10,183 research outputs found

    Breaking down banners: analytical approaches to determining the materials of painted banners

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    Background: This paper investigates a range of analytical techniques to yield information about the materials and processes used in making painted banners. A textile conservator, technical art historian and paintings conservator, and materials scientist have joined forces to develop a greater understanding of the potential of analytical findings in the identification of materials. Results: Visual examination using low level magnification and microscopy proved to be a crucial starting point and for identification of areas for further analysis. High magnification microscopy of cross sections was invaluable to gather information regarding the build-up of the layers, their interaction and condition. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of ion-milled samples showed that different areas of the banner had been prepared in different ways. SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscopy energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) confirmed the presence of the main elements of pigments. Raman enabled identification of specific pigments. Raman also provided confirmation of specific materials (such as the paint filler). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) enabled the identification of oil and resin, confirmation of pigments and fibres. Thin layers made sampling and identification challenging. Presence of materials such as silk and lead white dominated some analysis making interpretation of other materials more difficult. Conclusions: Sample preparation had a significant bearing on the effectiveness of the analysis. Ion-milling provided high quality surface on the cross section samples that enabled material interfaces to be clearly seen. The challenges of finding effective wavelengths for analysis of samples using Raman were clearly evident in this study. Microscopy showed fibres blends, easily missed using FTIR, whereas FTIR was particularly effective in the identification of man-made fibres. While portable instrumentation may be useful, for in-depth understanding of the heterogeneous layered materials sample taking still remains crucial. Commercial makers used many typical grounds and pigments but these were used sparingly, in thin layers, in order to produce a flexible object and also perhaps to reduce costs. The textile was however of high quality, in this case silk. Unexpectedly, the preparation layers do not appear to be consistent across the banner; the reasons for this need further investigation

    Bureaucrats, politicians and reform in Whitehall: analysing the bureau-shaping model

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    Dunleavy's bureau-shaping model has breathed new life into existing debates about the behaviour of senior bureaucrats. This article assesses the utility of this model as an explanation of the development of Next Step agencies in the last decade in Britain, using data drawn from a series of extensive interviews with senior civil servants. Our conclusion is that, although the bureau-shaping model represents a significant advance on previous models of bureaucratic behaviour that stress budget maximization, it is flawed. In particular, we argue that: it pays insufficient attention to the broader political context within which civil servants operate; mis-specifies bureaucrats' preferences; and oversimplifies the distinction between managerial and policy advice work. More specifically, we suggest that any explanation of the development of Next Steps agencies needs to recognize that: politicians rather that civil servants played the major role in their creation; the strategic calculations of bureaucrats were significantly more sophisticated than the model assumes; and the consequence of the reforms has been that senior civil servants have played a greater, rather than a more limited, management role

    A geochemical drainage survey of the Fleet granitic complex and its environs

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    A regional geochemical drainage reconnaissance programme was undertaken over 900 km2 of south-west Scotland centred on the Fleet granitic complex. Rocks of Ordovician and Silurian age outcrop over the area, into which have been intruded the Fleet and Loch Doon plutons. Multi-element analysis of stream sediments and heavy mineral concentrates shows a number of patterns of trace element distribution related to different lithologies and to mineralisation. Broad scale patterns exhibited by some elements denote compositional variations within the Lower Palaeozoic sediments and within the Fleet and Loch Doon plutons. On thebasis of the drainage data the sedimentary rocks have been divided into eight distinct geochemical units each characterised by different element distribution patterns. The Fleet and Loch Doon plutons have been sub-divided on the same basis. Follow-up investigations of drainage anomalies led to the discovery of both structure-controlled and disseminated base metal mineralisation in the Penkiln drainage basin within the salthernaureole of the Loch Doon granite. The distribution of Cu, F’b and Zn to the south and south-west of the Fleet granite suggests a zonation of vein minerahsation, with Cu prominent adjacent to the granite contact and F’b and Zn having a wider dispersion away from the granite. Other anomalies delineate a mineralised lineament that follows the regional strike of the Lower Palaeozoic sediments, southeast of the Fleet granite

    A reconnaissance geochemical drainage survey of the Criffel-Dalbeattie granodiorite complex and its environs

