5 research outputs found

    Расширенный потенциал фотоплетизмографа местной конструкции для сосудистой неинвазивной диагностики

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    Advanced sensor device for shape analysis of the tissue-reflected mean single period photoplethysmography (PPG) signals have been designed and clinically tested. The PPG signal shape reveals individual features of the patient’s cardiovascular state. Clinical studies of several patient groups (e.g. diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis obliterans, Raynaud’s syndrome) made it possible to specify components of the PPG signal that are sensitive to the corresponding organic or functional pathologies. Comparison of the right and left arm finger PPG signal shapes, for instance, appears to be an efficient tool for early screening of unilateral atherosclerosis obliterans.Данные, представленные в настоящем документе, подтверждают эффективность фотоплетизмографа-2 (FPG-2), используемого в диагностике неинвазивного анализа кровотока пульсирующей формы волны, которая была разработана и клинически апробирована. FPG формы сигнала выявили индивидуальные особенности сердечно-сосудистой системы пациента. Популяционные исследования (например, сахарный диабет, окклюзирующий атеросклероз, синдром Рейно), позволили определить различные компоненты сигнала фотоплетизмографа

    Aspect diagnosis and treatment in supraventricular paroxismal tachycardia

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    Catedra Pediatrie nr. I USMF,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”Aspect diagnosis and treatment of 25 children was evaluated with diagnosis: cardiac arrhythmia- supraventricular paroxismal tachycardia in period of time 2007-2008, in cardiac department of IMSPISOS MC. Verapamil was the basis medication for access suspend. A fost evaluate aspectele de diagnostic şi tratament la 25 copii cu diagnosticul: dereglări de ritm, tahicardie paroxistică supraventriculară în perioada anilor 2007 – 2008 din IMSP ICŞOSM şi C, secţia cardiologie. Medicamentul de bază în cuparea acceselor a fost Verapamila

    Papillary muscle approximation combined with ventriculoplasty in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and functional mitral regurgitation: effects on mitral valve and left ventricul shape

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanStudiile recente definesc regurgitarea mitrală funcțională şi înrautățirea indicelui sistolic a venericului stâng, drept ca o lărgire a dimensiunii dintre marginile muşchilor papilari, prin urmare, micşorarea acestei distante poate îmbunătăţi funcţia valvei mitrale şi ventriculului stâng. Pentru acest studiu au fost selectaţi 33 de pacienţi cu cardiomiopatie ischemică la care s-a efectuat aproximarea muşchilor papilari.Recent studies define functional mitral regurgitation and worsened left ventricular systolic indices as the widening of the dimension between papillary muscle heads; consequently, narrowing this distance may improve the mitral valve and left ventricle function. The study included 33 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy undergoing papillary muscle approximation

    Strategies of the treatment of cardiac prosthetic valve thrombosis

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    Department of Cardiac Surgery, Republican Hospital, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The article deals with the analysis of principal causes of valve prosthesis thrombosis and “pannus” thrombosis. The diagnosis and contemporary treatment strategy of prosthesis dysfunction have been considered. Material and methods: In our department 1670 patients with extracorporeal circulation were operated on, among them 1260 had valve pathology that made up 74.2%. 1164 heart valves were replaced, 145 of them were biological prostheses and 1019 were mechanical ones of different types. Prosthesis thrombosis took place in 28 patients that represented 60% of the number of patients with prothesis disfunction and 2.2% of the total number of operated patients from which 21 patients, their age ranged from 35 to 63 years old. The surgical treatment was performed to 9 patients, thrombolysis – to 19 patients. Results: During last 6-7 years the thrombolysis treatment with ateplasum and reteplasse has been successfully implemented in the therapy of thrombosis valve prothesis. Thrombolysis was performed to 19 patients. The results are the following: in 17 cases good outcomes (a complete recovery of the prosthesis function with transprosthetic gradient and the normalization of systolic pressure in right ventricle) have been registered, one case has been complicated with transitory ischemic ictus. Out of 19 patients who underwent the thrombolysis treatment, there were 2 lethal cases. Conclusions: The patients that are in a critical state with prosthesis thrombosis (acute pulmonary edema, hypotension, heart insufficiency NYHA IV) should immediately receive EchoCG confirmation of the need of intravenous thrombolitic therapy. The thrombolysis efficacy in prosthesis thrombosis is high; the rate of embolic complications is low, which can be used as the first line treatment for all patients with prothesis thrombosis (in the absence of contraindications). In the case of partial response to the thrombolysis treatment, the patient can be operated on in good hemodynamic conditions and with low surgical risk

    Critical Raw Materials Saving by Protective Coatings under Extreme Conditions: A Review of Last Trends in Alloys and Coatings for Aerospace Engine Applications

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    Several applications, where extreme conditions occur, require the use of alloys often containing many critical elements. Due to the ever increasing prices of critical raw materials (CRMs) linked to their high supply risk, and because of their fundamental and large utilization in high tech products and applications, it is extremely important to find viable solutions to save CRMs usage. Apart from increasing processes’ efficiency, substitution, and recycling, one of the alternatives to preserve an alloy and increase its operating lifetime, thus saving the CRMs needed for its manufacturing, is to protect it by a suitable coating or a surface treatment. This review presents the most recent trends in coatings for application in high temperature alloys for aerospace engines. CRMs’ current and future saving scenarios in the alloys and coatings for the aerospace engine are also discussed. The overarching aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the CRMs issue related to the alloys and coating for aerospace, suggesting some mitigation measures without having the ambition nor to give a complete overview of the topic nor a turnkey solution