification of RV function recommend using multiple indices to describe the RV in a thorough and comprehensive manner, such as RV index of myocardial performance, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, fractional area change, Doppler tissue imaging-derived tricuspid lateral annular systolic velocity (S’-wave), three-dimensional RV ejection fraction (3D RVEF), RV longitudinal strain (RVLS)/strain rate by speckle- tracking echocardiography (STE). Among these, the last one mentioned here is an innovative and a particularly promising tool that yields more precise information about complex regional and global RV mechanics. STE was initially designed to evaluate left ventricular function, but recently it has been introduced to assess RV performance, which is difficult due to its unique structure and physiology. Many studies have shown that both free wall and 6-segment RVLS present a stronger correlation with the RVEF assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance than conventional parameters and seem to be more sensitive in detecting myocardial dysfunction at an earlier, subclinical stage

    Uszkodzenie nerwu twarzowego u chorych po operacjach guzów kąta mostowo–móżdżkowego. Zapobieganie i kompleksowe postępowanie terapeutyczne

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    Facial nerve (CN VII) palsy or even its transient paresis causes physical disability but is also a psychosocial problem. Immediately after vestibular schwannoma removal, different degrees of CN VII paresis occur in 20–70% of patients. Facial nerve paresis is observed in 10–40% after surgery of cerebellopontine angle meningiomas. Postoperative facial nerve weakness significantly reduces or completely withdraws with time in the majority of cases. However, even if prognosis for CN VII regeneration is good, proper management is needed because of the potential for serious ophthalmic complications. In this paper, the authors raise the issue of perioperative prophylaxis and comprehensive treatment of postoperative paresis of CN VII. Prophylaxis and treatment of ophthalmic complications are discussed. Current trends in the treatment of intraoperative loss of facial nerve continuity, management of facial paresis with good prognosis and dealing with facial palsy with no spontaneous recovery are also described in the paper.Porażenie, a nawet przejściowy niedowład nerwu twarzowego, powoduje fizyczną niepełnosprawność, ale stanowi również problem psychosocjalny. Bezpośrednio po operacji osłoniaka nerwu przedsionkowego u 20–70% chorych pojawia się różnego stopnia niedowład nerwu VII. W przypadku oponiaków okolicy kąta mostowo-móżdżkowego niedowład nerwu VII obserwuje się po operacji w 10–40% przypadków. U większości chorych pooperacyjny niedowład nerwu VII z czasem znacząco się zmniejsza lub całkowicie wycofuje. Niemniej nawet w przypadku dobrego rokowania co do regeneracji nerwu VII konieczne jest właściwe leczenie ze względu na możliwość wystąpienia poważnych powikłań ocznych. W niniejszej pracy autorzy poruszają zagadnienia okołooperacyjnej profilaktyki uszkodzenia nerwu VII oraz kompleksowego postępowania w przypadku wystąpienia niedowładu tego nerwu po operacji. Omówiono profilaktykę i leczenie powikłań ocznych porażenia nerwu VII. W pracy opisano także aktualne trendy postępowania w przypadku przerwania nerwu VII w czasie usuwania guza, strategie leczenia niedowładu rokującego samoistną regenerację oraz gdy czynność nerwu nie powraca