553 research outputs found

    Stellar abundances of beryllium and CUBES

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    Stellar abundances of beryllium are useful in different areas of astrophysics, including studies of the Galactic chemical evolution, of stellar evolution, and of the formation of globular clusters. Determining Be abundances in stars is, however, a challenging endeavor. The two Be II resonance lines useful for abundance analyses are in the near UV, a region strongly affected by atmospheric extinction. CUBES is a new spectrograph planned for the VLT that will be more sensitive than current instruments in the near UV spectral region. It will allow the observation of fainter stars, expanding the number of targets where Be abundances can be determined. Here, a brief review of stellar abundances of Be is presented together with a discussion of science cases for CUBES. In particular, preliminary simulations of CUBES spectra are presented, highlighting its possible impact in investigations of Be abundances of extremely metal-poor stars and of stars in globular clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Astrophysics and Space Science "Special Issue: UV Astronomy 3", Proceedings of the ESO/NUVA/IAG Workshop on Challenges in UV Astronomy, ESO Garching, 7-11 October 201

    CNONa and 12C/13C in giants of 10 open clusters

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    Evolved low-mass stars of a wide range of metallicity bear signatures of a non-standard mixing event in their surface abundances of Li, C, and N, and in their 12C/13C ratio. A Na overabundance has also been reported in some giants of open clusters but remains controversial. The cause of the extra-mixing has been attributed to thermohaline convection that should take place after the RGB bump for low-mass stars and on the early-AGB for more massive objects. To track the occurrence of this process over a wide mass range, we derive in a homogeneous way the abundances of C, N, O, and Na, as well as the 12C/13C ratio in a sample of 31 giants of 10 open clusters with turn-off masses from 1.7 to 3.1 Msun. A group of first ascent red giants with M/Msun \leq 2.5 exhibits lower [N/C] ratios than those measured in clump giants of the same mass range, suggesting an additional increase in the [N/C] ratio after the first dredge-up. The sodium abundances corrected from NLTE are found to be about solar. [Na/Fe] shows a slight increase of 0.10 dex as a function of stellar mass in the 1.8 to 3.2 Msun range covered by our sample, in agreement with standard first dredge-up predictions. Our results do not support previous claims of sodium overabundances as high as +0.60 dex. An anti-correlation between 12C/13C and turn-off mass is identified and interpreted as being caused by a post-bump thermohaline mixing. Moreover, we find low 12C/13C ratios in a few intermediate-mass early-AGB stars, confirming that an extra-mixing process also operates in stars that do not experienced the RGB bump. In this case, the extra-mixing possibly acts on the early-AGB, in agreement with theoretical expectations for thermohaline mixing. [abridged]Comment: A&A accepted, revised versio

    Beryllium abundances and the formation of the halo and the thick disk

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    The single stable isotope of beryllium is a pure product of cosmic-ray spallation in the ISM. Assuming that the cosmic-rays are globally transported across the Galaxy, the beryllium production should be a widespread process and its abundance should be roughly homogeneous in the early-Galaxy at a given time. Thus, it could be useful as a tracer of time. In an investigation of the use of Be as a cosmochronometer and of its evolution in the Galaxy, we found evidence that in a log(Be/H) vs. [alpha/Fe] diagram the halo stars separate into two components. One is consistent with predictions of evolutionary models while the other is chemically indistinguishable from the thick-disk stars. This is interpreted as a difference in the star formation history of the two components and suggests that the local halo is not a single uniform population where a clear age-metallicity relation can be defined. We also found evidence that the star formation rate was lower in the outer regions of the thick disk, pointing towards an inside-out formation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. 268 - Light Elements in the Universe (C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, C. Chiappini, eds

    A view of the Galactic halo using beryllium as a time scale

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    Beryllium stellar abundances were suggested to be a good tracer of time in the early Galaxy. In an investigation of its use as a cosmochronometer, using a large sample of local halo and thick-disk dwarfs, evidence was found that in a log(Be/H) vs. [alpha/Fe] diagram the halo stars separate into two components. One is consistent with predictions of evolutionary models while the other is chemically indistinguishable from the thick-disk stars. This is interpreted as a difference in the star formation history of the two components and suggests that the local halo is not a single uniform population where a clear age-metallicity relation can be defined.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 265, Chemical abundances in the Universe: connecting first stars to planets, K. Cunha, M. Spite and B. Barbuy, eds. 2 Pages, 2 figure

    The Be-test in the Li-rich star \#1657 of NGC 6397: evidence for Li-flash in RGB stars?

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    The Li-rich turn-off star in the globular cluster NGC 6397 could represent the smoking gun for some very rare episode of Li enrichment in globular clusters. We aim to understand the nature of the Li enrichment by performing a spectroscopic analysis of the star, in particular of its beryllium (Be) abundance, and by investigating its binary nature. We observe the near UV region where the Beii resonance doublet and the NH bands are located. We could not detect the Beii lines and derive an upper limit of log (Be/H)< -12.2, that is consistent with the Be observed in other stars of the cluster. We could detect a weak G-band, which implies a mild carbon enhancement [C/Fe]+0.4±0.2+0.4\pm0.2. We could not detect the UV NH band, and we derive an upper limit [N/Fe]<0.0< 0.0. For oxygen we could notdetect any of the near UV OH lines, which implies that oxygen cannot be strongly enhanced in this star. This is consistent with the detection of the Oi triplet at 777nm, which is consistent with [O/Fe]~0.5. Combining the UVES and Mike data, we could not detect any variation in the radial velocity greater than 0.95 kms−1^{-1} over 8 years. The chemical composition of the star strongly resembles that of `first generation' NGC6397 stars, with the huge Li as the only deviating abundance. Not detecting Be rules out two possible explanations of the Li overabundance: capture of a substellar body and spallation caused by a nearby type II SNe. Discrepancies are also found with respect to other accretion scenarios,except for contamination by the ejecta of a star that has undergone the RGB Li-flash.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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