134 research outputs found

    Juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice in the Netherlands

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    Juvenile delinquence and juvenile justice in the Netherlands An overview of recent trends

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    In the 1990s, the interest in juvenile delinquency has grown substantially in the Netherlands as a result of an increase of serious crime, but also of specific events. In this paper we identify trends in juvenile delinquency in the Netherlands, based on police data as well as self-report studies. The over-all level of juvenile delinquency is fairly stable, but violence against persons shows a marked increase. Traditionally, the Dutch response to juvenile delinquency was mild, but probably due to changing crime patterns a trend has become discernible into the direction of tougher action. This trend is confirmed by a new juvenile criminal law, enacted in 1995. Recent policies in dealing with juvenile crime target both prevention and punishment.A lo largo de la década de los 90 la atención prestada a la delincuencia juvenil ha crecido notoriamente en Holanda debido al incremento de delitos graves, pero también a otros acontecimientos. En este articulo se identifican tendencias de la delincuencia juvenil en Holanda a partir, tanto de datos policiales, como de estudios mediante autoinformes. Las cifras globales de delincuencia juvenil se han mantenido estables, pero la violencia contra las personas muestra un acusado incremento. Tradicionalmente, la respuesta holandesa a la delincuencia juvenil ha sido suave, pero probablemente a causa de los cambios en las pautas delictivas se puede discernir una tendencia a la adopción de actuaciones más duras. Esta tendencia resulta confirmada por la nueva ley de justicia juvenil de 1995. Las políticas recientes ante la delincuencia juvenil presentan objetivos tanto preventivos como punitivos

    Verblijfsregeling voor slachtoffers van mensenhandel en oneigenlijk gebruik: Een verkennende studie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Italië en België

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    __Abstract__ Verschillende Europese landen hebben regelingen getroffen waardoor (vermoede-lijke) slachtoffers van mensenhandel in aanmerking kunnen komen voor verblijf, begeleiding en opvang. In Nederland staat deze regeling bekend als de B9-rege- ling. Hier is het recht op tijdelijk verblijf en bescherming in principe afhankelijk van de medewerking van slachtoffers aan de opsporing en vervolging van de mensenhandelaar. Ook het recht op voortgezet verblijf is onder andere gekoppeld aan de vervolging van de dader(s) voor mensenhandel of een daaraan gerelateerd delict. Sinds enkele jaren zijn er in Nederland onder een aantal betrokkenen zorgen over mogelijk oneigenlijk gebruik van de B9-regeling. Hoewel er geen data beschikbaar zijn over de omvang van de problematiek, geven een aantal betrokkenen bij vooral de politie en het OM signalen af dat er vreemdelingen zijn die een mensenhandel-verhaal fingeren om gebr

    Unaccompanied, but not alone:A systematic review of the influence of social relationships on the transition of unaccompanied refugee adolescents to adulthood

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    Unaccompanied refugee adolescents often have few years to get settled in their host country before they transition to (a nominal) adulthood. This transition does not take place in a social vacuum. Between arriving and ageing out of care, pre-existing social relations are re-negotiated and new relations are formed. A systematic literature search was conducted in academic journals, focused on the influence of social relations on the transition to adulthood of unaccompanied refugee adolescents. The resulting 71 articles were qualitatively reviewed with reference to the social relations of unaccompanied adolescents, the transition challenges that they influence and the mechanism of influence. Four major challenges were identified as a result: ‘Achieving education and employment’, ‘Preparing for and living independently’, ‘Building a social network’, and ‘Developing a sense of identity and feelings of belonging’. Each of an adolescent's social relations has their own (non-)supporting influence on these challenges, which can be complementary or contrasting with the influence of other relations. This review therefore emphasises the importance of a holistic view on an adolescent's social network in studying and working with transition challenges.</p

    Verdwenen alleenstaande minderjarige vluchtelingen:voer voor mensenhandelaren?

