9,720 research outputs found

    Distribution of Per Capita Income in Georgia: 1969-2000

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    Since the mid 1980s, the state of Georgia has been popularly characterized as consisting of two (or more) distinct economies or economic regions, the Atlanta Region and the remainder of the state. Since the appearance of the term "two Georgias" in the local lexicon, policy makers have attempted to address problems associated with the perception that Atlanta and its surrounding counties are experiencing tremendous economic growth, while the remainder of the state languishes. Because the quality and quantity of local public services are determined, in part, by local economic activity, concerns have been raised about the existence of two Georgias and how such an economic partition might affect the distribution of revenue generating capacity among counties across the state.Past research suggests that the average income of different areas of a country tend to converge as overall income rises. Using per capita personal income (PCI) data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), we compare 1969 PCI with 2000 PCI to determine: 1) if convergence has occurred 2) how changes in PCI are geographically distributed, and 3) whether these data support the popular conception that Georgia consists of two separate economies. Report #9

    Gasoline Taxes in Georgia

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    This report describes and compares Georgia's fuel tax with other states and evaluates it as a long-term dedicated revenue source for highway funding in the state. FRC Report 12

    Utilizing Rare Earth Elements as Tracers in High TDS Reservoir Brines in CCS Applications

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    AbstractIn this paper we report the result of research associated with the testing of a procedures necessary for utilizing natural occurring trace elements, specifically the Rare Earth Elements (REE) as geochemical tracers in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applications. Trace elements, particularly REE may be well suited to serve as in situ tracers for monitoring geochemical conditions and the migration of CO2-charged waters within CCS storage systems. We have been conducting studies to determine the efficacy of using REE as a tracer and characterization tool in the laboratory, at a CCS analogue site in Soda Springs, Idaho, and at a proposed CCS reservoir at the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming. Results from field and laboratory studies have been encouraging and show that REE may be an effective tracer in CCS systems and overlying aquifers. In recent years, a series of studies using REE as a natural groundwater tracer have been conducted successfully at various locations around the globe. Additionally, REE and other trace elements have been successfully used as in situ tracers to describe the evolution of deep sedimentary Basins. Our goal has been to establish naturally occurring REE as a useful monitoring measuring and verification (MMV) tool in CCS research because formation brine chemistry will be particularly sensitive to changes in local equilibrium caused by the addition of large volumes of CO2. Because brine within CCS target formations will have been in chemical equilibrium with the host rocks for millions of years, the addition of large volumes of CO2 will cause reactions in the formation that will drive changes to the brine chemistry due to the pH change caused by the formation of carbonic acid. This CO2 driven change in formation fluid chemistry will have a major impact on water rock reaction equilibrium in the formation, which will impart a change in the REE fingerprint of the brine that can measured and be used to monitor in situ reservoir conditions. Our research has shown that the REE signature imparted to the formation fluid by the introduction of CO2 to the formation, can be measured and tracked as part of an MMV program. Additionally, this REE fingerprint may serve as an ideal tracer for fluid migration, both within the CCS target formation, and should formation fluids migrate into overlying aquifers. However application of REE and other trace elements to CCS system is complicated by the high salt content of the brines contained within the target formations. In the United States by regulation, in order for a geologic reservoir to be considered suitable for carbon storage, it must contain formation brine with total dissolved solids (TDS) > 10,000ppm, and in most cases formation brines have TDS well in excess of that threshold. The high salinity of these brines creates analytical problems for elemental analysis, including element interference with trace metals in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (i.e. element mass overlap due to oxide or plasma phenomenon). Additionally, instruments like the ICP-MS that are sensitive enough to measure trace elements down to the parts per trillion level are quickly oversaturated when water TDS exceeds much more than 1,000ppm. Normally this problem is dealt with through dilution of the sample, bringing the water chemistry into the instruments working range. However, dilution is not an option when analyzing these formation brines for trace metals, because trace elements, specifically the REE, which occur in aqueous solutions at the parts per trillion levels. Any dilution of the sample would make REE detection impossible. Therefore, the ability to use trace metals as in situ natural tracers in high TDS brines environments requires the development of methods for pre-concentrating trace elements, while reducing the salinity and associated elemental interference such that the brines can be routinely analyzed by standard ICP-MS methods. As part of the Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Project the INL-CAES has developed a rapid, easy to use process that pre-concentrates trace metals, including REE, up to 100x while eliminating interfering ions (e.g. Ba, Cl). The process is straightforward, inexpensive, and requires little infrastructure, using only a single chromatography column with inexpensive, reusable, commercially available resins and wash chemicals. The procedure has been tested with synthetic brines (215,000ppm or less TDS) and field water samples (up to 5,000ppm TDS). Testing has produced data of high quality with REE capture efficiency exceeding 95%, while reducing interfering elements by > 99%

