83 research outputs found

    Tačke mržnjenja različitih razvojnih stadijuma lisnog minera paradajza Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) u laboratorijskim uslovima

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    Lisni miner paradajza Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) se smatra jednom od najopasnijih i najdestruktivnijih štetočina paradajza (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller 1768). Ova vrsta vodi poreklo iz Južne Amerike, gde je široko rasprostranjena na nadmorskim visinama do 1000 m. Tuta absoluta je neotropska, oligofagna vrsta koja napada veći broj biljaka iz familije Solanaceae. Šezdesetih godina 20. veka ova vrsta je postala značajna štetočina paradajza u Argentini. Nakon prvog otkrića u Španiji 2006. godine brzo se proširila u Mediteranskom području (Južna Evropa i Severna Afrika). Iako je u Srbiji prvi put zabeležena 2011. i to svega nekoliko primeraka u feromonskim klopkama, prve ekonomski značajne štete su već zabeležene u 2012. Do danas se ustalila i u plastenicima u Zapadnoj Evropi. Iako je T. absoluta oligofagna vrsta koja se hrani na biljkama iz familije Solanaceae, u Italiji i Srbiji je zabeležena ishrana i na biljkama iz familije Fabaceae (npr. na pasulju). Glavna biljka domaćin je paradajz, na kome leptiri polažu jaja na sve nadzemne delove biljke (lišće, lisne drške, stablo, cvetove i plodove). Štete u našim uslovima može naneti i na plavom patlidžanu, krompiru i duvanu. Biologija vrste je poznata: ona je polivoltina vrsta sa do 12 potpunih generacija u toku godine, visokih reproduktivnih sposobnosti. Ovaj lisni miner može prezimiti u stadijumu jajeta, lutke ili leptira i nema obligatnu dijapauzu već ulazi u mirovanje usled nedostatka hrane. Ipak, znanje o kapacitetu prezimljavanja ove vrste u introdukovanim oblastima u južnoj Evropi u velikoj meri nedostaje. Pretpostavlja se da bi niske temperature koje se javljaju tokom zime na ovom području imale negativan uticaj na uspešno prezimljavanje T. absoluta. U tom smislu izvršena su preliminarna merenja temperatura smrzavanja svih stadijuma (jaje, larva, lutka i adult) T. absoluta u laboratorijskim uslovima. Uzorci su poreklom iz Leskovca (selo Navalin). Za merenje tački mržnjenja korišćen je 16-kanalni aparat (Omega, ChartScan 1400), prema standardnoj metodologiji sa kontinuiranim smanjivanjem temperature po stopi od 1°C min-1 počev od 0 do -30°C. Najniže prosečne tačke mržnjenja su zabeležene na jajima, larvama prvog (L1) i drugog (L2) stupnja, -26.22°C (N=12), -24.35°C (N=27), -22.09°C (N=32), respektivno. Larve trećeg (L3), četvrtog stupnja (L4), lutke i adulti imale su značajno više prosečne tačke mržnjenja,-19.10 (N=36), -19.24°C (N=30), -19.22°C (N=25) i -19.72°C (N=35), respektivno. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA na tačkama mržnjenja izmeñu različitih razvojnih stadijauma T. Absoluta pokazala je statistički značajne razlike (Kruskal-Wallis test: H (6, N=197) =115.7028 p=0.000). Rezultati Mann Whitney U testa, kojim su odreñene razlike izmeñu parova razvojnih stadijuma (grupa), pokazali su jasnu statistički značajnu razliku izmeñu stadijuma jaja, i L1 i L2 stupnjeva larvi u odnosu na ostala dva larvena stupnja (L3 i L4), lutke i adulte. Podaci o prezimljavanju T. absoluta mogu da daju doprinos razvoju odgovarajuće strategije suzbijanja ove štetočine, posebno u kontrolisanim uslovima plastenika i staklenika. Kao prvi pokazatelj otpornosti na niske temperature, utvrñene su tačke mržnjenja jaja, larvi, lutki i adulata T. absoluta u laboratorijskim uslovima. Tačke mržnjenja su varirale u opsegu od min. -26.80°C za jaja do max. -17.70°C kod adulata, što ukazuje na značajno veću otpornost kod početnih stadijuma razvića. Rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost suzbijanja lisnog minera paradajza T. absoluta tokom hladnog zimskog perioda, naročito ako su u tom periodu prisutni kasniji stadijumi razvića, lutke i adulti. Potrebna su dalja istraživanja u pravcu otkrivanja krioprotektivnih supstanci koje su u direktnoj vezi sa stopom preživljavanja lisnog minera paradajza

