271 research outputs found

    The effects of mindfulness meditation on rumination in depressed people

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    Mindfulness meditation is a practice of focus, awareness, and non-judgmental acceptance of one\u27s thoughts (Deyo et al., 2009; Kenny et al., 2007). Rumination is a maladaptive pattern of thought that is common in people with depression and other mood disorders. It can lead to further episodes of depression, and can be very destructive in that way (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2008). This paper reviews several studies on mindfulness meditation, depression, and rumination, with a focus on certain areas and phenomena such as alpha asymmetry (Keune et al 2013) and gamma band activity (Berkovich-Ohana et al., 2012). Modalities such as fMRI and EEG are both used in these studies. Finally, directions for further research are considered, while accepting the challenges unique to this and inherent in any neuroscientific research

    The calculation of downwash behind supersonic wings with an application to triangular plan forms

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    A method is developed consistent with the assumptions of small perturbation theory which provides a means of determining the downwash behind a wing in supersonic flow for a known load distribution. The analysis is based upon the use of supersonic doublets which are distributed over the plan form and wake of the wing in a manner determined from the wing loading. The equivalence in subsonic and supersonic flow of the downwash at infinity corresponding to a given load distribution is proved

    Two-and three-dimensional unsteady lift problems in high-speed flight

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    The problem of transient lift on two- and three-dimensional wings flying at high speeds is discussed as a boundary-value problem for the classical wave equation. Kirchoff's formula is applied so that the analysis is reduced, just as in the steady state, to an investigation of sources and doublets. The applications include the evaluation of indicial lift and pitching-moment curves for two-dimensional sinking and pitching wings flying at Mach numbers equal to 0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 2.0. Results for the sinking case are also given for a Mach number of 0.5. In addition, the indicial functions for supersonic-edged triangular wings in both forward and reverse flow are presented and compared with the two-dimensional values

    Expression and function of conserved nuclear receptor genes in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    AbstractThe Caenorhabditis elegans genome encodes 284 nuclear receptor (NR) genes. Among these 284 NR genes are 15 genes conserved among the Metazoa. Here, we analyze the expression and function of eight heretofore uncharacterized conserved C. elegans NR genes. Reporter gene analysis demonstrates that these genes have distinct expression patterns and that a majority of the C. elegans cell types express a conserved NR gene. RNA interference with NR gene function resulted in visible phenotypes for three of the genes, revealing functions in various processes during postembryonic development. Five of the conserved NR genes are orthologs of NR genes that function during molting and metamorphosis in insects. Functional studies confirm a role for most of these ‘ecdysone cascade’ NR orthologs during the continuous growth and dauer molts. Transcript levels for these genes fluctuate in a reiterated pattern during the molting cycles, reminiscent of the expression hierarchy observed in the insect ecdysone response. Together, these analyses provide a foundation for further dissecting the role of NRs in nematode development as well as for evaluating conservation of NR functions among the Metazoa

    Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions that control nuclear envelope breakdown and entry into mitosis in the sea urchin zygote

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    In sea urchin zygotes and mammalian cells nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) is not driven simply by a rise in cytoplasmic cyclin dependent kinase 1-cyclin B (Cdk1-B) activity; the checkpoint monitoring DNA synthesis can prevent NEB in the face of mitotic levels of Cdk1-B. Using sea urchin zygotes we investigated whether this checkpoint prevents NEB by restricting import of regulatory proteins into the nucleus. We find that cyclin B1-GFP accumulates in nuclei that cannot complete DNA synthesis and do not break down. Thus, this checkpoint limits NEB downstream of both the cytoplasmic activation and nuclear accumulation of Cdk1-B1. In separate experiments we fertilize sea urchin eggs with sperm whose DNA has been covalently cross-linked to inhibit replication. When the pronuclei fuse, the resulting zygote nucleus does not break down for \u3e180 minutes (equivalent to three cell cycles), even though Cdk1-B activity rises to greater than mitotic levels. If pronuclear fusion is prevented, then the female pronucleus breaks down at the normal time (average 68 minutes) and the male pronucleus with cross-linked DNA breaks down 16 minutes later. This male pronucleus has a functional checkpoint because it does not break down for \u3e120 minutes if the female pronucleus is removed just prior to NEB. These results reveal the existence of an activity released by the female pronucleus upon its breakdown, that overrides the checkpoint in the male pronucleus and induces NEB. Microinjecting wheat germ agglutinin into binucleate zygotes reveals that this activity involves molecules that must be actively translocated into the male pronucleus

    Particulate Emissions from a Pre-Emissions Control Era Spark-Ignition Vehicle: A Historical Benchmark

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    This study examined the particulate emissions from a pre-emissions control era vehicle operated on both leaded and unleaded fuels for the purpose of establishing a historical benchmark. A pre-control vehicle was located that had been rebuilt with factory original parts to approximate an as-new vehicle prior to 1968. The vehicle had less than 20,000 miles on the rebuilt engine and exhaust. The vehicle underwent repeated FTP-75 tests to determine its regulated emissions, including particulate mass. Additionally, measurements of the particulate size distribution were made, as well as particulate lead concentration. These tests were conducted first with UTG96 certification fuel, followed by UTG96 doped with tetraethyl lead to approximate 1968 levels. Results of these tests, including transmission electron micrographs of individual particles from both the leaded and unleaded case are presented. The FTP composite PM emissions from this vehicle averaged 40.5 mg/mile using unleaded fuel. The results from the leaded fuel tests showed that the FTP composite PM emissions increased to an average of 139.5 mg/mile. Analysis of the particulate size distribution for both cases demonstrated that the mass-based size distribution of particles for this vehicle is heavily skewed towards the nano-particle range. The leaded-fuel tests showed a significant increase in mass concentration at the <0.1 micron size compared with the unleaded-fuel test case. The leaded-fuel tests produced lead emissions of nearly 0.04 g/mi, more than a 4-order-of-magnitude difference compared with unleaded-fuel results. Analysis of the size-fractionated PM samples showed that the lead PM emissions tended to be distributed in the 0.25 micron and smaller size range
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