958 research outputs found
On the standardisation of Web service management operations
Given the current interest in TCP/IP network management research towards Web services, it is important to recognise how standardisation can be achieved. This paper mainly focuses on the standardisation of operations and not management information. We state that standardisation should be done by standardising the abstract parts of a WSDL document, i.e. the interfaces and the messages. Operations can vary in granularity and parameter transparency, creating four extreme operation signatures, all of which have advantages and disadvantages
Analytic Calculation of Radio Emission from Extensive Air Showers subjected to Atmospheric Electric Fields
We have developed a code that semi-analytically calculates the radio
footprint (intensity and polarization) of an extensive air shower subject to
atmospheric electric fields. This can be used to reconstruct the height
dependence of atmospheric electric field from the measured radio footprint. The
various parameterizations of the spatial extent of the induced currents are
based on the results of Monte-Carlo shower simulations. The calculated radio
footprints agree well with microscopic CoREAS simulations.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the ARENA conference, Groningen,
The Netherlands, June 7-10, 201
Subchondral bone density distribution of the talus in clinically normal Labrador Retrievers
Background: Bones continually adapt their morphology to their load bearing function. At the level of the subchondral bone, the density distribution is highly correlated with the loading distribution of the joint. Therefore, subchondral bone density distribution can be used to study joint biomechanics non-invasively. In addition physiological and pathological joint loading is an important aspect of orthopaedic disease, and research focusing on joint biomechanics will benefit veterinary orthopaedics. This study was conducted to evaluate density distribution in the subchondral bone of the canine talus, as a parameter reflecting the long-term joint loading in the tarsocrural joint.
Results: Two main density maxima were found, one proximally on the medial trochlear ridge and one distally on the lateral trochlear ridge. All joints showed very similar density distribution patterns and no significant differences were found in the localisation of the density maxima between left and right limbs and between dogs.
Conclusions: Based on the density distribution the lateral trochlear ridge is most likely subjected to highest loads within the tarsocrural joint. The joint loading distribution is very similar between dogs of the same breed. In addition, the joint loading distribution supports previous suggestions of the important role of biomechanics in the development of OC lesions in the tarsus. Important benefits of computed tomographic osteoabsorptiometry (CTOAM), i.e. the possibility of in vivo imaging and temporal evaluation, make this technique a valuable addition to the field of veterinary orthopaedic research
The Need for Advanced Public Transport Information Services When Making Transfers
This paper reports on a stated choice experiment examining the determinants of travelers' need and willingness to pay for advanced public transport information services. Specific attention is given to the role of making transfers in the decision to acquire specific types of information. Intercity train travelers are asked to choose among information services that varied in type of information provided by the services, precision of provided dynamic travel time estimates, whether or not the system can provide information unasked for and price. Respondents made these choices conditional on a specified transfer context, denoting whether or not transfers had to be made during the trip, and whether these were transfers to high or low frequency train services. Modeling results indicate that as hypothesized, transferring during the trip, especially towards low frequency connections, induces a larger need for travel information, a higher preference for services that can provide advice relative to other information and a higher willingness to pay for information in general. However, the choice for information services is highly price sensitive, which suggest a low overall willingness to pay
Consequences of reaming with flat and convex reamers for bone volume and surface area of the glenoid : a basic science study
Background: The effect of reaming on bone volume and surface area of the glenoid is not precisely known. We hypothesize that (1) convex reamers create a larger surface area than flat reamers, (2) flat reamers cause less bone loss than convex reamers, and (3) the amount of bone loss increases with the amount of version correction.
Methods: Reaming procedures with different types of reamers are performed on similar-sized uniconcave and biconcave glenoids created from Sawbones foam blocks. The loss of bone volume, the size of the remaining surface area, and the reaming depth are measured and evaluated.
Results: Reaming with convex reamers results in a significantly larger surface area than with flat reamers for both uniconcave and biconcave glenoids (p = 0.013 and p = 0.001). Convex reamers cause more bone loss than flat reamers, but the difference is only significant for uniconcave glenoids (p = 0.007).