    Nematicidal investigations of some essential oils from citrus plants

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    Essential oils from citrus plants are getting increasing interest in the agricultural pest management. Numerous studies demonstrate their antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal and nematicidal properties. This study was conducted to determine the activity of the essential oils from citrus plants (bergamot, bitter orange, grapefruit, mandarin, orange, and lemon) against the rhabditid nematode Panagrolaimus sp. In vitro nematicide screening was performed with aqueous solutions of essential oils in serial dilutions (1-0.0078%). The contact bioassay was done in small glass Petri dishes containing 3 ml of solution and 50 nematodes at 18oC. The experiment was carried out in five replicates. The lethal effect was monitored after 24h. Median lethal concentration (LC50) was calculated using the Probit analysis. The best nematicidal activity performed the essential oil from lemon, followed by bergamot. The bitter orange had better nematicidal properties than mandarin and grapefruit essential oils. The least activity demonstrated orange oil


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    Sustainable rural development is vital to the economic and environmental viability of the Serbia. Serbian rural population relies on agriculture for their livelihoods. Making agriculture in rural areas sustainable and competitive is not an easy to achieve. Authors highlighted the new challenge for this goal. The European Commission withdraws chemicals for preventing sprouting of potato (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/989). Faced with this demand, potato producers have to find a way how to stay competitive on a current market, and do not additionally harm already fragile environmental state. Authors in this article propose the use of essential oils for prevention the potato sprouting. Exploring different kind of essential oils to solve this problem, researchers obtained useful results. There is a new option to encourage use of essential oils in potato production. So, producers will avoid new significant production costs, stay in the competitive race to the production line, and enhance sustainable development of rural areas

    Genetic variability in quantitative traits of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes

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    The field pea is very important when it comes to the nutrition of domestic animals, due to a high content of proteins in its grains and aboveground biomass. The aim of this study was to examine genetic variability in quantitative traits of newly created field pea hybrids. The researchers studied two cultivars, one line and their F-3 and F-4 hybrids. The following quantitative traits were analysed: number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, 1000 seed weight and grain yield. The largest number of pods per plant was recorded for the Baccara x L-CC line hybrid, with a statistically significantly larger (P lt 0.01) number of pods per plant than all the other investigated genotypes, lines and hybrids. L-CC line x Baccara, and Sasa x L-CC line had a significantly larger (P lt 0.05) number of grains per pod. The smallest number of grains per pod was recorded for the Sasa and Baccara x Sasa hybrid. The genotype vs. year interaction had a significant (P lt 0.05) influence on 1000 seed weight. Significantly higher (P lt 0.05) 1000 seed weight was recorded for the Baccara genotype, when compared with all other investigated genotypes, lines and hybrids. The lowest 1000 seed weight was recorded for the L-CC line. The genotype x year interaction had a significant influence on the seed yield of field pea. During this research, high seed yields were achieved by the Baccara genotype and Baccara x L-CC line and Baccara x Sasa hybrids

    Spiders (Araneae) of Subotica Sandland (Serbia): additional arguments in environmental protection

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    Good environmental management needs evidence-based conservation measures, and those measures need both faunistical and ecological information. Following this path, for the first time in Serbia, a faunistical research of spiders at Subotica Sandland was organised in 2014 as a base for ecological arguments in landscape management of the area. The spiders were collected at ten different habitats on sandy soil, in the period from 27th April till 30th October by pitfall trapping and sweep netting. A total of 16304 adult and 7246 juvenile individuals were captured, and 225 species from 27 families were determined. Thirty species represent new records for Serbia. Diversity and species compositions provided an insight into the quality of the habitats and the influence of the conservation and development measures that were already applied. The main endangerment factors are outlined. Conclusions and suggestions according to the analysis of the spider fauna, are mostly in correlation with those made earlier based on other groups of organisms. Within the scope of nature protection, wet and sandy meadows are prioritised over the woods. For future monitoring, two flagship and umbrella species are suggested: Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772) for the sandy area and Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757) for the wetlands

