113 research outputs found

    Conservação de água durante o uso de dispositivos de irrigação de múltiplos suportes nas condições da região de Moscou

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    The paper focuses on problem of water quality around irrigated soils. It was discovered that flushing of the fertile layer occurs on terrains near protected watersheds because of destroying irrigation procedures. The modernization of irrigation machines has been suggested as a solution for above-mentioned problem. The technological features of circle irrigation machines (IM) in the conditions of complicated soil relief are defined by their supportings including: tow-grip crossing capacity and slipping of carts on the slope. The operating results have been given according to evaluation of IM work in difficult conditions with the picture of their changes in the diagram dependences. The above-mentioned devices are improved to create environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions in order to enhance the reliability of IM while watering sloping lands In the area of softening of complex soils that refers to the safety and quality of maintenance while the reduction in the amount of water and energy consumption as well as the cost of irrigation system structure, the scientific concepts are searching for tools to providing highly efficient IM work. The main goal of the work is using the obtained results of research in a practical way as to create and modify IM in order to exercise the irrigation tools conveniently and also generally determine the efficiency of machinery while reducing energy and water consumption as well as providing soil cooling technologies using water from irrigation.El documento se centra en el problema de la calidad del agua alrededor de los suelos irrigados. Se descubrió que el enrojecimiento de la capa fértil se produce en terrenos cercanos a cuencas protegidas debido a la destrucción de los procedimientos de riego. La modernización de las máquinas de riego ha sido sugerida como una solución para el problema mencionado anteriormente. Las características tecnológicas de las máquinas de riego en círculo (IM) en las condiciones de alivio de suelo complicado se definen por sus apoyos, que incluyen: capacidad de cruce con agarre de remolque y deslizamiento de carros en la pendiente. Los resultados operativos se han dado de acuerdo con la evaluación del trabajo de IM en condiciones difíciles con la imagen de sus cambios en las dependencias del diagrama. Los dispositivos mencionados anteriormente se han mejorado para crear soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente y que ahorran energía para mejorar la confiabilidad de IM mientras se riegan las tierras con pendiente En el área de ablandamiento de suelos complejos que se refiere a la seguridad y la calidad del mantenimiento, mientras que la reducción de la cantidad de consumo de agua y energía, así como el costo de la estructura del sistema de riego, los conceptos científicos están buscando herramientas para proporcionar un trabajo de IM altamente eficiente. El objetivo principal del trabajo es utilizar los resultados obtenidos de la investigación de manera práctica para crear y modificar la IM con el fin de ejercer las herramientas de riego de manera conveniente y también, en general, determinar la eficiencia de la maquinaria al tiempo que reduce el consumo de energía y agua, así como también proporciona suelo Tecnologías de enfriamiento utilizando agua de riego.O artigo enfoca o problema da qualidade da água em torno dos solos irrigados. Descobriu-se que a descarga da camada fértil ocorre em terrenos próximos a bacias protegidas por causa da destruição de procedimentos de irrigação. A modernização de máquinas de irrigação tem sido sugerida como uma solução para o problema acima mencionado. As características tecnológicas das máquinas de irrigação circular (IM) nas condições de relevo complicado do solo são definidas pelos seus apoios, incluindo: capacidade de passagem do cabo de reboque e escorregamento dos carros na encosta. Os resultados operacionais foram fornecidos de acordo com a avaliação do trabalho de IM em condições difíceis, com o quadro de suas mudanças nas dependências do diagrama. Os dispositivos mencionados acima são aprimorados para criar soluções ecologicamente corretas e de baixo consumo de energia, a fim de aumentar a confiabilidade do IM durante a irrigação de terras em declive na área de amolecimento de solos complexos que se referem à segurança e qualidade da manutenção enquanto a redução do quantidade de água e consumo de energia, bem como o custo da estrutura do sistema de irrigação, os conceitos científicos estão à procura de ferramentas para fornecer trabalho altamente eficiente IM. O principal objetivo do trabalho é usar os resultados obtidos da pesquisa de forma prática para criar e modificar IM, a fim de exercitar as ferramentas de irrigação convenientemente e também determinar a eficiência do maquinário, reduzindo o consumo de energia e água, bem como fornecendo o solo. tecnologias de refrigeração usando água da irrigação

    On the calculation of finite-gap solutions of the KdV equation

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    A simple and general approach for calculating the elliptic finite-gap solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is proposed. Our approach is based on the use of the finite-gap equations and the general representation of these solutions in the form of rational functions of the elliptic Weierstrass function. The calculation of initial elliptic finite-gap solutions is reduced to the solution of the finite-band equations with respect to the parameters of the representation. The time evolution of these solutions is described via the dynamic equations of their poles, integrated with the help of the finite-gap equations. The proposed approach is applied by calculating the elliptic 1-, 2- and 3-gap solutions of the KdV equations

