52 research outputs found


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    Purpose: substantiation of a multisectoral approach in the provision of medical care for patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Materials and Methods. Methods of systematic approach and system analysis were used to comprehensively investigate the problems of providing medical care to patients with MI and conceptual modeling to substantiate the multisectoral approach in providing care to patients with MI. Results. An important domain of an optimized system of medical care for patients with MI is a multidisciplinary working system with well-defined structural and organizational technologies, integration links, which will work effectively and fulfill its tasks only when applying a multisectoral approach. A qualitative and effective process of providing medical care to patients with MI will only take place if there is a qualitative and effective foundation, including processes and decisions at the level of state authorities, territorial communities, social services, public organizations and the media. The social environment in which the patient resides plays a significant role in the fight against FR development of MI, early hospitalization of patients with MI, and the appointment of optimal treatment. Conclusions. Cross-sectoral collaboration and cross-disciplinary structural and functional coordination of care delivery for patients with MI will ensure equal access for patients to specialty medical services, improving and expanding communication across multiple disciplines, which will improve the quality of life for patients with MI.Мета: обґрунтувати мультисекторальний підхід у наданні медичної допомоги хворим на інфаркт міокарда (ІМ). Матеріали і методи. Використано методи системного підходу та системного аналізу для комплексного дослідження проблем надання медичної допомоги хворим на ІМ та концептуального моделювання для обґрунтування мультисекторального підходу в наданні медичної допомоги хворим на інфаркт міокарда. Результати. Важливим доменом оптимізованої системи надання медичної допомоги хворим на ІМ є мультидисциплінарна робоча система з чітко визначеними структурними та організаційними технологіями, інтеграційними зв’язками, яка буде ефективно працювати та виконувати свої завдання тільки при застосуванні мультисекторального підходу. Якісний та ефективний процес надання медичної допомоги пацієнтам з ІМ буде відбуватись тільки при наявності якісного та ефективного фундаменту, що включає процеси та рішення на рівні державних органів влади, територіальних громад, соціальних служб, громадських організацій та засобів масової інформації. Значну роль у боротьбі з факторами ризику (ФР) розвитку ІМ, ранній госпіталізації пацієнтів з ІМ, призначенні оптимального лікування відіграє соціальне середовище, в якому перебуває пацієнт. Висновки. Міжсекторальна співпраця і міждисциплінарна структурна та функціональна координація дій у наданні медичної допомоги хворим на ІМ забезпечить рівноправний доступ пацієнтів до спеціальних медичних послуг, удосконалення та розширення комунікаційних зв’язків різної спрямованості, що дозволить покращити якість життя пацієнтам з ІМ

    Reparative osteogenesis in normal conditions and micronutrient iodine deficiency

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    Department of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery, Bukovinian State Medical University Chernivtsi, UkraineBackground: Today without attention of researchers a number of issues remain unsolved and require their study, including: the impact of iodine deficiency conditions on bone health, healing of bone defects and morphological characteristics of the process concerning iodine deficiency. Material and methods: The experiments were performed on 63 rendobrand albino male rats, 3-month old. The experiment was performed on the control, and the main groups of animals. The main group consisted of 42 rats, subdivided into two subgroups, with 21 experimental animals each. Iodine deficiency was modeled in the animals of the main group by using the diet with low iodine content (6 mg / 100 g) and using the drug daily during 21 days, once a day in the stomach in the form of aqueous starch suspension. Reparative osteogenesis was studied by means of histomorphological examination on the 7, 15 and 30th days after producing femoral defect with the diameter of 1 mm. Results: The data obtained are indicative of negative effects of iodine deficiency on reparative osteogenesis and saline, demonstrating the suppression of these processes, involving disorders of forming callus, deterioration of the structural-functional state of the bone development, degenerative and necrotic changes in bone and epiphyseal cartilage. Conclusions: In animals of the experimental group with simulated iodine deficiency regenerative bone formation was delayed and developed against the ground of pronounced disorders of blood supply. The reparative process was characterized by inhibition of formation and remodeling of the regeneration, leading to decrease in a relative area of lamellar bone tissue as compared to the controls

    Electric field-modulated non-ohmic behavior of carbon nanotube fibers in polar liquids.

