24 research outputs found

    The study of cognitive functioning and psychosocial aspects of children and adolescents with multiple sclerosis

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    Multipla skleroza (MS) je hronična autoimunska inflamatorna bolest centralnog nervnog sistema, sa diseminovanim demijelinacionim lezijama CNS. Ova bolest je jedno od najčeŔćih uzroka onesposobljenosti kod mladih odraslih osoba. Oko 2 -5% obolelih prve simptome bolesti ima pre 18. godine, a kod oko 1% obolelih ova bolest počinje pre 10. godine života. Procena težine bolesti samo na osnovu objektivnog kliničkog nalaza nije dovoljna, jer ne daje uvid u subjektivni doživljaj simptoma bolesti i teÅ”koće sa kojima se ovi bolesnici sreću u svakodnevnom životu. Merenje kvaliteta života je sveobuhvatnije u proceni zdravlja u odnosu na testove koji procenjuju samo neuroloÅ”ki deficit bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom. Cilj: Cilj ove studije je bila procena kognitivnih funkcija i kvaliteta života kod dece i adolescenata obolelih od multiple skleroze, kao i njihova korelacija sa kliničko-demografskim obeležjima bolesti. Metodologija: Ova studija je dizajnirana kao studija preseka kod dece i aodolescenata sa dijagnozom MS. Demografske i kliničke podatke prikupili smo za 26 bolesnika, a podatke o kvalitetu života, anksioznosti, depresiji i osećaju hroničnog zamora dobili smo od 21 ispitanika uzrasta od 14 do 18 godina. U proceni kvaliteta života koriŔćeni su KIDSCREEN-52 upitnici za decu i roditelje. Revidirana skala za anksioznost i depresiju dece (Revised Childrenā€™s Anxiety and Depression Scale - RCADS) je koriŔćena da bi se procenili anksiozni i depresivni simptomi, a zamor je procenjivan primenom PedsFACIT-F upitnika za funkcionalnu procenu terapije hronične bolesti u pedijatriji (Pediatric - Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue - PedsFACIT-F). Rezultati: Svi ispitanici su imali blagi stepen neuroloÅ”kog deficita, sa EDSS (ProÅ”irena skala funkcionalne onesposobljenosti) skorom u opsegu od 0 do 3,5. U poređenju sa nacionalnim podacima za zdrave adolescente, skorovi procene fizičkog funkcionisanja su bili značajno niži kod adolescenata sa MS, prema podacima dobijenim kako od samih ispitanika, tako i od njihovih roditelja. Pet (23,8%) adolescenata je imalo RCADS skor unutar kliničkog značaja...Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), with disseminated demyelinating lesions of the CNS. Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common causes of severe disability in young adult people. Approximately 2 -5% of patients have the first symptoms of the disease before the age of 18 and in about 1% of patients the disease begins before the age of 10. Evaluation of disease severity based only on objective clinical findings is not sufficient, because it does not provide insight into the subjective experience of the symptoms of the disease and the difficulties that these patients have in everyday life. Measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) are considered to be more comprehensive in health outcome assessments than the scales assessing only the degree of neurological deficit of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate cognitive functions and HRQOL and its correlates with clinical and demographic characteristics of the disease among children and adolescents with MS. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in children and adolescents with diagnosis of MS. Demographic and clinical data were collected for 26 patients, and we received the data on quality of life, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue from 21 subjects with MS, aged 14 to 18 years. The KIDSCREEN-52 measures for children and parents were used in HRQOL assessments. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were identified by the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS), while fatigue was assessed by the Pediatric - Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (PedsFACIT-F)..

    Modelling in the area of static and dynamic scattering in biomedicine and in diagnostic purposes

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    Razmotreni su neki prilazi rasejanju putem angularne raspodele. Date su osnovne postavke raspodele čestica. Razmotrene su osetljivosti detektora, u odnosu na sastav atmosfere, pri raznim ubrzanjima vozila i nadmorskim visinama.Some approaches to the angular laser scattering distribution are performed. The principal features of particles distributions are presented. The sensitivity of detectors are discussed comparing the acceleration vehicles states as well as with atmospheric contents with -height dependences

    The diagnostics of particle ansambles and tisues on the base of scattering effects