    Spectral Manifestation of Hybrid Association of Zn0.7Sd0.3S Colloidal Quantum Dots with J-Aggregates of Thiacarbocyanine Dye

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    Spectral properties of mixtures of Zn0.7Sd0.3S colloidal quantum dots with mean diameter value of 3.5 nm with the molecules of 3,3'-di(γ-sulfopropil)-9-ethyl-4,5,4',5'-dibenzo-thiacarbocyanine betaine pyridine salt (DEC), prepared in gelatin were investigated. The obtained data indicated that the formation of well-luminescent trans-J-aggregates and spectral tuning in the position of the absorption band of DEC and the luminescence band of quantum dots, providing requirements for resonant energy transfer in the hybrid associate are the determinant factors in the increase of the luminescent emission of DEC molecules, interacting with Zn0.7Cd0.3S colloidal quantum dots. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3532

    Closed geodesics and billiards on quadrics related to elliptic KdV solutions

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    We consider algebraic geometrical properties of the integrable billiard on a quadric Q with elastic impacts along another quadric confocal to Q. These properties are in sharp contrast with those of the ellipsoidal Birkhoff billiards. Namely, generic complex invariant manifolds are not Abelian varieties, and the billiard map is no more algebraic. A Poncelet-like theorem for such system is known. We give explicit sufficient conditions both for closed geodesics and periodic billiard orbits on Q and discuss their relation with the elliptic KdV solutions and elliptic Calogero systemComment: 23 pages, Latex, 1 figure Postscrip

    The phase free, longitudinal, magnetic component of vacuum electromagnetism

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    A charge qq moving in a reference laboratory system with constant velocity {\bf V} in the XX-axis produces in the ZZ-axis a longitudinal, phase free, vacuum magnetic field which is identified as the radiated B(3){\bf B}^{(3)} field of Evans, Vigier and others.Comment: ReVTeX file, 7pp., no figure

    Технологии комплексного интеллектуального анализа клинических данных

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    The paper presents the system for intelligent analysis of clinical information. Authors describe methods implemented in the system for clinical information retrieval, intelligent diagnostics of chronic diseases, patient’s features importance and for detection of hidden dependencies between features. Results of the experimental evaluation of these methods are also presented.Background: Healthcare facilities generate a large flow of both structured and unstructured data which contain important information about patients. Test results are usually retained as structured data but some data is retained in the form of natural language texts (medical history, the results of physical examination, and the results of other examinations, such as ultrasound, ECG or X-ray studies). Many tasks arising in clinical practice can be automated applying methods for intelligent analysis of accumulated structured array and unstructured data that leads to improvement of the healthcare quality.Aims: the creation of the complex system for intelligent data analysis in the multi-disciplinary pediatric center.Materials and methods: Authors propose methods for information extraction from clinical texts in Russian. The methods are carried out on the basis of deep linguistic analysis. They retrieve terms of diseases, symptoms, areas of the body and drugs. The methods can recognize additional attributes such as «negation» (indicates that the disease is absent), «no patient» (indicates that the disease refers to the patient’s family member, but not to the patient), «severity of illness», «disease course», «body region to which the disease refers». Authors use a set of hand-drawn templates and various techniques based on machine learning to retrieve information using a medical thesaurus. The extracted information is used to solve the problem of automatic diagnosis of chronic diseases. A machine learning method for classification of patients with similar nosology and the method for determining the most informative patients’ features are also proposed.Results: Authors have processed anonymized health records from the pediatric center to estimate the proposed methods. The results show the applicability of the information extracted from the texts for solving practical problems. The records of patients with allergic, glomerular and rheumatic diseases were used for experimental assessment of the method of automatic diagnostic. Authors have also determined the most appropriate machine learning methods for classification of patients for each group of diseases, as well as the most informative disease signs. It has been found that using additional information extracted from clinical texts, together with structured data helps to improve the quality of diagnosis of chronic diseases. Authors have also obtained pattern combinations of signs of diseases.Conclusions: The proposed methods have been implemented in the intelligent data processing system for a multidisciplinary pediatric center. The experimental results show the availability of the system to improve the quality of pediatric healthcare. Обоснование. Медицинские учреждения генерируют большой поток как структурированных, так и неструктурированных данных, содержащих важную информацию о пациентах. В структурированном виде, как правило, хранятся результаты анализов, однако подавляющее количество данных хранится в неструктурированной форме в виде текстов на естественном языке (анамнезы, результаты осмотров, описания результатов обследований, таких как УЗИ, ЭКГ, рентгеновских исследований и др.). Используя методы интеллектуальной обработки накопленных массивов структурированных и неструктурированных данных, можно автоматизировать решение многих задач, возникающих в клинической практике и повысить качество медицинской помощи.Цель исследования: создание комплексной системы интеллектуальной обработки данных в многопрофильном педиатрическом центре.Методы. Извлечение информации из клинических текстов на русском языке осуществляется на основе полного лингвистического анализа. Извлекаются упоминания заболеваний, симптомов, областей тела, лекарственных препаратов. В тексте также распознаются атрибуты заболеваний: «отрицание» (указывает на то, что заболевание отсутствует), «не пациент» (указывает на то, что заболевание относится не к пациенту, а к его родственнику), «тяжесть заболевания», «течение заболевания», «область тела, к которой относится заболевание». Для извлечения информации используются медицинские тезаурусы, набор вручную составленных шаблонов, а также различные методы на основе машинного обучения. Полученные из текстов данные используются для решения задачи автоматической диагностики хронических заболеваний. Предложен метод на основе машинного обучения для классификации пациентов со схожими нозологиями, а также метод для определения наиболее информативных признаков.Результаты. Экспериментальное исследование разработанных методов проводилось на обезличенных историях болезни пациентов педиатрического центра. Проведена оценка качества разработанных методов извлечения информации из клинических текстов на русском языке. Проведена экспериментальная оценка метода автоматической диагностики на данных пациентов с аллергическими заболеваниями и болезными органов дыхания, нефрологическими и ревматическими заболеваниями. Определены наиболее подходящие методы машинного обучения для классификации пациентов для каждой группы заболеваний, а также наиболее информативные признаки. Использование данных, извлеченных из клинических текстов совместно со структурированными данными, позволило повысить качество диагностики хронических заболеваний по сравнению с использованием лишь доступных структурированных данных. Получены также шаблонные комбинации признаков заболеваний.Заключение. Разработанные методы были реализованы в системе интеллектуальной обработки данных в многопрофильном педиатрическом центре. Проведенные исследования свидетельствуют о перспективности использования системы для повышения качества медицинской помощи пациентам детской возрастной категории