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    We report a previously unseen non-ohmic effect in which the resistivity of carbon nanotube fibers immersed in polar liquids is modulated by the applied electric field. This behavior depends on the surface energy, dielectric constant, and viscosity of the immersion media. Supported by synchrotron SAXS and impedance spectroscopy, we propose a model in which the gap distance, and thus the conductance, of capacitive interbundle junctions is controlled by the applied field.JT acknowledges generous financial support from: The Cambridge Commonwealth European and International Trust, CONACyT (Mexico), Dyson Ltd, and Pembroke College Cambridge. JJV acknowledges support from MINECO (Spain) and FP7-People-Marie Curie Action-CIG.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn5030835

    Clinical value of determination of epidermal growth factor in the blood and urine of children with pyelonephritis

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    Objective: to study the value of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the serum and urine of patients with chronic pyelonephritis (CP) depending on the clinical form and features of the disease. Eighty patients aged 6 to 16 years, including 65 who were in clinical and laboratory remission, were examined. In addition to traditional nephrological examination, the serum and urinary levels of EGF, transforming growth factor-Pj (TGF-Pj), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and interleukins (IL)-4, IL-10, and IL-12 were determined by a standard set of solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. There was a statistically significant decrease in serum and urinary EGF level in children having a history of frequent CP exacerbations and a disease duration of more than 5-7 years. An antagonistic relationship was found between of EGF and the profibrotic cytokine TGF-Pj. On the contrary, EGF is strongly related to IGF-1 having antiapoptotic properties. In the patients with latent CP, the serum and urinary EGF levels were significantly lower than in those with recurrent CP. In patients with a history of transient hypoisostenuria, the serum level of EGF did not differ from the normal ones whereas its urinary level was significantly decreased. Conclusion. Significantly low serum and urinary EGF levels were noted in the patients who had an unfavorable disease and were although in clinical and laboratory remission documented by the clinical and laboratory examination traditionally accepted in nephrourological practice

    Експериментальні моделі захворювань нирок для досліджень патогенетичних механізмів та ефективності фармакологічної корекції на тлі коморбідної патології

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     The aim of our study is to report about modern models of kidney diseases associated with other pathological conditions for experimental studies of pathogenic mechanisms and efficacy of pharmacological correction.The study deals with experimental models reasonably to be applied in investigation of comorbid pathology pathogenesis and efficacy of its pharmacological correction. The attention is focused on the models of cardio-renal, hepatic-renal syndromes and multiple organ hypoxic histochemical injury simulated in laboratory rats. These models are characterized by easy modeling, simulation of comorbidity pathogenesis, acute and chronic periods of diseases available, induced by the antibiotic Doxorubicin or exotoxins – corrosive sublimate, sodium nitrite, and 2,4-dinitrophenol.Conclusions. The models of cardio-renal, hepatic-renal syndromes and hypoxic histochemical injury of the body are found to be optimal to perform multipurpose studies of physiological, pathophysiological, pharmacological directions with maximal similarity of the results obtained to clinical-therapeutic peculiarities of comorbid pathology. Цель работы – освещение современных моделей заболеваний почек, сочетанных с другими патологическими состояниями, для экспериментальных исследований патогенетических механизмов и эффективности фармакологической коррекции.Рассмотрены экспериментальные модели, которые целесообразно использовать для исследования патогенеза и эффективности средств фармакологической коррекции коморбидной патологии. Акцентировано внимание на моделях, воспроизводящих кардиоренальный, гепаторенальный синдром и полиорганное гипоксическое гистогемическое повреждение у лабораторных крыс. Эти модели характеризуются легким моделированием, воспроизведением патогенеза коморбидных заболеваний, наличием острого и хронического периода повреждения, индуцированного антибиотиком доксорубицином или экотоксикантами – сулемой, нитритом натрия, 2,4-динитрофенолом.Выводы. Представленные модели кардиоренального, гепаторенального синдромов и гипоксического повреждения организма являются оптимальными для проведения многоцелевых исследований физиологического, патофизиологического, фармакологического направлений с максимальным приближением результатов к клинико-терапевтическим особенностям коморбидной патологии.  Мета роботи – висвітлення сучасних моделей захворювань нирок, що поєднані з іншими патологічними станами, для експериментальних досліджень патогенетичних механізмів та ефективності фармакологічної корекції.Розглянуті експериментальні моделі, які доцільно використовувати для дослідження патогенезу та ефективності засобів фармакологічної корекції коморбідної патології. Акцентовано увагу на моделях відтворення кардіоренального, гепаторенального синдромів і поліорганного гіпоксичного гістогемічного пошкодження у лабораторних щурів. Цим моделям властиві легке моделювання, відтворення патогенезу коморбідних захворювань, наявність гострого та хронічного періоду пошкодження, індукованого антибіотиком доксорубіцином чи екотоксикантами – сулемою, нітритом натрію, 2,4-динітрофенолом.Висновки. Описані моделі кардіоренального, гепаторенального синдромів і гіпоксичного гістогемічного пошкодження організму є оптимальними для здійснення багатоцільових досліджень фізіологічного, патофізіологічного, фармакологічного спрямування з максимальним наближенням результатів до клініко-терапевтичних особливостей коморбідної патології