    In vitro nematicide screening of some essential oils from citrus plants

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    Essential oils (EOs) have historically been used for centuries in folk medicine, and nowadays they seem to be a promising control strategy against wide spectra of pathogens, diseases, and parasites. Studies on free-living nematodes are scarce. The free-living microbivorous nematode Panagrolaimus sp. was chosen as the test organism. The nematode possesses extraordinary biological properties, such as resistance to extremely low temperatures and long-term survival under minimal metabolic activity. Fifty EOs from 22 plant families of gymnosperms and angiosperms were tested on Panagrolaimus sp. The aims of this study were to investigate the in vitro impact of EOs on the psychrophilic nematode Panagrolaimus sp. in a direct contact bioassay, to list the activity of EOs based on median lethal concentration (LC50), to determine the composition of the EOs with the best nematicidal activity, and to compare the activity of EOs on Panagrolaimus sp. versus plant parasitic nematodes. The results based on the LC50 values, calculated using Probit analysis, categorized the EOs into three categories: low, moderate and highly active. The members of the laurel family, i.e., Cinnamomum cassia and C. burmannii, exhibited the best nematicidal activity. Aldehydes were generally the major chemical components of the most active EOs and were the chemicals potentially responsible for the nematicidal activit

    Гастроинтестиналне нематоде код оваца - актуелна ситуација и савремене стратегије контроле

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    Гастроинтестиналне нематоде представљају веома важне паразите код домаћих животиња, нарочито код малих преживара. Код оваца обољења најчешће имају субклиничан ток са смањењем телесне масе и производње, а понекад може доћи и до видљивих клиничких симптома попут анемије, јаке дијареје, анорексије и губитака протеина што све заједно може довести и до угинућа. Комерцијални препарати попут бензимидазола и макроцикличних лактона су се деценијама са успехом користили у контроли ових паразита. Међутим, њихова нерационална примена је довела до развоја антихелминтичке резистенције, опадања ефикасности лекова и последичних економских губитака који угрожавају одрживост гајења оваца. Поред тога, примена комерцијалних препарата је повезана и са резидуама које остављају у животињским производима и животној средини, при чему је присутан и раст цене ових препарата. Због тога се активно трага за новијим стратегијама за контролу ових паразита, а које се ослањају на интегрисан приступ који подразумева примену више различитих стратегија. Са једне стране, ту спадају стратегије рационалне примене комерцијалних препарата заснованих на рефугији (циљани третмани и циљани селективни третмани), као и комбинација и ротација антихелминтика из различитих хемијских група. Са друге стране, интегрисан приступ подразумева и употребу различитих алтернативних стратегија попут генетске селекције животиња природно резистентних на нематоде, рационално управљање пашњацима, избалансирану исхрану уз допунска хранива, биолошку контролу (употребу гљива, бактерија и слично), развој вакцина као и употребу ботаничких препарата (биљака и њихових производа попут екстракта и етарских уља). Различита истраживања су доказала ефикасност наведених стратегија у контроли гастроинтестиналних нематода оваца, при чему се најбољи резултати постижу њиховом комбинованом применом. На овај начин је могуће постићи успоравање развоја и ширења антихелминтичке резистенције, као и одрживу контролу ових паразита и смањење економских губитака

    Contact application of Lamiaceae botanicals reduces bean weevil infestation in stored beans

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    The bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus, Say) is a serious pest of stored bean seeds. Bean weevil control relies heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides. In the search for a sustainable alternative, the residual contact toxicity and anti-oviposition activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils as well as their dominant components (thymol, alpha-pinene, 1,8-cineole and linalool) were tested against A. obtectus adults. Out of the seven tested botanicals, T. vulgaris oil, thymol and linalool exhibited the highest toxic potential (>90% mortality). Females were less susceptible than males. The insecticidal activity of these botanicals was much greater when they were applied on glass compared to direct application to the bean. All tested botanicals reduced oviposition by bean weevil females. T. vulgaris oil, thymol and a-pinene also deterred bean weevil oviposition, as revealed by a two-choice test. Our research shows that T. vulgaris oil and thymol are promising and sustainable alternatives to synthetic pesticides for protecting stored beans against the bean weevil

    Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) - nova štetočina paradajza u Srbiji

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    Tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a devastating pest of tomato originating from South America has been recorded in Serbia on three localities: in tomato main greenhouse and open field production area located in the vicinity of town Leskovac (South Serbia), in surroundings of the village Donji Vrtogoš (near town Vranje, South Serbia) and in a greenhouses complex in Kraljevci (60 km west of Belgrade). The presence of T. absoluta was confirmed by morphological and molecular study of the collected specimens.Prisustvo lisnog minera paradajza Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), opasne štetočine poreklom iz Južne Amerike, utvrđeno je na tri lokaliteta u Srbiji: u plastenicima i poljima u okolini Leskovca (južna Srbija), u okolini sela Donji Vrtogoš (u blizini Vranja) i u kompleksu plastenika u selu Kraljevci (60 km zapadno od Beograda). Identifikacija T. absoluta je izvršena morfološkim i molekularnim analizama sakupljenih uzoraka

