107 research outputs found

    Mobile app-based symptom-rhythm correlation assessment in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation

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    Background: The assessment of symptom-rhythm correlation (SRC) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is challenging. Therefore, we performed a novel mobile app-based approach to assess SRC in persistent AF.Methods: Consecutive persistent AF patients planned for electrical cardioversion (ECV) used a mobile app to record a 60-s photoplethysmogram (PPG) and report symptoms once daily and in case of symptoms for four weeks prior and three weeks after ECV. Within each patient, SRC was quantified by the SRC-index defined as the sum of symptomatic AF recordings and asymptomatic non-AF recordings divided by the sum of all recordings.Results: Of 88 patients (33% women, age 68 +/- 9 years) included, 78% reported any symptoms during recordings. The overall SRC-index was 0.61 (0.44-0.79). The study population was divided into SRC-index tertiles: low (= 0.73). Patients within the low (vs high) SRC-index tertile had more often heart failure and diabetes mellitus (both 24.1% vs 6.9%). Extrasystoles occurred in 19% of all symptomatic non-AF PPG recordings. Within each patient, PPG recordings with the highest (vs lowest) tertile of pulse rates conferred an increased risk for symptomatic AF recordings (odds ratio [OR] 1.26, 95% coincidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.52) and symptomatic non-AF recordings (OR 2.93, 95% CI 2.16-3.97). Pulse variability was not associated with reported symptoms.Conclusions: In patients with persistent AF, SRC is relatively low. Pulse rate is the main determinant of reported symptoms. Further studies are required to verify whether integrating mobile app-based SRC assessment in current workflows can improve AF management

    Loneliness and Social Internet Use: Pathways to Reconnection in a Digital World?

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    With the rise of online social networking, social relationships are increasingly developed and maintained in a digital domain. Drawing conclusions about the impact of the digital world on loneliness is difficult because there are contradictory findings, and cross-sectional studies dominate the literature, making causation difficult to establish. In this review, we present our theoretical model and propose that there is a bidirectional and dynamic relationship between loneliness and social Internet use. When the Internet is used as a way station on the route to enhancing existing relationships and forging new social connections, it is a useful tool for reducing loneliness. But when social technologies are used to escape the social world and withdraw from the “social pain” of interaction, feelings of loneliness are increased. We propose that loneliness is also a determinant of how people interact with the digital world. Lonely people express a preference for using the Internet for social interaction and are more likely to use the Internet in a way that displaces time spent in offline social activities. This suggests that lonely people may need support with their social Internet use so that they employ it in a way that enhances existing friendships and/or to forge new ones

    Interventions targeting social isolation in older people: a systematic review

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    This is a freely-available open access publication. Please cite the published version which is available via the DOI link in this record.BACKGROUND: Targeting social isolation in older people is a growing public health concern. The proportion of older people in society has increased in recent decades, and it is estimated that approximately 25% of the population will be aged 60 or above within the next 20 to 40 years. Social isolation is prevalent amongst older people and evidence indicates the detrimental effect that it can have on health and wellbeing. The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness of interventions designed to alleviate social isolation and loneliness in older people. METHODS: Relevant electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, ASSIA, IBSS, PsycINFO, PubMed, DARE, Social Care Online, the Cochrane Library and CINAHL) were systematically searched using an extensive search strategy, for randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies published in English before May 2009. Additional articles were identified through citation tracking. Studies were included if they related to older people, if the intervention aimed to alleviate social isolation and loneliness, if intervention participants were compared against inactive controls and, if treatment effects were reported. Two independent reviewers extracted data using a standardised form. Narrative synthesis and vote-counting methods were used to summarise and interpret study data. RESULTS: Thirty two studies were included in the review. There was evidence of substantial heterogeneity in the interventions delivered and the overall quality of included studies indicated a medium to high risk of bias. Across the three domains of social, mental and physical health, 79% of group-based interventions and 55% of one-to-one interventions reported at least one improved participant outcome. Over 80% of participatory interventions produced beneficial effects across the same domains, compared with 44% of those categorised as non-participatory. Of interventions categorised as having a theoretical basis, 87% reported beneficial effects across the three domains compared with 59% of interventions with no evident theoretical foundation. Regarding intervention type, 86% of those providing activities and 80% of those providing support resulted in improved participant outcomes, compared with 60% of home visiting and 25% of internet training interventions. Fifty eight percent of interventions that explicitly targeted socially isolated or lonely older people reported positive outcomes, compared with 80% of studies with no explicit targeting. CONCLUSIONS: More, well-conducted studies of the effectiveness of social interventions for alleviating social isolation are needed to improve the evidence base. However, it appeared that common characteristics of effective interventions were those developed within the context of a theoretical basis, and those offering social activity and/or support within a group format. Interventions in which older people are active participants also appeared more likely to be effective. Future interventions incorporating all of these characteristics may therefore be more successful in targeting social isolation in older people.National Institute for Health Researc

    Integration of P2Y receptor-activated signal transduction pathways in G protein-dependent signalling networks

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    The role of nucleotides in intracellular energy provision and nucleic acid synthesis has been known for a long time. In the past decade, evidence has been presented that, in addition to these functions, nucleotides are also autocrine and paracrine messenger molecules that initiate and regulate a large number of biological processes. The actions of extracellular nucleotides are mediated by ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P2Y receptors, while hydrolysis by ecto-enzymes modulates the initial signal. An increasing number of studies have been performed to obtain information on the signal transduction pathways activated by nucleotide receptors. The development of specific and stable purinergic receptor agonists and antagonists with therapeutical potential largely contributed to the identification of receptors responsible for nucleotide-activated pathways. This article reviews the signal transduction pathways activated by P2Y receptors, the involved second messenger systems, GTPases and protein kinases, as well as recent findings concerning P2Y receptor signalling in C6 glioma cells. Besides vertical signal transduction, lateral cross-talks with pathways activated by other G protein-coupled receptors and growth factor receptors are discussed

    Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: De-identified qualitative data can be made available by contacting the lead author.The nomenclature used to describe animals working in roles supporting people can be confusing. The same term may be used to describe different roles, or two terms may mean the same thing. This confusion is evident among researchers, practitioners, and end users. Because certain animal roles are provided with legal protections and/or government-funding support in some jurisdictions, it is necessary to clearly define the existing terms to avoid confusion. The aim of this paper is to provide operationalized definitions for nine terms, which would be useful in many world regions: "assistance animal", "companion animal", "educational/school support animal", "emotional support animal", "facility animal", "service animal", "skilled companion animal", "therapy animal", and "visiting/visitation animal". At the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) conferences in 2018 and 2020, over 100 delegates participated in workshops to define these terms, many of whom co-authored this paper. Through an iterative process, we have defined the nine terms and explained how they differ from each other. We recommend phasing out two terms (i.e., "skilled companion animal" and "service animal") due to overlap with other terms that could potentially exacerbate confusion. The implications for several regions of the world are discussed