    The fate of spinons in spontaneously dimerised spin-1/2 ladders

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    We study a weakly coupled, frustrated two-leg spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder. For vanishing coupling between the chains, elementary excitations are deconfined, gapless spin-1/2 objects called spinons. We investigate the fate of spinons for the case of a weak interchain interaction. We show that despite a drastic change in ground state, which becomes spontaneously dimerised, spinons survive as elementary excitations but acquire a spectral gap. We furthermore determine the exact dynamical structure factor for several values of momentum transfer.Comment: 8 pages of revtex, 7 figures; discussion of physical picture for ground state and excitations in the "twistless" ladder expanded, version to appear in Phys Rev

    On Darboux-Treibich-Verdier potentials

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    It is shown that the four-parameter family of elliptic functions uD(z)=m0(m0+1)(z)+i=13mi(mi+1)(zωi)u_D(z)=m_0(m_0+1)\wp(z)+\sum_{i=1}^3 m_i(m_i+1)\wp(z-\omega_i) introduced by Darboux and rediscovered a hundred years later by Treibich and Verdier, is the most general meromorphic family containing infinitely many finite-gap potentials.Comment: 8 page

    Acute complicated anaerobic paraproctitis: a case from practice

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    Anaerobic paraproctitis is a life-threatening disease, accompanied by a high mortality rate, requiring absolutely innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The development of acute paraproctitis is brought about by a number of predisposing factors: weakening of the immune system due to concurrent acute or chronical infection, microcirculation disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, complications of hemorrhoids, fissures, cryptitis. Not infrequently acute paraproctitis is complicated by Fournier’s gangrene. Objectives. To describe the clinical case of acute anaerobic non-clostridial paraproctitis. Material and methods. The paper presents a patient with suspected anaerobic non-clostridial paraproctitis. Results. We managed to control the process. The patient was discharged in a satisfactory condition for the outpatient treatment. Conclusions. As a result of complex treatment of the patient with symptoms of acute anaerobic non-clostridial paraproctitis, including a wide dissection of purulent streaks and antibiotic therapy, it was possible to stop the given disease

    On the 3-particle scattering continuum in quasi one dimensional integer spin Heisenberg magnets

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    We analyse the three-particle scattering continuum in quasi one dimensional integer spin Heisenberg antiferromagnets within a low-energy effective field theory framework. We exactly determine the zero temperature dynamical structure factor in the O(3) nonlinear sigma model and in Tsvelik's Majorana fermion theory. We study the effects of interchain coupling in a Random Phase Approximation. We discuss the application of our results to recent neutron-scattering experiments on the Haldane-gap material CsNiCl3{\rm CsNiCl_3}.Comment: 8 pages of revtex, 5 figures, small changes, to appear in PR