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    Od dijagnostičkih tehnika zasnovanih na rasejanju svetlosti, koje se već uveliko koriste u tehničkim sistemuma, da bi se koristile i kod bioloÅ”kih sistema, zahtevaju se određena specifična prilagođenja. Sa tim ciljem, u ovom radu su razmatrani dvojna fazna Dopler anemometrija i rasejanje svetlosti na tkivima. Iznete analize navode na zaključak da su moguća prilagođenja te tehnike pre svega kod ispitivanja manje kompaktnig bioloÅ”kih sistema, kao Å”to je na primer krv.In order to be applied in bio-system diagnostics, light scattering techniques have to be subject to certain adaptations. Thus, this papaer considers dual phase Doppler anemometry and light scatterinh on biological tissues. The analyses presented here lead to a conclusion that adaptations of the technique are possoble particularly in the case of less copact tissues such as blood

    The diagnostics of particle ansambles and tisues on the base of scattering effects

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    Od dijagnostičkih tehnika zasnovanih na rasejanju svetlosti, koje se već uveliko koriste u tehničkim sistemuma, da bi se koristile i kod bioloÅ”kih sistema, zahtevaju se određena specifična prilagođenja. Sa tim ciljem, u ovom radu su razmatrani dvojna fazna Dopler anemometrija i rasejanje svetlosti na tkivima. Iznete analize navode na zaključak da su moguća prilagođenja te tehnike pre svega kod ispitivanja manje kompaktnig bioloÅ”kih sistema, kao Å”to je na primer krv.In order to be applied in bio-system diagnostics, light scattering techniques have to be subject to certain adaptations. Thus, this papaer considers dual phase Doppler anemometry and light scatterinh on biological tissues. The analyses presented here lead to a conclusion that adaptations of the technique are possoble particularly in the case of less copact tissues such as blood

    Modelling in the area of static and dynamic scattering in biomedicine and in diagnostic purposes

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    Razmotreni su neki prilazi rasejanju putem angularne raspodele. Date su osnovne postavke raspodele čestica. Razmotrene su osetljivosti detektora, u odnosu na sastav atmosfere, pri raznim ubrzanjima vozila i nadmorskim visinama.Some approaches to the angular laser scattering distribution are performed. The principal features of particles distributions are presented. The sensitivity of detectors are discussed comparing the acceleration vehicles states as well as with atmospheric contents with -height dependences

    Cleaning and disinfection procedures in the dairy industry during COVID-19

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    The pandemic caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spread to Serbia in March 2020, causing a large-scale outbreak of infection in humans and more than 200 human deaths in two months. Although data on the epidemiology, virology, clinical features, treatment and prevention of this severe respiratory syndrome (COVID-19) are still incomplete, it is certain that the main mode of transmission of the virus is from person to person, through respiratory droplets as the primary transmission route. To date, the World Health Organization has no evidence to suggest that the virus can be transmitted through food, but human infection due to direct contact with contaminated surfaces, tools, equipment and other objects cannot be excluded. The application of good hygiene and manufacturing practices is the most important control measure against this causative agent, primarily involving appropriate employee protection, continuous monitoring of movement and entry restrictions for people and means of transport, and proper targeted sanitation. The choice and use of disinfectants, mostly peroxide, ethanol and hypochlorite based compounds, ensure proper protection of people and an undisturbed production cycle in the food industry in general, and in the dairy industry in particular.Author's versio

    Odnos između parametara gojaznosti i vrednosti C-reaktivnog proteina kod predgojaznih i gojaznih žena

