768 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall Ferrimagnetism in lateral quantum dot molecules

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    We demonstrate the existance of ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic phases in a spin phase diagram of coupled lateral quantum dot molecules in the quantum Hall regime. The spin phase diagram is determined from Hartree-Fock Configuration Interaction method as a function of electron numbers N, magnetic field B, Zeeman energy, and tunneling barrier height. The quantum Hall ferrimagnetic phase corresponds to spatially imbalanced spin droplets resulting from strong inter-dot coupling of identical dots. The quantum Hall ferromagnetic phases correspond to ferromagnetic coupling of spin polarization at filling factors between ν=2\nu=2 and ν=1\nu=1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Anorexigenic Fatty Acid Synthase Inhibitor, C75, Is a Nonspecific Neuronal Activator

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    C75, a recently derived compound that potently suppresses feeding and induces weight loss, has been proposed to act mainly by inhibiting fatty acid synthase (FAS) in central neurons that control feeding. For example, normal, fasting- associated, hypothalamic increases in neuropeptide Y (NPY)/Agouti-related protein (AGRP) expression and decreases in proopiomelanocortin (POMC)/cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) expression were reported to be blocked by C75. Using loose-patch extracellular recording in acute slices, we tested the effect of C75 on anorexigenic POMC neurons and orexigenic NPY neurons of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, which were identified by promoter-driven GFP expression, as well as on feeding-unrelated cerebellar Purkinje neurons. We expected C75 to activate POMC neurons, inhibit NPY neurons, and have no effect on Purkinje neurons. Instead, C75 activated all cell types, suggesting that it lacks target specificity. This activation was probably not caused by FAS inhibition, because the classical FAS inhibitor, cerulenin, did not have this effect when tested on POMC and NPY neurons. Nonspecific neuronal activation and resulting neurological effects might contribute to the decreased feeding reported to follow centrally administered C75. Injection, ip, of C75 induced severe loosening or liquefaction of stools, weight loss, and decreased food intake in both wild-type and melanocortin-4 receptor knockout mice. In contrast, cerulenin failed to loosen stools, even at a molar dose over 9-fold greater than C75, and had a much smaller effect on body weight. FAS inhibitory activity, by itself, seems to be insufficient to reproduce all of the effects of ip-injected C75

    Toward a descriptive model of solar particles in the heliosphere

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    During a workshop on the interplanetary charged particle environment held in 1987, a descriptive model of solar particles in the heliosphere was assembled. This model includes the fluence, composition, energy spectra, and spatial and temporal variations of solar particles both within and beyong 1 AU. The ability to predict solar particle fluences was also discussed. Suggestions for specific studies designed to improve the basic model were also made

    Autonomous Medical Care for Exploration Class Space Missions

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    The US-based health care system of the International Space Station (ISS) contains several subsystems, the Health Maintenance System, Environmental Health System and the Countermeasure System. These systems are designed to provide primary, secondary and tertiary medical prevention strategies. The medical system deployed in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for the ISS is designed to enable a "stabilize and transport" concept of operations. In this paradigm, an ill or injured crewmember would be rapidly evacuated to a definitive medical care facility (DMCF) on Earth, rather than being treated for a protracted period on orbit. The medical requirements of the short (7 day) and long duration (up to 6 months) exploration class missions to the Moon are similar to LEO class missions with the additional 4 to 5 days needed to transport an ill or injured crewmember to a DCMF on Earth. Mars exploration class missions are quite different in that they will significantly delay or prevent the return of an ill or injured crewmember to a DMCF. In addition the limited mass, power and volume afforded to medical care will prevent the mission designers from manifesting the entire capability of terrestrial care. NASA has identified five Levels of Care as part of its approach to medical support of future missions including the Constellation program. In order to implement an effective medical risk mitigation strategy for exploration class missions, modifications to the current suite of space medical systems may be needed, including new Crew Medical Officer training methods, treatment guidelines, diagnostic and therapeutic resources, and improved medical informatics

    Constructed Wetlands Suitability for Sugarcane Profitability, Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

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    Freshwater ecosystems, such as wetlands, are among the most impacted by agricultural expansion and intensification through extensive drainage and pollution. There is a pressing need to identify ways of managing agricultural landscapes to ensure food and water security without jeopardising biodiversity and other environmental benefits. Here we examine the potential fish biodiversity and landholder financial benefits arising from the integration of constructed lagoons to improve drainage, flow regulation and habitat connectivity within a sugarcane dominated catchment in north Queensland, Australia. A hybrid approach was used, combining the findings of both fish ecological surveys and a financial cost-benefit analysis. We found that the constructed lagoons supported at least 36 native freshwater fishes (over half of all native freshwater fishes in the region), owing to their depth, vegetated margins, moderate water quality and high connectivity to the Tully River. In addition to biodiversity benefits, we estimated that surrounding sugarcane farms would have financially benefited from reduced flooding of cropland and the elevation of low-lying cropland with deposited spoil excavated from lagoon construction. Improved drainage and flow regulation allowed for improvement in sugarcane yield and elevated land increased gross margins from extending the length of the cane production cycle or enabling a switch from cattle grazing to cane production. Restoring or creating wetlands to reduce flooding in flood-prone catchments is a globally applicable model that could improve both agricultural productivity and aquatic biodiversity, while potentially increasing farm income by attracting payments for provision of ecosystem services