    The Constabulary of the Plains

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    The establishment and evolution of Fort Riley from the 1850s through the 21st century

    MIT's CWSpace project: packaging metadata for archiving educational content in DSpace

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    This paper describes work in progress on the research project CWSpace, sponsored by the MIT and Microsoft Research iCampus program, to investigate the metadata standards and protocols required to archive the course materials found in MIT’s OpenCourseWare (OCW) into MIT’s institutional repository DSpace. The project goal is “to harvest and digitally archive OCW learning objects, and make them available to learning management systems by using Web Services interfaces on top of DSpace.” The larger vision is one of complex digital objects (CDOs) successfully interoperating amongst MIT’s various learning management systems and learning object repositories, providing archival preservation and persistent identifiers for educational materials, as well as providing the means to richer shared discovery and dissemination mechanisms for those materials. The paper describes work to date on the analysis of the content packaging metadata standards METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) and especially IMS-CP (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Content Packaging), and issues faced in the development and use of profiles, extensions, and external schema for these standards. Also addressed are the anticipated issues in the preparation of transformations from one standard to another, noting the importance of well-defined profiles to making that feasible. The paper also briefly touches on the DSpace development work that will be undertaken to provide new import and export functionalities, as the technical specifications for these will largely be determined by the packaging metadata profiles that are developed. Note that the degree of interoperability considered herein might be referred to as “first level,” as this paper addresses the packaging metadata only, which in turn is the carrier or envelope for the descriptive (and other kinds of) metadata. It will no doubt be an even more challenging task to ensure interoperability at what might be referred to as the “second level,” that of semantic metadata.MIT iCampu

    First Records for \u3ci\u3eAeshna Sitchensis\u3c/i\u3e (Odonata: Aeshnidae) and \u3ci\u3eEnallagma Clausum\u3c/i\u3e (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), and a Northwestern Record for the State-Endangered \u3ci\u3eSomatochlora Incurvata\u3c/i\u3e (Odonata: Corduliidae) in Wisconsin

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    While surveying for Odonata in coastal peatlands and associated shoreline areas adjacent to Lake Superior in Wisconsin, we documented populations of two new state record species, the zig-zag darner (Aeshna sitchensis Hagen) and the alkali bluet (Enallagma clausum Morse). We also located a robust population of the state-endangered incurvate emerald (Somatochlora incurvata Walker) at the northwestern edge of the known range of this species. Adults and exuviae of A. sitchensis and S. incurvata were found at an insular fen on Stockton Island, Ashland County, within the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (AINL). Breeding of both species had occurred in areas of the fen where small pools had dried by summer. Additionally, a single adult male A. sitchensis was collected in the City of Superior in Douglas County. Adult E. clausum were found at two sites: on the Lake Superior beach near the mouth of the Sand River within the AINL in Bayfield County, and along the northeast shore of Allouez Bay in the City of Superior in Douglas County

    Prediction and Field Performance of an Instrumented Road

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    Performance of a surface-treated crushed rock pavement, 250 mm thick and placed over a weak subgrade, is predicted using mechano-lattice analysis and the results are compared with actual performance after the passage of the equivalent of 800 000 standard axles. Input is in terms of the deformation characteristics determined from repeated loading triaxial testing. Performance is measured in terms of pavement profile, roughness and permanent deformation or rutting. Predicted straight-edge rutting was within the range of values measured in the field. The measured profile index and roughness count were consistent with a pavement showing little deformation over its initial six years of service. Considering the possible field variation of material properties over the evaluation period and the single set of input data the results indicate the applicability of the mechano-lattice method for the prediction of the performance of crushed rock flexible pavements

    EMU helmet mounted display

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    A helmet mounted display device is disclosed for projecting a display on a flat combiner surface located above the line of sight where the display is produced by two independent optical channels with independent LCD image generators. The display has a fully overlapped field of view on the combiner surface and the focus can be adjusted from a near field of four feet to infinity
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