56 research outputs found

    Influence of effective stress and pore‐fluid pressure on fault strength and slip localization in carbonate slip zones

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    The presence of pressurized fluids influences the mechanical behaviour of faults. To test the roles of normal stress and fluid pressure on shear strength and localization behaviour of calcite gouges, we conducted a series of rotary‐shear experiments with pore‐fluid pressures up to 10.5 MPa and difference between normal stress and fluid pressure up to 11.2 MPa. Calcite gouges were sheared for displacements of 0.3 m to several meters at slip rates of 1 mm/s and 1 m/s. Drainage conditions in experiments were constrained from estimates of the hydraulic diffusivity. Gouges were found to be drained at 1 mm/s, but possibly partially undrained during sliding at 1 m/s. Shear strength obeys an effective‐stress law with an effective‐stress coefficient close to unity with a friction coefficient of c. 0.7 that decreases to 0.19 due to dynamic weakening. The degree of comminution and slip localization constrained from experimental microstructures depends on the effective normal stress. Slip localization in calcite gouges does not occur at low effective normal stress. The presence of pore fluids lowers the shear strength of gouges sheared at 1 mm/s and causes an accelerated weakening at 1 m/s compared to dry gouges, possibly due to enhanced subcritical crack growth and intergranular lubrication. Thermal pressurization occurs only after dynamic weakening when friction is generally low and relatively independent of normal stress and therefore unaffected by thermal pressurization. The experimental results are consistent with the view that the presence of pressurized fluid in carbonate‐bearing faults can facilitate earthquake nucleation

    Closing the Loop: Modelling of Heart Failure Progression from Health to End-Stage Using a Meta-Analysis of Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Loops

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    Introduction The American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) guidelines for the classification of heart failure (HF) are descriptive but lack precise and objective measures which would assist in categorising such patients. Our aim was two fold, firstly to demonstrate quantitatively the progression of HF through each stage using a meta-analysis of existing left ventricular (LV) pressure-volume (PV) loop data and secondly use the LV PV loop data to create stage specific HF models. Methods and Results A literature search yielded 31 papers with PV data, representing over 200 patients in different stages of HF. The raw pressure and volume data were extracted from the papers using a digitising software package and the means were calculated. The data demonstrated that, as HF progressed, stroke volume (SV), ejection fraction (EF%) decreased while LV volumes increased. A 2-element lumped parameter model was employed to model the mean loops and the error was calculated between the loops, demonstrating close fit between the loops. The only parameter that was consistently and statistically different across all the stages was the elastance (Emax). Conclusions For the first time, the authors have created a visual and quantitative representation of the AHA/ACC stages of LVSD-HF, from normal to end-stage. The study demonstrates that robust, load-independent and reproducible parameters, such as elastance, can be used to categorise and model HF, complementing the existing classification. The modelled PV loops establish previously unknown physiological parameters for each AHA/ACC stage of LVSD-HF, such as LV elastance and highlight that it this parameter alone, in lumped parameter models, that determines the severity of HF. Such information will enable cardiovascular modellers with an interest in HF, to create more accurate models of the heart as it fails

    Fracturing and rock pulverization along an exhumed seismogenic fault zone in dolostones: The Foiana Fault Zone (Southern Alps, Italy)

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    The Foiana Fault Zone (FFZ) is a major sinistral transpressive fault zone exhumed from <2 km depth in the Italian Southern Alps. The fault zone crosscuts thick sequences of sedimentary dolostones and shows increasing cumulative throw (0.3-1.8 km) moving from south to north along fault strike. The FFZ consists of variably fractured and fragmented dolostones locally cut by small-displacement (<0.5 m) faults containing discrete, highly-reflective (so-called "mirror-like") slip surfaces. The mirror-like slip surfaces are typically embedded within fine-grained cataclasite layers up to a few centimeters thick. Preservation of bedding planes in the fragmented dolostones indicates a lack of significant shear strain. Instead, the fragmented dolostones are affected by in-situ shattering from the centimeter down to the micrometer scale, resembling pulverized rocks in crystalline lithologies. Detailed field and aerial structural mapping reveals significant changes in the structure of the FFZ along strike. In particular, the fault zone exhibits large variations in thickness (from c. 100 m in the north to more than 300 m in the south) and changes in mean fault orientation and fault kinematics (from dominant oblique- and strike-slip in the north to dip-slip reverse in the south), together with the reactivation of preexisting anisotropies (i.e. bedding). Overall, the structure of the FFZ, when considered together with possible variable exhumation levels along strike, compares favorably to the predicted damage distribution in three-dimensional earthquake rupture simulations on strike-slip faults, as well as to the characteristics of active seismic sources hosted in carbonate rocks as illuminated by recent seismological studies