    Internal strains and crystal structure of the layers in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on sapphire substrate

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    In this paper, we investigate the structural properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on sapphire substrates with different thicknesses using high-resolution x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering methods. We discuss the microscopic nature of spatial-inhomogeneous deformations and dislocation density in the structures. Microdeformations within mosaic blocks and the sizes of regions of coherent diffraction are determined. We reveal a gradient depth distribution of deformations in the mosaic structure of nitride layers, as well as at the interface regions of the sapphire substrate on the microscale level using confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy. We determine that an increase in substrate thickness leads to a reduction in dislocation density in the layers and an increase in the elastic deformations. The features of the block structure of nitrides layers are shown to have a significant influence on their elastic properties

    'The Mises Network and Climate Policy': Policy Briefing No. 2.

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    Think tanks have played a decisive role in the organised obstruction of climate action, denying, minimising, or derailing ambitious climate change mitigation. This research briefing reviews the case of the Ludwig von Mises Institutes and the Property and Freedom Society, a network of ultra-libertarian groups active around the world, which we refer to as the Mises Institute Network in the mobilisation and the dissemination of climate policy opposition discourse. We review the origins, the history, the global distribution and the climate-related output of 31 Mises Institutes between 2000 and 2021. Our analysis reveals climate obstruction messaging based on a critique of climate science, principled objections to state intervention and planning and the social forces supporting climate change mitigation, as well as advocacy of free-market environmentalism as a suitable alternative to established climate politics. While Mises social theory includes a determined critique of environmentalism, it paid limited attention to climate change before 2016. From 2016, there has been a concerted effort to disseminate climate opposition discourse featuring a clear spike in published articles during 2019. Contextually, 2019 saw the U.S.Green New Deal proposal and the European Union Green Deal decision suggesting a tipping point for advocating free-market environmentalism in response to climate change to contend the increased state intervention discourse emerging in domestic and international climate policy planning. Additionally, ties exist between scholars of Mises Institutes to a broad range of business groups ranging from gold, trade and investment firms in Germany,tobacco companies in the U.S., business school, consulting and service firms in Spain, and metal employer association and financial groups in Sweden. Furthermore, the network is engaging in an international effort to recruit new members into the ultra-libertarian movement, with an active university presence and active online campaign to spread Mises’ philosophy and recruit more members, particularly students and young people, to the movement. Despite the lack of transparency and limited evidence of fossil industry funding, the Mises Network of think tanks has a clear voice in the denial and delaying think tank train, gaining speed at this pivotal moment in time. Our results indicate a dedicated effort to spread climate change opposition messages across the network. The core ideology of the Austrian economics tradition related to Ludwig von Mises provides the climate change opposition with a straightforward repertoire of arguments. Put simply, the coordinated activities of Mises Institutes across countries illustrates an attempt to circulate widely opposition to climate policy based on the radicalism of Mises social theory that focuses on resistance to government intervention and a form of market fundamentalism as a primer to maintain business as usual at the behest of the planet