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    Volgens het internationale onderzoeksjournalistiekcollectief Lost in Europe zouden er in 2017 7.024 alleenstaande vluchtelingenkinderen zijn verdwenen uit asielzoekerscentra in Europa. Dit aantal is niet wetenschappelijk onderbouwd, maar dat dergelijke verontrustende verdwijningen geregeld voorkomen, is zeker. Wat wordt er tegen het verdwijnen van alleenstaande minderjarige vluchtelingen gedaan en wat is er bekend over het lot van verdwenen jongeren? Vaak worden er zorgen geuit dat deze kinderen slachtoffer zijn of worden van mensenhandel. In hoeverre zijn daar aanwijzingen voor? In deze bijdrage gaan we in op deze vragen. Na een korte introductie over alleenstaande minderjarige vluchtelingen en mensenhandel, besteden we aandacht aan verdwijningen buiten en binnen Nederland. Vervolgens doen we verslag van de bevindingen uit een aantal onderzoeken en van in Nederland getroffen maatregelen tegen verdwijningen. We ronden af met een conclusie en enkele aanzetten voor preventie van verdwijningen

    Dystonia Management: What to Expect From the Future? The Perspectives of Patients and Clinicians Within DystoniaNet Europe

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    DystoniaNet; Xarxa europea; DistoniaDytoniaNet; Red europea; DistoníaDystoniaNet; European network; DystoniaImproved care for people with dystonia presents a number of challenges. Major gaps in knowledge exist with regard to how to optimize the diagnostic process, how to leverage discoveries in pathophysiology into biomarkers, and how to develop an evidence base for current and novel treatments. These challenges are made greater by the realization of the wide spectrum of symptoms and difficulties faced by people with dystonia, which go well-beyond motor symptoms. A network of clinicians, scientists, and patients could provide resources to facilitate information exchange at different levels, share mutual experiences, and support each other's innovative projects. In the past, collaborative initiatives have been launched, including the American Dystonia Coalition, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST—which however only existed for a limited time), and the Dutch DystonieNet project. The European Reference Network on Rare Neurological Diseases includes dystonia among other rare conditions affecting the central nervous system in a dedicated stream. Currently, we aim to broaden the scope of these initiatives to a comprehensive European level by further expanding the DystoniaNet network, in close collaboration with the ERN-RND. In line with the ERN-RND, the mission of DystoniaNet Europe is to improve care and quality of life for people with dystonia by, among other endeavors, facilitating access to specialized care, overcoming the disparity in education of medical professionals, and serving as a solid platform to foster international clinical and research collaborations. In this review, both professionals within the dystonia field and patients and caregivers representing Dystonia Europe highlight important unsolved issues and promising new strategies and the role that a European network can play in activating them

    Decitabine, a DNA-demethylating agent, promotes differentiation via NOTCH1 signaling and alters immune-related pathways in muscle-invasive bladder cancer

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    Aberrant DNA methylation observed in cancer can provide survival benefits to cells by silencing genes essential for anti-tumor activity. DNA-demethylating agents such as Decitabine (DAC)/Azacitidine (AZA) activate otherwise silenced tumor suppressor genes, alter immune response and epigenetically reprogram tumor cells. In this study, we show that non-cytotoxic nanomolar DAC concentrations modify the bladder cancer transcriptome to activate NOTCH1 at the mRNA and protein level, increase double-stranded RNA sensors and CK5-dependent differentiation. Importantly, DAC treatment increases ICN1 expression (the active intracellular domain of NOTCH1) significantly inhibiting cell proliferation and causing changes in cell size inducing morphological alterations reminiscent of senescence. These changes were not associated with β-galactosidase activity or increased p16 levels, but instead were associated with substantial IL-6 release. Increased IL-6 release was observed in both DAC-treated and ICN1 overexpressing cells as compared to control cells. Exogenous IL-6 expression was associated with a similar enlarged cell morphology that was rescued by the addition of a monoclonal antibody against IL-6. Treatment with DAC, overexpression with ICN1 or addition of exogenous IL-6 showed CK5 reduction, a surrogate marker of differentiation. Overall this study suggests that in MIBC cells, DNA hypomethylation increases NOTCH1 expression and IL-6 release to induce CK5-related differentiation.Fil: Ramakrishnan, Swathi. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Hu, Qiang. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Krishnan, Nithya. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Wang, Dan. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Smit, Evelyn. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Granger, Victoria. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Rak, Monika. Jagiellonian University; PoloniaFil: Attwood, Kristopher. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Johnson, Candace. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Morrison, Carl. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Pili, Roberto. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Chatta, Gurkamal. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Guru, Khurshid. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Gueron, Geraldine. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: McNally, Lacey. University of Louisville; Estados UnidosFil: Wang, Jianmin. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Woloszynska-Read, Anna. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Estados Unido
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