9 research outputs found

    Formiranje nerava iz lumbalnog i sakralnog pleksusa kod kalifornijskog morskog lava (Zalophus californianus) i severnomorskog slona (Mirounga angustirostris)

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    The lumbosacral plexus was investigated in the California sea lion and Northern elephant seal. In 9 California sea lions and 2 Northern elephant seals the femoral nerve rises from the ventral branches of the 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves, whilst in one male and two specimens of the Northern elephant seal the 5th lumbar nerve was also involved. Ventral branches of the 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves comprised the obturatorius nerve in 7 specimens; in 3 specimens the 5th lumbar nerve additionally supplements the obturatorius nerve. In Northern elephant seals the obturatorius nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 3rd, 4thand 5th lumbar nerves. The ischiadic nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 4th, 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerves in 8 specimens California sea lions and in 2 North elephant seals. In 2 specimens of both species the 2nd sacral nerve also participates. The gluteal nerve created ventral branches of the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerves in three specimens; however in one specimen the 4thand 5th lumbar nerves gave rise to the same nerve in the Northern elephant seal. In California sea lions the gluteal nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 5th lumbar nerve in seven specimens, nonetheless in 3 specimens the 4th lumbar nerve also participates in its formation.Ispitivan je lumbosakralni pleksus kod kalifornijskih morskih lavova i severnomorskih slonova. Kod devet kalifornijskih morskih lavova i kod dva severnomorska slona, fermoralni nerv je polazio iz ventralne grane trećeg i četvrtog lumbalnog nerva dok je kod jednog mužjaka i dva primerka severnomorskog slona bio uključen i peti lumbalni nerv. Ventralne grane trećeg i četvrtog lumbalnog nerva formiraju n. obturatorius i to kod sedam životinja; kod tri jedinke peti lumbalni nerv takođe doprinosi formiranju n. obturatorius. Kod severnog morskog slona, n. obturatorius se formira iz ventralne grane trećeg, četvrtog i petog lumbalnog nerva. N. ischiadicus potiče iz ventralnih grana četvrtog i petog lumbalnog kao i iz prvog sakralnog nerva i to kod 8 jedinki kalifornijskog morskog lava i kod dve životinje vrste severnomorski slon. Kod po dve životinje obe vrste, drugi sakralni nerv takođe učestvuje u formiranju n. ischiadicus-a. Glutealni nerv je formiran od ventralnih grana petog lumbalnog i prvog sakralnog nerva i to kod tri jedinke; međutim, kod jednog severnomorskog slona, četvrti i peti lumbalni nerv su takođe učestvovali u formiranju glutealnog nerva. Kod kalifornijskih morskih lavova, kod sedam ispitivanih životinje n. glutealis je polazio iz ventralnih grana petog lumbalnog nerva ali je kod tri jedinke četvrti lumbalni nerv takođe učestvovao u formiranju glutealnog nerva

    Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Abdominal Anatomy of the Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida)