Conclusions: In biconcave glenoids, convex reamers remove a similar amount of bone as flat reamers, but offer a larger surface area while maximizing the correction of the retroversion. In pathological uniconcave glenoids, convex reamers are preferred because of the conforming shape
Vascular dysfunction : at the heart of cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms
This dissertation focussed on the damaging effects of deterioration of vascular function on the body. It is shown that deterioration of function of large blood vessels (due to vascular stiffening), small blood vessels (microvascular dysfunction) and the lining of blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction) not only plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease, but also in the development of dementia and depression. Vascular dysfunction is therefore an important new lead for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease, dementia and depression. Various studies were used, including the Maastricht Study, the Hoorn Study, the AGES-Reykjavik Study and the Rotterdam Study
Biodiversität bringt's : eine Analyse politischer Instrumente und eine Handlungsempfehlung für politische Entscheidungsträger in Gemeinden zur Förderung der Biodiversität
Die Arbeit behandelt die politischen Instrumente zur Förderung der Biodiversität in der Schweiz, insbesondere in deren Gemeinden. Basierend auf den Resultaten und der Erkenntnis dieser Arbeit wurde die Handlungsanleitung Biodiversität bringt’s! - Eine Handlungsempfehlung für politische Akteure zur Förderung der Biodiversität in Gemeinden in Form einer Broschüre erstellt. Die Handlungsempfehlung richtet sich dabei an politische Akteure und liefert Beispiele für Massnahmen, die getroffen werden können und zeigt auf, wie eine Gemeinde vorgehen kann, um die Biodiversität erfolgreich zu fördern.
Hierfür wurde auf Bundesebene wie auch auf kantonaler und kommunaler Ebene eine Literatur- und Internetrecherche durchgeführt. Zudem wurde Kontakt mit Fachpersonen aufgenommen, um an deren Wissen und Erkenntnis anknüpfen zu können. Auf Gemeindeebene wurden zudem Interviews mit Vertretern aus Mustergemeinden wie auch zwei Fallstudien in den Gemeinden Bever und Sargans durchgeführt.
Die Grundlagen auf Bundesebene sind die Strategie Biodiversität Schweiz (SBS) und der dazugehörige Aktionsplan sowie einige Gesetze, die Bestimmungen zum Schutz und zur Erhaltung der Biodiversität enthalten. Es gibt sogar vereinzelte Gesetzesartikel wie beispielsweise Art. 18 NHG , die gewissen Kantonen und Gemeinden als rechtliche Grundlage für deren Biodiversitätsschutz dienen können. Weiter hat sich gezeigt, dass es Unterschiede auf kantonaler Ebene gibt. Mit 11 von 26 Schweizer Kantonen betreibt nicht einmal die Hälfte davon besondere Bemühungen in Sachen Biodiversitätsförderung. Diejenigen Kantone, die bereits speziellen Aufwand betreiben, werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt und beleuchtet.
Die Schlusserkenntnis der Arbeit ist es, dass die Biodiversität in der Schweiz nach wie vor zurück geht und dass somit die bisherigen Massnahmen nicht ausreichend sind. Es hat sich aber gezeigt, dass effektive Massnahmen existieren und unter Anwendung der richtigen politischen Instrumente die Biodiversitätsziele der SBS erreicht werden können. Also ist es nun wichtig, dass auch diejenigen Kantone und Gemeinden der Schweiz mit Biodiversitätsschutz anfangen, die wenig machen und diejenigen, die bereits grössere Aufwände betreiben, weiter versuchen diesen auszubauen. Der erstellte Leitfaden soll Gemeinden dabei inspirieren und helfen können.
Die wichtigsten Akteure stellen die Bevölkerung, der Gemeinderat sowie Bund und Kantone dar. Die Instrumente, die dabei von zentrale Bedeutung sind die rechtlichen Grundlagen sowie die informelle wie auch die finanzielle Planung der Gemeinde
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