465 research outputs found

    Examining Compliance with Fiduciary Duties: A Study of Real Estate Agents (with V. Carlos Slawson Jr.)

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    The traditional default rule in the United States has been that, where two brokerage firms participate in the sale of a piece residential real estate, both firms are fiduciaries of the seller. This article provides original empirical evidence showing to be erroneous a common assumption - that, in conflicts between their principals and third parties, real estate agents promote their principals\u27 interests - underlying revisions made in a number of jurisdictions to those principles in the last twenty years. This article examines whether agents act in accordance with their duties along two dimensions: First, we hypothesize that selling agents may secure business by taking actions that promote the interests of buyers to the detriment of selling agents\u27 principals, the sellers, in ways that decrease sales prices. Second, we examine whether sellers receive worse sales prices where the selling and listing functions are divided between two firms. Such a relationship would be consistent with selling agents improperly seeking to promote buyers\u27 interests, with intra-firm relationships restraining that misconduct better than inter-firm relationships. The results support the conclusion that, to secure business, selling agents who are fiduciaries of sellers use actions that decrease the returns to their principals, with some evidence that the participation of a listing agent in the same firm as the selling agent partially restrains this activity. In sum, some economically significant malfeasance is not restrained by the duties imposed by law

    Modeling of airblast propagation through an enclosed structure

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    The ability to model explosively formed shock waves propagating through a structure is of particular interest to engineers concerned with structural responses to blasts. Accurate peak pressure and impulse values are critical to understanding blast loads on structures and predicting the resulting structural behavior, but are sometimes difficult to determine analytically. Experiments are necessary to determine the true structural response, but the experiments alone may not identify all the details involved in an explosive event that may be important for design purposes. When tied to experiments, computational modeling of explosive events can be an invaluable tool for an engineer. The most difficult part of modeling structural response to a close-in explosive event is capturing the fluid-structure interaction of the resulting flow of the detonation products. In this paper, we compare the results of numerical simulations of an explosive experimental event in an enclosed structure, or “attic space”, using two different computational codes, CTH and DYSMAS. Both adequately model the explosive event in attic space when compared to the experiment. We also compare the two codes’ ability to produce explosive-induced pressure-time histories in the free field. The advantage of using a coupled code like DYSMAS is that structural response can be more accurately captured than by using a hydrocode like CTH alone. The differences between the two codes’ ability to model the event are analyzed and described as well as a general description of the shock wave propagation in the attic space

    Virtual Avebury: Exploring sense of place in a virtual archaeology simulation

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    This paper describes and discusses creating and evaluating a virtual reality simulation of Avebury Stone Circle and Henge complex as it might have appeared and sounded circa 2300 BCE. Avebury is a Neolithic heritage site in the UK which is part of the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site. The overall aim of the project was to better understand the sense of place and presence that visitors can experience in virtual simulations of heritage sites. We investigated how virtual spaces might become experienced as places by visitors through their exploration, active participation, sensory stimulation and communication with other visitors in the simulation. More than 1200 members of the public experienced the simulation, both at Avebury itself and at three public exhibitions. The specific objectives of the project were to explore if and how the believability of a simulation was associated with feeling a sense of place in the virtual landscape, and if some personal characteristics, viz. age, disability, sex, immersive tendency, familiarity with IT and frequency of playing computer games, were associated with levels of enjoyment in, and learning from, the simulation. We analysed the data from a detailed questionnaire completed by 388 of the 702 visitors to Avebury from June to September 2018 who experienced the simulation, supported by observational data from all participants at all events. We found that believability was associated with a sense of place in the simulation, i.e. that the more believable the simulation appeared, the greater the sense of place experienced by the participants. We also found that personal characteristics had very little influence upon visitor reactions to the simulation, suggesting that such simulations might have wide appeal for heritage and museum visitors, regardless of age, gender or familiarity with technology

    KIC 4247791: A SB4 system with two eclipsing binaries (2EBs)

