6,357 research outputs found

    An aggregation of juvenile Youngina from the Beaufort Group, Karoo Basin, South Africa

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    Main articleAn assemblage of five fully-articulated juvenile skeletons of Youngina has been recovered from the Late Permian strata of the south-western Karoo Basin. These 12-cm-long skeletons are not only the first articulated juveniles of this taxon, but also the oldest yet found in the Karoo Basin. They are preserved in overbank mudrocks of the Hoedemaker Member (Beaufort Group, Adelaide Subgroup) on the farm Leeukloof 43 in the Beaufort West district. Although they are estimated to be some three million years older than previously described Youngina, these specimens show no significant skeletal differences. The high degree of articulation and the spatial arrangement of these skeletons in a dish-shaped hollow is compelling evidence for them having huddled together within an underground burrow. Taphonomic analysis of associated fossils indicates that this was probably a mechanism to reduce water loss during drought on the ancient Karoo floodplains .Non

    Behavioral Deficits and Axonal Injury Persistence after Rotational Head Injury Are Direction Dependent

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    Pigs continue to grow in importance as a tool in neuroscience. However, behavioral tests that have been validated in the rodent model do not translate well to pigs because of their very different responses to behavioral stimuli. We refined metrics for assessing porcine open field behavior to detect a wide spectrum of clinically relevant behaviors in the piglet post-traumatic brain injury (TBI). Female neonatal piglets underwent a rapid non-impact head rotation in the sagittal plane (n=8 evaluable) or were instrumented shams (n=7 evaluable). Open field testing was conducted 1 day prior to injury (day −1) in order to establish an individual baseline for analysis, and at days +1 and +4 after injury. Animals were then killed on day +6 after injury for neuropathological assessment of axonal injury. Injured piglets were less interested in interacting with environmental stimuli and had a lower activity level than did shams. These data were compared with previously published data for axial rotational injuries in neonatal piglets. Acute behavioral outcomes post-TBI showed a dependence on the rotational plane of the brain injury, with animals with sagittal injuries demonstrating a greater level of inactivity and less random usage of the open field space than those with axial injuries. The persistence of axonal injury is also dependent on the rotational plane, with sagittal rotations causing more prolonged injuries than axial rotations. These results are consistent with animal studies, finite element models, and studies of concussions in football, which have all demonstrated differences in injury severity depending upon the direction of head impact rotation

    Ethnicity and the Writing of Medieval Scottish history

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    Historians have long tended to define medieval Scottish society in terms of interactions between ethnic groups. This approach was developed over the course of the long nineteenth century, a formative period for the study of medieval Scotland. At that time, many scholars based their analysis upon scientific principles, long since debunked, which held that medieval 'peoples' could only be understood in terms of 'full ethnic packages'. This approach was combined with a positivist historical narrative that defined Germanic Anglo-Saxons and Normans as the harbingers of advances of Civilisation. While the prejudices of that era have largely faded away, the modern discipline still relies all too often on a dualistic ethnic framework. This is particularly evident in a structure of periodisation that draws a clear line between the 'Celtic' eleventh century and the 'Norman' twelfth. Furthermore, dualistic oppositions based on ethnicity continue, particularly in discussions of the law, kingship, lordship and religion

    Differences in Innate Immunologic Response to Group B Streptococcus Between Colonized and Noncolonized Women

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    Objective: To evaluate the functional capacity of granulocytes and monocytes from pregnant and nonpregnant women in relation to group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization status. Methods: Engulfment of fluorescent GBS by peripheral blood phagocytes from GBS-colonized and noncolonized women was measured by flow cytometry. Intracellular superoxiode generated in response to GBS challenge to monocytes and granulocytes enriched from peripheral blood of these women was also measured by flow cytometry, and extracellular superoxide was determined by colorimetric assay. Results: Monocytes and granulocytes from pregnant, GBS-colonized women engulfed significantly greater numbers of GBS than phagocytes from pregnant, noncolonized women. No difference in intracellular superoxide production was detected between any of the groups of women; however, monocytes from pregnant, colonized women released significantly more superoxide into the extracellular milieu than did granulocytes from the same women. No differences in extracellular release of superoxide were observed among noncolonized women whether they were pregnant or not. Conclusions: Monocytes from pregnant, colonized women engulf more GBS and release more of the superoxide into the extracellular environment, where it is unlikely to be an effective defense mechanism against intracellular bacteria. This suggests that components of the innate immune system that should serve in a protective role may function suboptimally, thereby contributing to the colonization process by GBS

    Is There a Causal Association between Genotoxicity and the Imposex Effect?