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    Regional geochemical reconnaissance by stream sediments and panned concentrates was undertaken over an area of 850 km 2 of south-west Scotland. Rocks of Ordovician to Permian age are exposed within the area but the major part is occupied by the Criffel-Dalbeattie granodiorite complex. Multi-element analysis of the samples collected demonstrates patterns of trace element distribution related to the geology and Broad-scale patterns in the distribution of some elements reflect compositional anumber of mineralisation. variations in both the Lower Palaeozoic turbidite sequence and the Criffel- Dalbeattie granodiorite complex, both of which may be sub-divided into specific units on the basis of the geochemical data. The follow-up of copper anomalies in drainage samples from the Black Stockarton Moor area led to the discovery of porphyry-style copper mineralisation within an arcuate belt at least 5 km by 1 km within the Black Stockarton Moor subvolcanic complex and of related disseminated copper mineralisation at Screel Burn. The area to the west of the Criffel-Dalbeattie plutonic complex is also characterised by relatively high boron levels in stream sediments reflecting the widespread occurrence of tourmaline both in association with and peripheral to the copper mineralisation. Vein mineralisation, usually containing baryte in addition to base.metals, is also identifiable from the drainage survey at the eastern margin of the Criffel-Dalbeattie granodiorite; in association with the Lower Carboniferous rocks along the Solway coast; and within the Lower Palaeozoic turbidites in the west of the area

    Infection of Gammarus duebeni populations by two vertically transmitted microsporidia; parasite detection and discrimination by PCR–RFLP

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    We screened a population of the brackish water crustacean Gammarus duebeni from the Isle of Cumbrae for the presence of vertically transmitted microsporidia. We compared 2 screening techniques; light microscopy and PCR-based detection using generic 16S rDNA microsporidian primers. Fifty percent of females from this population tested positive for vertically transmitted microsporidia. The PCR screen was 100% efficient in comparison with existing LM based screening. In addition, the PCR screen produced bands of 2 sizes suggesting that more than 1 species of microsporidian was present. Sequencing revealed 2 distinct species of vertically transmitted microsporidia; 33% of females were infected with the feminizer Nosema granulosis and 17% were infected with a new species which we provisionally designate Microsporidium sp. On the basis of sequence information, we developed a discriminatory PCR–RFLP test based on MspI and HaeIII digests. This screen allows rapid detection and discrimination of vertically transmitted microsporidia in natural field populations. We applied the PCR–RFLP screen to a second G. duebeni population from the Isle of Man. This population also hosted these 2 parasite species. In total 45% of females harboured N. granulosis and 10% harboured Microsporidium sp. No dual-infected individuals were found in either population. The occurrence of 2 vertically transmitted parasites within a population has implications for our understanding of parasite–host relationships in the field and we discuss factors affecting the dynamics of parasite–parasite competition and coexistence

    Lead, zinc and copper mineralisation in basal Carboniferous sediments at Westwater, south Scotland

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    A zioneo f lead, zinc and copperm ineralisatioins developedo ver a minimum I of 4 km of strikeo f basal Carboniferoucse mentstoneg roup sedimentsa nd immediatelyu nderlyingB irrenswarkL avas atwestwater,n ear Laqholm in south Scotland. Grades so far obtained from sparse rock exposures and from shallow boreholes a fissure sulphides are usuallyO .l-O.j%o f combinedm etals over 1-2 m of thickness,bu t vein of higher grade and a relativelyt hick zone of disseminated were also located. Galena, sphalerite,c halcopyritea ndbaryte occur mainly in thin dolomitev eins but disseminationosf galenaa re also presenti n sandstoneu nits. The mineralisatioins of low temperaturet ype I was emplaceda long northeasterlyt rendingn ormal faultsa nd cross faults regardeda s late Carboniferouisn age. and Mineralisatiohna s been controlledb y faulting,r egionalf aciesv aziation and local lithologicalv ariationa s well as by stratigraphipco sition. These controlsa re applicablei n furthere xplorationo f Lower Carboniferourso cks in both south and central Scotland. The heavy mineral fraction of stream sediment is the optimums amplingt ype in reconnaissanceex plorationo f areas of calcareous . rocks such as the Lower Carboniferouso f south Scotlanda nd basal till sampling is the most effectivem ethod of follow-upe xplorationi n those areas where glaciald epositsa re widespreada nd often thick