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    KIC 4247791 is an eclipsing binary observed by the Kepler satellite mission. We wish to determine the nature of its components and in particular the origin of a shallow dip in its Kepler light curve that previous investigations have been unable to explain in a unique way. We analyze newly obtained high-resolution spectra of the star using synthetic spectra based on atmosphere models, derive the radial velocities of the stellar components from cross-correlation with a synthetic template, and calculate the orbital solution. We use the JKTEBOP program to model the Kepler light curve of KIC 4247791. We find KIC 4247791 to be a SB4 star. The radial velocity variations of its four components can be explained by two separate eclipsing binaries. In contradiction to previous photometric findings, we show that the observed composite spectrum as well as the derived masses of all four of its components correspond to spectral type F. The observed small dip in the light curve is not caused by a transit-like phenomenon but by the eclipses of the second binary system. We find evidence that KIC 4247791 might belong to the very rare hierarchical SB4 systems with two eclipsing binaries.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    A Search for Hierarchical Triples using Kepler Eclipse Timing

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    We present the first results of a Kepler survey of 41 eclipsing binaries that we undertook to search for third star companions. Such tertiaries will periodically alter the eclipse timings through light travel time and dynamical effects. We discuss the prevalence of starspots and pulsation among these binaries and how these phenomena influence the eclipse times. There is no evidence of short period companions (P < 700 d) among this sample, but we do find evidence for long term timing variations in 14 targets (34%). We argue that this finding is consistent with the presence of tertiary companions among a significant fraction of the targets, especially if many have orbits measured in decades. This result supports the idea that the formation of close binaries involves the deposition of angular momentum into the orbital motion of a third star.Comment: AJ, in press, 104 pages, 2 figure sets plus 1 regular figur

    The Effect of Hair Color on the Incorporation of Codeine into Human Hair

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    The influence of melanin on the binding of xenobiotics in hair will impact the interpretation of drug concentrations determined by hair testing. The purpose of this study was to determine if codeine, as a model compound of abused drugs, would be incorporated into black, brown, blond, or red hair as a function of melanin concentration. Such data would assist in the interpretation of codeine concentrations in hair and help elucidate the potential influence of hair color on incorporation of drugs. Male and female Caucasians with black (n = 6), brown (n = 12), blond (n = 8), or red hair (n = 6) and non-Caucasians with black hair (n = 12) aged 21-40 years were enrolled in the study. Each subject was administered oral codeine phosphate syrup in a dosage of 30 mg three times a day for five days. Twenty-four hours after the end of the treatment period, a 30-mg codeine dose was administered and the subject's plasma area under the concentration time curve (AUC) for codeine was determined. Codeine and melanin were measured in the first 3 cm of hair closest to the vertex region of the scalp prior to and 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 weeks after dosing. The quantitative and qualitative melanin profiles were determined for each subjects hair to provide an objective measure of hair color. The plasma concentrations of codeine were measured to eliminate differences in the bioavailability and clearance of codeine as factors that might account for the differences in codeine hair concentrations. The subjects were asked not to cut their hair in the vertex region of the scalp or to use any form of chemical treatment on their hair, but otherwise normal hygienic measures were permitted. The mean (± SE) hair codeine concentrations 5 weeks after dosing were 1429 (± 249) pg/mg in black hair; 208 (± 17) pg/mg in brown hair; 99 (± 10) pg/mg in blond hair; and 69 (± 11) in red hair pg/mg. In black hair, codeine concentrations were 2564 (± 170) pg/mg for Asians and 865 (± 162) pg/mg for Caucasians. Similar concentration relationships were observed at weeks 4, 6, and 7. A strong relationship between the hair concentrations of codeine and melanin (R2 = 0.73) was observed. Normalization of the codeine concentration with the melanin concentration reduced the hair color differences observed. These data demonstrate that the interpretation and reporting of hair test results for codeine are influenced by hair color. After this dosing protocol, the proposed federal guideline cutoff of 200 pg/mg of codeine would result in 100% of subjects with black hair and 50% of subjects with brown hair being reported as positive, and subjects with blond or red hair would be reported as negative. The incorporation of these drugs into hair should be studied carefully in humans to ensure the appropriate interpretation of drug concentration

    Call to adopt a nominal set of astrophysical parameters and constants to improve the accuracy of fundamental physical properties of stars