    Principal Slip Zones in Limestone: Microstructural Characterization and Implications for the Seismic Cycle (Tre Monti Fault, Central Apennines, Italy)

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    Earthquakes in central Italy, and in other areas worldwide, often nucleate within and rupture through carbonates in the upper crust. During individual earthquake ruptures, most fault displacement is thought to be accommodated by thin principal slip zones. This study presents detailed microstructural observations of the slip zones of the seismically active Tre Monti normal fault zone. All of the slip zones cut limestone, and geological constraints indicate exhumation from\2 km depth, where ambient temperatures are 100C. Scanning electron microscope observations suggest that the slip zones are composed of 100% calcite. The slip zones of secondary faults in the damage zone contain protocataclastic and cataclastic fabrics that are cross-cut by systematic fracture networks and stylolite dissolution surfaces. The slip zone of the principal fault has much more microstructural complexity, and contains a 2\u201310 mm thick ultracataclasite that lies immediately beneath the principal slip surface. The ultracataclasite itself is internally zoned; 200\u2013300 lm-thick ultracataclastic sub-layers record extreme localization of slip. Syn-tectonic calcite vein networks spatially associated with the sub-layers suggest fluid involvement in faulting. The ultracataclastic sub-layers preserve compelling microstructural evidence of fluidization, and also contain peculiar rounded grains consisting of a central (often angular) clast wrapped by a laminated outer cortex of ultra-fine-grained calcite. These \u2018\u2018clast-cortex grains\u2019\u2019 closely resemble those produced during layer fluidization in other settings, including the basal detachments of catastrophic landslides and saturated high-velocity friction experiments on clay-bearing gouges. An overprinting foliation is present in the slip zone of the principal fault, and electron backscatter diffraction analyses indicate the presence of a weak calcite crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) in the fine-grained matrix. The calcite c-axes are systematically inclined in the direction of shear. We suggest that fluidization of ultracataclastic sub-layers and formation of clast-cortex grains within the principal slip zone occurred at high strain rates during propagation of seismic ruptures whereas development of an overprinting CPO occurred by intergranular pressure solution during post-seismic creep. Further work is required to document the range of microstructures in localized slip zones that cross-cut different lithologies, and to compare natural slip zone microstructures with those produced in controlled deformation experiments

    Rough faults, distributed weakening, and off-fault deformation

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    We report systematic spatial variations in fault rocks along nonplanar strike-slip faults cross-cutting the Lake Edison Granodiorite, Sierra Nevada, California (Sierran wavy fault) and Lobbia outcrops of the Adamello Batholith in the Italian Alps (Lobbia wavy fault). In the case of the Sierran fault, pseudotachylyte formed at contractional fault bends, where it is found as thin (1-2 mm) fault-parallel veins. Epidote and chlorite developed in the same seismic context as the pseudotachylyte and are especially abundant in extensional fault bends. We argue that the presence of fluids, as illustrated by this example, does not necessarily preclude the development of frictional melt. In the case of the Lobbia fault, pseudotachylyte thickness varies along the length of the fault, but the pseudotachylyte veins thicken and pool in extensional bends. We conduct a quantitative analysis of fault roughness, microcrack distribution, stress, and friction along the Lobbia fault. Numerical modeling results show that opening in extensional bends and localized thermal weakening in contractional bends counteract resistance encountered by fault waviness, resulting in an overall weaker fault than suggested by the corresponding static friction coefficient. The models also predict static stress redistribution around bends in the faults which is consistent with distribution of microcracks, indicating significant elastic and inelastic strain energy is dissipated into the wall rocks due to nonplanar fault geometry. Together these observations suggest that damage and energy dissipation occurs along the entire nonplanar fault during slip, rather than being confined to the region close to the dynamically propagating crack tip

    Fault zone structure and seismic slip localization in dolostones, an example from the Southern Alps, Italy