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    There is a growing body of evidence that indicates common environmental pollutants are capable of disrupting reproductive and developmental processes by interfering with the actions of endogenous hormones. Many reports of endocrine disruption describe changes in the normal development of organs and tissues that are consistent with genetic damage, and recent studies confirm that many chemicals classified to have hormone-modulating effects also possess carcinogenic and mutagenic potential. To date, however, there have been no conclusive examples linking genetic damage with perturbation of endocrine function and adverse effects in vivo. Here, we provide the first evidence of DNA damage associated with the development of imposex (the masculinization of female gastropods considered to be the result of alterations to endocrine-mediated pathways) in the dog-whelk Nucella lapillus. Animals (n = 257) that displayed various stages of tributyltin (TBT)-induced imposex were collected from sites in southwest England, and their imposex status was determined by physical examination. Linear regression analysis revealed a very strong relationship (correlation coefficient of 0.935, p < 0.0001) between the degree of imposex and the extent of DNA damage (micronucleus formation) in hemocytes. Moreover, histological examination of a larger number of dog-whelks collected from sites throughout Europe confirmed the presence of hyperplastic growths, primarily on the vas deferens and penis in both TBT-exposed male snails and in females that exhibited imposex. A strong association was found between TBT body burden and the prevalence of abnormal growths, thereby providing compelling evidence to support the hypothesis that environmental chemicals that affect reproductive processes do so partly through DNA damage pathways

    Training peers to support older people with chronic low back pain following physiotherapy discharge: a feasibility study

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    Objective: To determine the feasibility and acceptability of a training programme for peer volunteers to support older adults with chronic low back pain (CLBP) following discharge from physiotherapy.Design: Feasibility study.Setting: Community-based.Participants17 adults (4 male, 13 female) with CLBP or experience of supporting someone with CLBP enrolled and 12 (2 male, 10 female) completed the volunteer training. Intervention: Volunteers took part in a face-to-face or blended delivery peer support training programme based on the Mental Health Foundation’s “Principles into Practice” and adapted for CLBP by the study team. Main outcome measures. Recruitment/retention rates; demographics; time &amp; resources used to deliver training; training evaluation (questionnaire); knowledge questionnaire, and self-efficacy questionnaire.Results17 participants enrolled on the training programme (11 face-to-face, 6 blended delivery). 12 (71%) completed the training (73% face-to-face, 67% blended delivery). The training was positively evaluated. All but two participants passed the knowledge quiz at the end of the training, and the majority of self-efficacy scores (90%) were high.Conclusions: It is feasible to develop, implement and evaluate a peer support training programme for the facilitation of CLBP self-management in older adults following discharge from physiotherapy. Blended delivery of training may facilitate the recruitment of greater numbers of peer support volunteers in future studies. Supported self-management of CLBP pain is widely recommended but can be difficult to achieve. Peer support might be a promising method of facilitating CLBP self-management without additional burden to health services, and should be further evaluated in a larger study

    Cervical Cancer Screening with Liquid Cytology in Women with Developmental Disabilities

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    Abstract Objective: To evaluate the use of liquid cytology in Pap smears in women with developmental disabilities (DD) for endocervical cell yield and abnormalities, via speculum examination or blind technique. Methods: We used retrospective chart review of gynecological visits by women with DD from October 2002 to November 2005. Cervical cytology screening included speculum examination or blind technique. Endocervical cell yield was analyzed via Pearson's chi-square test. Results: Of 240 attempted liquid cytology Pap smears, 199 (82.9%) were completed. Of these, 193 met inclusion criteria for the study, and 120 (62.2%) contained endocervical cells. The endocervical cell yield with liquid cytology/speculum was 80.0% and was 43.6% with liquid cytology/blind (p < 0.001). Two blind smears (1.0%) were abnormal; both revealed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) with subsequent negative human papillomavirus (HPV) typing. Conclusions: Cervical screening with liquid cytology in women with DD provides an overall rate of endocervical cells of approximately 44%-80% depending on the technique used. Although this is much lower than in the general population, this compares favorably with slide Pap smear in women with DD. The 44% yield of endocervical cells and the finding of abnormal Pap smears with the blind technique suggest this is a reasonable alternative for obtaining Pap smears in women with difficult pelvic examinations who otherwise would not receive cervical screening.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78111/1/jwh.2008.0795.pd

    When grassroots innovation movements encounter mainstream institutions: implications for models of inclusive innovation

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    Grassroots innovation movements (GIMs) can be regarded as initiators or advocates of alternative pathways of innovation. Sometimes these movements engage with more established science, technology and innovation (STI) institutions and development agencies in pursuit of their goals. In this paper, we argue that an important aspect to encounters between GIMs and mainstream STI institutions is the negotiation of different framings of grassroots innovation and development of policy models for inclusive innovation. These encounters can result in two different modes of engagement by GIMs; what we call insertion and mobilization. We illustrate and discuss these interrelated notions of framings and modes of engagement by drawing on three case studies of GIMs: the Social Technologies Network in Brazil, and the Honey Bee Network and People's Science Movements in India. The cases highlight that inclusion in the context of GIMs is not an unproblematic, smooth endeavour, and involves diverse interpretations and framings, which shape what and who gets included or excluded. Within the context of increasing policy interest, the analysis of encounters between GIMs and STI institutions can offer important lessons for the design of models of inclusive innovation and development