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    The increasing precision of astronomical observations of stars and stellar systems is gradually getting to a level where the use of slightly different values of the solar mass, radius and luminosity, as well as different values of fundamental physical constants, can lead to measurable systematic differences in the determination of basic physical properties. An equivalent issue with an inconsistent value of the speed of light was resolved by adopting a nominal value that is constant and has no error associated with it. Analogously, we suggest that the systematic error in stellar parameters may be eliminated by: (1) replacing the solar radius Rsun and luminosity Lsun by the nominal values that are by definition exact and expressed in SI units: 1 RnomSun = 6.95508 x 10^8 m and 1 LnomSun = 3.846 x 10^{26} W; (2) computing stellar masses in terms of Msun by noting that the measurement error of the product G.Msun is 5 orders of magnitude smaller than the error in G; (3) computing stellar masses and temperatures in SI units by using the derived values Msun(2010) = 1.988547 x 10^{30} kg and Tsun(2010) = 5779.57 K; and (4) clearly stating the reference for the values of the fundamental physical constants used. We discuss the need and demonstrate the advantages of such a paradigm shift.Comment: 6 pages, 3 table

    OGA heterozygosity suppresses intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc min/+ mice

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    Emerging evidence suggests that aberrant O-GlcNAcylation is associated with tumorigenesis. Many oncogenic factors are O-GlcNAcylated, which modulates their functions. However, it remains unclear how O-GlcNAcylation and O-GlcNAc cycling enzymes, O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAcase (OGA), affect the development of cancer in animal models. In this study, we show that reduced level of OGA attenuates colorectal tumorigenesis induced by Adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) mutation. The levels of O-GlcNAcylation and O-GlcNAc cycling enzymes were simultaneously upregulated in intestinal adenomas from mice, and in human patients. In two independent microarray data sets, the expression of OGA and OGT was significantly associated with poor cancer-specific survival of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. In addition, OGA heterozygosity, which results in increased levels of O-GlcNAcylation, attenuated intestinal tumor formation in the Apc min/+ background. Apc min/+ OGA +/-mice exhibited a significantly increased survival rate compared with Apc min/+ mice. Consistent with this, Apc min/+ OGA +/-mice expressed lower levels of Wnt target genes than Apc min/+. However, the knockout of OGA did not affect Wnt/??-catenin signaling. Overall, these findings suggest that OGA is crucial for tumor growth in CRC independently of Wnt/??-catenin signaling.open2

    Regulation of Liver Regeneration by Hepatocyte O-GlcNAcylation in Mice

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author's publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Background & Aims The liver has a unique capacity to regenerate after injury in a highly orchestrated and regulated manner. Here, we report that O-GlcNAcylation, an intracellular post-translational modification regulated by 2 enzymes, O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAcase (OGA), is a critical termination signal for liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy (PHX). Methods We studied liver regeneration after PHX on hepatocyte specific OGT and OGA knockout mice (OGT-KO and OGA-KO), which caused a significant decrease (OGT-KO) and increase (OGA-KO) in hepatic O-GlcNAcylation, respectively. Results OGA-KO mice had normal regeneration, but the OGT-KO mice exhibited substantial defects in termination of liver regeneration with increased liver injury, sustained cell proliferation resulting in significant hepatomegaly, hepatic dysplasia, and appearance of small nodules at 28 days after PHX. This was accompanied by a sustained increase in expression of cyclins along with significant induction in pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic gene expression in the OGT-KO livers. RNA-sequencing studies revealed inactivation of hepatocyte nuclear 4 alpha (HNF4α), the master regulator of hepatic differentiation and a known termination signal, in OGT-KO mice at 28 days after PHX, which was confirmed by both Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis. Furthermore, a significant decrease in HNFα target genes was observed in OGT-KO mice, indicating a lack of hepatocyte differentiation following decreased hepatic O-GlcNAcylation. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed HNF4α is O-GlcNAcylated in normal differentiated hepatocytes. Conclusions These studies show that O-GlcNAcylation plays a critical role in the termination of liver regeneration via regulation of HNF4α in hepatocytes