131 research outputs found

    Enhanced longitudinal mode spacing in blue-violet InGaN semiconductor laser

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    A novel explanation of observed enhanced longitudinal mode spacing in InGaN semiconductor lasers has been proposed. It has been demonstrated that e-h plasma oscillations, which can exist in the laser active layer at certain driving conditions, are responsible for mode clustering effect. The resonant excitation of the plasma oscillations occurs due to longitudinal mode beating. The separation of mode clusters is typically by an order of magnitude larger that the individual mode spacing.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Оптимізація мікроклонального розмноження in vitro материнки звичайної (Origanum vulgare)

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    Medicinal plants are important objects for botany, systematics and plant geography research, as well as physiology, pharmacology, and biotechnology. Medicinal plants from the Lamiaceae family are being intensively studied for medical and pharmacological reasons. This family also includes the medicinal herbaceous plant oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), known from ancient times for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, the ability to strengthen the human immune system, and to improve the general state of an organism. At present, the study of its antimicrobial, antifungal, insecticidal, anticoagulant, antitumor, therapeutic and many other properties is being actively continued. Due to the relevance of the development of the principles of O. vulgare micropropagation in vitro and the undeveloped conditions and methods of its cultivation, the aim of this work was to optimize microclonation in vitro of oregano via the activation of auxiliary buds. The research tasks were to test the ability of auxiliary buds to be activated depending on the localization on the donor shoot internodes and to intensify the root formation of cuttings through medium content optimization. The influence of the location of the auxiliary buds on donor shoots on their activation in vitro was studied on such indicators as the length of newly formed shoots, the number of nodules per one newly formed shoot, and the number of newly formed shoots per one bud. In plant microclonal propagation, the stage of root formation is very important for further adaptation in soil. Practical experience has shown that for the effective adaptation of oregano in soil, the length of the root system for cuttings should be 1.5–2.0 cm, the degree of root system development – 4–5 points under shoot length of 3–5 cm. The study of peculiarities of oregano microclonal propagation via activation of auxiliary buds has allowed us to optimize the stage of explant selection for cutting and the formation of cuttings’ roots. It has been established that for optimal length, the number of nodules of the newly formed shoots and the number of newly formed shoots, the first internode, located on the top of a parent shoot, as well as the third to fifth ones are more suitable. For rooting oregano cuttings, the optimal medium on the ratio of length and density of root system and on shoot length is the nutrient one containing half of the macro-, microsalts and vitamins on Murashige-Skoog, 20 g/l sucrose and 0.75 mg/l kinetin.98   Лікарські рослини – важливі об'єкти ботаніки, систематики та географії, а також фізіології, фармакології та біотехнології. Лікарські рослини родини Lamiaceae інтенсивно вивчають у медичних і фармакологічних дослідженнях. До цієї родини відносять лікарську трав’янисту рослину материнку звичайну (Origanum vulgare L.), відому з давніх часів своїми антимікробними та протигрибковими властивостями, здатністю зміцнювати імунну систему людини та поліпшувати загальний стан організму. Нині активно вивчають її антимікробні, протигрибкові, інсектицидні, антикоагулянтні, протипухлинні, терапевтичні властивості та чимало інших. У зв’язку з актуальністю розроблення принципів клонування О. vulgare та нерозробленістю умов і способів її культивування in vitro мета дослідження полягала в оптимізації мікроклонального розмноження материнки через активацію пазушних бруньок. Досліджено вплив розташування пазушних бруньок на донорних пагонах на їх активацію in vitro за такими показниками як довжина новоутворених пагонів, кількість міжвузлів на новоутворений пагін, а також кількість новоутворених пагонів на бруньку. У мікроклональному розмноженні рослин стадія коренеутворення важлива для подальшої адаптації у ґрунті. Практичний досвід показав, що для ефективної адаптації материнки у ґрунті довжина кореневої системи живців повинна бути 1,5–2,0 см, ступінь розвитку кореневої системи – 4–5 балів за довжини пагона 3–5 см. Вивчення особливостей мікроклонального розмноження материнки через активацію пазушних бруньок дозволило оптимізувати етапи відбору експлантів для живцювання та утворення коренів у живців. Для оптимізації кількості новоутворених пагонів, їх довжини та кількості міжвузлів доцільне використання першого, розташованого на верхівці донорного пагона, а також третього–п’ятого міжвузлів. Для укорінення живців материнки оптимальне за співвідношенням довжини та щільності кореневої системи, довжини пагонів живильне середовище, яке містить половинну концентрацію мезо-, мікросолей і вітамінів заа Мурасіге – Скугом, 20 г/л сахарози та 0,75 мг/л кінетину

    Physical education of students in secondary vocational educational institutions and popularization of sports in students

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    We present an overview of the physical education and the stages of the lessons of «physical culture» in the institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as possible methods of promotion and popularization of sports among the studentsПредставлены общие сведения о физическом воспитании и этапах проведения уроков «физическая культура» в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования, а также возможных методов продвижения и популяризации спорта в студенчеств

    Use of a neural network in creating a digital assistant for blind and visually impaired people