    Preliminarna ispitivanja antibaktericidnog delovanja etarskih ulja na ekonomski značajne fitopatogene bakterije

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    Numerous scientific research studies all over the world have addressed the problem of agriculture in the 21st century as being particularly sensitive to climate change, which has caused phytopathogenic bacteria to spread. Therefore, there is a clear and urgent need to contain this kind of risk in agricultural production (both conventional and organic farming). The objective of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of 30 essential oils (EOs) against three harmful plant pathogenic bacteria of agricultural importance, Erwinia amylovora, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. The study included in vitro testing, using an agar-diffusion assay. The EOs of Ceylon cinnamon (leaf and bark), oregano, clove bud and palmarosa revealed antibacterial activity against the test bacteria, and the maximum mean inhibition zone diameters of 35 mm was found against E. amylovora and X. campestris pv. campestris (highly sensitive reaction), while it was smaller in the case of P. syringae pv. syringae, from 18.25-26.25 mm (sensitive to very sensitive reaction). Maximum diameter of the zone of inhibition (35 mm) was obtained using basil and peppermint against E. amylovora, and rosemary, blue gum and camphor tree against X. campestris pv. campestris. Not a single EO inhibited P. syringae pv. syringae with the resulting total diameter zone of 35 mm, and this test bacteria was resultingly classified as the least susceptible bacterium of the three tested. EOs of lemongrass, aniseed, ylang ylang, silver fir, lemon, dwarf mountain pine, bay laurel and scots pine caused sensitive reaction of the tested bacteria. Peppermint, black cumin, Indian frankincense, bergamot orange, common juniper, bitter orange and neem produced variable reactions from total to weakly or no inhibition at all. Weakly activity was found in niaouli and Atlas cedar. Eastern red cedar, patchouli, Indian sandalwood and ginger caused no reaction of any of the test bacteria. The results offer a basis for further work based on in vivo testing for the purpose of developing ‘natural pesticides’ for control of phytopathogenic bacteria, thus giving a significant contribution to reducing yield losses in agriculture and sustainable development.Brojna naučna istraživanja širom sveta potvrđuju da je poljoprivreda u 21. veku posebno osetljiva na klimatske promene koje su uzrok širenja fitopatogenih bakterija. Stoga je jasna hitna potreba za ublažavanjem ovog rizika u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji (u konvencionalnoj i organskoj poljoprivredi). Cilj ovog rada je određivanje antibakterijske aktivnosti 30 etarskih ulja prema tri ekonomski značajne fitopatogene bakterije, Erwinia amylovora, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris i Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Istraživanja su vršena u in vitro uslovima, korišćenjem agar-difuzne metode. Etarska ulja pravog cimeta (od lista i kore), origana, zatim karanfilića i palmaroze, su pokazala antibakterijsku aktivnost prema testiranim sojevima bakterija, ostvarujući zone inhibicije maksimum prečnika 35 mm dobijene u slučaju E. amylovora i X. campestris pv. campestris (visoko osetljiva reakcija), a u slučaju P. syringae pv. syringae manju, od 18.25-26.25 mm (osetljiva do vrlo osetljiva reakcija). Maksimalni prečnik inhibicione zone (35 mm) je takođe dobijen primenom ulja bosiljka i pitome nane prema E. amylovora i ruzmarina, eukaliptusa i ravensare prema X. campestris pv. campestris. Kod P. syringae pv. syringae ni u jednom slučaju primene ulja nije postignut maksimalan prečnik inhibicije od 35 mm, na osnovu čega je ova bakterija svrstana kao slabije osetljiva. Etarska ulja limun trave, anisa, ilang-ilanga, evropske jele, limuna, planinskog bora, lovora i belog bora su rezultirala osetljivom reakcijom testiranih sojeva bakterija. Pitoma nana, čurukot, tamjan, begramot, kleka, gorka pomorandža i nim su izazvali varijabilnu reakciju, od potpune inhibicije, do slabe ili čak i bez inhibicije. Slaba aktivnost je ostvarena kod niaoulija i atlaskog kedra. Sve tri testirane bakterije nisu pokazale reakciju prema virdžinijskoj kleki, pačuliju, sandalovini i đumbiru. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom radu daju osnovu za dalja istraživanja in vivo, sa svrhom razvoja 'prirodnih pesticida' koji se mogu primeniti za suzbijanje fitopatogenih bakterija, čime se daje značajan doprinos u smanjenju gubitaka prinosa u poljoprivredi i održivom razvoju