    The influence of yeast strain on the oxidative stability of beer

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    Funder: SABMiller PlcFunder: University of Nottingham; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000837Flavour stability, or instability, relates to the rate of flavour change through the shelf‐life of packaged beer. There are several control points in the production of beer where flavour stability may be altered. These include fermentation and the influence of yeast is key. Greater insight into the yeast traits which contribute to flavour stability may help yeast strain selection in the future. Knowledge of the key phenotypes may also lead to improved yeast handing or monitoring practices. In this study, 11 yeast strains, previously characterised according to their sensitivity to oxidative stresses (induced by menadione and hydrogen peroxide) were screened using miniature (100 mL) fermentations and the oxidative stability of the resultant green beer assessed using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The selection of strains with high resistance to multiple oxidative stresses was shown to be a good indicator that yeast would produce a more oxidatively stable beer, although the mechanisms determining this are unknown. The relevance of selecting yeast based on their oxidative sensitivity, their potential to remove metals and sulphur dioxide production are discussed. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of the Institute of Brewing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institute of Brewing & Distillin

    The effect of participation in the Ugandan National Agricultural Advisory Services on willingness to pay for extension services

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    Uganda’s National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS), established in 2001, is a demand-driven extension program for developing farmer organizations and improving farmer production and welfare. The program is expected to be 50% client funded after 25 years. However, varying returns to extension services and inconclusive evidence about their effectiveness suggest that farmers may not be willing to pay for these services. Using a choice experiment, this study found that longer participation in NAADS increased farmers’ willingness to pay and that NAADS had a cost beneficial effect at farm level. The findings suggest that farmers are willing to pay for extension advice (US$0.20, which is higher than that found for most other African extension systems) if they see they are given good information, though they should not be asked to pay the full cost. Longer association with NAADS promoted the adoption of new crops, reduced the vulnerability of farms by increasing technology adoption and improved farmer welfare

    Dry-hopping: the effects of temperature and hop variety on the bittering profiles and properties of resultant beers

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    This paper reports the effects of dry-hopping at 4 and 19 °C for a low alpha versus high alpha hop variety on the resulting profiles of non-volatile hop acids (humulinones, iso-a-acids, a-acids). In a dry-hopping study conducted over 2 weeks, we found a significant increase in humulinone concentration driven principally by hop alpha acid content and the duration of dry-hopping. Conclusive evidence of iso-a-acid losses during dry-hopping (by adsorption onto spent hops) is presented, in addition to a significant increase in a-acid concentrations, which was observed only for beers dry-hopped at 19 °C with the high alpha hop variety. Measured beer parameters (especially at 19 °C) revealed an increase in pH, ABV (%), and a decrease in beer density during dry-hopping - from which we conclude that further attenuation of beer occurred during dry-hopping. The polyphenol content of beers was found to increase substantially with dry-hopping time, whilst both temperature and hop variety were found to be significant factors determining the amounts of polyphenols extracted. Finally, analysis of the spent hop slurry (recovered after 14 days of dry-hopping) confirmed that the residual content of hop acids (a-acids, their oxidised derivatives and polyphenol content), makes these materials - currently treated as waste - of potential value for re-use in the brewing process

    Applications of Bayesian Networks as Decision Support Tools for Water Resource Management under Climate Change and Socio-Economic Stressors: A Critical Appraisal

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    Bayesian networks (BNs) are widely implemented as graphical decision support tools which use probability inferences to generate “what if?” and “which is best?” analyses of potential management options for water resource management, under climate change and socio-economic stressors. This paper presents a systematic quantitative literature review of applications of BNs for decision support in water resource management. The review quantifies to what extent different types of data (quantitative and/or qualitative) are used, to what extent optimization-based and/or scenario-based approaches are adopted for decision support, and to what extent different categories of adaptation measures are evaluated. Most reviewed publications applied scenario-based approaches (68%) to evaluate the performance of management measures, whilst relatively few studies (18%) applied optimization-based approaches to optimize management measures. Institutional and social measures (62%) were mostly applied to the management of water-related concerns, followed by technological and engineered measures (47%), and ecosystem-based measures (37%). There was no significant difference in the use of quantitative and/or qualitative data across different decision support approaches (p = 0.54), or in the evaluation of different categories of management measures (p = 0.25). However, there was significant dependence (p = 0.076) between the types of management measure(s) evaluated, and the decision support approaches used for that evaluation. The potential and limitations of BN applications as decision support systems are discussed along with solutions and recommendations, thereby further facilitating the application of this promising decision support tool for future research priorities and challenges surrounding uncertain and complex water resource systems driven by multiple interactions amongst climatic and non-climatic changes. View Full-Tex