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    The experience of ongoing research in image processing clearly demonstrates the huge scope for the development of new neural networks that can help people in a wide range of tasks. The authors chose the direction of work related to helping people who have vision problems. The article considers a convolutional neural network of the Mask R-CNN model for segmenting objects in an image. During the research the authors study a large number of algorithms that can quickly and accurately process images, such as Faster R-CNN, which was the most efficient in 2020. During the analysis, it was revealed that the use of Mask R-N technology can significantly increase the efficiency of performing tasks, since this algorithm is the latest version of the machine learning model. As a result of the study, a neural network was developed that is capable of identifying and distinguishing a large number of objects in an image. The next step is to refine the algorithm and use additional means of interaction with the hardware of the systems to increase the speed of the neural network. In the future, the resulting neural network will be integrated into the Digital Assistant for the Blind and Visually Impaired Persons application. This application is guaranteed to improve the daily life of people with disabilities who experience certain inconveniences due to their features, and can become the basis for other, larger projects related, for example, to unmanned devices, as well as services whose work is directly based on image processing


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    The paper presents an analysis of the temperature of the nodes of an asynchronous motor, radiation-resistant. The results of the analysis of the difference of the diverted losses in the axial direction are presented. The evaluation of the effect of coolant on the temperature inside the engine was performed.В работе представлен анализ температур узлов радиационно-стойкого асинхронного двигателя. Произведена оценка влияния расхода охлаждающей жидкости на температуру элементов конструкции двигателя

    Analysis of the renewal of assortment portfolios in the pharmaceutical production sector of the Ural federal district

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the assortment structure of the renewal of industrial assortment portfolios of medicines in the Ural Federal District to assess the contribution of regional manufacturers to meet demand in the domestic pharmaceutical market.Цель исследования — оценить ассортиментную структуру обновления промышленных ассортиментных портфелей лекарственных препаратов в УрФО для оценки вклада региональных производителей в покрытие спроса на отечественном фармацевтическом рынке

    Cancer incidence in Arkhangelskaja Oblast in northwestern Russia. The Arkhangelsk Cancer Registry

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    BACKGROUND: Data concerning incidence and prevalence of cancer in the different regions of Russia have traditionally not been provided on a basis that facilitated comparison with data from countries in western parts of Europe. The oncological hospital in Arkhangelsk, in co-operation with Universitetet i Tromsø (Norway), has established a population based cancer registry for Arkhangelskaja Oblast (AO). AO is an administrative unit with 1.3 million inhabitants in northwestern Russia. The aim of this investigation was to assess the content and quality of the AO cancer registry (AKR), and to present the site-specific cancer-incidence rates in AO in the period 1993–2001. METHODS: The population in this study consisted of all individuals registered as residents of AO. All new cancer cases in the period 1993 – 2001, registered the AKR, were included in the study (ICD-10: C00-C95, except for C77-78). The annual gender and age-group-specific population figures were obtained from the AO statistics office. RESULTS: A total of 34 697 cases of primary cancers were included. The age-adjusted (world standard) incidence rate for all sites combined was 164/100 000 for women and 281/100 000 for men. The highest incidence was for cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung (16.3% of all cases), whereof 88.6 % of the cases were among men. Among women, cancer of the breast constituted 15.9 percent of all cases. The age-adjusted incidences of the most frequent cancer sites among men were: lung (77.4/100 000); stomach (45.9); rectum (13.4); oesophagus (13.0); colon (12.2); bladder (11.6); and prostate cancer (11.1). Among women they were: breast (28.5); stomach (19.7); colon (12.2); and ovary cancer (9.0). CONCLUSION: Our findings confirm and strengthen the indication that the incidences of stomach, larynx, liver, pancreas, prostate, colon, bladder and melanoma cancer are quite different in male populations in Russia compared to many other European countries. Among women, most major cancer types, except stomach, appear to be relatively low in Russian populations. The AKR provides quality data for estimations and insight to the cancer incidence in a northern Russian population, and we consider the reported incidence rates to reflect the cancer situation in AO well

    Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of Preparedness Strategies and Interventions against Influenza Pandemics

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    BACKGROUND: Although public health guidelines have implications for resource allocation, these issues were not explicitly considered in previous WHO pandemic preparedness and response guidance. In order to ensure a thorough and informed revision of this guidance following the H1N1 2009 pandemic, a systematic review of published and unpublished economic evaluations of preparedness strategies and interventions against influenza pandemics was conducted. METHODS: The search was performed in September 2011 using 10 electronic databases, 2 internet search engines, reference list screening, cited reference searching, and direct communication with relevant authors. Full and partial economic evaluations considering both costs and outcomes were included. Conversely, reviews, editorials, and studies on economic impact or complications were excluded. Studies were selected by 2 independent reviewers. RESULTS: 44 studies were included. Although most complied with the cost effectiveness guidelines, the quality of evidence was limited. However, the data sources used were of higher quality in economic evaluations conducted after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Vaccination and drug regimens were varied. Pharmaceutical plus non-pharmaceutical interventions are relatively cost effective in comparison to vaccines and/or antivirals alone. Pharmaceutical interventions vary from cost saving to high cost effectiveness ratios. According to ceiling thresholds (Gross National Income per capita), the reduction of non-essential contacts and the use of pharmaceutical prophylaxis plus the closure of schools are amongst the cost effective strategies for all countries. However, quarantine for household contacts is not cost effective even for low and middle income countries. CONCLUSION: The available evidence is generally inconclusive regarding the cost effectiveness of preparedness strategies and interventions against influenza pandemics. Studies on their effectiveness and cost effectiveness should be readily implemented in forthcoming events that also involve the developing world. Guidelines for assessing the impact of disease and interventions should be drawn up to facilitate these studies