Prediction and Field Performance of an Instrumented Road


Performance of a surface-treated crushed rock pavement, 250 mm thick and placed over a weak subgrade, is predicted using mechano-lattice analysis and the results are compared with actual performance after the passage of the equivalent of 800 000 standard axles. Input is in terms of the deformation characteristics determined from repeated loading triaxial testing. Performance is measured in terms of pavement profile, roughness and permanent deformation or rutting. Predicted straight-edge rutting was within the range of values measured in the field. The measured profile index and roughness count were consistent with a pavement showing little deformation over its initial six years of service. Considering the possible field variation of material properties over the evaluation period and the single set of input data the results indicate the applicability of the mechano-lattice method for the prediction of the performance of crushed rock flexible pavements

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