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    This study investigated the anatomy the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) cardiovascular system (heart and large vessels) and lower respiratory tract (lung), as well as the topographic anatomy of the seal abdomen. The ringed seal heart is dorsoventrally flattened, with each ventricle residing on its respective side within the thoracic cage. The heart lies horizontal, parallel to the sternum. The right ventricle is long, spacious and thin walled. The right coronary artery continues as the subsinuosal interventricular branch, making it different from domestic carnivores. The aortic bulb is a large structure in comparison to the equivalent structure in terrestrial mammals, which is hardly noticeable. It lies in contact with the cranioventral aspect of the thoracic cavity. The aortic arch gives rise to three major blood vessels; brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid and left subclavian artery. The paired caudal vena cavae continue the pelvic venous plexus as paired vessels through the caudal abdominal cavity. At the level of the third lumbar vertebral body the two separate limbs converge into a single vena cava. Soon after this junction as the hepatic veins join the vena cava, they expand into a large hepatic sinus. As the caudal vena cava passes through the diaphragm, muscle fibers of the diaphragm form a caval sphincter. The azygos veins are paired and join into a common trunk before emptying into the cranial vena cava as it enters the right atrium. Intercostal arteries perforate the right azygos vein. There are also communications between left and right azygos veins via short anastomosing branches. The pericardial venous plexus is present in the mediastinal pleura as a loop encompassing the apex of the heart. It is comprised of convoluted veins that eventually drain into the caudal vena cava as a single trunk. Pulmonary arteries are paired vessels that divide into caudal and cranial branches at the level of the principal bronchi. Three common pulmonary veins drain the lung lobes into the left atrium. The lungs are subdivided into seven lung lobes. The right lung is divided into cranial, middle, caudal and accessory lung lobes. The left lung is divided into cranial, middle and caudal lobes. The pulmonary trunk upon reaching the atrial face of the heart divides into the left and right pulmonary arteries that lie adjacent to and follow the dichotomy of the bronchial tree. Three common pulmonary veins are formed by merging of the lobar veins. The common left and right veins drain their respective cranial and middle lobes while the caudal common vein drains both left and right caudal lobes and the accessory lobe. The ringed seal has three major tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Microscopically, the lungs are characterized by a thick subpleural collagenous interstitial tissue, which sends septa deep into the lung parenchyma, thus subdividing the lung lobes into lobules. Segmental bronchi, exhibit a strong elastic fibrous support that is clustered into dense bundles. The bronchial gland duct system of the segmental bronchi is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. Cartilage support for the bronchial tree extends as far distal as the respiratory bronchiole. Occasionally, respiratory bronchioles have a smooth muscle enhancements at their junction with alveolar ducts. Bronchioles are lined with cuboidal to columnar epithelium. Frequently, bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles have venules covered with squamous epithelium protruding into their lumen. The ringed seal has the cupula of the diaphragm extending cranially to the level of the ninth thoracic vertebra, and is predominantly occupied by the liver. The liver extends caudally to the level of the 15th thoracic vertebra. The gall bladder is located at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. The cardia of the U-shaped stomach is located at the The body extends caudally and bends back on itself at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, as the major curvature. The pylorus is located at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. The spleen is located on the left side, lying between the liver and cardia of the stomach, extending from the level of the 14th thoracic to the second lumbar vertebrae. When viewing CT scans just medial to the spleen’s dorsal border, the silhouette of the pancreas can be identified. The kidneys extend from the level of the second to the fifth lumbar vertebra. The cranial extremity of the right kidney is located more cranial than that of the left kidney

    Creation Nerves of the Lumbar and Sacral Plexus in California Sea Lions (Zalophus Californianus) and Northern Elephant Seals (Mirounga Angustirostris)/Formiranje Nerava Iz Lumbalnog I Sakralnog Pleksusa Kod Kalifornijskog Morskog Lava (Zalophus Californianus) I Severnomorskog Slona (Mirounga Angustirostris)

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    The lumbosacral plexus was investigated in the California sea lion and Northern elephant seal. In 9 California sea lions and 2 Northern elephant seals the femoral nerve rises from the ventral branches of the 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves, whilst in one male and two specimens of the Northern elephant seal the 5th lumbar nerve was also involved. Ventral branches of the 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves comprised the obturatorius nerve in 7 specimens; in 3 specimens the 5th lumbar nerve additionally supplements the obturatorius nerve. In Northern elephant seals the obturatorius nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 3rd, 4thand 5th lumbar nerves. The ischiadic nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 4th, 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerves in 8 specimens California sea lions and in 2 North elephant seals. In 2 specimens of both species the 2nd sacral nerve also participates. The gluteal nerve created ventral branches of the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerves in three specimens; however in one specimen the 4thand 5th lumbar nerves gave rise to the same nerve in the Northern elephant seal. In California sea lions the gluteal nerve originates from the ventral branches of the 5th lumbar nerve in seven specimens, nonetheless in 3 specimens the 4th lumbar nerve also participates in its formation.Ispitivan je lumbosakralni pleksus kod kalifornijskih morskih lavova i severnomorskih slonova. Kod devet kalifornijskih morskih lavova i kod dva severnomorska slona, fermoralni nerv je polazio iz ventralne grane trećeg i četvrtog lumbalnog nerva dok je kod jednog mužjaka i dva primerka severnomorskog slona bio uključen i peti lumbalni nerv. Ventralne grane trećeg i četvrtog lumbalnog nerva formiraju n. obturatorius i to kod sedam životinja; kod tri jedinke peti lumbalni nerv takođe doprinosi formiranju n. obturatorius. Kod severnog morskog slona, n. obturatorius se formira iz ventralne grane trećeg, četvrtog i petog lumbalnog nerva. N. ischiadicus potiče iz ventralnih grana četvrtog i petog lumbalnog kao i iz prvog sakralnog nerva i to kod 8 jedinki kalifornijskog morskog lava i kod dve životinje vrste severnomorski slon. Kod po dve životinje obe vrste, drugi sakralni nerv takođe učestvuje u formiranju n. ischiadicus-a. Glutealni nerv je formiran od ventralnih grana petog lumbalnog i prvog sakralnog nerva i to kod tri jedinke; međutim, kod jednog severnomorskog slona, četvrti i peti lumbalni nerv su takođe učestvovali u formiranju glutealnog nerva. Kod kalifornijskih morskih lavova, kod sedam ispitivanih životinje n. glutealis je polazio iz ventralnih grana petog lumbalnog nerva ali je kod tri jedinke četvrti lumbalni nerv takođe učestvovao u formiranju glutealnog nerva

