1,374 research outputs found

    Australian Organic Market Report 2008

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    Being four years since the publication of a similar research document, the Australian Organic Market Report (AOMR) 2008 is a landmark report for the organic industry. The report will be invaluable for monitoring and planning the industry development during a period of high growth. Delivering consistent data for benchmarking growth across the various sectors of the industry, it will be a key tool for decision making by organic producers and marketers, along with interested parties such as government and media, in assisting in understanding the nature, size and development of the organic industry in Australia. Supply chain development has been hindered over many years by a lack of basic information about volumes, seasonality, continuity and quality, not only making it difficult for potentially new members of industry to feel confident about investing in organic, however also likely to cause overseas buyers to look for other countries with more comprehensive industry information. The report is an important base research document required by any growing industry. It has been commissioned by Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA), and has been carried out independently by the University of New England’s Organic Research Group. The report has the financial support of major sponsor Westpac Bank, all State Governments in Australia as well as many dedicated industry businesses

    Some examples of deep structure of the Archean from geophysics

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    The development of Archean crust remains as one of the significant problems in earth science, and a major unknown concerning Archean terrains is the nature of the deep crust. The character of crust beneath granulite terrains is especially fascinating because granulites are generally interpreted to represent a deep crustal section. Magnetic data from this area can be best modeled with a magnetized wedge of older Archean rocks (granulitic gneisses) underlying the younger Archean greenstone terrain. The dip of the boundary based on magnetic modeling is the same as the dip of the postulated thrust-fault reflection. Thus several lines of evidence indicate that the younger Archean greenstone belt terrain is thrust above the ancient Minnesota Valley gneiss terrain, presumably as the greenstone belt was accreted to the gneiss terrain, so that the dipping reflection represents a suture zone. Seismic data from underneath the granulite-facies Minnesota gneiss terrain shows abundant reflections between 3 and 6 s, or about 9 to 20 km. These are arcuate or dipping multicyclic events indicative of layering

    Using professional interpreters in undergraduate medical consultation skills teaching.

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    The ability to work with interpreters is a core skill for UK medical graduates. At the University of Sheffield Medical School, this teaching was identified as a gap in the curriculum. Teaching was developed to use professional interpreters in role-play, based on evidence that professional interpreters improve health outcomes for patients with limited English proficiency. Other principles guiding the development of the teaching were an experiential learning format, integration to the core consultation skills curriculum, and sustainable delivery. The session was aligned with existing consultation skills teaching to retain the small-group experiential format and general practitioner (GP) tutor. Core curricular time was found through conversion of an existing consultation skills session. Language pairs of professional interpreters worked with each small group, with one playing patient and the other playing interpreter. These professional interpreters attended training in the scenarios so that they could learn to act as patient and family interpreter. GP tutors attended training sessions to help them facilitate the session. This enhanced the sustainability of the session by providing a cohort of tutors able to pass on their expertise to new staff through the existing shadowing process. Tutors felt that the involvement of professional interpreters improved student engagement. Student evaluation of the teaching suggests that the learning objectives were achieved. Faculty evaluation by GP tutors suggests that they perceived the teaching to be worthwhile and that the training they received had helped improve their own clinical practice in consulting through interpreters. We offer the following recommendations to others who may be interested in developing teaching on interpreted consultations within their core curriculum: 1) consider recruiting professional interpreters as a teaching resource; 2) align the teaching to existing consultation skills sessions to aid integration; and 3) invest in faculty development for successful and sustainable delivery

    Acherontiscus caledoniae: the earliest heterodont and durophagous tetrapod.

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    The enigmatic tetrapod Acherontiscus caledoniae from the Pendleian stage of the Early Carboniferous shows heterodontous and durophagous teeth, representing the earliest known examples of significant adaptations in tetrapod dental morphology. Tetrapods of the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous (Mississippian), now known in some depth, are generally conservative in their dentition and body morphologies. Their teeth are simple and uniform, being cone-like and sometimes recurved at the tip. Modifications such as keels occur for the first time in Early Carboniferous Tournaisian tetrapods. Acherontiscus, dated as from the Pendleian stage, is notable for being very small with a skull length of about 15 mm, having an elongate vertebral column and being limbless. Cladistic analysis places it close to the Early Carboniferous adelospondyls, aïstopods and colosteids and supports the hypothesis of 'lepospondyl' polyphyly. Heterodonty is associated with a varied diet in tetrapods, while durophagy suggests a diet that includes hard tissue such as chitin or shells. The mid-Carboniferous saw a significant increase in morphological innovation among tetrapods, with an expanded diversity of body forms, skull shapes and dentitions appearing for the first time.NER

    Experimental investigation of the effect of spatial aggregation on reproductive success in a rewardless orchid

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    Plant reproductive success within a patch may depend on plant aggregation through pollinator attraction. For rewardless plants that lack rewards for pollinators, reproductive success may rely strongly on the learning abilities of pollinators. These abilities depend on relative co-flowering rewarding and rewardless plant species spatial distributions. We investigated the effect of aggregation on the reproductive success of a rewardless orchid by setting up 16 arrays in a factorial design with two levels of intraspecific aggregation for both a rewardless orchid and a rewarding co-flowering species. Our results show that increasing aggregation of both species negatively influenced the reproductive success of the rewardless plants. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental study demonstrating negative effects of aggregation on reproductive success of a rewardless species due both to its own spatial aggregation and that of a co-flowering rewarding species. We argue that pollinator learning behaviour is the key driver behind this result

