10,850 research outputs found

    Canonical heights on the jacobians of curves of genus 2 and the infinite descent

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    We give an algorithm to compute the canonical height on a Jacobian of a curve of genus 2. The computations involve only working with the Kummer surface and so lengthy computations with divisors in the Jacobian are avoided. We use this height algorithm to give an algorithm to perform the infinite descent stage of computing the Mordell-Weil group. This last stage is performed by a lattice enlarging procedure

    Research study of droplet sizing technology leading to the development of an advanced droplet sizing system

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    An instrument to measure the size and velocity of droplets was developed. The instrument uses one of two techniques, as appropriate. In the first technique two small laser beams of one color identify the center of a larger laser beam of a different color. This defines a region of almost uniform intensity where the light scattered by the individual droplets can be related to their size. The first technique uses the visibility of a Doppler burst and validates it against the peak intensity of the signal's pedestal. Results are presented for monodisperse, bimodal, trimodal, and polydisperse sprays produced by the Berglund-Liu droplet generator and a pressure nozzle. Size distributions of a given spray obtained using three different size ranges show excellent self-consistency in the overlapping region. Measurements of sprays of known characteristics exhibit errors in the order of 10%. The principles of operation and design criteria of the instrument are discussed in great detail

    Averting Robot Eyes

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    Home robots will cause privacy harms. At the same time, they can provide beneficial services—as long as consumers trust them. This Essay evaluates potential technological solutions that could help home robots keep their promises, avert their eyes, and otherwise mitigate privacy harms. Our goals are to inform regulators of robot-related privacy harms and the available technological tools for mitigating them, and to spur technologists to employ existing tools and develop new ones by articulating principles for avoiding privacy harms. We posit that home robots will raise privacy problems of three basic types: (1) data privacy problems; (2) boundary management problems; and (3) social/relational problems. Technological design can ward off, if not fully prevent, a number of these harms. We propose five principles for home robots and privacy design: data minimization, purpose specifications, use limitations, honest anthropomorphism, and dynamic feedback and participation. We review current research into privacy-sensitive robotics, evaluating what technological solutions are feasible and where the harder problems lie. We close by contemplating legal frameworks that might encourage the implementation of such design, while also recognizing the potential costs of regulation at these early stages of the technology

    Finitely Generated Groups Are Universal

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    Universality has been an important concept in computable structure theory. A class C\mathcal{C} of structures is universal if, informally, for any structure, of any kind, there is a structure in C\mathcal{C} with the same computability-theoretic properties as the given structure. Many classes such as graphs, groups, and fields are known to be universal. This paper is about the class of finitely generated groups. Because finitely generated structures are relatively simple, the class of finitely generated groups has no hope of being universal. We show that finitely generated groups are as universal as possible, given that they are finitely generated: for every finitely generated structure, there is a finitely generated group which has the same computability-theoretic properties. The same is not true for finitely generated fields. We apply the results of this investigation to quasi Scott sentences

    Note from the Chief Articles & Symposium Editor

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    There are limited studies on the impact of education on service member performance, and almost zero research on the impact education has on enlisted service members. The Commandant of the Marine Corps has made better talent management the focus of the Marine Corps. This research is to determine if enlisted Marines with a bachelor’s degree or higher in their first contract outperform their peers over the course of their careers. This MBA project uses data on Marines from 2005–2020. Regression analyses were used to determine the impact that education has on the performance of enlisted service members, using physical fitness scores, fitness report averages, misconduct, and retention as outcome variables. Models controlled for AFQT, gender, race/ethnicity, and first PFT scores. Results supported the hypothesis of education being positively associated with performance. Generally, if a Marine had a bachelor’s degree by the end of their first contract, they had significantly higher fitness report averages and physical fitness test averages, were less likely to have misconduct charges, and had a higher probability of retention. Based on these preliminary findings, it is recommended that strategic changes be considered to increase the opportunities for education of the enlisted ranks.Gunnery Sergeant, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Empirical model for the Earth's cosmic ray shadow at 400 KM: Prohibited cosmic ray access

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    The possibility to construct a unit sphere of access that describes the cosmic radiation allowed to an Earth-orbiting spacecraft is discussed. It is found that it is possible to model the occluded portion of the cosmic ray sphere of access as a circular projection with a diameter bounded by the satellite-Earth horizon. Maintaining tangency at the eastern edge of the spacecraft-Earth horizon, this optically occluded area is projected downward by an angle beta which is a function of the magnetic field inclination and cosmic ray arrival direction. This projected plane, corresponding to the forbidden area of cosmic ray access, is bounded by the spacecraft-Earth horizon in easterly directions, and is rotated around the vertical axis by an angle alpha from the eastern direction, where the angle alpha is a function of the offset dipole latitude of the spacecraft

    Statistical Agent Based Modelization of the Phenomenon of Drug Abuse

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    We introduce a statistical agent based model to describe the phenomenon of drug abuse and its dynamical evolution at the individual and global level. The agents are heterogeneous with respect to their intrinsic inclination to drugs, to their budget attitude and social environment. The various levels of drug use were inspired by the professional description of the phenomenon and this permits a direct comparison with all available data. We show that certain elements have a great importance to start the use of drugs, for example the rare events in the personal experiences which permit to overcame the barrier of drug use occasionally. The analysis of how the system reacts to perturbations is very important to understand its key elements and it provides strategies for effective policy making. The present model represents the first step of a realistic description of this phenomenon and can be easily generalized in various directions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure