126 research outputs found

    Synthesis and spectral properties of colloidal solutions of metal sulfides

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    Cadmium, lead, and zinc sulfides as well as cadmium and lead (cadmium and zinc) complex sulfides have been synthesized in the colloidal state by reaction of metal trifluoroacetates with thioacetamide in ethyl acetate and methylmethacrylate. Synthesis products have been isolated from the reaction solutions and studied by X-ray diffraction, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy, and electronic microscopy. The effect of the composition on spectral properties of formulations has been discussed. The formation of colloidal particles and the stability of solutions are related to the complexation

    Theory and Practice of Primary Adaptation as a Factor in Retaining Young Specialists at the Enterprises of the Mining Industry in Russia

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    The article is devoted to the urgent problem of retaining young specialists at the enterprises of the Russian mining industry. It defines the importance of such an important area of work of personnel management services, as primary adaptation, for the successful solution of this problem. The complex content of adaptation programs for young specialists is revealed and the main strategies for their retention in modern conditions are outlined. At the theoretical level of consideration of the problem, general scientific research methods were used, as well as specific sociological analysis and content analysis of the works of leading Russian scientists in the field of personnel management. The applied significance of the article is to describe the practical work of the personnel management services of the Joint Stock Company ALROSA to retain young specialists at the mining industry enterprises

    Методики расчета продолжительности запекания изделий из мясного фарша при тепловой обработке в конвекционных печах

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    Saving energy resources, optimizing production processes and ensuring high quality of finished products are important tasks facing the food industry of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage of social and economic development. From this point of view, the current direction of scientific activity is development of methods for predicting duration of heat treatment of food products, which will allow to increase the level of production planning, implement production processes rationally, ensure production of finished products with high consumer parameters with no underheating or overheating of material of the processed bodies, and decrease the cost of energy resources for thermal processes. The paper proposes the method for theoretical calculation of baking duration for minced meat products in direct contact of the heating medium with the processed body in modern convection units. When developing a theoretical calculation, heat transfer processes are divided into internal and external. When describing internal heat transfer processes, changes in the thermal and physical characteristics of the material of the processed body are considered, determined by mass transfer processes and physical and chemical changes in structural elements with conversion of raw minced meat into finished product with baked crust. The processes of external heat exchange are described according to the operating parameters of modern convection ovens used in small and medium-sized enterprises of food industry and public catering. The values of duration of heat treatment on the example of products made of chicken mince at different temperatures of the heating medium are obtained. Special rod cassettes with a rigid thermocouple attachment design have been developed to ensure correct experiment. Deviations of baking duration values between the theoretically calculated and experimentally obtained values range from 1.49 to 4.44 % for different temperatures of heating medium, which indicates the efficiency of the developed technique. The proposed technique for calculating the duration of baking process for minced meat products when heated will allow optimizing production processes, saving energy resources and obtaining finished products with high consumer parameters. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production”.Экономия энергетических ресурсов, оптимизация производственных процессов и обеспечение высокого качество готовой продукции – важные задачи, стоящие перед пищевой промышленностью Республики Беларусь на современном этапе социально-экономического развития. С этой точки зрения актуальным направлением научной деятельности является разработка методик прогнозного определения продолжительности тепловой обработки пищевых продуктов, применение которых позволит повысить уровень планирования производства, рационально осуществлять производственные процессы, обеспечить получение готовой продукции с высокими потребительскими характеристиками без недогрева или перегрева материала обрабатываемых тел, оптимизировать затраты энергетических ресурсов на проведение тепловых процессов. В работе предлагается методика теоретического расчета продолжительности запекания изделий из мясного фарша при прямом контакте греющей среды с обрабатываемым телом в современных конвекционных аппаратах. При разработке теоретического расчета процессы теплообмена разделены на внутренние и внешние. При описании процессов внутреннего теплообмена учтены изменения теплофизических характеристик материала обрабатываемого тела, обусловленные протекающими массообменными процессами и наличием физико-химических изменений структурных элементов с преобразованием сырого фарша в готовый продукт с запеченной коркой. Процессы внешнего теплообмена описаны согласно режимным параметрам современных конвекционных печей, применяемых в малых и средних предприятиях пищевой промышленности и общественном питании. Получены значения продолжительности тепловой обработки на примере изделий из куриного фарша при различных температурах греющей среды. Разработаны специальные стержневые кассеты с конструкцией жесткого крепления термопар, обеспечивающие проведение корректного эксперимента. Отклонения значений продолжительности запекания между теоретически – рассчитанными и полученными экспериментально составляют от 1,49 до 4,44 % для различных температур греющей среды, что свидетельствует о эффективности разработанной методики. Предложенная методика расчета продолжительности процесса запекания изделий из мясного фарша при нагревании позволит оптимизировать производственные процессы, обеспечить экономию энергетических ресурсов и получать готовую продукцию с высокими потребительскими характеристиками. Благодарности. Работа выполнена в рамках государственной программы научных исследований «Качество и эффективность агропромышленного производства»

    Extended effect of chronic social defeat stress in childhood on behaviors in adulthood

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    Individuals exposed to social stress in childhood are more predisposed to developing psychoemotional disorders in adulthood. Here we use an animal model to determine the influence of hostile social environment in adolescence on behavior during adult life. One-month-old adolescent male mice were placed for 2 weeks in a common cage with an adult aggressive male. Animals were separated by a transparent perforated partition, but the adolescent male was exposed daily to short attacks from the adult male. After exposure to social stress, some of the adolescent mice were placed for 3 weeks in comfortable conditions. Following this rest period, stressed young males and adult males were studied in a range of behavioral tests to evaluate the levels of anxiety, depressiveness, and communicativeness with an unfamiliar partner. In addition, adult mice exposed to social stress in adolescence were engaged in agonistic interactions. We found that 2 weeks of social stress result in a decrease of communicativeness in the home cage and diminished social interactions on the novel territory. Stressed adolescents demonstrated a high level of anxiety in the elevated plus-maze test and helplessness in the Porsolt test. Furthermore, the number of dividing (BrdU-positive) cells in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus was significantly lower in stressed adolescents. After 3 weeks of rest, most behavioral characteristics in different tests, as well as the number of BrdU-positive cells in the hippocampus, did not differ from those of the respective control mice. However, the level of anxiety remained high in adult males exposed to chronic social stress in childhood. Furthermore, these males were more aggressive in the agonistic interactions. Thus, hostile social environment in adolescence disturbs psychoemotional state and social behaviors of animals in adult life

    Co-expression of glutamatergic and autism-related genes in the hippocampus of male mice with disturbances of social behavior

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    There is a hypothesis of the involvement of the glutamatergic system in the development of autism. It has been shown that the chronic experience in daily intermale confrontations leads to disturbances in social behavior: a decrease in communicativeness, disturbances of socialization, emergence of stereotypical behaviors that can be considered as symptoms of the autistic spectrum disorders. So, the aim of this study was to investigate changes in the expression of glutamatergic (GG) and autism-related (GA) genes in the hippocampus of animals with impaired social behavior caused by repeated experience of social defeat or aggression in daily agonistic confrontations. To form groups of animals with contrasting behaviors, a model of sensory contact (chronic social stress) was used. The collected brain samples were sequenced at JSC Genoanalytica (http://genoanalytica.ru/, Moscow, Russia). Transcriptomic analysis revealed a down-regulation of autism-related (Shank3, Auts2, Ctnnd2, Nrxn2) and glutamatergic (Grm4) genes in aggressive mice. At the same time, the expression of GA-related genes (Shank2, Nlgn2, Ptcdh10, Reln, Arx) and GG genes (Grik3, Grm2, Grm4, Slc17a7, Slc1a4, Slc25a22) excluding Grin2a was increased in defeated mice. Correlative analysis revealed a statistically significant association between GG and GA expression. These results can serve as a confirmation of the participation of the glutamatergic system in the pathophysiology of the autistic spectrum disorder

    Теплообмен во влажных капиллярно-пористых телах различного состава при конвективном нагревании в паровоздушных средах

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    The results of the study of the heating process of wet capillary-porous bodies of various compositions (meat products) during heat treatment in dry air and steam-air mixture under conditions of forced circulation of the heating medium are presented. The studies were carried out on a moist fat-free sample (chicken fillet meat) and a low-moisture fat sample (pork shoulder blade) formed in the form of a cylinder and a plate. It is shown that the process of heating of meat products of various compositions obeys the laws of the theory of unsteady thermal conductivity of homogeneous bodies, despite the variety of accompanying phase and physico-chemical transformations. It is established that the regular mode of non-stationary thermal conductivity occurs at Fo ≥ 0.2 for all the studied variants. Based on the processing and analysis of experimental data, criterion equations of the form Θ = f(Fo,Bi) for the central layer of the studied products in the temperature range 160–240 °C were obtained. It has been established that the peculiarities of heating of meat products in a vapor-air mixture environment lead to lower values of the coefficients μ1 and N(Bi) at regular operation compared with heating in dry air. It was found that low-moisture fatty samples are characterized by lower values of μ1 and N(Bi) in comparison with moist fat-free ones. As a result of comparison with tabular data for solids, it is shown that the experimental coefficients μ1 and N(Bi) are characterized by lower values for all the studied variants. It is established that the nature of the change in N(Bi) and μ1 for solids and the studied products is opposite, i.e., with an increase in the number of Bi, an increase in N(Bi) and μ1 is characteristic for solids, while their decrease is characteristic for the studied products. The practical significance of the research consists in improving the quality characteristics of minced meat products and optimizing operational production planning through the use of the methodology of predictive calculation of the duration of thermal operations.Приведены результаты исследования процесса нагревания влажных капиллярно-пористых тел различного состава (мясных изделий) при термообработке в сухом воздухе и паровоздушной смеси в условиях вынужденной циркуляции греющей среды. Исследования проводились на влажном обезжиренном образце (мясо куриного филе) и маловлажном жирном образце (лопаточная часть свинины), сформованных в виде цилиндра и пластины. Показано, что процесс нагревания мясных изделий различного состава подчиняется закономерностям теории нестационарной теплопроводности однородных тел, несмотря на многообразие сопутствующих фазовых и физико-химических преобразований. Установлено, что регулярный режим нестационарной теплопроводности наступает при Fo ≥ 0,2 для всех исследуемых вариантов. На основании обработки и анализа экспериментальных данных получены критериальные уравнения вида Θ = f(Fo,Bi) для центрального слоя исследуемых изделий в диапазоне температур 160–240 °С. Установлено, что особенности нагревания мясных изделий в среде паровоздушной смеси приводят к меньшим значениям коэффициентов μ1 и N(Bi) при регулярном режиме по сравнению с нагреванием в сухом воздухе. При этом для маловлажных жирных образцов характерны более низкие значения μ1 и N(Bi) по сравнению с влажными обезжиренными. В результате сравнения с табличными данными для твердых тел показано, что экспериментальные коэффициенты μ1 и N(Bi) характеризуются меньшими значениями для всех исследуемых вариантов. Установлено, что характер изменения N(Bi) и μ1 для твердых тел и изучаемых изделий противоположен, то есть при росте числа Bi для твердых тел характерно увеличение N(Bi) и μ1, в то время как для исследуемых изделий характерно их уменьшение. Практическая значимость исследований состоит в повышении качественных характеристик мясных рубленых изделий и оптимизации оперативного производственного планирования за счет применения методики прогнозного расчета продолжительности тепловых операций


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    On the basis of a complex theoretical and experimental investigations a principally new design of small inertial burner for electric cookers has been developed that significantly out-perform burners of conventional types. На основе проведенного комплекса теоретических и экспериментальных исследований получена принципиально новая конструкция малоинерционной конфорки для электрических плит, которая по эксплуатационным характеристикам существенно превосходит конфорки традиционных конструкций

    Altered Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Amygdalar Neuronal Activity in Adult Mice with Repeated Experience of Aggression

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    Repeated experience of winning in a social conflict setting elevates levels of aggression and may lead to violent behavioral patterns. Here, we use a paradigm of repeated aggression and fighting deprivation to examine changes in behavior, neurogenesis, and neuronal activity in mice with positive fighting experience. We show that for males, repeated positive fighting experience induces persistent demonstration of aggression and stereotypic behaviors in daily agonistic interactions, enhances aggressive motivation, and elevates levels of anxiety. When winning males are deprived of opportunities to engage in further fights, they demonstrate increased levels of aggressiveness. Positive fighting experience results in increased levels of progenitor cell proliferation and production of young neurons in the hippocampus. This increase is not diminished after a fighting deprivation period. Furthermore, repeated winning experience decreases the number of activated (c-fos-positive) cells in the basolateral amygdala and increases the number of activated cells in the hippocampus; a subsequent no-fight period restores the number of c-fos-positive cells. Our results indicate that extended positive fighting experience in a social conflict heightens aggression, increases proliferation of neuronal progenitors and production of young neurons in the hippocampus, and decreases neuronal activity in the amygdala; these changes can be modified by depriving the winners of the opportunity for further fights

    Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe

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    Aim The first comprehensive checklist of European phytosociological alliances, orders and classes (EuroVegChecklist) was published by Mucina et al. (2016, Applied Vegetation Science, 19 (Suppl. 1), 3–264). However, this checklist did not contain detailed information on the distribution of individual vegetation types. Here we provide the first maps of all alliances in Europe. Location Europe, Greenland, Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Cyprus and the Caucasus countries. Methods We collected data on the occurrence of phytosociological alliances in European countries and regions from literature and vegetation-plot databases. We interpreted and complemented these data using the expert knowledge of an international team of vegetation scientists and matched all the previously reported alliance names and concepts with those of the EuroVegChecklist. We then mapped the occurrence of the EuroVegChecklist alliances in 82 territorial units corresponding to countries, large islands, archipelagos and peninsulas. We subdivided the mainland parts of large or biogeographically heterogeneous countries based on the European biogeographical regions. Specialized alliances of coastal habitats were mapped only for the coastal section of each territorial unit. Results Distribution maps were prepared for 1,105 alliances of vascular-plant dominated vegetation reported in the EuroVegChecklist. For each territorial unit, three levels of occurrence probability were plotted on the maps: (a) verified occurrence; (b) uncertain occurrence; and (c) absence. The maps of individual alliances were complemented by summary maps of the number of alliances and the alliance–area relationship. Distribution data are also provided in a spreadsheet. Conclusions The new map series represents the first attempt to characterize the distribution of all vegetation types at the alliance level across Europe. There are still many knowledge gaps, partly due to a lack of data for some regions and partly due to uncertainties in the definition of some alliances. The maps presented here provide a basis for future research aimed at filling these gaps