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    Fault zones cutting limestones and dolostones represent significant seismogenic sources worldwide. The structure of an exhumed strike-slip fault zone hosted in dolostones, the Borcola Pass Fault Zone (BPFZ, Italian Southern Alps), was studied by means of field and microstructural analysis. Ambient conditions of faulting were ca. 1.6-1.7 km and 50 \ub0C. The BPFZ consists of a &gt;80 m wide damage zone cut by three systems of sub-vertical secondary faults striking approximately N-S, E-W and NW-SE. N-S and E-W striking faults reactivated pre-existing Jurassic-Paleogene joints with spacing between 0.2 and 0.5 m, whereas NW-SE striking faults were newly formed during post-Paleogene activity associated with movements along the nearby Schio-Vicenza Line. The core of the BPFZ consists of dolostone fault rock lenses bound by slip zones up to 10 cm thick. Both the principal and secondary slip zones consist of cement-supported dolomitic cataclasites and dolomite-filled veins. Some slip zones contain a sub-centimeter thick "vein-like" cataclastic layer (Layer-A) located immediately beneath the slip surface that truncates another cataclasite below (Layer-B). Detailed microstructural and clast size distribution analysis suggests that Layer-A experienced fluidization (cuspate-lobate boundaries, injection structures, strong grain sorting: D &lt; 1 for clast diameters smaller than 300 \u3bcm) possibly related to fast fault slip following seismic ruptures. In light of these observations a conceptual model is proposed for the formation of Layer-A, and the structure of the BPFZ is compared to that of an active seismogenic fault cutting carbonates. \ua9 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    The structure of an exhumed intraplate seismogenic fault in crystalline basement

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    The 600. m-thick Gole Larghe Fault Zone (GLFZ) is hosted in jointed crystalline basement and exposed across glacier-polished outcrops in the Italian Alps. Ancient seismicity is attested by the widespread occurrence of cataclasites associated with pseudotachylytes (solidified frictional melts) formed at 9-11. km depth and ambient temperatures of 250-300. \ub0C. Previous work focused on the southern part of the fault zone; here we quantitatively document fault zone structure across the full width of the GLFZ and surrounding tonalite host rocks by using a combination of structural line transects and image analysis of samples collected across fault strike. These new datasets indicate that the GLFZ has a broadly symmetric across-strike damage structure and contains distinct southern, central and northern zones distinguished by large variations in fracture density, distribution of pseudotachylytes, volume of fault rock materials, and microfracture sealing characteristics. The c. 100. m wide central zone is bound by two thick (~. 2. m) and laterally continuous (&gt; 1. km) protocataclastic to ultracataclastic horizons. Within and immediately surrounding the central zone, fracture density is relatively high due to cataclastic fault-fracture networks that reworked earlier-formed pseudotachylytes. The fault-fracture networks were associated with pervasive microcracking and fluid-rock interaction, resulting in the development of a c. 200. m thick alteration zone delimited by lobate fluid infiltration fronts. In the c. 250. m thick southern and northern zones, fracture densities are much lower and pseudotachylytes systematically overprint cataclastic faults that exploited pre-existing magmatic cooling joints. Analysis of the structure of the GLFZ suggests that it shares certain characteristics with the seismogenic source responsible for the 2002 Au Sable Forks intraplate earthquake sequence in the northeastern USA, including seismicity distributed across a fault zone 500-1000. m thick and large (&gt; 100. MPa) static stress drops associated with frictional melting. \ua9 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Structural analysis of carbohydrate binding by the macrophage mannose receptor CD206

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    The human mannose receptor expressed on macrophages and hepatic endothelial cells scavenges released lysosomal enzymes, glycopeptide fragments of collagen, and pathogenic microorganisms and thus reduces damage following tissue injury. The receptor binds mannose, fucose, or N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on these targets. C-type carbohydrate-recognition domain 4 (CRD4) of the receptor contains the site for Ca2+-dependent interaction with sugars. To investigate the details of CRD4 binding, glycan array screening was used to identify oligosaccharide ligands. The strongest signals were for glycans that contain either Manα1-2Man constituents or fucose in various linkages. The mechanisms of binding to monosaccharides and oligosaccharide substructures present in many of these ligands were examined in multiple crystal structures of CRD4. Binding of mannose residues to CRD4 results primarily from interaction of the equatorial 3- and 4-OH groups with a conserved principal Ca2+ common to almost all sugar-binding C-type CRDs. In the Manα1-2Man complex, supplementary interactions with the reducing mannose residue explain the enhanced affinity for this disaccharide. Bound GlcNAc also interacts with the principal Ca2+ through equatorial 3- and 4-OH groups, whereas fucose residues can bind in several orientations, through either the 2- and 3-OH groups or the 3- and 4-OH groups. Secondary contacts with additional sugars in fucose-containing oligosaccharides, such as the Lewis-a trisaccharide, provide enhanced affinity for these glycans. These results explain many of the biologically important interactions of the mannose receptor with both mammalian glycoproteins and microbes such as yeast and suggest additional classes of ligands that have not been previously identified