249,795 research outputs found

    Modality effects in vocabulary acquisition

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    It is unknown whether modality affects the efficiency with which humans learn novel word forms and their meanings, with previous studies reporting both written and auditory advantages. The current study implements controls whose absence in previous work likely offers explanation for such contradictory findings. In two novel word learning experiments, participants were trained and tested on pseudoword - novel object pairs, with controls on: modality of test, modality of meaning, duration of exposure and transparency of word form. In both experiments word forms were presented in either their written or spoken form, each paired with a pictorial meaning (novel object). Following a 20-minute filler task, participants were tested on their ability to identify the picture-word form pairs on which they were trained. A between subjects design generated four participant groups per experiment 1) written training, written test; 2) written training, spoken test; 3) spoken training, written test; 4) spoken training, spoken test. In Experiment 1 the written stimulus was presented for a time period equal to the duration of the spoken form. Results showed that when the duration of exposure was equal, participants displayed a written training benefit. Given words can be read faster than the time taken for the spoken form to unfold, in Experiment 2 the written form was presented for 300 ms, sufficient time to read the word yet 65% shorter than the duration of the spoken form. No modality effect was observed under these conditions, when exposure to the word form was equivalent. These results demonstrate, at least for proficient readers, that when exposure to the word form is controlled across modalities the efficiency with which word form-meaning associations are learnt does not differ. Our results therefore suggest that, although we typically begin as aural-only word learners, we ultimately converge on developing learning mechanisms that learn equally efficiently from both written and spoken materials

    An alternative method of analysis for base accelerated dynamic response in NASTRAN

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    An alternative method of analysis to determine the dynamic response of structures subjected to base accelerations is presented. The method is exact as opposed to the approximate technique of using unusually large masses and loads to enforce desired base accelerations. This paper presents the relevant equations to motion, ALTERs for direct and modal frequency-, random- and transient-response rigid formats, and illustrative examples

    Acoustical modes of arbitrary volumes using NASTRAN transient heat transfer RF9

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    An equivalence between temperature and pressure, heat conduction and stiffness and heat capacity and mass is defined, enabling acoustical modal analysis of arbitrary three dimensional volumes. The transient heat transfer analysis rigid format in NASTRAN, RF9, has been altered providing the acoustical analysis capability. Examples and ALTERs are included

    Fermi-Bose mixture in mixed dimensions

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    One of the challenging goals in the studies of many-body physics with ultracold atoms is the creation of a topological px+ipyp_{x} + ip_{y} superfluid for identical fermions in two dimensions (2D). The expectations of reaching the critical temperature TcT_c through p-wave Feshbach resonance in spin-polarized fermionic gases have soon faded away because on approaching the resonance, the system becomes unstable due to inelastic-collision processes. Here, we consider an alternative scenario in which a single-component degenerate gas of fermions in 2D is paired via phonon-mediated interactions provided by a 3D BEC background. Within the weak-coupling regime, we calculate the critical temperature TcT_c for the fermionic pair formation, using Bethe-Salpeter formalism, and show that it is significantly boosted by higher-order diagramatic terms, such as phonon dressing and vertex corrections. We describe in detail an experimental scheme to implement our proposal, and show that the long-sought p-wave superfluid is at reach with state-of-the-art experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables and supplementary materia

    Emulation of multivariate simulators using thin-plate splines with application to atmospheric dispersion

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    It is often desirable to build a statistical emulator of a complex computer simulator in order to perform analysis which would otherwise be computationally infeasible. We propose methodology to model multivariate output from a computer simulator taking into account output structure in the responses. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by applying it to a chemical and biological hazard prediction model. Predicting the hazard area which results from an accidental or deliberate chemical or biological release is imperative in civil and military planning and also in emergency response. The hazard area resulting from such a release is highly structured in space and we therefore propose the use of a thin-plate spline to capture the spatial structure and fit a Gaussian process emulator to the coefficients of the resultant basis functions. We compare and contrast four different techniques for emulating multivariate output: dimension-reduction using (i) a fully Bayesian approach with a principal component basis, (ii) a fully Bayesian approach with a thin-plate spline basis, assuming that the basis coefficients are independent, and (iii) a “plug-in” Bayesian approach with a thin-plate spline basis and a separable covariance structure; and (iv) a functional data modeling approach using a tensor-product (separable) Gaussian process. We develop methodology for the two thin-plate spline emulators and demonstrate that these emulators significantly outperform the principal component emulator. Further, the separable thin-plate spline emulator, which accounts for the dependence between basis coefficients, provides substantially more realistic quantification of uncertainty, and is also computationally more tractable, allowing fast emulation. For high resolution output data, it also offers substantial predictive and computational ad- vantages over the tensor-product Gaussian process emulator

    Virtual Site as an aid to first-year learning

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    Courses run by the School of the Built Environment have a range of entry requirements that enable diverse students and those with lower academic qualifications to gain entry. This results in a particular challenge for the Documentation & Estimating module, which is a very practical, skillsand competence-based module. It is delivered to large tutorial cohorts of mixed courses, abilities, ages and experience. Many students need one-toone guidance to understand what, practically, they have to do. They are given the theory first in a lecture and then have practical tutorials to carry out assessed exercises with limited tutor contact time. The module includes some basic surveying techniques and a levelling exercise which involves the transfer of a level from an assumed benchmark to establish a temporary benchmark some distance away. Many students have problems with computation of results. In spite of a careful introduction and explanation of the use of the instruments and techniques, many students find it difficult to visualise what is happening

    Measurement of the horizontal velocity of wind perturbations in the middle atmosphere by spaced MF radar systems

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    Two remote receiving sites have been set up at a distance of approx 40 km from the main MF radar system. This allows measurement of upper atmosphere winds from 60-120 km (3 km resolution) at the corners of an approximately equilateral triangle of side approx 20 km. Some preliminary data are compared through cross correlation and cross spectral analysis in an attempt to determine the horizontal velocity of wind perturbations and/or the horizontal wavelength and phase velocity of gravity waves