    The effects of cationic surfactants on marine biofilm growth on hydrogels

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    A method for the quantification of biofilm formation on hydrogel protective coatings for optical sensors and cameras has been developed using fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis. In conjunction with these measurements the release of the fouling resistant cationic surfactants benzalkonium chloride, tallowbenzyldimethylammonium chloride and dicocodimethylammonium chloride was measured, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), to enable correlation to be made between release and biofilm resistance and thus determine the active lifetime of such coatings. Results indicate that the twin-chained material, dicocodimethylammonium chloride, produced superior biofouling resistance as, at the 12 week time point, little fouling was detected on this coating. The hydrogel containing the long-chained tallowbenzyldimethylammonium chloride (mainly C-16 and C-18 chains) was the next best fouling resistant material, withstanding biofilm formation for 9 weeks. This correlates with the fact that each of these materials had an extremely slow to zero release rate, due to their irreversible binding to the hydrogel over the experimental timescale. In comparison the shorter chained benzalkonium chloride (mainly C-12 and C-14). showed signs of biofilm formation at the 3 week time point

    Early warning signals in plant disease outbreaks

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    Infectious disease outbreaks in plants threaten ecosystems, agricultural crops and food trade. Currently, several fungal diseases are affecting forests worldwide, posing a major risk to tree species, habitats and consequently ecosystem decay. Prediction and control of disease spread are difficult, mainly due to the complexity of the interaction between individual components involved. In this work, we introduce a lattice-based epidemic model coupled with a stochastic process that mimics, in a very simplified way, the interaction between the hosts and pathogen. We studied the disease spread by measuring the propagation velocity of the pathogen on the susceptible hosts. Our quantitative results indicate the occurrence of a critical transition between two stable phases: local confinement and an extended epiphytotic outbreak that depends on the density of the susceptible individuals. Quantitative predictions of epiphytotics are performed using the framework early-warning indicators for impending regime shifts, widely applied on dynamical systems. These signals forecast successfully the outcome of the critical shift between the two stable phases before the system enters the epiphytotic regime. Our study demonstrates that early-warning indicators could be useful for the prediction of forest disease epidemics through mathematical and computational models suited to more specific pathogen–host-environmental interactions. Our results may also be useful to identify a suitable planting density to slow down disease spread and in the future, design highly resilient forests

    Low cost vision based personal mobile mapping system

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    Mobile mapping systems (MMS) can be used for several purposes, such as transportation, highway infrastructure mapping and GIS data collecting. However, the acceptance of these systems is not wide spread and their use is still limited due the high cost and dependency on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). A low cost vision based personal MMS has been produced with an aim to overcome these limitations. The system has been designed to depend mainly on cameras and use of low cost GNSS and inertial sensors to provide a bundle adjustment solution with initial values. The system has the potential to be used indoor and outdoor. The system has been tested indoors and outdoors with different GPS coverage, surrounded features, and narrow and curvy paths. Tests show that the system is able to work in such environments providing 3D coordinates of better than 10 cm accuracy

    Blast injury prevalence in skeletal remains: Are there differences between Bosnian war samples and documented combat-related deaths?

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    © 2017 The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences.Court cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) have seen questions raised about the recognition and causes of blast-related trauma and the relationship to human rights abuses or combat. During trials, defence teams argued that trauma was combat related and prosecutors argued that trauma was related to executions. We compared a sample of 81 cases (males between 18 and 75) from a Bosnian mass grave investigation linked to the Kravica warehouse killings to published combat-related blast injury data from World War One, Vietnam, Northern Ireland, the first Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan. We also compared blast fracture injuries from Bosnia to blast fracture injuries sustained in bombings of buildings in two non-combat 'civilian' examples; the Oklahoma City and Birmingham pub bombings. A Chi-squared statistic with a Holm-Bonferroni correction assessed differences between prevalence of blast-related fractures in various body regions, where data were comparable. We found statistically significant differences between the Bosnian and combat contexts. We noted differences in the prevalence of head, torso, vertebral area, and limbs trauma, with a general trend for higher levels of more widespread trauma in the Bosnian sample. We noted that the pattern of trauma in the Bosnian cases resembled the pattern from the bombing in buildings civilian contexts. Variation in trauma patterns can be attributed to the influence of protective armour; the context of the environment; and the type of munition and its injuring mechanism. Blast fracture injuries sustained in the Bosnian sample showed patterns consistent with a lack of body armour, blast effects on people standing in enclosed buildings and the use of explosive munitions
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