    Presence of β-Lactamase-producing Enterobacterales and Salmonella Isolates in Marine Mammals

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    Marine mammals have been described as sentinels of the health of marine ecosystems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate (i) the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)- and AmpC-producing Enterobacterales, which comprise several bacterial families important to the healthcare sector, as well as (ii) the presence of Salmonella in these coastal animals. The antimicrobial resistance pheno- and genotypes, as well as biocide susceptibility of Enterobacterales isolated from stranded marine mammals, were determined prior to their rehabilitation. All E. coli isolates (n = 27) were screened for virulence genes via DNA-based microarray, and twelve selected E. coli isolates were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing. Seventy-one percent of the Enterobacterales isolates exhibited a multidrug-resistant (MDR) pheno- and genotype. The gene blaCMY (n = 51) was the predominant β-lactamase gene. In addition, blaTEM-1 (n = 38), blaSHV-33 (n = 8), blaCTX-M-15 (n = 7), blaOXA-1 (n = 7), blaSHV-11 (n = 3), and blaDHA-1 (n = 2) were detected. The most prevalent non-β-lactamase genes were sul2 (n = 38), strA (n = 34), strB (n = 34), and tet(A) (n = 34). Escherichia coli isolates belonging to the pandemic sequence types (STs) ST38, ST167, and ST648 were identified. Among Salmonella isolates (n = 18), S. Havana was the most prevalent serotype. The present study revealed a high prevalence of MDR bacteria and the presence of pandemic high-risk clones, both of which are indicators of anthropogenic antimicrobial pollution, in marine mammals

    International Symposium on Environmental Management Towards Sustainable Technologies Conference Proceedings CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS of SEM2011 Editors: Scientific and Organizing Committee

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    Abstract The manufacture of portland cement (PC) consumes huge amount of energy and has a significant CO 2 emission. Calcium sulfoaluminate cement (CSAC) is a promising alternative binder to PC due to: a) lower limestone requirement in CSAC; b) about 200 K lower sintering temperature for CSAC than for PC; and c) much easier grinding of the fired CSAC. Each of these arguments considerably reduces energy consumption and CO 2 emission from cement manufacture. In this paper, the potential benefits offered by CSAC production from industrial wastes or byproducts already present in Republic of Croatia had been addressed. A variety of industrial wastes, namely phosphogypsum (PG), coal bottom ash (BA) and electric arc furnace slag (EAFS), were used as raw materials to provide additional environmental advantages in production of CSAC. Mass fraction of Klein's compound (the principal hydraulic mineral) in the prepared CSAC was determined by quantitative X-ray powder diffraction. In conclusion, CSAC production offers an alternative and feasible way of industrial waste minimization

    Skin histology and its role in heat dissipation in three pinniped species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pinnipeds have a thick blubber layer and may have difficulty maintaining their body temperature during hot weather when on land. The skin is the main thermoregulatory conduit which emits excessive body heat.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thorough evaluation of the skin histology in three pinniped species; the California sea lion-<it>Zalophus californianus</it>, the Pacific harbor seal-<it>Phoca vitulina richardsi</it>, and the Northern elephant seal-<it>Mirounga angustirostris</it>, was conducted to identify the presence, location and distribution of skin structures which contribute to thermoregulation. These structures included hair, adipose tissue, sweat glands, vasculature, and arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA). Thermal imaging was performed on live animals of the same species to correlate histological findings with thermal emission of the skin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The presence and distribution of skin structures directly relates to emissivity of the skin in all three species. Emissivity of skin in phocids (Pacific harbor and Northern elephant seal<it>s</it>) follows a different pattern than skin in otariids (California sea lions). The flipper skin in phocids tends to be the most emissive region during hot weather and least emissive during cold weather. On the contrary in otariids, skin of the entire body has a tendency to be emissive during both hot and cold weather.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Heat dissipation of the skin directly relates to the presence and distribution of skin structures in all three species. Different skin thermal dissipation patterns were observed in phocid versus otariid seals. Observed thermal patterns can be used for proper understanding of optimum thermal needs of seals housed in research facilities, rescue centers and zoo exhibits.</p