    Creating paths to family justice: Briefing paper and report on key findings

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    This is the final version.This report sets out the findings of of work undertaken as part of an ESRC Impact Accelerator Account project where the academic authors worked with policy makers, relationship charities and family practitioners to put the findings from the academic study Mapping Paths to Family Justice into practice in the new family justice landscape to help fill the access to justice gap following the withdrawal of legal aid for legal advice and representation in most private family law disputes. It looks at how online tools and programmes and better family mediation practice might be achieved and draws on the expertise of the stakeholders alongside research evidenceEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC)Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC

    Seismic Reflection Studies in Long Valley Caldera, Califomia

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/90JB02401.Seismic reflection studies in Long Valley caldera, California, indicate that seismic methods may be successfully employed to image certain types of features in young silicic caldera environments. However, near-surface geological conditions within these environments severely test the seismic reflection method. Data quality are degraded by static, reverberation, and band-limiting problems due to these near-surface conditions. In Long Valley, seismic reflection and refraction methods were used to image both the shallow and deep geothermal aquifers within the area. The deep geothermal aquifer, the welded Bishop Tuff, was imaged as a fairly continuous reflector across the western moat of the caldera. Near-surface refraction information indicates that there may be a buried paleochannel system or horst and graben system that could control the shallow geothermal flow pattern. High-amplitude events observed in a wide-angle survey were originally interpreted as reflections from a contemporary magma body. However, a migration of the events utilizing the new generalized cellular migration algorithm indicates that these events are probably reflections from the faults of the caldera ring fracture system. The reflections may be caused by the high acoustic impedance contrast associated with the juxtaposition of relatively low-velocity, low-density, caldera fill against the granite plutons and metasediments of the Sierran basement along this fault system

    Assessment and diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder: The experiences of speech and language therapists

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).Background: For many years research and practice have noted the impact of the heterogeneous nature of Developmental Language Disorder (also known as language impairment or specific language impairment) on diagnosis and assessment. Recent research suggests the disorder is not restricted to the language domain and against this background, the challenge for the practitioner is to provide accurate assessment and effective therapy. The language practitioner aims to support the child and their carers to achieve the best outcomes. However, little is known about the experiences of the language practitioner in the assessment process, in contrast to other childhood disorders, yet their expertise is central in the assessment and diagnosis of children with language disorder. Aims: This study aimed to provide a detailed qualitative description of the experiences of speech and language therapists involved in the assessment and diagnosis of children with Developmental Language Disorder. Methods & Procedures: The qualitative study included three focus groups to provide a credible and rich description of the experiences of speech and language therapists involved in the assessment of Developmental Language Disorder. The speech and language therapists who participated in the study were recruited from three NHS Trusts across the UK and all were directly involved in the assessment and diagnosis procedures. The lengths of practitioner experience ranged from 2 years to 38 years. The data was analysed using a thematic analysis in accordance with the principles set out by Braun & Clarke (2006). Outcomes & Results: The data showed a number of key themes concerning the experiences of speech and language therapists in assessing children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). These themes ranged from the participants’ experiences of the barriers to early referral, challenges for assessment and the concerns over continued future support. Conclusions & Implications: This study provides first-hand evidence from speech and language therapists in the assessment of children with Developmental Language Disorder, drawing together experiences from language practitioners from different regions. The findings provide insight to the barriers to referral, the potential variations in the assessment process, the role of practitioner expertise and the challenges faced them. The importance of early intervention, useful assessment tools and future support were expressed. Taken together, the results relate to some issues to be addressed on a practical level and a continuing need for initiatives to raise awareness of DLD in the public domain.Peer reviewe

    Bright-light distractions and visual performance

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    Visual distractions pose a significant risk to transportation safety, with laser attacks against aircraft pilots being a common example. This study used a research-grade High Dynamic Range (HDR) display to produce bright-light distractions for 12 volunteer participants performing a combined visual task across central and peripheral visual fields. The visual scene had an average luminance of 10 cd∙m−2 with targets of approximately 0.5° angular size, while the distractions had a maximum luminance of 9,000 cd∙m−2 and were 3.6° in size. The dependent variables were the mean fixation duration during task execution (representative of information processing time), and the critical stimulus duration required to support a target level of performance (representative of task efficiency). The experiment found a statistically significant increase in mean fixation duration, rising from 192 ms without distractions to 205 ms with bright-light distractions (p = 0.023). This indicates a decrease in visibility of the low contrast targets or an increase in cognitive workload that required greater processing time for each fixation in the presence of the bright-light distractions. Mean critical stimulus duration was not significantly affected by the distraction conditions used in this study. Future experiments are suggested to replicate driving and/or piloting tasks and employ bright-light distractions based on real-world data, and we advocate the use of eye-tracking metrics as sensitive measures of changes in performance