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    Background/Aim. Overweight/obesity has become important health problem in developed countries. It may be related to a presence of low-grade inflammation in white adipose tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) and its relation to anthropometric parameters in overweight and obese females. Methods. This study included 200 apparently healthy, overweight and obese women (18-45 years). Their standard and alternative anthropometric parameters [body mass index (BMI), percentage of fat (%F), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI)] were determined and correlated to serum CRP concentration. Results. Average CRP level was 5.56 Ā± 2.43 mg/L, and it significantly positively correlated to all investigated anthropometric parameters. There was significant difference between overweight and obese group in all investigated anthropometric parameters, as well as in CRP values. When investigated separately, according to BMI, values regarding obese females showed significant correlation between CRP and every investigated anthropometric parameter. In overweight subjects, no such correlation was recorded. In the obese group, all investigated parameters were significantly related to F. In overweight subjects, body weight (BW), BMI, WC and WHtR showed significant relation to F. Conclusion. The significant difference between the overweight and obese group in all parameters of central obesity was found as well as in the CRP levels. In the obese group, we found strong correlation between adiposity measured by fat percentage and parameters of central obesity, while in the overweight group WHR and BAI did not correlate to fat percentage. Our results confirmed that CRP is a valuable marker of metabolic risk in obese females, and BMI, although not so new, is still reliable parameter of adiposity.Uvod/Cilj. Prekomerna telesna masa i gojaznost postali su značajan zdravstveni problem u razvijenim zemljama, a mogu biti povezani sa prisustvom hronične inflamacije niskog intenziteta u belom masnom tkivu. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju nivoi markera inflamacije, C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP), i njegova povezanost sa standardnim antropometrijskim parametrima kod predgojaznih i gojaznih žena. Metode. Studijom je bilo obuhvaćeno 200 zdravih žena (18-45 god) kojima su određeni standardni i alternativni antropometrijski parametari [indeks telesne mase (BMI), procenat masti (%F), obim struka (WC), odnos obima struka i kukova (WHR), odnos obima struka i visine (WHtR), kao i indeks telesne masnoće (BAI)] koji su zatim korelisani sa koncentracijama CRP u serumu. Rezultati. Prosečna vrednost nivoa CRP u serumu u celoj grupi iznosila je 5,56 Ā± 2,43 mg/L i utvrđena je njegova značajna pozitivna korelacija sa svim ispitivanim antropometrijskim parametrima. Uočena je statistički značajna razlika između grupa predgojaznih i gojaznih žena u svim ispitivanim antropometrijskim parametrima, kao i u pogledu koncentracije CRP. U grupi gojaznih ispitanica utvrđena je značajna povezanost između CRP i svih antropometrijskih parametara, dok u predgojaznoj grupi nije zabeležena statistička značajnost. U grupi gojaznih, svi antropometrijski pokazatelji pokazali su značajnu korelaciju sa procentom telesne masti, a kod predgojaznih žena, korelacija je bila značajna samo za telesnu masu, BMI, WC i WHtR. Zaključak. Između predgojaznih i gojaznih ispitanica postoji značajna razlika u pogledu svih pokazatelja centralne gojaznosti, kao i u pogledu koncentacije CRP u serumu. U grupi gojaznih, pokazana je značajna korelacija između sadržaja masti, izraženog kao procenat masnoće, i svih pokazatelja visceralne distribucije masti, dok u grupi predgojaznih značajna povezanost nije urađena za WHR i BAI. NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju da CRP može predstavljati značajan marker metaboličkog rizika kod gojaznih žena, kao i da je BMI, iako spada u tradicionalne parametre, i dalje pouzdan pokazatelj sadržaja telesne masti

    Uticaj različitih kalorijskih ograničenja u ishrani na antropometrijske i kardiometaboličke faktore rizika kod predgojaznih i gojaznih žena

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    Background/Aim. Obesity is an established risk factor for numerous chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of well-balanced different caloric restriction (CR) diets on anthropometric parameters and standard biochemical cardiovascular risk markers [lipid profile, glucose homeostasis and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)] in overweight/obese females. Methods. Participants (age 20-40 years) were randomized into 3 different CR diet groups: the group I - restriction of 20% calories from baseline energy requirements, the group II - restriction of 50% calories from baseline energy requirements and the group III - alternating daily diets with 70%/30% restriction. The study lasted 42 weeks. Anthropometric parameters were measured at the start and after 4, 8, 20 and 42 weeks after dietary intervention beginning. Biochemical markers were determined at baseline and after 20 and 42 weeks from dietary restriction start. Results. Body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and body fat (in %), in the different CR diet groups significantly decreased after 42 weeks. Body weight was less 11 kg in the group I and 12 kg in the groups II and III. WC was reduced by 11 cm in the groups I and III and by 10 cm in the group II. Different CR diets had the same effects on body fat (a reduction of 15% of body fat). Total cholesterol decreased by 7% in the group I and by 8% in the group III. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol decreased by 14% in the group I and by 13% in group III. There were no significant changes in total and LDL-cholesterol levels in the group II. The atherogenic index presented as trigliceride/high density lipoprotein (TG/HDL) ratio decreased by 0.22 in the group I, by 0.25 in the group II and by 0.32 in the group III. Various CR diets had the same effects on reducing the hs-CRP levels. Conclusion. Different CR diets with the same macronutrient content are equally effective in reducing body weight, WC and body fat, improve cardiometabolic risk factors and decrease level of proinflammatory hs-CRP in overweight/obese females.Uvod/Cilj. Gojaznost je faktor rizika od nastanka mnogih hroničnih bolesti. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita efekat dobro izbalansirane ishrane različitih kalorijskih ograničenja na antropometrijske parametare i standardne biohemijske kardiovaskularne markere rizika [(lipidni profil, homeostazu glukoze, visoko senzitivni C-reaktivni protein - high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)] kod predgojaznih/gojaznih žena. Metode. Ukupno 97 žena, između 20 i 40 godina starosti, konzumirale su uravnotežene, kalorijski različite restriktivne dijete, na sledecĢi način: I grupa (n = 37) - ograničenje 20% kalorija od osnovnih energetskih potreba; II grupa (n = 30) - ograničenje od 50% kalorija od osnovnih energetskih potreba i III grupa (n = 30) - naizmenična dnevna restrikcija od 70% i 30% kalorija od osnovnih energetskih potreba. Stepen uhranjenosti je određivan antropometrijskim merenjima na početku i nakon 4, 8, 20 i 42 nedelje od uvođenja dijeta. Biohemijski markeri analizirani su na početku i nakon 4, 8, 20 i 42 nedelje. Rezultati. Kalorijski različite restriktivne dijete dovele su do značajnog smanjena telesne mase, indeksa telesne mase (body mass index - BMI), obima struka (OS) i % telesne masti nakon tretmana od 42 nedelje. Telesna masa snižena je za 11 kg u grupi I, a za 12 kg u grupama II i III. Za 11 cm je smanjen OS u grupama I i III i za 10 cm u grupi II. Gubitak 15% ukupne telesne masti ostvaren je za sve vrste dijeta nezavisno od različitog kalorijskog unosa. Koncentracija ukupnog i (low density lipoprotein) holesterola (LDL-holesterola) snižena je za 7% i 14% u grupi I i za 8% i 13% u grupi III. Dijeta sa redukcijom kalorijskog unosa od 50% nije imala efekta na nivo ukupnog i lipoprotein niske gustine LDL-holesterola. Aterogeni indeks predstavljen kao odnos trigliceridi/lipoprotein visoke gustine (high density lipoprotein) - TG/HDL bio je manji za 0,22 u grupi I, za 0,25 u grupi II i za 0,32 u grupi III. Kalorijski različite restriktivne dijete dovele su do istog sniženja nivoa hs-CRP. Zaključak. Restriktivne vrste dijeta sa različitim kalorijskim unosom i sa istim procentom zastupljenosti makronutrijenata jednako su efikasne u smanjenju telesne mase, OS i % telesne masti, dovode do poboljÅ”anja faktora kardiometaboličkog rizika i smanjenja proinflamatornog hs-CRP kod predgojaznih/gojaznih žena

    Generalization of powder analyses of interest in biomedicine and ecology

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    Mikročestice, u prvom redu prahovi, koji su od interesa u mnogo oblasti, predstavljaju složeno područje istraživanja sa teorijske i metroloÅ”ke tačke glediÅ”ta. Tačnost razmatranja i kontrole je od izuzetnog interesa za područja ekoloÅ”kih i medicinskih normi i primena. U radu je razmatran matematički aparat, problematike koriŔćenja i distribucije prahova uz praktična reÅ”enja, koja nudi savremena tehnika merenja.Microparticles, firstly, powders of interest in many area, represent complex research field ,from the theoretical and metrologic point of view. The exact consideration as well as control is of extremly importance for ecological and biomedical normative and application. The numerical and analytical point of view for powder distribution as well as practical modern solution are considered in this paper

    Integrated strategies for managing Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol contamination in wheat

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is economically the most important wheat disease, causing yield and quality losses. Fungal species from the genus Fusarium are the main causative agents of FHB, with Fusarium graminearum as the predominant species. F. graminearum synthesizes more different secondary metabolites (mycotoxins). In wheat, the most studied mycotoxins are trichothecenes and zearalenone produced by F. graminearum. Trichothecene deoxynivalenol (DON) and its acetylated forms 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-ADON) and 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol (15-ADON) are the most detected in wheat grains. Strategies for controlling FHB and DON in wheat includŠµ different preharvest and postharvest measures, emphasizing integrated approaches. The main aim of this review was to present some preharvest and postharvest strategies for integrated FHB management in wheat production